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The second X in the Fastest Way Formula is clicks.

A click is when one of your subscribers on your list clicks on the link in your email swipe.

To get clicks, you must send emails. I earned $2.1 million dollars by sending emails with

affiliate offers.

When you mail an affiliate offer, you are sending out other people’s products and

services to your list and when one of your subscribers purchases, you make a

commission off that sale. These affiliate offers are available directly from product

owners or various networks like Clickbank or Warrior Forum.

If you aren’t sure where to find affiliate offers to mail, go to Google and type in internet

marketing and you will find a ton.

How do you make money from an email list?

You send emails.

Here’s a mantra I want you to repeat to yourself daily.

Find an offer, mail an offer. Write it down, tape it to your wall, put it on your fridge, get

it tattooed on your forehead. (Don’t really tattoo your forehead!) Every day you don’t

mail, you lose out on opportunity cost.

The best way to explain opportunity cost is by thinking of a hotel. At the end of the

day, if a hotel room was empty, they lost an opportunity cost. In the same way, if you

don’t send an email today, you lose out on the opportunity of making money today.

One of my clients mentioned some of his personal troubles to me and I want to share

with you the story of what transpired.

After many years of being happily married, his wife came to him and said, “If you don’t

start making money, I’m going to leave you.”

He was devastated. He truly loved his wife and wanted to provide for her.

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

I said “You have a list. How many emails do you send?”

When he told me, I was shocked! He wasn’t utilizing the money making potential of his

list. Remember, you can’t make money if you don’t press send. I told him to start

sending an email every single day, at least once a day. He started doing this


Two weeks later, he said to me, “Matt, I’ve got a new saying for you. An email a day

keeps bankruptcy away.”

That’s a good one.

Just keep repeating the mantra in your head – “Find an offer, mail an offer.”

Now to get clicks, you must have proven subject lines and proven email swipes. The

subject line is the subject of the email you send to your list and an email swipe is an

email you send out to your list.

Over the years, I’ve come up with hundreds upon hundreds of subject lines and email

swipes that convinced people to click on the link but I didn’t just send them out and

hoped they worked.

Remember in the previous chapter, I talked about how important split testing is in

determining your success in internet marketing?

You must do the same thing with your subject lines and email swipes.

I took the subject lines and email swipes I created and split tested them to find out what

actually works. I don’t like to take action without knowing how it will result. I won’t

make money by guessing and you won’t either, so I calculate the numbers. Numbers

don’t lie.

You might be a little overwhelmed trying to figure out where you should start when

trying to come up with subject lines but it’s easy. For beginners, the best thing to do is

use the email swipe provided for you by the affiliate whose offer you are mailing.

That’s exactly what my good friend and client, China Dave, does. Dave Gruber, also

known as China Dave, shared with me his process. “When I’m marketing someone

else’s product, I use the copy and subject lines they provide. I normally don’t fiddle with

them. I just mail them out. If they don’t convert but I think it’s a great product that my

list will love, I’ll then go back and re-write them.”

This is a great strategy for beginners because it can be daunting to write good copy.

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

Writing your own copy doesn’t have to be daunting or scary. I’m going to walk you

through how I write copy.

You can use these same tricks and techniques to create copy that will get your

subscribers to click.

Whenever I’m coming up with a subject line, I do a Google search for Google adwords.

I find out what headlines are winning.

Then I play around with the wording a bit and use them as my subject lines. I know that

if they’re using that headline, it’s already been proven to work. I grab five radically

different ones to make into subject lines and then I split test them.

Next, I have a team in the Philippines that sends me the data from the results. I then

have instant user data of what people are reacting to and what they’re not reacting to.

After you come up with some subject lines, you need to have an email to send.

Personally, I like to create my own swipe files and the easiest way to do this is by looking

at the sales letter for that product.

Here’s how I taught the guy in my office who mails for me.

Watch where the flashlight shines. The flashlight shines on areas in the sales letter that

stand out.

For example, on one of my WSOs that I came out with last year, there was a flashlight on

the following words. “Google updates their algorithms with a zoo animal name like

Panda and then you watch your websites and blogs drop in rankings. Then you go broke

because you don’t change control. Google does, they have you by the kahunas.” So

when I’m writing an email sequence (a series of emails sent out to promote a product),

that might be my first email.

After I type that up, I’ll include a call to action. A call to action is a part in an email or a sales letter, that urges the reader to take immediate action. In this case, the call to

action will be something like “buy now” or “click here.”

Now you may be wondering why I chose that particular phrase, why the flashlight was

shining on those words.

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The Fastest Way - Secrets Of Warp Speed Internet Income Revealed!

Those words were a headline in the sales letter I created. Because I am experienced in

writing copy, I know that when copy writers write copy, they spend most of the time

writing the name of the product and the headlines.

So if I don’t split test, I’ll just use the name of the product for the subject line and use

the headline for the email swipe I create.

As I move down to the next email in my sequence, I find the next area that is highlighted

or that has the flashlight shining on it. All you do is look for and find the areas that catch your attention on the page. Look for bullet points, headers and text in boxes because

that’s where they’ve spent the most time. Not only will these things get your customers

interested in the product but when they go to the sales page to buy, it will be congruent

with what you’ve sent them in the email. This is important because the person who

clicked doesn’t like to feel as though they’ve been tricked.

I’m sure that you’ve felt tricked before by someone who sent you an email saying it was

about one thing and after you clicked on it, you found out it was something completely


Doesn’t put you in a buying mood, does it?

The great part about all of this is that there are tens of thousands of companies that are

operating online businesses and they’ve done all the hard work, creating the product,

building websites and setting up the infrastructure. They offer these programs where

you sign up for free and become an affiliate. You get commissions every time you refer

someone who buys from them and you don’t need my help becoming an affiliate.

You just search for an affiliate program and join it.

Joining is the easy part.

The real money comes from knowing which offers are converting and which offers have

the highest EPC, the last x in the formula.