Copyright 2013
No part of this publication shall be reproduced, transmitted or resold in whole or
in part in any form, without the prior written consent of the authors. All
trademarks and registered trademarks appearing in the five dollar bible are the
property of their respective owners. All Rights Reserved.
The information contained in the five dollar bible and its several complementary
guides, is meant to serve as a comprehensive collection of time-‐tested and
proven strategies that the authors of this eBook have applied to substantially
increase their monthly income revenue on fiverr. Summaries, strategies, tips and
tricks are only recommendations by the authors, and reading this eBook does
not guarantee that one’s results will exactly mirror our own results. The authors
of the five dollar bible have made all reasonable efforts to provide current and
accurate information for the readers of this eBook. The authors will not be held
liable for any unintentional errors or omissions that may be found.
The material in the five dollar bible may include information, products, or
services by third parties. Third Party materials comprise of the products and
opinions expressed by their owners. As such, the authors of this guide do not
assume responsibility or liability for any Third Party Material or opinions.
The publication of such Third Party materials does not constitute the authors’
guarantee of any information, instruction, opinion, products or service contained
within the Third Party Material. Use of recommended Third Party Material does
not guarantee that your results, with (Title of website removed) will mirror our
own. Publication of such Third Party Material is simply a recommendation and
expression of the authors’ own opinion of that material.
Whether because of the general evolution of the Internet, or the unforeseen
changes in company policy and editorial submission guidelines, what is stated as
fact at the time of this writing, may become outdated or simply inapplicable at a
later date. This may apply to the fiverr website platform, as well as, the various
similar companies that we have referenced in this eBook, and our several
complementary guides. Great effort has been exerted to safeguard the accuracy
of this writing. Opinions regarding similar website platforms have been
formulated as a result of both personal experience, as well as the well
documented experiences of others.
The five dollar bible is not owned in part or full by fiverr. No partnership exists
between fiverr and the five dollar bible implied or otherwise.
The $5 Bible
I’ll make a bold statement “Anyone can make money on fiverr”. I don’t care how
young or old you are, or what race you are. Also if you think you have nothing
that you can sell then trust me, when you put your mind to it you will find that
you do. Also myth number one dispelled is that you need a website to make
money online, as with fiverr you don’t – that’s right no website required!
Now before you go rushing off and speed reading through this and rush to
register, then note this guide is BIG, it took a lot of effort to put together and
there’s a lot to read before you even dare think of registering an account on
fiverr, indeed there’s truly is a ton of information to take on board before
registering with fiverr, and it’s all in the order it’s in for good reasons!
Of note is that the first guide I ever read on fiverr talked about finding your own
niche and building your 20 gigs around that. I thought that statement was crazy
at the time, but over time I’ve found it’s true and the more I specialise the more I
earn. So knowing that, then right now you may be thinking just like I did – “What
the hell am I going to specialise in?”
Well all this and more will be answered very shortly, along with several key
questions you first need answers to: -‐
1.) What is fiverr and how does it work?
2.) Why should I sell on fiverr?
3.) How much money can I make on fiverr?
4.) What should I sell on fiverr?
5.) How should I go about selling on fiverr & Setting out your metaphorical
market stall
But before I move on to the answers DO NOT go and register with fiverr until
you have read the sections ‘Choosing a name’ and ‘Selecting Your email’ – as
there are key steps I need you to take to make sure you get things right before
you even think of drafting your first gig.
What Is Fiverr And How Does It Work?
(If you are already on fiverr you may/will want to skip this)
Fiverr is the world’s largest marketplace for selling (as the name suggests) five
dollar services. Fiverr calls each service it sells a ‘gig’. For every five dollar gig
sold on fiverr you get paid four dollars and fiverr takes one dollar commission
for making the sale. The same $1 commission in every $5 applies to all sales, so
when you move up to be a Level 1 or 2 seller (I will explain ‘levels’, how they
work and the benefits of them later) and can sell gig extras at $10 or $20 then
fiverr takes 20% of those amounts as well.
Simply put they put the buyer in touch with you the seller and facilitate the
handling of the sale including all communication (Note no email communication
or skype communication whatsoever is allowed outside of fiverr, do this and get
caught and you’ll get banned and then they will keep any outstanding money that
you are owed for themselves) between the buyer and seller, as well as handling
all of the payments.
Fiver offers the sale of a vast range of services -‐ anything from crazy people in
underwear singing birthday greetings in Welsh, through to more normal services
such as proofreading, article writing, SEO services, banner design, translation -‐
basically if it's for sale online then you will be able to find it on sale on fiver for
just five dollars. Likewise anything you want to sell on fiverr you have to sell at
five dollars, you can't charge more (Or less – although you will get people
contacting you saying ‘I only have $4 can we do a deal’ (The answer should
always be NO)) until you gain a set number of trouble-‐free sales which results in
you moving up to Level 1 or 2.
I’ll talk more about levels later but when you pass a set number of sales and still
have great feedback, you get moved up to level 1, do more sales and then get
moved up to level 2 – provided all your feedback is still good. Levels allow you to
add on extras, thus enabling you to sell more than $5 worth of services, at level 2
you can sell extras at up to $40 each (and you can add up to 3 to a gig) – this is
where the real money is to be made on fiverr.
Why Should I Sell On Fiverr?
(If you are already on fiverr you may want to skip this)
Firstly it’s the ultimate online business that you don’t need a website for, yep!
That’s right – no website needed at all not ever! It’s just about the only online
business that you make a full time online income from without owning your own
website. Now for a lot of people that’s a big attraction to get selling on it, and
that’s not the only good news….
You will hear a lot of talk online about targeted traffic and also ‘buyer’ traffic, and
it’s this latter one that fiverr provides you with. Simply put people come to fiverr
to buy, their wallets are already half way out, they come to buy as they have a
need for a service or if they can’t find what they want the good news is they will
still most likely be in buying mode. So all you need to do is make it your service
the one that they want to buy.
Fiverr is by far and away the most popular and most successful five dollar
website that there is on the Internet, although there are a growing number of
competitors such as SEOClerks – This is probably one of fiverr’s biggest
competitors for SEO related services of which there are a ton of on fiverr, so this
is a company to watch out for and definitely get signed up with. Up and coming is
also gigs45bucks
Why else should you sell on fiverr? Well they pay out 14 days after the date of
your completed sale, so if you are wanting to make a fast buck overnight then
maybe it’s not for you as you will only get your first income 14 days after you
make your first sales. However if you want to build up a steady income stream
then fiverr is most definitely for you. I will show you how it is fairly easy to
generate a great monthly income of $500 a month or more, with a little work
$800 a month, and with a little more innovation, effort and thinking, you could
turn it into a full time income and give up your day job as many on fiverr have
already done.
BUT it takes some initial effort to get going your first sale and whilst this may
happen overnight (Particularly if you follow the methodology detailed in this e-‐
book), it may take a few days for your first sales to start coming in. The great
thing about this site is that the more products you sell, the higher the number of
your feedback score (More on this later) and thus the more you will find yourself
Another reason to use them is they are the original people that had the idea for
selling $5 services and as such they’ve been around a while and you can rely on
them for payment.
They pay via paypal or via the fiverr revenue card (You can apply for this card
when you’ve joined fiverr, whilst acceptance is not guaranteed you should get it,
and you can use it to withdraw your revenues from any ATM/cash machine or
buy goods with it). You can withdraw any cleared earnings at anytime and they
hit your paypal account within a couple of minutes of you withdrawing them.
How Much Money Can I Make On Fiverr?
Well the sky is the limit! You will hear people on forums say ‘a couple of hundred
bucks’ – if you believe that then close this guide right now! Just because those
people limit themselves to $200 bucks a month don’t let them limit you to that!
There are numerous people on fiverr making several thousand dollars a month,
some in excess of $5000. Now you may think that they are doing it by using
fiverr as a method of arbitrage and buying a service for $5 then selling that
service on for $50. You can do that for sure BUT that’s not what this guides
about. That’s making money ‘from’ fiverr, this guides about making money ‘on’
fiverr and boosting your sales. Big difference.
Also fiverr have just launched ‘Fiver V2’ and a level two seller can now sell gig
extras at up to $40 each, and you can have three extras! This means that
undoubtedly it will now be possible to earn over five figures a month if you are
committed to fiverr.
It comes down to finding a niche or having a killer edge to jump on and take over
a popular niche, as well as good titles, good sales pitch and a good video as well
as keyword choice – I cover all these in detail and then some later on.
You will here talk of people making several thousand a month from fiverr
arbitrage and I will also cover this later on. Fiverr arbitrage is where you buy
services cheap on fiverr and then resell them on for a profit.
Setting Out Your Metaphorical Market Stall
There are some core things to learn about fiverr BEFORE your register a user
name and before you create your first gig. The first two items in this list are
crucial so read the sections before registering!
Choosing A Username
Selecting Your Email
Registering On Fiverr
Avoiding Getting Banned from Fiverr
Preparing For Levels
“The Levels”
Maintaining Levels
Level Tips
Avoiding The Five Dollar Mindset
Choosing Something To Sell
Selling Physical Products
Creating Your Gig
The Gig Title
Choosing a Category
Choosing An Image
The Gig Description -‐ Sales Pitch
Selecting Your Tags/Keywords
Gig Duration
Instructions To Buyers
Making A Killer Video
Customer Service
Dealing With Cancellations
Managing Your Gigs
Big Ticket Sales
Getting Paid
Boosting Sales & Promoting Your Gigs
The World Beyond Fiverr