The Software Bible for 2000 Years by Gheorghe Matei - HTML preview

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Informational Individual is the universal informational seed for what we want

to do!! The Informational Individual is built as a collaborative entity by definition. For any informational needs, someone can build an Informational Individual. The network of the Informational Individuals can be of any type of Expert Individual you want.


<Piece name=”Requirements” type=”DARPA”> “We must make a radical change in our view of computing!” Note: For more detailed information you may see the next editions.


<Piece name=”The-Message!”>
This is the free edition of my eBook called The Software Bible for 2000Y. This is a message! It is free!

<Piece name=”UoP!”>
UoP! is the Unit of Participation to my project!!
Let me to explain. I imagined a plan. I cannot build this project alone. You pay only a little over $20.00 but you invest $10.00 in my project!! If you will pay $89.50 (for a future edition) then you will invest $50.00 in a great project!!!

The sum of $10.00 is a unit of measure for your participation to my project! You participate to my project!!

<Piece name=”The-Challenge!”>
This is the first edition of the Software Bible for 2000Y.
For over 25 pieces you will pay $26.00.
I remember you that you invest $10.00 in my project! In addition, you will see many
pieces that open tremendous chapters of the current software:
<Piece name=”SOA”> ……………..</Piece>,
<Piece name=”Grid”> ……………………</Piece>,
<Piece name=”Intelligence”> ……………………</Piece>,
<Piece name=”OOP”> ………………</Piece>, and so on.
A new software technology doesn’t see only as a list of concepts and rules, but also it is
a philosophy based on subtle things of the real world. A tree, an animal, an activity, a
pyramid, a house, and a very number of common things can be seen as lessons, and these
are the pieces in my puzzle!

<Piece name=”The-Project!!”>

I talk here about my project as a whole project! This is the result of very many years of research work by oneself.
The price? Any discussion begins from one million dollars. Any current software company has a perspective inside ten years. My project has a complete vision for two thousands years!! In the Challenge editions I give you very many ideas, plenty of good reasons for you to go into a new software world, but I don’t give you many subtle aspects that do the real value. In addition, there are many “small invention” inside my project!

<Piece name=”FSOC”>

Standing for FinalSoft Open Community, this is a virtual international organization, an open community that can participate to building of this project. Because in this moment I cannot create a shareholding organization after all rules, I imagined a form of participation to this project for anyone. You are a programmer, an engineer, an accountant, a poet or a CEO. You can buy my eBook and automatically get a number of UoP (Units of Participation to my project!). But simply you can buy N$10.00 and you will get N UoP! In these ways anyone can become a membership of a new open community:

FinalSoft Open Community!

Of course, for you this is only a start in a great direction. I have worked to this invention for many years without any financial support. I will offer you very many information, but only on a direct relationship.


<Piece name=”The-Next-Stage”>
: “The next stage of IT evolution must build on the systems currently in place”. Q2: “The implication of this beliefs is that IT strategy can no longer be decentralized.

Even if systems are distributed for operational purposes, they must all speak the same language”.
My Answer: This is not the way I think! You are trying to build a transistor by using the components of the vacuum electronic tube! The future is not a rearrangement of the past in new patterns. It is continuous born.

The Informational Individual is the next stage in computer science. All is decentralized and distributed by definition!! </Piece>

<Piece name=”The-Software-Employee-is-not-SF”>
I may suppose that I have a complex team of Informational Individuals!!
In order to explain some thing let me show you a simple situation that can appear. For
example, I need to make some calculations and graphics, and my team doesn’t know! Of
course, there are many professors and engineers that know. I cannot afford to hire a
professor for this! But, I know that Mr. Professor XXABC from YYLMN University
built an Informational Individual that can solve my problem. That is an electronic expert
as a particular type of Informational Individual called InfoInd.Math.Expert!