U-TECH (Understanding Technology) 2023 by Kris Ayre - HTML preview

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Data, Information, Files, Documents, Spreadsheets, Presentations, File Formats (Types) and File Extensions.

Data, Information and Files

What is data?

Data is raw alphanumerical characters and symbols which when arranged or presented in a certain way or manner becomes useful and is called information.

What is information?

Therefore, information is readable data for humans. Without some kind or type of way or method of manipulating the data into a readable or usable way, then it is simply raw data -i.e., a string of letters, numbers and symbols.

What is a file?

A file is a digital version of an analogue document (paper document). So, for example, before computers were invented, people used typewriters to type (document) a message, letter or; formal or informal paper of some kind. The digital revolution changed the face of typography and the recording of and storing of written text. A new era was born and it had transformed into an electronic form of a preceded physical handheld paper form.

File Formats

File formats are really just different kinds of files, whether it's a picture, a video or a document - they're all examples of file formats. They are not the same - i.e., they are different.

So, for example, .mp3 audio files are a different kind of file format than a .mp4 video file.

Similarly, a .docx file is not the same as a .ppt file.

File Extensions

A file extension is any set of letters or numbers that go after a dot '.' which goes after the actual filename. For example: FileABC.docx is a .docx file and has a file extension .docx. The filename is FileABC.

So file extensions are the 3 or 4 letters and numbers that go after the dot (.) after the name of the file.


File Formats and File Extension Table

File Format

File Extension

7-Zip compression file


Advanced Audio Config


Android Application Installer Package file


Microsoft Application Installer Package file


Executable Binary file (multi-platform)


Rasterized Bitmap Image file


Microsoft Word Document files

.doc, .docx

Microsoft Word Template files

.dot, .dotx

Electronic Publication files (eBooks)


Microsoft Windows executable application file


GIF picture image file


Microsoft Graph file


Disc Image file


JPEG picture photo file

.jpg, .jpeg

Mobi file for reading ebooks on mobile and e-reader devices


Apple Movie file


MP3 Audio file


MP4 Video file


Open Document Text file


Open Document Template file


Adobe Portable Document Format file


Microsoft PowerPoint Presentation files

.ppt, .pptx

Rich Text Format


Text file


Wave Audio file


Windows Metafile


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet file


Microsoft Binary Workbook file


Microsoft Excel Workbook file


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Template file


Microsoft Excel Spreadsheet Template file


Zip compression file (also called an archive file)



Office Suites

Software office application suites generically include a wordprocessor, spreadsheet and presentation app. They may include other apps, such as: drawing, maths or email apps.
There are several available free for download or for purchase. Some of the popular office suites include: Microsoft Office, LibreOffice, OpenOffice and some others.

microsoft.com (paid)

libreoffice.org (free)

openoffice.org (free)


Whilst Microsoft retains the label as the initial standard, most Office Suite software packages can open, edit and save any Microsoft .file extension.


The first documents were text documents with a file extension .txt

Then Microsoft introduced the first commercial word processing program called Microsoft Word.

It became and possibly still is today, the world's most popular document format - the .doc file.

The template file format and extension is .dot (dot dot).

It evolved into the .docx file (XML style of the .doc file format). It is considered an international standard these days and is recognised by most word processors today, which means that this type of file can be opened, edited and saved. The template is .dotx.


Spreadsheets have taken off (suddenly become very popular) and have become the useful tool for mathematics, science, accounting, management and business.

The generic file formats for spreadsheets are .xls and .xlsx.

The generic file formats for templates are .xlt and .xltx.


Presentations have become the choice of meeting presentation platform mediums, available today.

The generic file formats for presentations are .ppt and .pptx.

The generic file formats for presentations are .pot and .potx.


The PDF document has become a document format and extension of choice, for modern-day technology users. Adobe’s famous Portable Document Format, or PDF, has become an international/universal standard in document sharing formats.These days,anyone can print a PDF document file, by pressing together the Ctrl + P keys to “print” a PDF, or save as a “PDF.”