Under $500 Gaming PC Setup - Step by Step by Antonio Patrick - HTML preview

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Step by Step ( 1 - 450 )

  1. So for CPU I chose the six core 12 thread Ryzen 5 1600 AF
  2. This is the 12 nanometer refresh of the 14 nanometer Ryzen 5 1604 words wise though.
  3. This thing does not perform like Ryzen 5 1600 but is actually in some cases outperforming the Ryzen 5 2600.
  4. Now this was available for $85 over on amazon and at 99 over at newegg versus the $120 plus Ryzen 520 600 which is a steal now.
  5. It has been going out of stock  here and there over the past week so just keep your eyes peeled as this has been a very popular CPU.
  6. I know some people did asked and frankly you just can't get an equivalent intel offering.
  7. That also includes a cooler for the same price, that's not to say for gaming you wouldn't benefit from like an I-5 7600 k.
  8. But there are literally twice the price with no cooler making it hard to get into a $499 bill.
  9. The cheapest intel CPU I could find was the i3 8100 for close to that price.
  10. And that just wasn't realistic to recommend given the performance versus a 1600 f4 motherboard.
  11. I chose the asrock be 450 M HD V R4 what a fun name I hope I'm gonna call my next kid that hello as rugby 450 of HDR 4.
  12. Mean can you imagine the teacher how do you spell that there are four of the asrock board is rising 3,000 ready and doesn't need a bios upgrade.
  13. If you want to throw in a 3600 extra 3800 x at a later point no real feedback on this so looks like people understood my reasoning which is great.
  14. You're gonna keep it there for GPU I chose the asus geforce gtx 1650 super overclocked 4 Gigabyte phoenix fan edition.
  15. It just sounds like so many words together it's like it's like reading a wrestling team.
  16. Again, this is a great card for 1080p gaming and when you look at the benchmarks for this card you can easily get to 100 FPS without sacrificing too much with a game from a game.
  17. Visual standpoint within reason I went through my reasonings on why not amd and it simply came down to price for equivalent price and drive stability.
  18. There isn't a good amd card to recommend even if the 590 or 584 RAM.
  19. I chose team T-Force Vulcan Z 16 Gig 2 by 8 Gig dim of DDR4 32 hundred MHz RAM.
  20. This gives you the additional speed should you decide to upgrade to a 3000 series rison in the future.
  21. And because of the 1600 AF does have the improved imc of the 2630 200 MHz should be no issue.
  22. But we will and I emphasize we will test it for storage I went with the team group t force vulcan two and a half inch 250 Gigabyte SATA 3 SSD.
  23. Now I got a ton of feedback on this and I wanted to make some recommendations for other options if 250 Gigabytes is too small which I agree is not a lot of space.
  24. You can also choose a one Terabyte Fire Cuda 7200 RPM hybrid SSHD now you will sacrifice low times to samba dream but again a lot of additional space ideally.
  25. I would pair this plus a 250 Gigabyte SSD and know that adding an extra $60 to the cost if you add in in addition to you or about 15 bucks.
  26. If you replace the T-Force SSD for the sake of this statement I will show you how to install a mechanical drive in case you want to do the same for the power supply.
  27. I need to find our watts or greater price was definitely a factor so I went with a thermal take smartseries 500 watt.
  28. It's up 80 plus certified it meets the minima bar I've used a thermal tape before and I've never had an issue with a psu.
  29. It's not modular and it's not gonna win any beauty pageants but it does give you the power you need to get it at 85% efficiency looks like folks agreed.
  30. So we'll just continue to move forward with this for case I selected the cooler master master box q 300 l micro atx tower.
  31. Now it's a nice small compact case supports all the components I selected and it gives us the room for a full atx power supply given its price at only $49.
  32. It's an incredible value seriously I can't believe this case is this cheap and it gets plenty of airflow options.
  33. Supporting up to a 240 millimeter aio if you do decide to upgrade to a 3000 series risin later.
  34. With 2 USB 3 on the front which is uniquely placed on the side or actually can be placed anywhere on the front panel.
  35. Which is crazy also as a bonus it has plenty of room for foot cable management and where you place the parts is pretty straightforward.
  36. I know we talked about cheaper cases but I cannot say how much easier and more enjoyable this case will be to build in vs the less expensive option.
  37. Now guys that's it that's a $499 PC and we're gonna build it and test it and show it here now so let's get started.
  38. Ok so what is it that you need to build this build no first and foremost you need a nice clean surface.
  39. I always like to show this where is it there it is I always like to show this but if you're worried about anti-static.
  40. Some people are you can always look at this ifixit kit which is down in the description below and you can use one of these these are anti-static wrist bands.
  41. This is not like the verge where this is just a armstrong wristband this is actually a real anti-static wristband if you're worried about this what you do.
  42. Is to basically put it over your wrist if you take your psu you plug it in and you put this on the metal fan top part.
  43. You'll actually be statically protected you can put it on your wrist or you can put it on your ankle down below.
  44. Given what we have in terms of flooring and stuff I don't have to worry about that.
  45. But I always like to show people what it actually takes to be able to do something like that.
  46. Let's talk about what else you need you're going to need a screwdriver.
  47. I have a couple here this is a phillips head magnetic screwdriver this has been around since like circa windows.
  48. I think as windows, media series 9 which is like windows xp so this is a very old screwdriver but still a absolutely awesome.
  49. Screwdriver on number 2 phillips is the ideal set you know is used something like this.