What Everybody Ought to Know About Making Money Online by Charles J. Monteiro - HTML preview

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Chapter X

Go Well Prepared

You are almost ready to begin your big adventure or to continue your big adventure better equipped and better armed. You are going to succeed.

Let's just double check the supplies and be certain that you have what is necessary. Here is a check list of what is required to successfully survive and thrive in the Internet jungle:

1. An Itinerary: You know where you are. You know where you want to be. You have made a good and doable business plan that will get you there. Check.

2. Information: You have this information:

  • You know about the wild animals: You understand that there are lions, tigers, bears and sneaky snakes out there in the jungle and you are prepared to either avoid them or overcome them. Check.
  • You can identify poisonous plants: There are evil plants that thrive in the Internet jungle and there are medicinal plants that help you to survive. You can now identify all the varieties. Check.
  • You know what baits are used in traps: You can spot a trap and identify the bait in it without getting caught. Check.
  • You know which natives are friendly: You can easily identify a cannibal or just an unfriendly native. You can, also, identify friendly and helpful natives. Check.

3. Help: You know where to go to look for help as you travel through the Internet jungle.

  • You know how to use a search engine to check out the validity of people as well as facts.
  • You know that attending real brick and mortar seminars that are being conducted by real (not fake} experts can help you in many ways. You will meet those who can help you in person.

4. Supplies: You should have ample quantities of these supplies:

  • Ambition: Success in the Internet jungle depends a great deal on the desire of the adventurer. Unless you want to secure a better life for yourself and for your family, your success is in jeopardy. Check.
  • Determination: A very large supply is required. You will be using your determination supply to keep yourself going when it looks like nothing is happening. Check.
  • Work Ethic: You need a really strong one. You must be willing to work as long and as hard as you need to in order to accomplish your goals. This work ethic must be strong enough to keep you from succumbing to taking 'shortcuts' that will, in the end, turn out to be long cuts. Check.
  • Time: You will need a lot of this....be sure to pack plenty. You are going to have to forego many pleasures in order to be able to spend enough time on your work-at-home job or your at-home business. Don't believe anybody who tells you that you can make plenty of money by just working part time. Check.
  • Hard Work: You must be willing to do the heavy lifting required to do such things as build opt-in lists. If you don't have enough 'hard work' packed, you will be tempted to believe that you can make money without having to work. You must expect to work very hard. Check.
  • Patience: The Internet is supposed to have speeded everything up...and it did speed up a lot of things. Success, however, is not one of them. You will be required to use a lot of patience as you pursue success in the Internet jungle. Check.
  • Luck: You will need a lot of 'luck', as well. However, you have to make your own luck as you travel through the Internet jungle. To make 'luck' you must have all of the other supplies in ample quantity. When you mix ambition, determination, work ethic, time, hard work and patience together in equal portions, you get what some people call 'luck'. Check.