IP Telephony Cookbook by Saverio Niccolini, Jorg Ott, et al - HTML preview

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B. 4 Gateways

> Product Name: OpenISDN (H.323 Call Generator)


[IP Telephony Cookbook] / Appendix B IP Telephony Hardware / Software Product URL: http://www.gae.ucm.es/~openisdngw/home_en.php

Vendor: Open Source

Supported Protocols: H.323

Platform: Any platform where you can compile the OpenH323 Library (Linux,Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.)

Description: Operational Experience: It requires ISDN cards to be properly installed and configured on the local machine in order to make connections with the ISDN. It works only with ISDN lines (no PSTN support) managing n calls simultaneously, as many as the ISDN channels available.The gatekeeper can be in a well-known IP address or it could be discovered in the network with broadcast RAS. It gives information about the call progress state to the user of the Switched Circuit Network that calls to the Gateway.This information is made with tones similar to those sent by the telephone offices. Support and development has now stopped and it requires a special old version of OpenH323 library to compile. No dynamic configuration is possible; once the program is started the client is configured using the command line options.

Overall Evaluation: It is a simple H.323/ISDN Gateway. It needs to be better investigated for complete H.320 compatibility for ISDN conferencing. Right now it seems to be only an audio gateway.

> Product Name: Asterisk Open Source PBX

Product URL: http://www.asterisk.org/

Vendor: Digium

Supported Protocols: SIP, H.323

Platform: N/A

Description: Asterisk is an Open Source, full featured hybrid TDM and VoIP PBX and IVR

platform. It allows you to seamlessly integrate TDM (T1, PRI, FXS, FXO) and VoIP (IAX, SIP, H.323) technologies in a single PBX while providing full IVR functionality through any scripting language available on Linux.

> Product Name: Cisco IP/VC 3525 PRI Gateway

Product URL: http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/


Vendor: Cisco

Supported Protocols: H.323

Platform: N/A

Description:This H.320 to H.323 Gateway is an older product, identical to the RADVISION

OnLAN Gateway, but OEMed by Cisco and currently not supported any more, as it has been replaced by the 3526 Gateway.The 3525 is capable gatewaying 16 voice channels, or 8 128Kbps participants with H.261 video, or a combination of other rates for multiple BRI bonding.The default hardware does not provide audio/video transcoding, but there existed a hardware add-on for audio transcoding. Check the IP/VC Products page at

http://www.cisco.com/univercd/cc/td/doc/product/ipvc/ipvc2_2/2_2mcurn.htm P.223

[IP Telephony Cookbook] / Appendix B IP Telephony Hardware / Software B. 5 Testing

> Product Name: CallGen323 (H.323 Call Generator)

Product URL: http://www.openh323.org/code.html

Vendor: Open Source

Supported Protocols: H.323

Platform: Any platform where you can compile the OpenH323 Library (Linux,Windows, FreeBSD, Solaris, etc.)

Description: Operational Experience: It can make and receive an exact number of calls, adjust the delay between each batch of calls and set the number of batches to repeat. It only produces signalling traffic (no audio data traffic). Support and development has now stopped and it requires special old version of a OpenH323 library to compile. No dynamic configuration is possible; once the program is started the client is configured using the command line options.

Overall Evaluation: It is a simple H.323 Call Generator. It is very customisable using a number of parameters. It is really useful in testing environments where servers need to be tested under stress.

Drawbacks are static configuration, no dynamic management and limited support.

> Product Name: sipsak

Product URL: http://sipsak.berlios.de/

Vendor: iptel.org

Supported Protocols: SIP

Platform: N/A

Description: Free Diagnostic and Stress Utility. sipsak is a simple utility that can be used to test various functions of a SIP server. It includes proxy, registrar and digest authentication tests. It can also generate a load of SIP messages to stress a server.

> Product Name: SIPStone

Product URL: http://www.sipstone.org

Vendor: Columbia University and Ubiquity

Supported Protocols: SIP

Platform: N/A

Description: Currently, this is a draft about measuring SIP performance http://www.sipstone.com/. A measurement tool is available from Columbia University - see http://www.cs.columbia.edu/IRT/cinema/sipstone/

See SIPstone mailing list for a discussion.