Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance by Stephen Boyd and Craig Barratt - HTML preview

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Chapter 12

Some Analytic Solutions

We describe several families of controller design problems that can be solved

rapidly and exactly using standard methods.


Linear Quadratic Regulator

The linear quadratic regulator (LQR) from optimal control theory can be used to

solve a family of regulator design problems in which the state is accessible and regu-

lation and actuator e ort are each measured by mean-square deviation. A stochastic

formulation of the LQR problem is convenient for us a more usual formulation is

as an optimal control problem (see the Notes and References at the end of this

chapter). The system is described by

_x = Ax + Bu + w

where w is a zero-mean white noise, i.e., w has power spectral density matrix

Sw(!) = I for all !. The state x is available to the controller, so y = x in our


The LQR cost function is the sum of the steady-state mean-square weighted

state x, and the steady-state mean-square weighted actuator signal u:

Jlqr = lim ;


x(t)TQx(t) + u(t)TRu(t)



where Q and R are positive semide nite weight matrices the rst term penalizes

deviations of x from zero, and the second term represents the cost of using the

actuator signal. We can express this cost in our framework by forming the regulated

output signal

z = R12u







