Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance by Stephen Boyd and Craig Barratt - HTML preview

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Truxal cites his Ph.D. thesis and a 1951 article by Aaron



On the di erence between classical controller synthesis and the method he pro-

poses, he states (





The word synthesis rigorously implies a logical procedure for the transi-

tion from speci cations to system. In pure synthesis, the designer is able

to take the speci cations and in a straightforward path proceed to the

nal system. In this sense, neither the conventional methods of servo

design nor the root locus method is pure synthesis, for in each case the

designer attempts to modify and to build up the open-loop system until

he has reached a point where the system, after the loop is closed, will

be satisfactory.

... The closed-loop design] approach to the synthesis of closed-loop sys-

tems represents a complete change in basic thinking. No longer is the

designer working inside the loop and trying to splice things up so that

the overall system will do the job required. On the contrary, he is now

saying, \I have a certain job that has to be done. I will force the system

to do it."

So Truxal views his closed-loop controller design method as a \more logical synthesis

pattern" ( 278) than classical methods. He does not extensively justify this view,


except to point out the simple relation between the classical error constants and the

closed-loop transfer function ( 281). (In chapter 8 we saw that the classical error


constants are a ne functionals of the closed-loop transfer matrix.)

The closed-loop design method is described in the books





], and

] (see also the Notes and References from







chapter 7 on the interpolation conditions).


Fegley’s Linear and Quadratic Programming Approach

The observation that some controller design problems can be solved by numerical

optimization that involves closed-loop transfer functions is made in a series of papers

starting in 1964 by Fegley and colleagues. In

] and

], Fegley applies



linear programming to the closed-loop controller design approach, incorporating

such speci cations as asymptotic tracking of a speci c command signal and an

overshoot limit. This method is extended to use quadratic programming in PF66,

]. In

] and

], speci cations on RMS values of signals are included.




A summary of most of the results of Fegley and his colleagues appears in



which includes examples such as a minimum variance design with a step response

envelope constraint. This paper has the summary:

Linear and quadratic programming are applicable ... to the design of

control systems. The use of linear and quadratic programming fre-

quently represents the easiest approach to an optimal solution and often







makes it possible to impose constraints that could not be imposed in

other methods of solution.

So, several important ideas in this book appear in this series of papers by Fegley

and colleagues: designing the closed-loop system directly, noting the restrictions

placed by the plant on the achievable closed-loop system expressing performance

speci cations as closed-loop convex constraints and using numerical optimization

to solve problems that do not have an analytical solution (see the quote above).

Several other important ideas, however, do not appear in this series of papers.

Convexity is never mentioned as the property of the problems that makes e ective

solution possible linear and quadratic programming are treated as useful \tools"

which they \apply" to the controller design problem. The casual reader might

conclude that an extension of the method to inde nite (nonconvex) quadratic pro-

gramming is straightforward, and might allow the designer to incorporate some

other useful speci cations. This is not the case: numerically solving nonconvex

QP's is vastly more di cult than solving convex QP's (see section 14.6.1).

Another important idea that does not appear in the early literature on the

closed-loop design method is that it can potentially search over all possible LTI

controllers, whereas a classical design method (or indeed, a modern state-space

method) searches over a restricted (but often adequate) set of LTI controllers. Fi-

nally, this early form of the closed-loop design method is restricted to the design

of one closed-loop transfer function, for example, from command input to system



-Parameter Design


The closed-loop design method was rst extended to MAMS control systems (i.e., by

considering closed-loop transfer matrices instead of a particular transfer function),

in a series of papers by Desoer and Chen DC81a, DC81b, CD82b, CD83] and

Gustafson and Desoer GD83, DG84b, DG84a, GD85]. These papers emphasize

the design of controllers, and not the determination that a set of design speci cations

cannot be achieved by any controller.

In his 1986 Ph. D. thesis, Salcudean Sal86] uses the parametrization of achiev-

able closed-loop transfer matrices described in chapter 7 to formulate the controller

design problem as a constrained convex optimization problem. He describes many of

the closed-loop convex speci cations we encountered in chapters 8{10, and discusses

the importance of convexity. See also the article by Polak and Salcudean PS89].

The authors of this book and colleagues have developed a program called qdes,

which is described in the article BBB88]. The program accepts input written

in a control specication language that allows the user to describe a discrete-time

controller design problem in terms of many of the closed-loop convex speci cations

presented in this book. A simple method is used to approximate the controller

design problem as a nite-dimensional linear or quadratic programming problem,



