Linear Controller Design: Limits of Performance by Stephen Boyd and Craig Barratt - HTML preview

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Our rst acknowledgment is to Professor C. Desoer, who introduced the idea of the

Q-parametrization (along with the advice, \this is good for CAD") to Stephen Boyd

in EECS 290B at Berkeley in 1981. We thank the reviewers, Professor C. Desoer,

Professor P. Kokotovic, Professor L. Ljung, Dr. M. Workman of IBM, and Dr. R.

Kosut of Integrated Systems, Inc. for valuable suggestions. We are very grateful to

Professor T. Higgins for extensive comments on the history and literature of control

engineering, and a thorough reading of our manuscript. We thank S. Norman,

a coauthor of the paper BBN90], from which this book was developed, and V.

Balakrishnan, N. Boyd, X. Li, C. Oakley, D. Pettibone, A. Ranieri, and Q. Yang

for numerous comments and suggestions.

During the research for and writing of this book, the authors have been sup-

ported by the National Science Foundation (ECS-85-52465), the O ce of Naval

Research (N00014-86-K-0112), and the Air Force O ce of Scienti c Research (89-


Stephen Boyd

Stanford, California

Craig Barratt

May, 1990

This book was typeset by the authors using LaTEX. The simulations, numerical com-

putations, and gures were developed in matlab and c, under the unix operating

system. We encourage readers to attempt to reproduce our plots and gures, and

would appreciate hearing about any errors.



