NoSQL Database by Christof Strauch - HTML preview

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B. List of abbreviations


2PC  -  Two-phase commit

ACID  -  Atomicity Consistency Isolation Durability

ACM  -  Association for Computing Machinery

ADO  -  ActiveX Data Objects

aka  -  also known as

API  -  Application Programming Interface

BASE  -  Basically Available, Soft-State, Eventual Consistency

BBC  -  British Broadcasting Corporation

BDB  -  Berkley Database

BLOB  -  Binary Large Object

CAP  -  Consistency, Availability, Partition Tolerance

CEO  -  Chief Executive Officer

CPU  -  Central Processing Unit

CS  -  Computer Science

CTA  -  Constrained tree application

CTO  -  Chief Technology Officer

DNS  -  Domain Name System

DOI  -  Digital Object Identifier

DBA  -  Database administrator

EAV store  -  Entity-Attribute-Value store

EC2  -  (Amazon’s) Elastic Cloud Computing

EJB  -  Enterprise JavaBeans

Erlang OTP  -  Erlang Open Telecommunication Platform

E-R Model  -  Entity-Relationship Model

FIFO  -  First in, first out

GFS  -  Google File System

GPL  -  Gnu General Public Licence

HA  -  High Availability

HDFS  -  Hadoop Distributed File System

HQL  -  Hypertable Query Language

IBM  -  International Business Machines

IEEE  -  Institute of Electrical and Electronics Engineers

IETF  -  Internet Engineering Task Force

IO  -  Input Output

IP  -  Internet Protocol

JDBC  -  Java Database Connectivity

JPA  -  Java Persistence API

JSON  -  JavaScript Object Notation

JSR  -  Java Specification Request

LINQ  -  Language Integrated Query

LRU  -  Least recently used

LSM(-Tree)  -  Log Structured Merge (Tree)

LZW  -  Lempel-Ziv-Welch

MIT  -  Massachusetts Institute of Technology

MVCC  -  Multi-version concurrency control

(Java) NIO  -  (Java) New I/O

ODBC  -  Open Database Connectivity

OLAP  -  Online Analytical Processing

OLTP  -  Online Transaction Processing

OSCON  -  O’Reilly Open Source Convention

OSS  -  Open Source Software

PCRE  -  Perl-compatible Regular Expressions

PNUTS  -  (Yahoo!’s) Platform for Nimble Universal Table Storage

PODC  -  Principles of distributed computing (ACM symposium)

RAC  -  (Oracle) Real Application Cluster

RAM  -  Random Access Memory

RDF  -  Resource Description Framework

RDS  -  (Amazon) Relational Database Service

RDBMS  -  Relational Database Management System

REST  -  Representational State Transfer

RPC  -  Remote Procedure Call

RoR  -  Ruby on Rails

RYOW  -  Read your own writes (consistency model)

(Amazon) S3  -  (Amazon) Simple Storage Service

SAN  -  Storage Area Network

SLA  -  Service Level Agreement

SMP  -  Symmetric multiprocessing

SPOF  -  Single point of failure

SSD  -  Solid State Disk

SQL  -  Structured Query Language

TCP  -  Transmission Control Protocol

TPC  -  Transaction Performance Processing Council

US  -  United States

URI  -  Uniform Resource Identifier

URL  -  Uniform Resource Locator

XML  -  Extensible Markup Language