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2. The NoSQL-Movement


In this chapter, motives and main drivers of the NoSQL movement will be discussed along with remarks passed by critics and reactions from NoSQL advocates. The chapter will conclude by different attempts to classify and characterize NoSQL databases. One of them will be treated in the subsequent chapters.

2.1. Motives and Main Drivers

The term NoSQL was first used in 1998 for a relational database that omitted the use of SQL (see [Str10]). The term was picked up again in 2009 and used for conferences of advocates of non-relational databases such as developer Jon Oskarsson, who organized the NoSQL meetup in San Francisco (cf. [Eva09a]). A blogger, often referred to as having made the term popular is Rackspace employee Eric Evans who later described the ambition of the NoSQL movement as “the whole point of seeking alternatives is that you need to solve a problem that relational databases are a bad fit for” (cf. [Eva09b]).

This section will discuss rationales of practitioners for developing and using nonrelational databases and display theoretical work in this field. Furthermore, it will treat the origins and main drivers of the NoSQL movement.

2.1.1. Motives of NoSQL practioners

The Computerworld magazine reports in an article about the NoSQL meet-up in San Francisco that “NoSQLers came to share how they had overthrown the tyranny of slow, expensive relational databases in favor of more efficient and cheaper ways of managing data.” (cf. [Com09a]). It states that especially Web 2.0 startups have begun their business without Oracle and even without MySQL which formerly was popular among startups. Instead, they built their own datastores influenced by Amazon’s Dynamo ([DHJ+07]) and Google’s Bigtable ([CDG+06]) in order to store and process huge amounts of data like they appear e.g. in social community or cloud computing applications; meanwhile, most of these datastores became open source software. For example, Cassandra originally developed for a new search feature by Facebook is now part of the Apache Software Project. According to engineer Avinash Lakshman, it is able to write 2500 times faster into a 50 gigabytes large database than MySQL (cf. [LM09]).

The Computerworld article summarizes reasons commonly given to develop and use NoSQL datastores:

Avoidance of Unneeded Complexity Relational databases provide a variety of features and strict data consistency. But this rich feature set and the ACID properties implemented by RDBMSs might be more than necessary for particular applications and use cases.

As an example, Adobe’s ConnectNow holds three copies of user session data; these replicas do not neither have to undergo all consistency checks of a relational database management systems nor do they have to be persisted. Hence, it is fully sufficient to hold them in memory (cf. [Com09b]).

High Throughput Some NoSQL databases provide a significantly higher data throughput than traditional RDBMSs. For instance, the column-store Hypertable which pursues Google’s Bigtable approach allows the local search engine Zvent to store one billion data cells per day [Jud09]. To give another example, Google is able to process 20 petabyte a day stored in Bigtable via it’s MapReduce approach [Com09b].

Horizontal Scalability and Running on Commodity Hardware “Definitely, the volume of data is getting so huge that people are looking at other technologies”, says Jon Travis, an engineer at SpringSource (cited in [Com09a]). Blogger Jonathan Ellis agrees with this notion by mentioning three problem areas of current relational databases that NoSQL databases are trying to address (cf. [Ell09a]):

1. Scale out data (e.g. 3 TB for the green badges feature at Digg, 50 GB for the inbox search at Facebook or 2 PB in total at eBay)

2. Performance of single servers 3. Rigid schema design

In contrast to relational database management systems most NoSQL databases are designed to scale well in the horizontal direction and not rely on highly available hardware. Machines can be added and removed (or crash) without causing the same operational efforts to perform sharding in RDBMS cluster-solutions; some NoSQL datastores even provide automatic sharding (such as MongoDB as of March 2010, cf. [Mer10g]). Javier Soltero, CTO of SpringSource puts it