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11 Out of order execution


All modern x86 CPUs can execute instructions out of order or do more than one thing at the same time, except for some small low-power CPUs (Intel Atom). The following example shows how to take advantage of this capability:

// Example 11.1a

float a, b, c, d, y;

y = a + b + c + d;

This expression is calculated as ((a+b)+c)+d. This is a dependency chain where each addition has to wait for the result of the preceding one. You can improve this by writing:

// Example 11.1b

float a, b, c, d, y;

y = (a + b) + (c + d);

Now the two parentheses can be calculated independently. The CPU will start to calculate (c+d) before it has finished the calculation of (a+b). This can save several clock cycles. You cannot assume that an optimizing compiler will change the code in example 11.1a to 11.1b automatically, although it appears to be an obvious thing to do. The reason why compilers do not make this kind of optimizations is that it may cause a loss of precision, as explained on page 72. You have to set the parentheses manually.The effect of dependency chains is stronger when they are long. This is often the case in loops. Consider the following example, which calculates the sum of 100 numbers:

// Example 11.2a

const int size = 100;

float list[size], sum = 0;  int i;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) sum += list[i];

This has a long dependency chain. If a floating point addition takes 5 clock cycles, then this loop will take approximately 500 clock cycles. You can improve the performance dramatically by unrolling the loop and splitting the dependency chain in two:

// Example 11.2b

const int size = 100;

float list[size], sum1 = 0, sum2 = 0;  int i;

for (i = 0; i < size; i += 2) {

   sum1 += list[i];

   sum2 += list[i+1];}

sum1 += sum2;

If the microprocessor is doing an addition to sum1 from time T to T+5, then it can do another addition to sum2 from time T+1 to T+6, and the whole loop will take only 256 clock cycles.

Calculations in a loop where each iteration needs the result of the preceding one is called a loop-carried dependency chain. Such dependency chains can be very long and very time- consuming. There is a lot to gain if such dependency chains can be broken up. The two summation variables sum1 and sum2 are called accumulators. Current CPUs have only one floating point addition unit, but this unit is pipelined, as explained above, so that it can start a new addition before the preceding addition is finished.

The optimal number of accumulators for floating point addition and multiplication may be three or four, depending on the CPU.

Unrolling a loop becomes a little more complicated if the number of iterations is not divisible by the unroll factor. For example, if the number of elements in list in example 11.2b was an odd number then we would have to add the last element outside the loop or add an extra dummy element to list and make this extra element zero.

It is not necessary to unroll a loop and use multiple accumulators if there is no loop-carried dependency chain. A microprocessor with out-of-order capabilities can overlap the iterations and start the calculation of one iteration before the preceding iteration is finished. Example:

// Example 11.3

const int size = 100;  int i;

float a[size], b[size], c[size];

float register temp;

for (i = 0; i < size; i++) {

   temp = a[i] + b[i];

   c[i] = temp * temp;


Microprocessors with out-of-order capabilities are very smart. They can detect that the value of register temp in one iteration of the loop in example 11.3 is independent of the value in the previous iteration. This allows it to begin calculating a new value of temp before it is finished using the previous value. It does this by assigning a new physical register to temp even though the logical register that appears in the machine code is the same. This is called register renaming. The CPU can hold many renamed instances of the same logical register.

This advantage comes automatically. There is no reason to unroll the loop and have a temp1 and temp2. Modern CPUs are capable of register renaming and doing multiple calculations in parallel if certain conditions are satisfied. The conditions that make it possible for the CPU to overlap the calculations of loop iterations are:

  • No loop-carried dependency chain. Nothing in the calculation of one iteration should depend on the result of the previous iteration (except for the loop counter, which is calculated fast if it is an integer).
  • All intermediate results should be saved in registers, not in memory. The renaming mechanism works only on registers, not on variables in memory or cache. Most compilers will make temp a register variable in example 11.3 even without the register keyword. The CodeGear compiler cannot make floating point register variables, but will save temp in memory. This prevents the CPU from overlapping calculations.
  • The loop branch should be predicted. This is no problem if the repeat count is large or constant. If the loop count is small and changing then the CPU may occasionally predict that the loop exits, when in fact it does not, and therefore fail to start the next calculation. However, the out-of-order mechanism allows the CPU to increment the loop counter ahead of time so that it may detect the misprediction before it is too late. You should therefore not be too worried about this condition.

In general, the out-of-order execution mechanism works automatically. However, there are a couple of things that the programmer can do to take maximum advantage of out-of-order execution. The most important thing is to avoid long dependency chains. Another thing that you can do is to mix different kinds of operations in order to divide the work evenly between the different execution units in the CPU. It can be advantageous to mix integer and floating point calculations as long as you don't need conversions between integers and floating point numbers. It can also be advantageous to mix floating point addition with floating point multiplication, to mix simple integer with vector integer operations, and to mix mathematical calculations with memory access.