Programming Languages: Application and Interpretation by Shriram Krishnamurthi - HTML preview

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Okay, so what receivers do they use? The computation they should invoke is the same computation that

was awaiting the result of evaluating the conditional. The receiver k represents exactly this computation.

Therefore, we can replace both sets of ellipses with k:

[if0 (test truth falsity)

(interp test env

(lambda (tv)

(if (num-zero? tv)

(interp truth env k)

(interp falsity env k))))]

That leaves only the rule for application. The first few lines of the transformed version will look familiar,

since we applied the same transformation in the case of addition:

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

((closureV-p fun-val) arg-val) ))))]

All we have to determine is what to write in place of the box.

Is the code in the box still valid? Well, the reason we write interpreters is so that we can experiment!

How about we just try it on a few expressions and see what happens?

3Using our Web analogy, the question is which primitives might arguably invoke a Web interaction. Ones that use the Web must

be transformed and be given receivers to stash on the server, while ones that don’t can remain unmolested. Arithmetic, clearly,

computes entirely locally.




(interp-test ’5 5)


> (interp-test ’{+ 5 5} 10)


> (interp-test ’{with {x {+ 5 5}} {+ x x}} 20)

procedure interp: expects 3 arguments, given 2 ...

Oops! DrScheme highlights the interpretation of the body in the rule for fun.

Well, of course! The interpreter expects three arguments, and we’re supplying it only two. What should

the third argument be? It needs to be a receiver, but which one? In fact, it has to be whatever receiver is

active at the time of the procedure invocation. This is eerily reminiscent of the store: while the environment

stays static, we have to pass this extra value that reflects the current state of the dynamic computation. That

is, we really want the rule for functions to read

[fun (param body)

(k (closureV (lambda (arg-val dyn-k)

(interp body (aSub param arg-val env) dyn-k))))]

(What happens if we use k instead of dyn-k in the invocation of the interpreter? Try it and find out!)

Correspondingly, application becomes

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

((closureV-p fun-val)

arg-val k)))))]

The core of the interpreter is in Figure 20.1.

What, incidentally, is the type of the interpreter? Obviously it now has one extra argument. More

interestingly, what is its return type? It used to return values, but now. . . it doesn’t return! That’s right:

whenever the interpreter has a value, it passes the value off to a receiver.


Adding Continuations to the Language

At this point, we have most of the machinery we need to add continuations explicitly as values in the

language. The receivers we have been implementing are quite similar to the actual continuations we need.

They appear to differ in two ways:

1. They capture what’s left to be done in the interpreter, not in the user’s program.

2. They are regular Scheme procedures, not lambda↑ procedures.




1. They capture what’s left to be done in the interpreter, not in the user’s program. Because the interpreter

closes over the expressions of the user’s program, invocations of the interpreter simulate the execution

of the user’s program. Therefore, the receivers effectively do capture the continuations of the user’s


2. They are regular Scheme procedures, not lambda↑ procedures. We have taken care of this through

the judicious use of a programming pattern. Recall our discussion of the type of the revised inter-

preter? The interpreter never returns—thereby making sure that no computation awaits the value of

the receiver, which is effectively the same as computation terminating when the receiver is done.

In other words, we’ve very carefully set up the interpreter to truly represent the continuations, making it

easy to add continuations to the language.

Adding Continuations to Languages

Different languages take different approaches to adding continuations. Scheme’s is the most spar-

tan. It add just one primitive procedure, call/cc. The resulting continuations can be treated as if

they were procedures, so that procedure application does double duty. DrScheme slightly enriches

the language by also providing let/cc, which is a binding construct, but it continues to overload

procedure application.

The language SML uses callcc (which is not a binding construct) to capture continuations, and adds

a throw construct to invoke continuations. Consequently, in SML, procedure application invokes

only procedures, and throw invokes only continuations, making it possible for a type-checker to

distinguish between the two cases.

It’s possible that a language could have both a binding construct like let/cc and a separate throw-like

construct for continuation invocation, but there don’t appear to be any.

To implement continuations, we will take the DrScheme approach of adding a binding construct but

overloading procedural application:

<KCFAE> ::= ...


| {bindcc <id> <KCFAE>}

(This grammar is just for purposes of illustration. It would be easy to add a throw construct instead of

overloading application.)

To implement continuations, we need to add one new rule to the interpreter, and update the existing rule

for application. We’ll also add a new kind of type, called contV.

How does bindcc evaluate? Clearly, we must interpret the body in an extended environment:

[bindcc (cont-var body)

(interp body

(aSub cont-var

(contV ??? )





The receiver used for the body is the same as the receiver of the bindcc expression. This captures the

intended behavior when the continuation is not used: namely, that evaluation proceeds as if the continuation

were never captured.

What kind of value should represent a continuation? Clearly it needs to be a Scheme procedure, so we

can apply it later. Functions are represented by procedures of two values: the parameter and the receiver

of the application. Clearly a continuation must also take the value of the parameter. However, the whole

point of having continuations in the language is to ignore the receiver at the point of invocation and instead

employ the one stored in the continuation value. Therefore, we can just ignore the receiver at the point

of application. The invoked continuation instead uses, as its own receiver, that captured at the point of its


[bindcc (cont-var body)

(interp body

(aSub cont-var

(contV (lambda (val)

(k val)))



(Note again the reliance on Scheme’s static scope to close over the value of k.) This makes the modification

to the application clause very easy:

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

(type-case KCFAE-Value fun-val

[closureV (c) (c arg-val k)]

[contV (c) (c arg-val)]

[else (error ”not an applicable value”)])))))]

Notice the very clear contrast between function and continuation application: function application employs

the receiver at the point of application, whereas continuation application employs the receiver at the point

of creation. This difference is dramatically highlighted by this code.

One last matter: what is the initial value of k? If we want to be utterly pedantic, it should be all

the computation we want to perform with the result of interpretation—i.e., a representation of “the rest of

DrScheme”. In practice, it’s perfectly okay to use the identity function. Then, when the interpreter finishes

its task, it invokes the identity function, which returns the value to DrScheme. For the purpose of testing,

it’s even better to use a procedure that prints a value and then halts the program entirely (as we discussed in

Section 16.3)—that lets us test whether we converted the interpreter into CPS properly.

And that’s it! In these few lines, we have captured the essence of continuations. (The heart of the

interpreter is in Figure 20.2.) Note in particular two properties of continuations that are reflected by, but perhaps not obvious from, this implementation:



• To reiterate: we ignore the continuation at the point of application, and instead use the continuation

from the point of creation. This is the semantic representation of the intuition we gave earlier for

understanding continuation programs: “replace the entire let/cc expression with the value supplied

to the continuation”. Note, however, that the captured continuation is itself a dynamic object—it

depends on the entire history of calls—and thus cannot be computed purely from the program source

without evaluation. In this sense, it is different from the environment in a closure, which can partially

be determined entirely statically (that is, we can determine which identifiers are in the environment,

though it is undecidable what their values will be.)

• The continuation closes over the environment; in particular, its body is scoped statically, not dynami-


Exercise 20.2.1 Add web-read to KCFAE.


On Stacks

Let’s re-examine the procedure application rule in the interpreter:

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

((closureV-p fun-val)

arg-val k)))))]

Observe how the receiver of the value of the function position, and that of the value of the argument position,

are both new procedures, whereas when the procedure application finally happens (in the latter receiver),

the third argument is just k.

Given that the receivers represent the stack at every point, this should seem rather strange: wasn’t the

stack meant to hold a record of procedure invocations? And if so, why is the receiver “growing” when

evaluating the function and the argument, but “shrinking” back to its original size when the application

actually happens?

We have said that the receiver corresponds directly to the stack. In particular, the receiver is a procedure

that may refer to another procedure (that it closes over), which may refer to another procedure (that it closes

over), and so on. Each of these procedures represents one stack frame (sometimes called an activation

record, because it records an extant activation of a procedure in the running program). Returning a value

“pops” the stack; since we have made the stack explicit, the equivalent operation is to pass the value to be

returned to the receiver.

We therefore see, from this pattern, that the stack is used solely to store intermediate results. It plays no

part in the actual invocation of a function. This probably sets on its head everything you have been taught

about stacks until now. This is an important and, perhaps, startling point:

Stacks are not necessary for invoking functions.



The stack only plays a role in evaluating the argument to the function (and, in a language with first-class

functions, evaluating the function position itself); once that argument has been reduced to a value (in an

eager language), the stack has no further role with respect to invoking a function. The actual invocation is

merely a jump to an address holding the code of the function: it’s a goto.

Converting a program to CPS thus accomplishes two things. First, it exposes something—the stack—

normally hidden during the evaluation process; this is an instance of reflection. The transformation also

makes this a value that a programmer can manipulate directly (even changing the meaning of the program

as a result); this is known as reification.

Reflection and Reification

Reflection and reification are very powerful programming concepts. Most programmers encounter

them only very informally or in a fairly weak setting. For instance, Java offers a very limited

form of reflection (a programmer can, for instance, query the names of methods of an object),

and some languages reify very low-level implementation details (such as memory addresses in C).

Few languages reify truly powerful computational features; the ones that do enable entirely new

programming patterns that programmers accustomed only to more traditional languages usually

can’t imagine. Truly smart programmers sometimes create their own languages with the express

purpose of reifying some useful hidden element, and implement their solution in the new language,

to create a very powerful kind of reusable abstraction. A classic instance of this is Web programmers

who have reified stacks to enable a more direct programming style.


Tail Calls

Converting the program to CPS helps us clearly see which calls are just gotos, and which ones need stack

build-up. The ones that are just gotos are those invocations that use the same receiver argument as the one

they received. Those that build a more complex receiver are relying on the stack.

Procedure calls that do not place any burden on the stack are called tail calls. Converting a program

to CPS helps us identify tail calls, though it’s possible to identify them from the program source itself. An

invocation of g in a procedure f is a tail call if, in the control path that leads to the invocation of g, the

value of f is determined by the invocation of g. In that case, g can send its value directly to whoever is

expecting f ’s value; this verbal description is captured precisely in the CPSed version (since f passes along

its receiver to g, which sends its value to that receiver). This insight is employed by compilers to perform

tail call optimization (abbreviated TCO, and sometimes referred to as last call optimization), whereby they

ensure that tail calls incur no stack growth.

Here are some consequences of TCO:

• With TCO, it no longer becomes necessary for a language to provide looping constructs. Whatever

was previously written using a custom-purpose loop can now be written as a recursive procedure. So

long as all recursive calls are tail calls, the compiler will convert the calls into gotos, accomplishing

the same efficiency as the loop version. For instance, here’s a very simple version of a for loop,

written using tail calls:



(define (for init condition change body result)

(if (condition init)

(for (change init)




(body init result))


By factoring out the invariant arguments, we can write this more readably as

(define (for init condition change body result)

(local [(define (loop init result)

(if (condition init)

(loop (change init)

(body init result))


(loop init result)))

To use this as a loop, write

(for 10 positive? sub1 + 0)

which evaluates to 55. It’s possible to make this look more like a traditional for loop using macros,

which we will discuss in Section 36. That aside, notice how similar this is to a fold operator! Indeed,

foldl employs a tail call in its recursion, meaning it is just as efficient as looping constructs in more

traditional languages.

• Put differently, thanks to TCO, the set of looping constructs is extensible, not limited by the imagina-

tion of the language designer. In particular, with care it becomes easy to create loops (or iterators)

over new data structures without suffering an undue performance penalty.

• While TCO is traditionally associated with languages such as Scheme and ML, there’s no reason they

must be. It’s perfectly possible to have TCO in any language. Indeed, as our analysis above has

demonstrated, TCO is the natural consequence of understanding the true meaning of function calls.

A languages that deprives you of TCO is cheating you of what is rightfully yours—stand up for your

rights! Because so many language designers and implementors habitually mistreat their users by

failing to support TCO, however, programmers have become conditioned to think of all function calls

as inherently expensive, even when they are not.

• A special case of a tail call is known as tail recursion, which occurs when the tail call within a

procedure is to the same procedure. This is the behavior we see in the procedure for above. Keep in

mind, however, that tail recursion optimization is only a special case. While it is an important special

case (since it enables the implementation of linear loops), it is neither the most interesting case nor,

more importantly, the only useful one.



Sometimes, programmers will find it natural to split a computation across two procedures, and use tail

calls to communicate between them.4 This leads to very natural program structures. A programmer

using a language like Java is, however, forced into an unpleasant decision. If they split code across

methods, they pay the penalty of method invocations that use the stack needlessly. But even if they

combine the code into a single procedure, it’s not clear that they can easily turn the two code bodies

into a single loop. Even if they do, the structure of the code has now been altered irrevocably. Consider

the following example:

(define (even? n)

(if (zero? n)


(odd? (sub1 n))))

(define (odd? n)

(if (zero? n)


(even? (sub1 n))))

Try writing this entirely through loops and compare the resulting structure.

Therefore, even if a language gives you tail recursion optimization, remember that you are getting less

than you deserve. Indeed, it sometimes suggests an implementor who realized that the true nature of

function calls permitted calls that consumed no new stack space but, due to ignorance or a failure of

imagination, restricted this power to tail recursion only. The primitive you really want a language to

support is tail call optimization. With it, you can express solutions more naturally, and can also build

very interesting abstractions of control flow patterns.

• Note that CPS converts every program into a form where every call is a tail call!

Exercise 20.4.1 If, in CPS, every call is a tail call, and the underlying language supports TCO (as Scheme

does), does the CPS version of a program run in constant stack space even if the original does not? Discuss.

Exercise 20.4.2 Java does not support TCO. Investigate why not.



You might think, from last time’s extended example of continuation use, that it’s absolutely necessary to

have state to write any interesting continuation programs. While it’s true that most practical uses of the full

power of continuations (as opposed to merely exceptions, say) do use state, it’s possible to write some fairly

complicated continuation programs without state for the purposes of testing our interpreter. Here are some

4They may not even communicate mutually. In the second version of the loop above, for invokes loop to initiate the loop. That

call is a tail call, and well it should be, otherwise the entire loop will have consumed stack space. Because Scheme has tail calls,

notice how effortlessly we were able to create this abstraction. If the language supprted only tail recursion optimization, the latter

version of the loop, which is more pleasant to read and maintain, would actually consume stack space against our will.



such programs. You should, of course, first determine their value by hand (by writing the continuations in

the form of lambda↑ procedures, substituting, and evaluating).

First, a few old favorites, just to make sure the easy cases work correctly:

1. {bindcc k 3}

2. {bindcc k {k 3}}

3. {bindcc k {+ 1 {k 3}}}

4. {+ 1 {bindcc k {+ 1 {k 3}}}}

And now for some classic examples from the continuations lore:

1. {{bindcc k

{k {fun {dummy}



2. {bindcc k



{k 3}}}}

3. {{{bindcc k k}

{fun {x} x}}


4. {{{{bindcc k k}

{fun {x} x}}

{fun {x} x}}


The answer in each case is fairly obvious, but you would be cheating yourself if you didn’t hand-evaluate

each of these first. This is painful, but there’s no royal road to understanding! (If in doubt, of course, run

their counterpart in Scheme.)



(define-type CFAE-Value

[numV (n number?)]

[closureV (p procedure?)])

;; interp : CFAE Env receiver → doesn’t return

(define (interp expr env k)

(type-case CFAE expr

[num (n) (k (numV n))]

[add (l r) (interp l env

(lambda (lv)

(interp r env

(lambda (rv)

(k (num+ lv rv))))))]

[if0 (test truth falsity)

(interp test env

(lambda (tv)

(if (num-zero? tv)

(interp truth env k)

(interp falsity env k))))]

[id (v) (k (lookup v env))]

[fun (param body)

(k (closureV (lambda (arg-val dyn-k)

(interp body (aSub param arg-val env) dyn-k))))]

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

((closureV-p fun-val)

arg-val k)))))]))

Figure 20.1: Making Continuations Explicit



(define-type KCFAE-Value

[numV (n number?)]

[closureV (p procedure?)]

[contV (c procedure?)])

;; interp : KCFAE Env receiver → doesn’t return

(define (interp expr env k)

(type-case KCFAE expr

[num (n) (k (numV n))]

[add (l r) (interp l env

(lambda (lv)

(interp r env

(lambda (rv)

(k (num+ lv rv))))))]

[if0 (test truth falsity)

(interp test env

(lambda (tv)

(if (num-zero? tv)

(interp truth env k)

(interp falsity env k))))]

[id (v) (k (lookup v env))]

[fun (param body)

(k (closureV (lambda (arg-val dyn-k)

(interp body (aSub param arg-val env) dyn-k))))]

[app (fun-expr arg-expr)

(interp fun-expr env

(lambda (fun-val)

(interp arg-expr env

(lambda (arg-val)

(type-case KCFAE-Value fun-val

[closureV (c) (c arg-val k)]

[contV (c) (c arg-val)]

[else (error ”not an applicable value”)])))))]

[bindcc (cont-var body)

(interp body

(aSub cont-var

(contV (lambda (val)

(k val)))



Figure 20.2: Adding Continuations as Language Constructs




Memory Management


Chapter 21

Automatic Memory Management



We have seen in Section 13 that, when making data structures explicit in the store, the store (or heap) has allocated data that are no longer necessary. Ideally, we would like this space reclaimed automatically. This

would enable us to program as if we had an infinite amount of memory yet, so long as we never exceed the

actual virtual memory capacity at any instant, the program would never halt with an out-of-memory error.

Whose responsibility is it to reclaim these locations? It can’t be the responsibility