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for the two to live in the same universe. If the types were not supplied until execution, the type checker not

be able to detect errors until program execution time, thereby defeating the most important benefit that types


It is therefore clear that the type procedures must accept arguments and evaluate their bodies before the

type checker even begins execution. By that time, if all the type applications are over, it suffices to use the

type checker built earlier, since what remains is a language with no type variables remaining. We call the

phase that performs these type applications the type elaborator.

The problem with any static procedure applications is to ensure they will lead to terminating processes!

If they don’t, we can’t even begin the next phase, which is traditional type checking. In the case of using

length, the first application (from the procedure use) is on the type num. This in turn inspires a recursive

invocation of length also on type num. Because this latter procedure application is no different from the

initial invocation, the type expander does not need to perform the application. (Remember, if the language

has no side-effects, computations will return the same result every time. Type application has no side-


This informal argument suggests that only one pass over the body is necessary. We can formalize this

with the following type judgments:

Γ e : ∀α .τ

Γ e < τ >: τ [α ←τ ]

This judgment says that on encountering a type application, we substitute the quantified type with the type

argument replacing the type variable. The program source contains only a fixed number of type applications

(even if each of these can execute arbitrarily many times), so the type checker performs this application only

once. The corresponding rule for a type abstraction is

Γ[α ] e : τ


< Λ (α) e >: ∀α.τ

This says that we extend Γ with a binding for the type variable α, but leave the associated type unspecified

so it is chosen nondeterministically. If the choice of type actually matters, then the program must not type-


Observe that the type expander conceptually creates many monomorphically typed procedures, but we

don’t really want most of them during execution. Having checked types, it’s fine if the length function that



actually runs is essentially the same as Scheme’s length. This is in fact what most evaluators do. The static

type system ensures that the program does not violate types, so the program that runs doesn’t need type




Explicit polymorphism seems extremely unwieldy: why would anyone want to program with it? There

are two possible reasons. The first is that it’s the only mechanism that the language designer gives for

introducing parameterized types, which aid in code reuse. The second is that the language includes some

additional machinery so you don’t have to write all the types every time. In fact, C++ introduces a little of

both (though much more of the former), so programmers are, in effect, manually programming with explicit

polymorphism virtually every time they use the STL (Standard Template Library). Similarly, the Java 1.5 and

C# languages support explicit polymorphism. But we can possibly also do better than foist this notational

overhead on the programmer.



Chapter 30

Type Inference


Inferring Types

We’ve seen the value of having explicit polymorphism in our language—it lets us write programs that work

on may different types of values. Even mainstream languages like C++ and, more recently, Java have recog-

nized the value of this form of parameteric polymorphism, and they have noticed that it complements and is

not subsumed by the polymorphism common to object-oriented languages (called subtype polymorphism).

Despite its benefits, it’s very unwieldy to use explicit parametric polymorphism to write programs such

as this:

(define length

<Λ (τ)

(lambda (l : list(τ)) : number


[(Empty?<τ> l) 0]

[(Cons?<τ> l) (add1 (length<τ> (Rest<τ> l)))]))>)

when we could instead write

(define length

(lambda (l)


[(empty? l) 0]

[(cons? l) (add1 (length (rest l)))])))

As computer scientists, we should ask: Is it possible for a programming environment to convert the latter

into the former? That is, can the environment automatically fill in the types necessary for the former? This

would be the best of both worlds, because the programmer would avoid the trouble of the typing while still

getting the benefit of the typing.

While this would be nice, it also seems nearly magical. It seems hard enough for humans to get this

right; can a program (the environment) do better? Still, we should not despair too much. We’ve already seen

several instances such as closure creation, garbage collection, and so on, where the language implementation




was able to do a more accurate job than a human could have done, thereby providing a valuable feature while

reducing the programmer’s burden. Maybe inserting type annotations could be another of those tasks.

Because this is obviously challenging, let’s try to make the problem easier. Let’s ignore the polymor-

phism, and just focus on generating types for monomorphic programs (i.e., those that don’t employ poly-

morphism). In fact, just to make life really simple, let’s just consider a program that operates over numbers,

such as factorial.


Example: Factorial

Suppose we’re given the following program:

(define fact

(lambda (n)


[(zero? n) 1]


(∗ n (fact (sub1 n)))])))

We’ve purposely written true instead of else for reasons we’ll soon see. It should be clear that using true

doesn’t affect the meaning of the program (in general, else is just a more readable way of writing true).

If we were asked to determine the type of this function and had never seen it before, our reasoning might

proceed roughly along these lines. First, we would name each expression:

(define fact

1 (lambda (n)

2 (cond

[ 3 (zero? n) 4 1]

[ 5 true

6 (∗ n 7 (fact 8 (sub1 n)))])))

We would now reason as follows. We’ll use the notation [ · ] to mean the type of the expression within the


• The type of the expression labeled 1 1 is clearly a function type (since the expression is a lambda).

The function’s argument type is that of n, and it computes a value with the type of 2 . In other words,

[ 1 ] = [ n] →[ 2 ]

• Because 2 is a conditional, we want to ensure the following:

– The first and second conditional expressions evaluate to boolean values. That is, we would like

the following to hold:

[ 3 ] = boolean

[ 5 ] = boolean

1We’ll need to use this phrase repeatedly, and it’s quite a mouthful. Therefore, we will henceforth say “the type of n ” when

we mean “the type of the expression labeled by n ”.



– We would like both branches of the conditional to evaluate to a value of the same type, so we

can assign a meaningful type to the entire conditional expression:

[ 2 ] = [ 4 ] = [ 6 ]

• What is the type of 3 ? We have a constraint on what it can be:

[ zero?] = [ n] →[ 3 ]

Because we know the type of zero?, we know that the right-hand-side of the above equality must be:

[ n] →[ 3 ] = number→boolean

which immediately tells us that [ n] = number.

The first response in the cond tells us that [ 4 ] = number, which immediately resolves the type of 2 and

determines the type of 1 in atomic terms. That is, the type of fact must be number → number. However,

it’s worthwhile to continue with this process as an illustration:

• We have a constraint on the type of 6 : it must be the same as the result type of multiplication.


[ n] × [ 7 ] →[ 6 ] = number × number→number

• The type of 7 must be whatever fact returns, while 8 must be the type that fact consumes:

[ 1 ] = [ 8 ] →[ 7 ]

• Finally, the type of 8 must be the return type of sub1:

[ sub1] = [ n] →[ 8 ] = number→number


Example: Numeric-List Length

Now let’s look at a second example:

(define nlength

(lambda (l)


[(nempty? l) 0]

[(ncons? l) (add1 (nlength (nrest l)))])))

First, we annotate it:

(define nlength

1 (lambda (l)

2 (cond

[ 3 (nempty? l) 4 0]

[ 5 (ncons? l) 6 (add1 7 (nlength 8 (nrest l)))])))



We can begin by deriving the following constraints:

[ 1 ] = [ l] →[ 2 ]

[ 2 ] = [ 4 ] = [ 6 ]

[ 3 ] = [ 5 ] = boolean

Because 3 and 5 are each applications, we derive some constraints from them:

[ nempty?] = [ l] →[ 3 ] = numlist→boolean

[ ncons?] = [ l] →[ 5 ] = numlist→boolean

The first conditional’s response is not very interesting:2

[ 4 ] = [ 0] = number

Finally, we get to the second conditional’s response, which yields several constraints:

[ add1] = [ 7 ] →[ 6 ] = number→number

[ 1 ] = [ 8 ] →[ 7 ]

[ nrest] = [ l] →[ 8 ] = numlist→numlist

Notice that in the first and third set of constraints above, because the program applies a primitive, we can

generate an extra constraint which is the type of the primitive itself. In the second set, because the function

is user-defined, we cannot generate any other meaningful constraint just by looking at that one expression.

Solving all these constraints, it’s easy to see both that the constraints are compatible with one another,

and that each expression receives a monomorphic type. In particular, the type of 1 is numlist → number,

which is therefore the type of nlength also (and proves to be compatible with the use of nlength in expression

7 ).


Formalizing Constraint Generation

What we’ve done so far is extremely informal. Let’s formalize it.

Constraints relate different portions of the program by determining how they should be compatible

for the program to execute without error. Consequently, a single program point may result in multiple

constraints. Each set of constraints represents a “wish list” about that particular point in the program.

Consequently, a program may lead to contradictory constraints; hopefully we will be able to find these later.

One slightly confusing aspect of constraints is that we write them to look like equations, but they reflect

2Note that the 0 inside the [ · ] is an expression itself, not a number labeling an expression.

30.3. ERRORS


what we hope will be true, not what we know is true. Specifically, they represent what suffices for safe

program execution.3

For each expression n in the program’s abstract syntax tree, we introduce a variable of the form [ n] .

That is, if the program has the form (foo 1 2), we would want to introduce variables for 1, 2 and (foo 1 2).

Because abstract syntax tree nodes are unwieldy to write down explicitly, we will associate the node with

the expression at that node. We use [ · ] to represent the type of a node, so the types of the expressions in

the example above would be [ 1] , [ 2] and [ (foo 1 2)] .

Each expression type generates different constraints. We present below a table that relates the type of

expression at a node to the (set of) constraints generated for that node. Remember to always read [ · ] as

“the type of the expression” (within the brackets):

Expression at Node

Generated Constraints

n, where n is a numeral

[ n] = number


[ true] =boolean


[ false] =boolean

(add1 e)

[ (add1 e)] =number

[ e] =number

(+ e1 e2)

[ (+ e1 e2)] =number

[ e1] = number

[ e2] = number

(zero? e)

[ (zero? e)] =boolean

[ e] = number

(ncons e1 e2)

[ (ncons e1 e2)] =list(num)

[ e1] = number

[ e2] = list(num)

(nfirst e)

[ (nfirst e)] =number

[ e] = list(num)

(nrest e)

[ (nrest e)] =list(num)

[ e] = list(num)

(nempty? e)

[ (nempty? e)] =boolean

[ e] = list(num)


[ nempty] =list(num)

(if c t e)

[ (if c t e)] =[ t]

[ (if c t e)] =[ e]

[ c] =boolean

(lambda (x) b)

[ (lambda (x) b)] = [ x] →[ b]

(f a)

[ f ] = [ a] →[ (f a)]

Notice that in the two prior examples, we did not create new node numbers for those expressions that

consisted of just a program identifier; correspondingly, we have not given a rule for identifiers. We could

have done this, for consistency, but it would have just created more (unnecessary) variables.

Exercise 30.2.1 What is the complexity of constraint generation?

Exercise 30.2.2 Using the expression at the node, rather than the node itself, introduces a subtle ambiguity.

Do you see why?



Here’s an erroneous program:

3We use the term “suffices” advisedly: these constraints are sufficient but not necessary. They may reject some programs that

might have run without error had the type system not intervened. This is inherent in the desire to statically approximate dynamic

behavior: the Halting Problem is an insurmountable obstacle. An important constraint on good type system design is to maximize

the set of legal problems while still not permitting errors: balancing programmer liberty with execution safety.



(define nlsum

(lambda (l)


[(nempty? l) 0]

[(ncons? l) (+ (nrest l)

(nlsum (nrest l)))])))

Can you spot the problem?

First, we’ll annotate the sub-expressions:

(define nlsum

1 (lambda (l)

2 (cond

[ 3 (nempty? l) 4 0]

[ 5 (ncons? l) 6 (+ 7 (nrest l)

8 (nlsum 9 (nrest l)))])))

Generating constraints as usual, we get the following (amongst others):

[ 8 ] = number

because the function returns a number in both branches of the conditional, and

[ 9 ] = numlist

from the type of nrest. Consequently, it appears we can infer that the value bound to nlsum has the type

numlist → number. This is indeed the type we expect for this procedure.

We should not, however, annotate any types before we’re generated, examined and resolved all the

constraints: we must make sure there are no inconsistencies. Completing the generation and solution process

does, in fact, result in an inconsistency for this program. In particular, we have

[ 7 ] = numlist

from the type of nrest, while

[ 7 ] = number

from the type of +. Indeed, the latter is the type we want: the numlist only materializes because of the faulty

use of nrest. Had the programmer used nfirst instead of nrest in the left-hand-side argument to the addition,

the entire program would have checked correctly. Instead, the type inference engine must recognize that

there is an error resulting from a type conflict: the expression (nrest l) is expected to have both the type

number and the type numlist. Because these are not compatible types, the type “checker” must present the

user with this error.

We use quotes around “checker” because it has, in some sense, disappeared. Instead of checking types

annotated by the programmer, the type system now tries to fill in the programmer’s annotations. If it suc-

ceeds, it can do so only by respecting the types of operations, so there is no checking left to be done. Failure

to annotate the program completely and unambiguously is now the indication of a type error.




Example: Using First-Class Functions

We will consider one final example of constraint generation, to show that the process scales in the presence

of functions as arguments. Consider the following program:

(define nmap

1 (lambda (f l)

2 (cond

[ 3 (nempty? l) 4 nempty]

[ 5 (ncons? l) 6 (ncons 7 (f 8 (nfirst l))

9 (nmap f 10 (nrest l)))])))

This program generates the following constraints:

[ 1 ] = [ f ] × [ l] →[ 2 ]

We get the usual constraints about boolean conditional tests and the type equality of the branches (both must

be of type numlist due to the first response). From the second response, we derive

[ ncons] = [ 7 ] × [ 9 ] →[ 6 ] = number × numlist→numlist

The most interesting constraint is this one:

[ f ] = [ 8 ] →[ 7 ]

In other words, we don’t need a sophisticated extension to handle first-class functions: the constraint gener-

ation phase we described before suffices.

Continuing, we obtain the following three constraints also:

[ nfirst] = [ l] →[ 8 ] = numlist→number

[ nmap] = [ f ] × [ 10 ] →[ 9 ]

[ nrest] = [ l] →[ 10 ] = numlist→numlist

Since l is of type numlist, we can substitute and solve to learn that f has type number → number. Conse-

qently, nmap has type

(number → number) × numlist → numlist

which is the type we would desire and expect!




Solving Type Constraints


The Unification Algorithm

To solve type constraints, we turn to a classic algorithm: unification. Unification consumes a set of con-

straints and either

• identifies inconsistencies amongst the constraints, or

• generates a substitution that represents the solution of the constraints.

A substitution associates each identifier (for which we are trying to solve) with a constant or another iden-

tifier. Our identifiers represent the types of expressions (thus 4 is a funny notation for an identifier that

represents the type of the expression labeled 4). In our universe, inconsistencies indicate type errors, and

the constants are terms in the type language (such as number and number → boolean).

The unification algorithm is extremely simple. Begin with an empty substitution. Push all the constraints

onto a stack. If the stack is empty, return the substitution; otherwise, pop the constraint X = Y off the stack:

1. If X and Y are identical identifiers, do nothing.

2. If X is an identifier, replace all occurrences of X by Y both on the stack and in the substitution, and

add X → Y to the substitution.

3. If Y is an identifier, replace all occurrences of Y by X both on the stack and in the substitution, and

add Y → X to the substitution.

4. If X is of the form C(X1, . . . , Xn) for some constructor C,4 and Y is of the form C(Y1, . . . ,Yn) (i.e., it has the same constructor), then push Xi = Yi for all 1 ≤ i ≤ n onto the stack.

5. Otherwise, X and Y do not unify. Report an error.

Does this this algorithm terminate? On every iteration of the main loop, it pops a constraint off the stack. In

some cases, however, we push new constraints on. The size of each of these constraints is, however, smaller

than the constraint just popped. Therefore, the total number of iterations cannot be greater than the sum of

the sizes of the initial constraint set. The stack must therefore eventually become empty.

Exercise 30.5.1 What are the space and time complexity of this algorithm?


Example of Unification at Work

Let’s consider the following example:

1 ( 2 (lambda (x) x)

3 7)

4In our type language, the type constructors are → and the base types (which are constructors of arity zero). More on this in

Section 30.5.3.



This generates the following constraints:

[ 2 ] = [ 3 ] →[ 1 ]

[ 2 ] = [ x] →[ x]

[ 3 ] = number

The unification algorithm works as follows:





[ 2 ] = [ 3 ] →[ 1 ]


[ 2 ] = [ x] →[ x]

[ 3 ] = number

Step 2

[ 3 ] →[ 1 ] = [ x] →[ x]

[ 2 ] → [ 3 ] →[ 1 ]

[ 3 ] = number

Step 4

[ 3 ] = [ x]

[ 2 ] → [ 3 ] →[ 1 ]

[ 1 ] = [ x]

[ 3 ] = number

Step 2

[ 1 ] = [ x]

[ 2 ] → [ x] →[ 1 ]

[ x] = number

[ 3 ] → [ x]

Step 2

[ x] = number

[ 2 ] → [ x] →[ x]

[ 3 ] → [ x]

[ 1 ] → [ x]

Step 2


[ 2 ] → number→number

[ 3 ] → number

[ 1 ] → number

[ x] → number

At this point, we have solutions for all the sub-expressions and we know that the constraint set is consistent.

Writing these in detail is painstaking, but it’s usually easy to simulate this algorithm on paper by just

crossing out old values when performing a substitution. Be sure to work through our examples for more

practice with unification!


Parameterized Types

In the presentation of unification above, we saw only one type constructor with positive arity: →. A regular

programming language will typically have many more constuctors. A common source of parameterized

types is containers: lists, trees, queues, stacks, and so forth. For instance, it is common to think of lists

as parameterized over their content, thus yielding list(number), list(symbol), list(list(number)), list(number

→ symbol) and so on. Identifying list as one of the type constructors for the unification algorithm suffices

for typing unityped lists.




The “Occurs” Check

Suppose we generate the following type constraint:

list([ x] ) = list(list([ x] ))

By Step 4, we should push [ x] = list([ x] ) onto the stack. Eventually, obeying to Step 2, we will add the

mapping [ x] → list([ x] ) to the substition but, in the process, attempt to replace all instances of [ x] in the

substitution with the right-hand side, which does not terminate.

This is a familiar problem: we saw it earlier when trying to define substitution in the presence of recur-

sion. Because these are problematic to handle, a traditional unification algorithm checks in Steps 2 and 3

whether the identifier about to be (re)bound in the substitution occurs in the term that will take its place. If

the identifier does occur, the unifier halts with an error.5 Otherwise, the algorithm proceeds as before.

Exercise 30.5.2 Write a program that will generate the above constraint!


Underconstrained Systems

We have seen earlier that if the system has too many competing constraints—for instance, forcing an iden-

tifier to have both type number and boolean—there can be no satisfying type assignment, so the system

should halt with an error. We saw this informally earlier; Step 5 of the unification algorithm confirms that

the implementation matches this informal behavior.

But what if the system is under-constrained? This is interesting, because some of the program identifiers

never get assigned a type! In a procedure such as map, for instance:

(define (map f l)


[(empty? l) empty]

[(cons? l) (cons (f (first l))

(map f (rest l)))]))

This is an instructive example. Solving the constraints reveals that there is no constraint on the type passed

as a parameter to the list type constructor. Working through the steps, we get a type for map of this form:

(α→β )