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Chapter 24The Business of Open Source (Stuart Sim)

24.1Introduction - Stuart Sim*

I want to welcome Stuart Sim and thank him for agreeing to contribute to the Impact of Open Source Software and Open Educational Resources on Education series on Terra Incognita. Although his post was scheduled to appear on April 1st, 2008 (eastern U.S.), Stuart has run into problems that have delayed the posting. We will delay the posting by about a week. Stuart will be sharing some of his experiences with open source software from the perspective of a system architect and his activities in the business of supporting and growing open source applications.

Stuart Sim
Figure 24.1
Stuart Sim

Stuart Sim serves as the Chief Technology Officers and Chief Architect of Moodlerooms, which provides comprehensive technical support services to the Moodle course management system open source software. Stuart has spent the past 15 years developing enterprise solutions around the world in the education and financial sectors. His core expertise is in the design and delivery of large-scale implementations using combinations of classic and innovative development methodologies in distributed multi-disciplinary environments.

Prior to joining Moodlerooms, Stuart served as the Chief Architect of the Education Business Solutions group at Sun Microsystems. At Sun, he was involved with the development and promotion of open standards in education systems design to drive down the barrier of adoption of practical technical solutions using open source projects.

I met Stuart while I was working at the SUNY Learning Network and he was at Sun. Since then Stuart’s work has started to addresses some of the traditional concerns at universities about deploying an open source learning management system, opening opportunities for schools of varying capacity. Please feel free to comment (early and often!), ask questions, build on the conversation, and enjoy.

24.2The Business of Open Source*

Author - Stuart Sim, "The Business of Open Source". Originally submitted April 11th, 2008 to the OSS and OER in Education Series, Terra Incognita blog (Penn State World Campus), edited by Ken Udas.

First off let me state the obvious and say that building a business that depends on open source is not an easy thing to do. If it was, there would a great deal more success stories out there.

Offering services around Intellectual Property (IP) you own, manage and control that no one else can replicate - or not easily any way, is a well understood model if not always executed in the best way. Grabbing hold of ‘free’ software and wrapping services in a completely transparent way means really understanding operational risk. Given that the same IP is available for anyone to do exactly the same thing and compete in your marketplace means your always fighting to innovate faster than the next guy and that can only be a good thing.

Personally, I love the idea of forcing my competitors to innovate.

The goal of course is to build a value proposition to the market that provides the highest quality of service at the lowest cost. The transparent nature of open source projects allow you to develop your own risk model where you can identify exposure and price your services competitively.

Visibility into the underlying source code is the first step. Those organizations that participate in the project community gain a much greater advantage than those listening from the outside. By contributing to the development of the code and gathering feedback from both the software users and fellow developers, a more refined risk model can be developed with lower risk premiums and therefore a greater competitive pricing model can be offered to the market.

The more obvious benefits that are more widely presented include reduced internal costs in two significant areas: research and development and support.

There are companies that invest nothing in R&D and, generally speaking, history has not been kind to them. This is especially true of software companies where very tight competition forces constant innovation. In a closed model that innovation has to be paid for by the customer and is often non-transparent so the true value is hard to assess.

The other major cost in a closed environment is the end user support where the model has to be developed and maintained internally and paid for entirely by the customer. Without the ability to share any proprietary material, the market is forced to accept whatever inefficient support model the supplier can offer.

Thankfully, we’re rapidly moving from the old days of having two extreme options. The first option is working in a world with locked down commercial licenses and no access to source code, while the second option on the other side was having all the code to play with and no support number to call for help or guidance.

Many companies sell software solutions under a commercial license where their customers get access to the source code for analyzing performance issues using their own profiling tools. For any organization that has their own technology team capable of compiling the application from source and inserting monitoring hooks, this can be a nice compromise where infrastructure risks can be managed internally but with the safety of external support should things go wrong.

It comes down to decomposition and transparency. The winners will be the ones that understand the market will reward companies offering choice of platform, services, support and leadership - none of which are dependent on each other.

Again, I love forcing people to innovate through disruption. If the game is not working for you then simply change the rules of the game.


1. Ken Udas -April 11th, 2008 at 1:18 pm

Stuart, First, thank you very much for this direct posting on such a relevant topic. It provides a lot of hooks to talk about. I have two questions to start out with:

You are a leader at MoodleRooms, can you tell me a little about the MoodleRooms model, which it value add is, and what types or organizations can benefit from the business/service model that you are using?


Are there qualities to Moodle that make it a good open source application to support your model? That is, what are the qualities of OSS applications that make then better for the “Business of Open Source?”

We can start here, and expand out a bit more later. Ken

2. Stuart Sim - April 17th, 2008 at 8:19 pm

Hi Ken, The Moodlerooms model is simply to offer the best hosted platform for Moodle services on the planet. Moodle already has a strong functional and pedagogic focus and our mission is to complement that success with the introduction of world class enterprise qualities.

We aim to disrupt the market by sharing the design of the hosting platform with our partners and competitors and therefore forcing better service from all the service providers.

Cheers, Stuart

3. Stuart Sim - April 18th, 2008 at 12:27 pm

The openness and active collaboration of the Moodle community highlight the best properties of an open source project needed for anyone to develop competitive services in support of the code.

The community is also very welcoming of experiences shared by commercial service providers from the field and supports healthy discussion on the issues related to operating and supporting the code base.

4. Ken Udas - April 22nd, 2008 at 5:39 pm

Stuart, I see what you are doing from the Moodlerooms perspective, but what do you think that larger impact services like Moodlerooms is having on higher education and the use or acceptance of open source applications in the LMS space?

Thanks, Ken

5. Steve Foerster - April 23rd, 2008 at 11:19 am

Hi Stuart, thanks for your interesting post. How do you compare the services that you and other open source providers offer with those from closed source competitors? For example, my university uses Blackboard, which offers integration with student records systems like Datatel.

6. Kim Tucker - May 20th, 2008 at 7:30 am

In Africa and other parts of the “developing” world some have recognised the importance of free/libre and open source software in terms of cost and (more importantly) empowerment - i.e. rather than being passive consumers of highly restrictive software, being able to adapt and develop the software further and offer services to make a living (e.g. distribution, training, support, configuration and customisation, software development, etc.).

There is a project starting up which may be of interest to readers, and we invite participation:

I have started by including a link to this blog posting on one of the Curriculum pages.

Thanks! :-)


“The Business of Open Source,” the twenty first installment of the Impact of Open Source Software Series, was posted on April 11, 2008, by Stuart Sim. Stuart serves as the Chief Technology Officers and Chief Architect of Moodlerooms, which provides comprehensive technical support services to the Moodle course management system open source software. Thanks, Stuart, for a great posting!

In his posting, Stuart raises some of the challenges of building a business model for wrapping services around intellectual property (IP) that is open. He points out that providing services for IP that you own provides an element of control that you do not have while supporting OSS. Your success with open IP is based entirely on the value proposition of your services.

Stuart clearly communicates that there are significant benefits to providing services for OSS as well as challenges. First, working in the OSS space provides a strong impetus to innovate and manage risk. For example, code visibility provides an advantage to commercial service providers who become part of the development community, spend time understanding the code and community, and contribute to the code. It is through this type of involvement that a service provider can better refine its risk model, reduce its risk premiums, and pass them on to customers.

The “punch line” of Stuart’s posting is that transparency leads to efficiency, efficiency to lower cost, and lower cost leads to more and happier customers/users. While code transparency provides opportunities for efficiencies, the inefficiencies associated with proprietary (closed) IP come, at least in part, from the non-competitive nature of how R&D is conducted and services are provided in closed software environments. The development of comprehensive and commercial service providers such as Moodlerooms, has eliminated, for some OSS products, the problem for end users of having great low cost software, but no options for external software support. The economics of open code allows smart service organizations to provide low-cost high-value services, and smart software users to take advantage of both low or non-existent license fees, and low cost services.


There were a few more general comments about model and what factors associated with specific OSS products/communities allow for a good commercial service support model. The conversation never really gained much traction, which is unfortunate. I think that the topic is incredibly important for OSS communities as well as organizations that adopt OSS into their core business systems, and customer facing parts of their value chain. So, in a while, I am going to take another stab at this topic and see if we can get a little more teased out of it. For now, I think that Stuart has provided some nice conceptual points to hang on to, and some foundation to build from, which are very important for a dialog that is still under exploration and development. Any suggestions for authors or approaches to expand on this topic would be greatly appreciated!

Thanks again to Stuart for his interesting and insightful post and responses. I also want to extend a big thank you to Steve Foerster for adding to the post, and other folks who have been reading along. On May 1st, Joel Thierstein, who serves as the Associate Provost for Innovative Scholarly Communication at Rice University and Executive Director of Connexions will be posting on “The Role Of University Faculty In The OER World.” The schedule for the series can be found on WikiEducator.
