
Mysterious Stranger
Mysterious Stranger

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Author: Mark Twain, Narrator: Robert Donald

Playtime: 5 hours

In this anti-religious tale, Twain denies the existence of a benign Providence, a soul, an after-life, and even reality itself. As the Stranger in the story asserts, "nothing exists; all is a dream."

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Listen to Chapter One on Player
Chapter 1
Mysterious Stranger - Mark Twain
Reader Reviews
  • User image   Steve
    19 Dec 2016
    I gave this audiobook 5 stars not necessarily for the story but for the audio. Robert Donald does a wonderful job making Twain's tale come alive for the listener. His pacing his good, his voice clear, and the emotions come through. As for the story itself, it is certainly another side of Twain than we are used to seeing. If you get nothing else out of the story, you may at least begin to wonder about ideas of right and wrong and how people are judged by others.
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