Cryptofauna by Patrick Canning - HTML preview

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cryptocommunist [krip’to kom’yə nist] n. a person who is secretly a communist or communist sympathizer.


cryptocrystalline [krip’to kris’tə lin] adj. Mineralogy. minutely crystalline; having crystals too small to be seen even with a microscope


cryptofascist [krip’to fash’ist] adj. a person who is secretly a fascist or fascist sympathizer.


cryptofauna [krip’to fônə] n. rarely seen animals or persons of great influence or effect, that may be extinct or entirely mythological.


cryptogam [krip’tə gam] n. Botany. an old term for plants having no seeds, such as ferns and mosses.


cryptogamic [krip’tə gam’ik] adj. of cryptogams; resembling cryptogams.


cryptogamous [krip tog’ə məs] adj. = cryptogamic.