What is CryptoCurrency & What are 12 Ways I Can Profit from It? A Basic Guide to Unlock Your Door to the World of Crypto by Cindy and John Donohue - HTML preview

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            "Working Hard for something you don't care about is called STRESS. Working Hard for something you Love is called PASSION."


            This is New, Exciting & Can Change your Direction in your Life. It could be the Financial Fuel to your Fire... To be able to afford to Follow Your Passion. While you're reading this eBook...ask yourself, "Can Cryptocurrency Empower the Average person to become their own Bank?" 




            We Believe It Can. Technically put... Cryptocurrency is a Digital Currency. Additional Encryption Techniques are used, however, to regulate the generation of the units of currency (ie: coins) & to be verifiable in the transfers of funds from one cryptocurrency location to another. 


            Cryptocurrencies also operate Independently of a central banking system. These Decentralized Cryptocurrencies are now providing an outlet for personal wealth which is beyond restriction and confiscation. 




            What is CryptoCurrency

            Simply put... It is Internet Cash, a Decentralized Currency and a Transaction method that is gaining popularity because it is a private, fast and secure way to spend, send and receive money through the internet. It has low or No Transaction Fees, regardless of the amount. 


            More and More People, around the world, are becoming familiar with CryptoCurrency every day. How many ways can you benefit from being a part of the CryptoCurrency World? You are going to be surprised, to say the least. And this is just the Tip of the Iceberg!