A Walk Through the Mormon Paradox into the New Age Quantum Shift of the Interconnected Consciousness Throughout the Para by George Mckenna - HTML preview

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I sauntered to the police line as the mushrooms started to kick in. I felt a great peace, and presence. As I got closer, there were about four hundred people pacing back and forth, holding signs with vague assertions of freedom and opposing corruption. Occasionally someone would shout, “whose streets?” and everyone else would chime in, “Our streets”. I felt like I wasn't the only person who saw what was wrong with the world. I felt a real kinship with the people there, although we hardly said a social word, we didn't need to. We were standing with each other on the brink.

Suddenly twelve cops came running out of their encampment and tackled one of my new found friends. Hitting him with truncheons as they zip tied his wrists and mercilessly dragged him face down along the pavement back to their lines. The crowd erupted into shouting displeasure and then chanting “The whole world is watching”. They world wasn't watching, neither was the country. The only people watching were police.

We stood around for a little, everyone's anxiety was starting to ratchet up after the first snatch and grab. I remembered thinking, 'How can this be happening in Canada'. And as those thoughts danced in my mind, the police grabbed another person, and then shortly after that another. They started to smash their batons onto their riot shields in unison and began shouting collectively, “Move. Move. Move. Move”

Some of us stayed put, with hands raised. The police were extra rough with people that could  demonstrate such courage. The rest us moved back as they began their advance. I spotted the CFRB 1010 news van and thought it would be smart to stay close to the media, the thinking being cops wouldn't be brutal if it was going to be on TV. The problem was, CFRB 1010 is an AM radio station, no camera's.

Some horse mounted units were trotted out and the crowd started jeering, “get those animals off those horses”. One guy got trampled by a few horses as police riding them heading for the epicenter of the crowd. We had been pushed right back to the legislature building, and began locking arms, trying desperately to sustain our line.

It was at this point that the tear gas came out, and the crowd dissipated as the first volley soared over our heads. Then bullets were dancing on the pavement around us as the echo's of the gun fire rang out and reverberated off the buildings. 'Were they using live fire?' I mused to myself as I ran for an alley off to the side. Four or five us decided to duck out the side, deciding to by-pass the onslaught the police had prepared on the other side of the legislature building.

More shots rang out as we ran down the alleyway. Bullets ricocheted off the stairs, the ground and walls. One got my right ankle, another got my left shoulder and a third came zipping by left ear. It was only after we cleared the alley and were in the U of T campus that I checked my wounds and I thankfully discovered they were indeed using rubber bullets.

A news camera man came darting out of the alley shortly after we did and the reporter with him asked“Did you get all of that?” He said with a look of excitement. The camera guy retorted, “I doubt they'll air it”.

I took off my camouflage jacket and put it in my backpack and replaced it with a collared shirt, sunglasses and a hat. I didn't want to get nabbed on my way home. I walked down to Queen and all the way over to Church before I hoped in a cab to get me the rest of the way. The cabbie asked me if I had been at the protests that day and I said I had. He told me to stay home the rest of the weekend, I had done enough already. I hadn't even gotten started.

I got home and I was disturbed by what I had seen on the news, it was the same things before I left, burning cop cars and smashed windows. Nothing about the unprovoked attack on the protestors at Queens Park, nothing about the police brutality, nothing about the fact that Queens Park was the designated free speech zone(whatever the fuck that means). In my frustration I penned a poem.

I went to Queens Park, because that’s where I was told to go If I had a grievance with the G20 and wanted others to know.

I sat on the curb and burned through a pack, While staring down pigs that started to attack. Armed with nothing but my rights and a belief in free speech, I saw those dreams crumble and started to weep.

  Democracy is dead and here's the proof,

 A news camera man said he couldn't show ALL of the truth!

 We did not die in Flanders fields,

 To have our freedoms beaten out of us with batons and shields.

 Rubber bullets fired indiscriminately into the crowd, Waiting for the sound cannon so it can really get loud.

 I saw no protesters incite any violence, Just the police, yet the media is silent.

 We called out in vain our charter, namely 2 c) But the cops shouted louder that we needed to leave.

 And then started to brutalize us one by one, Intimidated and scared we started to run.

 And as we fled down the ally

 Rubber bullets let loose on our peaceful rally.

 To serve and protect is just another crock of shit, To brutalize, oppress and control is much more like it.

 They told us where to go, so they could kick us out, Its time for DUNDAS SQUARE, get ready to shout.

 I've got a bass, my buddy an ax,

 Show love and dissent with peaceful acts.

I still want to live in a world were we all can sit back and sing Kum-by-ya  Just never thought it would against violent cops trying to be marines, saying hurrah.

  We've got the place, so you pick the time, Be in the heart of our city AND the victim of crime.

I stared at the words on the screen, wondering what good, if any they would do. I shared my piece with the Facebook page for the protest, I got some comment on how the poetry was lame because it used rhyming couplets. I slept uneasy that night, unsure of what was the best thing to do.

The next morning I was up before the sun, plotting out my next move, anxiously pacing in the living room. I had decided I would go to the square and play my music like I said in the poem, see what happens. As I left the house there was group of people standing in the park across the street. I decided to check out what they were up to.

Around the corner from my house was the Toronto Film Studio that had been modified into a prison for the protestors. The group had formed in efforts for a solidarity march for those that had been detained. The plan was to march down to the jail and demonstrate outside until they let some people out.

As we marched the crowd was somber and uneasy, nervous from the brutality we had witnessed yesterday. I carried my amp as I walked with the guitar on my back pondering what it was that would happen next. We blocked off the street across from the jail, and began to chant, “We are unstoppable another world is possible”. I got out my bass and tried to play, it was incredibly unnerving playing next to a stoic militant police officer, let alone a line of them.

When suddenly three dodge caravans pulled up screeching to a halt on the road. Out jumped a bunch of plain clothed men wielding batons indiscriminately into the crowd. One of them hit my left knee and I doubled over onto the ground. Someone tried to grab my neck, but I think when they saw the guitar strapped around me the figured I'd be to much of a hassle to detain. So he picked the girl beside me instead.

Three people were kidnapped and loaded into the vans as they sped off down the road, doors open raining down punches on their new captive. The police began to launch multiple rounds of tear gas into the crowded street. At the other end a police armored vehicle was parked, as SWAT men had their riffles trained on the unarmed protestors walking toward them signing give peace a chance.

I ditched the amp and hobbled into an alley, averting police detection. I waited for things to die down for a few minutes, changed my shirt, put on my hat and sunglasses, stashed the guitar and calmly walked back around to the scene of the earlier melee and casually picked up my amp and snaked my way back into the alley. I couldn't understand why everyone didn't just disperse like that, they can't chase in all directions.

So I walked to the square, unsure of my comrades fate. I set up my bass and started to pluck the lines the kum-by-ya. I looked up Yonge and it was filled with people on bicycles. The cops were preventing them from crossing Dundas. I turned the volume on my amp way up and let the ominous notes of the peaceful hymn ring out in the in the tense downtown air. The people started to cheer and some even started to sing.

The crowd was too much for the police to contain, and the cyclists started to pour past their barricade down towards Queen. I smiled as they passed ringing their bells and giving peace signs. It felt like we had done something in that moment. We decided we wanted both change and peace.

Later that day the police kettled hundreds of people at the intersection of Queen and Spadina, detaining them one by one, as rain soaked them to the bone. They were put in zip ties and loaded onto buses with cranked air conditioning. Over a thousand people were arrested that weekend. Could we really call ourselves a free country?

The next Monday I was back at work selling Ice Cream. That morning many of the people who had been arrested were being released from the courthouse, which happened to be in my territory. So I decided it was free ice cream for the protestors day. Some cops came up and asked for some, I told them it would be $30 a cone if they wanted one. Shortly after that I was fired from that job, I can't imagine why.


But back before the G20 summit and before my fun loving mushroom filled summer there was a winter and cold dark spring of contempt. I had hated myself for my gay experience and told only one close friend. Her surprised reaction shook me, and I never spoke or thought of it again. How crafty and cunning was my beguiled mind, clinging to the western illusion of normalcy robbing me of any subtle peace I might find.

I stayed indoors, caught up in flurry of frustrating and fascinating thoughts. It was a journey of remorseless search and discovery, uncaring of who saw. A desperate and vast search through the tapestry of human history, with a thread of connectivity that very few can see within the hidden mystery, and how we were taught that slavery means free.

We had just moved in and the discovery came pouring, I felt the truth of the spirit and its love, so adoring. I would open my bible without any linear reason, and let the magic of the universe speak through these thoughts of treason. 'Its just a book' I'd try to convince myself, 'there's no hidden mystery, that saves souls from hell'. Those thoughts were errant, so I humbly scarfed them down, always realizing that I'm constantly learning, in this heightened state. I was spellbound.

I'd find video's and discussions, and pour out my thoughts, finding myself in online word wars against Mormon idealists, taking upon my own cross. I wrote letters and epistles coordinating my own revolution through rambling facebook status tangents that few could comprehend.

My room mate would check in from time to time, continuing his perpetual sales pitch and how these idea's could make a dime. I feared the capitalist system, it was were beautiful art went to die. He would play devils advocate in an attempt to further develop and enhance these ideals, but the devil doesn't need an advocate, he's already real. His game is simple, he'd rather be right than feel. Why feel remorse and change your course, when it feels better to be right, apologizing is such a chore.

So in this state of heightened awareness, my friends wanted to help me, because they weren't careless. The intentions they had were simply the best, but even well meaning bullets can kill you, if you're not wearing a vest. There are lessons which your madmen have learned, and we find unconventional methods for these lessons to disperse. It's beauty, its magic, and right now its just words. And that's what they will remain, until our message is learned.

And yes it's quite simply put to say there's good news. But how can one comprehend this when they crave the modern blues? We seek out the bottom, because it's their time to be on top, because if we flip this upside down world over, things might finally start to make sense.

So I read from my bible and studied my faith, to truly be prepared for the task I was called to undertake. I don't believe in hiding knowledge, so I'd like to share how came to the conclusion of the day I felt called by the spirit of God to be a prophet in the modern age. Now please understand that doesn't make my words perfect, or true or right. Being a prophet is to be a philosopher, with the connotation that [you] love the light. To aim for that title, there are a certain number of beliefs to which you must subscribe.

Now where prophets have failed in the past there is but one distinction that I must make clear, I only know the God that knows me and it's not a being I fear. The heavens are open and pouring out knowledge, if you could put aside your pride, it would certainly bend your ear. And the things which it will provoke in you, will make absolutely no sense. But its showing you things that only once they're completed will you start to comprehend.

You will be inspired to burn bridges and create ripples as you shake a force of clouded confusion from your mind. Stopping to ponder, will only give it time. But its the time it takes, to root it out from within yourself. In a society this fucked up, insanity is the only cure for your spiritual health.

And as these thoughts brewed and grew and started to take root, a passage in the bible penetrated through to my heart. A description of a prophet being a wise man that sought after God. I know this to be true, it's how I know I'm not a fraud.

Now that's not to say, that soul of Elijah or Christ itself has not been on the earth since that time. I believe there could be many, who are from the same spiritual line. But the earth is a war zone, its a miracle I'm alive. But I think there might be an extra terrestrial Jesus, as in, literally the same guy. The big black carpenter with holes in his hands.

And in this time some beautiful thoughts did materialize. Discoveries about aliens and where humanities allegiances should lie. I've never been abducted or even seen a UFO, but I feel that I've been chosen so that the world can collectively know, that WE are not alone.

Our concept of God has been so contorted and construed, to clear up this confusion I believe I've been sent to you. God could give a shit about your language or what sexual partner you might choose, God could give a fuck about your religion, it wants to clear your blues. I use IT, because its something beyond definition or gender, and trying to comprehend the mystery is what creates such splendor.

Religion should not offer a definite or absolute, its suppose to be open ended, so a discussion can ensue. Prophets aren't simply orators or originators of thoughts, true prophets invoke questions, to uncover why we're lost. We don't offer solutions, we put out idea's and see if your conscious evolution has taken root to hear, the words of ugly strangers, who speak with a language that is clear.

It may be long winded, it may not be concise, but this is done deliberately to wrestle your minds away from vice. And I’m not talking about cigarettes or all your careless lays, or even that awesome magazine. I'm talking about being self involved, while living in this modern age. It's completely irresponsible and kind of deranged.

At your finger tips you have access to a level of information that twenty years ago was unfathomable. The biggest lie is that of the expert professional. The idea that in order to know about something, you must be involved in it through a government sanctioned educational institution its laughable, if it wasn't an idea that was held so to be so rational.

In these moments I felt the ever expanding clutches of the surveillance state, and found myself under a lens and on a list. My idea's were too complex for such petty exchanges, all did was draw attention to myself which in turn would manage to make life more difficult. But it is the struggle where the mystery unravels and you see it unveiling before your very eyes.

I began to fear the world around me, as the eye of evil focused in its sight. What I'm saying is straight up delusional, so strap in we're about to take flight. The devil himself rules our world, the bible makes that very clear. So when you focus your energy onto his nets of negativity, you become caught up in his snare. His game is one of masterful lies and confusion, playing to your insecurities and imperfections, to lock you up and keep you enslaved.

Freedom is not driving around with car on loan with gas bought on a credit card to buy a variety of home and garden products on a store credit card to take back to house with a mortgage you can barely afford. So why is it that we feel so compelled to consume? Because in Satan's capitalism what else can you do? Your body is a disgusting thing compared to the endless sea of beauty they parade across your brainwashing television screen. You can't have success if your not beautiful, we're simply not living in world that is such a way.

You won't be chosen for something because of your gifts talents or capabilities, you'll be chosen because you figured out the system and were able to finagle yourself something in a back room somewhere. Every move you make is to serve your own best interest. Nobody is really thinking whats best for the society, or even the company for that matter. At the end of the day it comes down to satisfying investors and pillaging the customers.

That's not capitalism. Capitalism is where businesses a make profit from providing goods and services to customers. In capitalism the businesses with the best products, that do right by their customers should win. In turn, the free market decides which area's of innovation and technology the society will pursue and develop, based on the simple principal of demand.

So what's holding back all this new innovative so called 'green' technology, like electric cars, renewable energy extraction, sustainable food development, waste management and natural medicine? These are products and services that the market is demanding at the moment, so why isn't capitalism getting the job done? Because what we're dealing with isn't capitalism, its enslavement, and its been happening since before your grandparents were born.

Evil is calm cool and calculating. Weighing odds and outcomes, waiting for the perfect moment to strike. And evil is like good, its a force that's omnipresent, its in me and its in you. And throughout our history, people have sat at the top of the heap, there's something about that status that the dark seeks to keep. They belong to an old religion, a faith that's as true as mine. And it's concept with which your already familiar, if you've heard of the Jedi.

A long long time ago, in a galaxy far far a way, I wonder if Mr. Lucas knew how true his words were on that day. All things are true. Few stories are just simply made up. They're made up of little idea's, that come from a perspective. No two are alike, none are more or less reliable than the others, its on you the observer, to see where the truth spikes.

The truth is something you know when you hear it. You can find it in 'the Catcher in the Rye', a Hollywood movie or a history book. When something is true, it will speak to you, and those are the things you must seek to understand. Because the truth is plan, but it won't reveal itself right away. That is to say, you won't comprehend it immediately, it might take a couple days. If something is truthful it will always require your consent. It's when you're dealing with evil that your mind gets bent.

Evil jumps in with reactionary motions, with pure intentions of self preservation is how its idea's start to take root. Better him than me, becomes the next justification, followed by what will others think of me, followed by the cover up of some minor indiscretion. And that builds up, you start to think you're fooling the world, when really you're just robbing yourself of true growth in freedom, as our world twirls and dances throughout space and time, you've been caught up in nothing while you've been living this hollow lie.

And when you feel your gravestone calling, standing in the middle of your life, dealing with all these unanswered questions, while trying to sleep at night. The solution is a pure and open abandon. Forsaking all your ill gotten goods and excesses, striping your life down to almost nothing and seeing where the wind carries you. Then grow where you are planted, and drink in this new sweet and beautiful life. And then take your masterpiece etch a sketch, and make the screen go white.

Strip down to nothing, and go plant again, you'll be surprised with how easily you make new friends. Fresh starts and blank slates are major advantages to individuals in the 21rst century. How long will you still have this freedom? That's the part that gets me.

As the corporate state of out dated and stagnated technology hordes its place, standing in the path of our evolution, I may not be Hitler, but here's my final solution. There's no need for riots, or burning cars, or smashing windows or fights with the pawn enforcers of their game. All we need to do is get rid of the stock market, its a rigged casino that robs all of us every time a jackpot is paid out.

We need to end this illogical currency scheme of money created at interest. That's like when your dad say's everyone in the family gets to vote on where we go for vacation, but he gets fifty one percent of the vote. That's how simple it is, and that's how stupid they think you are. This of course is incredibly stupid of them, but they're smart enough to fund all types of distractions, to keep you running on their treadmill, powering their vision of a future that does not include you.

In a democracy this kind of thing doesn't happen. It would be nice if I got live in one of those at some point. The will of the people will never be met as long as the agenda and interests of the nation are set by financiers and major industries. New innovations and idea's no matter how beneficial they are to the general population will never be implemented unless it falls within the agenda of their manipulation and control. Anything else is a threat to they're waning powers, in a feeble attempt to dumb you down. They offer you garbage instead of substance. They break you down instead of build you up.

You're obviously intelligent, look how far you've made it into this incredibly dense book. But who reads books nowadays? They want to wait for the movie. Side note, if this somehow does become a movie its only going to happen if its written and directed by and staring me. This would be a pretty meta part of a movie based on a book, don't you think?

And as these thoughts swirled and fluttered I tossed and turned in my bed. Unable to stop putting together these pieces of these seemingly disconnected things I've said. My room mate returned still patiently being my friend, but I could see that he was deeply nervous with my social mask so far removed. I mistakenly began to fixate on his fear, as devil in my mind began to run loose. Caught up with thinking and connections, I could feel as the fear started to shift my perceptions.

I started to mistrust God as I pondered what were his intentions, because that cunning devil, is a master of insurrection. And in this domain, in which he reigns, the most evil people want to keep things the same. They don't care about others, they have no real friends. They've never connected with humanity, so they seek to fulfill its end. Not intentionally mind you, for the most part, their minds are focused squarely on themselves. But in doing so, they've made their comfort more important, than the lives of those who provide it, you.

Will there always be rulers? It looks that way I'm afraid. But knowing this, we should develop a system that makes these awful ones go away. Rulers need to have at one point sat at the bottom, and seen the world from a peasants eyes. Because beggars and kings are quite similar, just sitting on opposite sides. To each, all they have has been given from the people who pass them by. Each sits in thought, mulling over a perspective of how they got to be where the are. But the King is a master, with a butler, and the beggar a former slave that desires to be free. True freedom will only be realized, when the masses see beggars as their kings of the street and offer them the only currency of value in this day and age, time.

We don't need social workers. We need people to start recognizing each others humanity, and no longer turning a cold shoulder when their inner voice speaks, as they look into a fallen kings eyes. Sometimes you can change a persons life with a penny, nickel or a dime. Sometimes your moved to talk over coffee, sometimes they'll sleep on your couch. Sometimes they'll break down crying, and you've found a lost friend, screaming to get out.

These thoughts are illegal. These words are too beautiful for a world ruled by evil. But here's the advantage of the modern day. I'm not counting on pupils to write down what a say. Here are my words, straight from their source, I'm a fallible man, speaking truth, without remorse. And if these words have found you< I hope they'll set you free. I'm sharing the lessons from my journey as you can plainly see.

This was the school of the prophets, it was how I planned to teach, but fearing the pejorative norms, it was a dream I trembled to seek. What will they say? As the fear crept in. They'll say you're a cultist, and riddled with sin. I seek not to enslave, I demand no followers. What I demand is freedom, for all of earths sons and daughters. They freedom to believe in whatever you so wish. The freedom to choose your own life, and set out dreams you wish to accomplish.

Yet heaven is a co-created dream, that WE achieve as a collective. And how do we get there? By expanding our perspective. Seeing the world, for what it truly is, would make you want it to change, before you had any kids. We're not over populated, we're over polluted and clogged up. Our light is being diluted, we're not getting enough.

And the vision came on how we would be saved. By entering an understanding with beyond the grave. In our religions that we've neglected to explore there's a connected through line, its proof of more. I saw globe in backward spin, it started in the west, a florescent pink symbol, high above the earth, from North America through Europe down into Mecca, passing through Cypress before heading to India. And with each destination, the symbols brightness grew, showing collective understanding as the idea's passed through.

Each lesson adding to the one before,

 strengthening its unity until it hung over China, and we sat at the foot of tree, as a master did speak, and the world itself was overcome with great peace. And South America broke out in parades, while the north stared in confusion waking from its decadent age, completely dumbfounded, with nothing to say.

And Africa was finally free to determine its own fate. The worlds abundance and wealth fervently shared with haste. An out pouring of humanity is what would have averted the apocalypse. It would have shown the universe, we ready to be a part of it. Unfortunately for man kind the bells will soon toll. And all we have lived and died for will be in empty hollow space, and go cold.

But we have a choice in this future. We can decide its not too late, because our collective power is

 unstoppable, we only get it when we conquer hate. The cosmos are eagerly waiting, to be joined by your human face, how we get there begins in your own mind. Only you have the power to shape fate. Its not just that you create your own reality, you perceive one that is shared. And in your perspective there are your thoughts, ones that you dare not share. Let them out, you'll be in awe of what happens when you do. The world becomes like a spring fresh flower, blossoming beauty into view.

So here's the lesson in this story, I hope you've learned what to do. Because these words were written by a dead man. And I want you to know how they'll do it, because it happens the same way every time.

I'll start to preach my sermon, and the spirits will come to life, and even the evil will manifest, and do what it can to crush out the light. The lights shines in the darkness, and the darkness goes, “what the hell was that?” And in their egotistical confusion they'll say, “that fucking guy is on crack”. “He's out of his mind” they'll try to suggest, but you should know what they're really saying is, “look how he undermines our ill gotten power, this guys the best”.

And as this spectacle plays out to offer up to the masses confusion, the ones who control will say, “its all a delusion”. From their pulpits of profit they'll deny Gods way, and arm the adversary to keep things the same. And then the paramedics and police will arrive, to arrest, to detain and institutionalize. And in the back room, the security guards will beat me up, as the doctors inject poisonous drugs in a feeble attempt to try and shut me up.

The first needle will have no effect, then a second a third, followed by a fourth and I'm dead, so I'll share these last thoughts that pass though my head.

“Have I done any good in this world today? Have I put down in words and shared all that I needed to say? Did I make it clear that I am just human and living the same life? Have I provoked others to thought and conquered this strife? Will this peace we've craved finally be attained? I wish I had more love, it's the only thing I'd change. If I let you down I'm sorry, if you feel you failed me, just know you haven't. It's a shitty world, and these things happen. Just don't let this all be in vain. There is beauty to life I'll gladly proclaim. And this body is but a vessel, you'll see me again. I'm a master of shape shifting, I could be your new best friend. Sitting out on the sidewalk, begging for change, with a hat in my hand, being familiar yet strange.”

If you enjoyed this work, feel free to share it with others. I'm not dead yet, but I'm living with bare cupboards. This is a work brought to you by free humanity, living outside the corporate world. Its a pay what you feel, if you so wish kind of deal. I won't do a copy right, or deal with any of this militant ISBN crap. We can deal with each other direct so here's my email address. Make your security question something that requires someone to think. Have a little faith in humanity, it will change ho

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