Anastasious by Christina sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 5


“That king is a bastard, he will pay for my father’s death” said Anastasious in bed that night with Jason.

“L know and he shall pay, how about we go to Greece sweetheart and plead with the king there to start a war on Ireland” suggested Jason.

“Jason are you sure we should do that, innocent men will die fighting and Greece is enemy territory” said Anastasious.

“Jone Walker was an innocent man too and yet he died on the kings orders since our king is a bastard” Jason commented.

“You’re right we should start a war” said Anastasious. “Let’s leave first thing tomorrow morning” she said.

The next morning they took a ship out of Ireland to Greece.

“What shall we call our chid?” asked Anastasious.

“Jone if it is a boy in memory of your dead father and l don’t about it if it is a girl” he replied.

“If it is a girl l want to call it Cora” said Anastasious.

“That’s a nice name” commented Jason.

“L know it is, it is the name of my dead grandmother” Anastasious said to that.

“Oh” commented Jason. “So we go and see the king and queen of Greece and convince them to start a war with Ireland” said Jason.

“Yeah that’s what we’re going to do” said Anastasious.

“Sounds like a good plan, and we get to avenge your father’s death” said Jason.

“L know” commented Anastasious. When they arrived in Greece the first thing they did was see the king and queen.

After they entered to see the king and queen they both bowed.

“Stand up” the king called out. “What is it that you want me to hear” he questioned angrily.

“We’d like to start a war with Ireland” they said bravely.

“You’re Irish and you want to start a war with Ireland, interesting” the king said rubbing his chin. “The question is why do you want to start a war on your homeland?” he asked.

“Well our king is the cruellest bastard you will ever meet and he killed my pregnant wife’s father” Jason was cut off by the king.

“Did you just say that your wife was pregnant?” asked king Philip.

“Yes, she is” replied Jason.

“Well then l want your baby and if you refuse me wanting your baby there will be no war that is my deal” the king said.

“Deal” said Jason bravely.

“Guards, get these lovely people a room for the night they may stay in my palace for one night only or they could stay longer if l want them” said Philip. Jason and Anastasious were escorted to a room and stayed there for the night.

“Jason how could you do that, sell our child to start a war” she said angrily.

“Well you want your father avenged do you” he questioned.

“Course l do but” she was cut off by her husband.

“But, our child will grow up in a royal court and you want that for your child don’t you?” questioned Jason.

“Oh please, the king didn’t even give details of what he would do to our child” pointed out Anastasious.

“L think the queen is infertile and needs our baby” said Anastasious.

“Is she infertile?” questioned Jason.

“L don’t know just don’t talk about it, these walls might just have ears” pointed out Anastasious. Anastasious and Jason were later invited to dinner that night and were dressed in the traditional dress of the Greek court.

“So your majesty why do you want our baby?” asked Jason.

“My queen is infertile and l need an heir so why not your child?” he questioned.

“Oh l see” said Jason.

“You must be a man of war, you must know all of the strategies of Ireland” said Philip.

“L do know l do military training once a month” Jason said to that.

“Good then you’ll be my second in command when this war starts” said King Philip. “But can l trust you is the question” questioned the king.

“Be assured your majesty l am somebody you can trust, l would never betray a soul” Jason said to this.

“So l haven’t met your wife yet what is her name?” asked Philip.

“Anastasious” replied Jason.

“Hello Anastasious” the king said.

“Hello your majesty” said Anastasious.

“So that bastard killed your father, how does it feel knowing this” he questioned. The king loved the sound of her voice it was like the chirping of a beautiful bird. He also thought her beautiful as his wife was plain and ugly and absolutely positively boring.

“Well l always hated that bastard, let me tell you the story of how my father died” Anastasious paused for a second and took a sip of water and said “He didn’t have enough money to pay his taxes and he got arrested by the kings tax collector and l went to the king to plead his release and then the king got angry and ordered my father beheaded” she put down her head and said. “It’s so horrible” she said and cried. The king looked compassionately at her as if he was in love with her. Jason noticed this and felt resentment against his new ally, he hoped the king would not steal his wife, it was bad enough already that he wanted their unborn child.