Anastasious by Christina sophie - HTML preview

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Chapter 7


“Why did you kill that woman’s wife?” questioned queen Iodina.

“In self defence, look my sweet l already explained this at dinner” he said putting his hand around her shoulder on the ship. Anastasious was standing by the side of the ship just thinking of what might have been if her husband had not died. Now there was a war to wage and there was no escaping her sin of starting a war. The king left his wife for a moment and went to talk to Anastasious.

“My dear how are you?” he asked.

“I’m not good am l, do l seem good, no l don’t so please leave me alone” Anastasious was angry at the interruption of her thoughts by the man that had killed her husband.

When they finally arrived at Ireland the Greeks invaded.

“By my fathers honour this war is going to be full of bloodshed” Anastasious silently murmured to herself.

“We were unprepared for this” said the king of Ireland to his beautiful young wife.

“How could you let this happen” the queen complained.

“L had no idea those dirty Greeks would do this” the king said. “How was l to know they would do it today, l bet it was that slut and her awful husband that caused all this, l heard they travelled to Greece this all started when they came, Jason is coming for revenge for his father in law and my high taxes that l make them wage for, this is all my fault my dearest, l should have never ever made the taxes high” the king ran away from his wife and cried. It was true what he had said, the Greeks invading was his fault for all those taxes he created. Now his country was at war and it was all his fault.

“Those Irish have been in for a real shock” King Philip said.

“L know my dear, and we are in for a real treat” the king said chuckling.