Ayanna by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


The four Cadets were on their way to the Fort Wilcox Military Academy from the Crawfordton Public School. 

Every time Angela turned around, Mike was uncomfortably close.  He didn't say much, but was about as consistent as a shadow.

 Hunter was always trying to be in the middle of whatever was going on.  Hunter's younger brother Liam was always looking around dreaming about something.

"Hey rag-heads!"  It was Zach and two of his friends.  The boys were older and bigger that the cadets.

The Cadets looked at them, and just kept walking.

"OOOO!  Look at the badass rag-heads, with their zombie."

"Hey!  Shut up!" Hunter said.

"Hey!   Why don't you make me, wimp!"

Angela walked up to Zach.  Mike followed.  Then the others.

Angela said, "Hey Zach.  Remember the knife?"

"So?  How do you know we don't have knives?"

Angela said, "Do you really know how to use a knife you ignorant bastard?"

"Hey!  I know how to cut!"

"Really?  Do you know how to carve up a body and take all of the flesh off of the bone?  Do you know how to bust open the skull and suck the brains out of a head?  Do you know how to chew up the flesh and crap it all out the next day?"

The older boys winced.  One of them held his stomach and said, "I'm outta here."  Then they both walked off, hoping to be forgotten.

"Hey, where you going?"  Zach said to his wilting allies.

Angela got closer to Zach.  She put her hand in the same pocket that produced the knife the last time.  "That's you I'm talking about, you stupid son of a bitch.  I promise you I am going to turn your ugly face into manure for our garden if you come anywhere near any of us.  Do you follow what I'm saying?"

Zach was speechless.

Mike got in front of Angela.  His nose almost touched Zach's nose.   He said, "I'm hungry too, bitch."

Hunter chimed in, "I'm starved!"

Zach backed up slowly started walking fast in the direction of his demoralized friends.

Angela said, "Supreme excellence consists in breaking the enemy's resistance without fighting."

"Huh?" Mike said.

"That's out of Art of War.  It's a book.  If you do what is in it, you will win every time.  None of you guys tell Phil about this?  K?"

Mike told Angela, "What's that guy's deal?"

Angela said,  "He don't like me much.  Can't you tell."

"Well. . . I like you."



"'Cuz why?"

Mike just shrugged his shoulders.

Angela said, "You don't make any sense."

Mike asked, "You really didn't eat people, right?"

Angela said, "What do you think?"

"Umm. . .I don't know."

Angela said, "The important thing is that he believes I would do it, right?"

"Yea, I guess.  You're pretty smart, for a girl."

"C'mon Mike, I'm smarter than you."

"No you're not."

"Mike.  Seriously?"

"You just think you are."

"I think I am, because I am."


They walked quietly toward the Academy.

Mike said, "If someone did eat another person, do you think they would taste. . .yucky?"

"I know Zach would taste yucky," Angela said.

They started laughing.

Hunter said, "Yea, he would give me the runs."

Liam started laughing.  He swatted Hunter, who swatted him back.

Commandant Crawford was waiting at the Fort on the Cadets.   There were no clocks in use in the community, so the delay caused by the confrontation went unnoticed by Phil.  "We got work today, Cadets.  Let's start building our Academy.  We have to go out and scavenge for building materials.  We'll get whatever we can and bring them back here."

Liam said, "Can we shoot again?  I want to shoot!"

Phil said, "First, we get some of the building started.  If that goes okay, we may do some shooting.  I've got some lunch here from Amy for everyone."

Liam saluted, "Okay, Commandant."

Hunter said, "Liam wants to clean toilets."

The Cadets started laughing.

"Crawford!"  It was Captain Anderson hobbling along.  You missed the Colonel.  Actually he was pretty happy with our Academy.  Next spring he wants to send some more students to it.  He'll get some money to pay for it."

Phil was taken aback by the notion that the Academy somehow was the work of both Anderson and himself.   "I thought he wouldn't want any kids?"

"He says your kids can stay, but he will be sending mostly officers candidates, you know, real cadets to the academy.  He is also going to send a couple more instructors."

"We really got something going here, huh?"

"I'll say.  The Colonel talks like I can expect a promotion."

Phil wondered how this would all work out, but time would tell.  He could always revolt later.