Ayanna by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 21

Phil brought down a couple of boxes of old clothes from the attic.  Amy found an old skirt and top for Ayanna to wear at school.

 After wearing the skirt, Ayanna finally figured out why Mike was hovering.  The hovering only intensified.  Now she was drawing all kinds of attention.  Ayanna's new look in school was a hit.

Amy was still the school's teacher, and Phil was an assistant, but only on occasion.  While at school, Amy noticed the various reactions to Ayanna's makeover and told her, "Maybe the skirt was a bit too much."

Later that day at home, Ayanna told Amy, "No. I like it.  I want to keep wearing it."  All Ayanna knew was that she was fulfilling her commission as an underground operative.

Amy said, " I think it needs let down a little.  Phil might not like it." 

"Why not?"

"We can talk about it later."


Phil invited Mitch to take Ayanna's place in the Academy.  But Mitch wanted to learn to be a doctor so he chose rather to study with the doctors at the clinic.  The doctors saw promise in him because of the way he took care of Mitchell Raymond Mayweather.  In a couple of years, Mitch might have to do mandatory military service with the Confederation, but Phil thought maybe Mitch would get an exemption with his medical studies. 

So Phil invited Raymond to join the Academy, and Raymond accepted.  After school, Phil and the Cadets were on their way to the Academy at Fort Wilcox.    The boys saw Ayanna on her way to the Farm.

Phil glanced at the boys.  Every single one of them were gawking intently at her with a young predatory gawk.  Phil shook his head.

When they arrived at the Academy they were greeted by Captain Anderson.  The Cadets all gave him a salute.  As promised, the Confederation supplied six additional students from around the Ohio Confederation.  Funds were being provided by the Confederation to construct a barracks next to the Academy for the out of town students to live in.

The incoming Cadets were older than the local ones.  Phil thought that this new mix of students might ruin the already established chemistry among the students.  He thought about his commitment to Sophia Thomas.

Phil introduced himself to the new Cadets.  As he got to know them a little he found that they were excited to be there, and enthusiastic about their future in the Ohio Coalition Army. 

But there was an exception.  He spoke to Patrick, who just wanted out of the Academy and out of the Confederation Army.  As a 20 year-old, Patrick Kelly was in the OCA because of his mandatory service obligation.  His father wanted him to apply for the Academy, so he did, but his father's wishes was his only reason for applying.  Patrick passed the entrance testing that was conducted easily, getting the top score.  Already Patrick had gotten off on a bad foot with his fellow Cadets, who viewed him as toxic.  He was so disengaged that Phil wondered if he was a possible suicide risk.  All that potential, going to waste.  Phil found this troubling and he couldn't stop thinking about him.  They could not afford to lose such a potentially  brilliant human resource.

To make matters worse, Phil found out that Captain Anderson was getting a promotion to Major.  At least he would get re-deployed somewhere else.


When Ayanna showed up at the Farm, Elijah was pleased with the new look.  "Good Work, Ayanna." 

"Thank you, sir."  She brought all of her military equipment and books with her in a bag, in an effort to change her image at home.  "I'll just read gardening books at home."

"The only problem right now is with the skirt.  You are here to work, so the skirt is out."

"Got it."  She figured she could either change after school, or just wear pants to school.

"But today is fine, we will go out and do some shooting."


"Of course."

"The other thing is your ideas about the Hexmen.  We can discuss them over another game of chess."

"Okay."  Ayanna liked Elijah.  Was going to the Farm supposed to be this much fun?  She wondered how distasteful this 'work' was going to be, but it turned out to be extensive training in cop martial arts and army martial arts from Elijah.

Ayanna asked Elijah who the farmer was out in the field every day when she got to the Farm.  All he would say was "What farmer?"


The next day Phil went up to Fort Wilcox to get ready for the classes.  It had started to seem more like a job now.  But today would be different.  He was going to first pay Major Anderson a visit.  He found him eating in one of the blockhouses.


Anderson just looked at Phil, annoyed by the interruption.

"Congratulations on your promotion."

"What's up?"

"So I guess you'll be leaving soon."

"You guess right."

"I imagine that your claim that you started the Academy and your claim that you won the great victory over the Hexmen had quite a lot to do with your promotion."

"What's your point?'

"You know I don't really see it that way."  Phil held up a piece of paper.  "In fact, I've got a letter here, addressed to the Chairman of the Ohio Confederation that states you were negligent in your duties letting a clan of marauders so close to town and also how you were against the Academy from the get-go, and how you took credit for the design of the Fort.  I have no idea why they would believe that whopper. "

"Why would you say all that. .  . it's all lies."

"I fully intend to walk over to our one-legged Post Office Clerk and mail this completely believable letter unless you do the right thing."

"Oh really.   What the hell is the 'right thing'?"

Phil held up another piece of paper, "Here's another document, 'Major Liar', from Doctor Williams of the Crawfordton Clinic that states Patrick Kelly is unfit for duty."

"What?  Who's the liar now, Crawford?"

"The way I see it, this is a true statement.  You obviously don't know, or care anything about any of your men here.  Hey. . .I could add that to the letter."

  What kind of hocus pocus are you trying to pull here?"

"Here's the deal.  If you release Pat Kelly from the OCA, and the Academy, then I don't mail the letter.  If you don't, I hope you like your new post in West Virginia on the front lines with the Axis."

"Why do you want Kelly so bad?"

"Never mind that.  Deal?"

"What do I tell Kelly?"

"I'll tell him myself that he is being re-deployed to special service with the Crawfordton Guard."

"What if the Headquarters finds out?"

"Then it would look really bad on you, so I guess they better not find out."

Anderson said, "I'll do it; on one condition."

"Which is?"

"I want you out of the Academy, no 'Commandant' no nothing."

Phil thought about it.  "Kelly and I will go get our stuff now."

Phil never thought of himself as a quitter, but in the last few years, he was deposed as a King, then refused the title of Constable,  now he was giving up being a Commandant.  Yeesh.   But Phil did not live for titles and accolades.  So he was now concerned with the Junior Cadets and his promise to Sophia.

Phil found Kelly, who was up early working on the barracks.  "Kelly!"

"Yes Commandant."

"Get your stuff.  All of it.  We are out of here."


"That's right.  You're being reassigned."

"Oh great.  Now what?"

"Let's go.  I want to get out of here."

Pat Kelly had a backpack that held all of his worldly belongings.  It was a short walk, to the Farm.  "Where are we going?"  Kelly asked.

Phil said, "You see that farmhouse over there?"


Phil stopped, so Pat also stopped.  "Go in that back door of that house."


"This is the last time I will say this to you;  I think. Because I said so."

Kelly walked up to the house.  He saw a peculiar looking guy and a young girl out in a field with large hats, working the soil with hand tools.  Neither of them looked up at him.

He looked around and went into the house.  A middle aged, balding, black man was sitting at the kitchen table.  In front of him was a chess board.

"Have a seat, Pat.  My name is Elijah."

"Why am I here?"

"So we can have a friendly game of chess.  It's your move."

"I don't. . ."

"I said 'move'.  All people as smart as you plays chess.  You do play, don't you?"

 "Well, yea, I'm pretty good."

"Please."  Elijah held his hand out toward the board.

Both men made a few moves.  Elijah could feel that Pat was experiencing some tension.  He wanted to see how Pat would act under at least a little pressure.

"Tell me. . . Pat?  Patrick?"

"Either way."  Patrick made another move.

"Tell me Pat, what are your dreams?"

"Umm. . .What?"  He looked up from the board at Elijah.

"What do you want out of life?  Everyone wants something."

"I wanted out of the OCA."


"That's my business.  What is this anyhow?"

"What if I told you I was your friend?"

"You would have to prove it."

"How would I prove it."

"By doing something for me."

"Like what?"

"I don't know."  Patrick looked back at the chessboard and contemplated his next move.  "I just want to survive?"

"Why did you hate the OCA so much?"

"Why are you asking so many questions?"

"That's a fair enough question," Elijah said, "but I choose not to answer it.  Why do you hate the OCA so much?"

"I don't really hate it, I guess.  It was not really my idea to join you know, service is mandatory."

"The OCA took part of your life away."

"Yes.  That is exactly right.  I'll always hate them for that."

Elijah made a move, and was waiting for Patrick make a move.  "So, you had something you gave up to be in the OCA."


Elijah turned and pulled out a piece of paper and a pencil out of a drawer and set it in front of Patrick.  "Who was she?"

Patrick froze in place.  Elijah could sense that Patrick's breathing paused a moment.

"Is any of this any of your business?" Patrick asked.

"Yes.  Go on.  Give me her name and address."


"Because we are friends."

"How do I know you won't hold her hostage?"

"For what?  So I can have your backpack?"

Patrick stared at Elijah.   Elijah didn't flinch.  Patrick wrote on the paper.

Elijah looked at the paper.  He shook his head.  "You know, I'm trying to be serious here, right?"



"Schmickle is a real name."

"Yea, but 'Bella Schmickle' from Wapakoneta?"

"That's about like Joe Schmo from Kokomo."

"Hey, you can't make stuff like that up.  Neil Armstrong was from Wapak, you know.  It's a real town."

Elijah figured now would be a good time to change the subject.  "Patrick, you are a spy here now.  Don't say anything to anyone about it."

"I. . .I. . .I am?"

"I can say it again, if you like.  Patrick, you are now a spy, working for Crawfordton."