Ayanna by Den Warren - HTML preview

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Chapter 27

The next morning Ayanna went into the radio room to say goodbye to Phil.

"Ayanna, would you mind taking this message over to Elijah?"


"You can look at it."

The Ohio Confederation has expanded to now include almost all of free Ohio, after some new mergers with other groups.  Rogue towns like Delburg were still pending further action.

Anti-Axis Insurgents in the Toledo to Sandusky area were able to drive Axis forces back to Cleveland. 

Hawaii has been invaded by China.  Sources suggest a battle was fought with the Hawaiian Navy, which Hawaii inherited from the United States.

Dakota has formed an independent State.  May seek union with Canada.

Arizonans and New Mexicans are fighting back against the Chinese and their Latin American Allies.

Ayanna shrugged her shoulders.

Phil said, "None of that may seem like a big deal to you, but you have to look at the big picture and think about how little things can affect you in the future."

"Okay, Phil.  I'll give him the message after school."  Ayanna was just more concerned about whether or not Mike Hendricks would see her and follow her around again.

On the way to school she saw Mike Hendricks, who did not see her.  Mike was walking with Tabatha Collins.  Tabatha saw Ayanna.  She leaned toward Mike's ear while looking at Ayanna and was saying something.  Mike turned and looked at Ayanna and looked away.  Tabatha started giggling.

Ayanna wanted to go over and confront her about being catty, but it would just end predictably with Tabatha denying it and Ayanna acting like she was interested in Mike.  Ayanna did a self-examination.  Did she really like Mike?  Well not in that way, but she did have to admit to herself that she liked being liked.

In school, Ayanna tried to stay as far away as possible from Mike and Tabatha, who were always together.  Evidently Mike found a girl who liked to stalk as much as he did.  Instead of being involved in petty drama, Ayanna preferred to focus on learning something that could end up making her life better in the future.

After school she went to the farm.  She went into the farmhouse and found Elijah.

"It's all set," Elijah said.  "Here's the key to the handcuffs."   The boys are ready to go.

Ayanna took the key to the shed.  John was sleeping in an unnatural position on the mower seat.

"John!" Ayanna said.


"I got the key.  I'm letting you go,"

"Oh, thank you."

She popped the lock.  "Oh man, you don't know how much I appreciate this."  He rubbed his red, irritated wrist.

"Go John!  I'm going to be in a lot of trouble for this, and I won't get another chance!"

John the Hexman slipped out the door and started looking around.  He came back in.  "Which way is south?"

Ayanna had to think about where north was and then pointed south.

John went back out the door and started heading into Crawfordton.

Elijah, Rata, and Patrick were in the house looking out an upstairs  window. 

"He's going the wrong way," Patrick said.

Rata said, "Yea.  I was just thinking that.  Shouldn't he be going the other way?"

Elijah said, "You guys keep an eye on him.  Make absolutely sure he does not see either of you."

John had almost disappeared out of sight after he went past Fort Wilcox. 

"Okay.  We're on it," Rata said.

Ayanna came into the house.

"Did he say where he was going?" Elijah asked.

"South," Ayanna said.

"It could be a trick," Elijah said.

Ayanna said, "I don't think so.  He doesn't want anything to do with the Hexmen anymore.  He is going to try and start his life over someplace else."

Elijah said, "So you think a lot of their members think the same way?"

Ayanna said, "I do."

Elijah said, "You guys follow him awhile and make sure he is not just doubling back to trick us.  I don't want him giving the Hexmen intel about us.  But if he continues south, just come back."

"All right," Rata said.

Patrick and Rata watched John from a distance.  John wasn't stopping to talk to anyone.  He went south down Harris Road. 

They watched John from about a half mile away.  Patrick told Rata,  "Watch, he'll have to turn either east or west up here because of the Lake."    

John turned east.

Rata said, "He's not going to Delburg."

"Nope.  Let's watch him.  If he goes past the next side road without turning north, he is not doubling back."

John went to the next side road and turned south.

Rata said, "For real man, he is going south.  He is leaving the area.  That's all we need to know."

"Good riddance," Patrick said.

"Hey man, anyone can change, you know."

"He can do his changing someplace else."

Phil Crawford was outside cutting some wood.  He saw a man coming up the driveway.    Two Guardsmen stopped the man.  One of the Guardsmen went over to Phil.

"Phil, the new Captain of the garrison is here to visit with you."

"Thank you.  I'll go talk to him." 

"Phil Crawford?"


"I'm Captain Frank Durand, the new commander of Fort Wilcox."

"Nice to meet you Captain."

"Likewise.  I've heard so much about you."

"Really?  From Major Anderson?"

"Oh yes, he made a point of making sure I knew how great you were."

"Good man, the Major."

"Umm. . .Yes he is."  Durand looked down for a moment.  Would it be possible for me to meet with the military leaders of the Community?"

"Of course.  I am not the military leader, that would be Constable Jayden Phipps, but we are always ready.  When?"

"I'd like to today, if that works for you."

"See you in an hour."  Phil thought that this new OC Captain might be a break from the string of those he did not regard that highly.  There was nothing too wrong with this guy; at least so far.  He looked normal.  He walked normal.  He didn't seem overly political.

Phil rounded up Jayden and Elijah.  He knew Ayanna would be hovering around somewhere snooping when she got home from school since Elijah was there.

Elijah encouraged Ayanna to stay closely involved with the business going on in the House, and Phil was aware of it.  But Phil didn't really care.  He was an open book.

Phil went to the door and let Capt. Durand in.  He brought Durand to the dining room table.  "This is Constable Phipps and Inspector Williams."

The men shook hands with Durand, and he took a seat.

Durand said, " I would like to request your help in a matter that has significance to this locality.  Since the Axis has been set back on their heels for now, we would like to consolidate our control over the area.  The reason being we would like to establish petroleum trade with Texas, but our highway infrastructure is still not good.  There are too many rogue clans here and there to make travel safe.  I know Delburg is not really on a main thoroughfare, but it is just one more piece of the puzzle.  So, what I am thinking, is that we can take the garrison and go to Delburg and oust the current regime."

Jayden said, "You want to go into Delburg and take on the Gofinns?  How many of my men do you want?"

"I wasn't planning on using any.  All I want is for you to man the Fort while we are gone."

Phil chuckled.  But he was only laughing at the idea, not the Captain.  In fact, the Captain was his sort of chap.

Durand glanced at Phil.

Jayden said, "You are going to need more help than that."

"What makes you say that?" Durand asked.

"Experience," Jayden said.  "You are going to need some of the Guardsmen to help you, and that is with a very tight plan of action.  You may want to call in some Shanesville Raiders.  Elijah can supply you with a contact and intel."

"That would be great," Durand said, "We can provide the plan."

Jayden said, "Don't get me wrong.  I would love to be rid of that horrible bunch over there.  Trust me, don't take them lightly."

"I understand, Constable, we won't, from here on out."

Jayden said, "Elijah will take you over to the Farm, where you can design your strategy.  I want to send one of my three platoons of Guardsmen.  Another platoon and the HQ squad will watch the fort.  We'll hold the third platoon on alert, in reserve."

"Thank you Constable, you have been extremely helpful.  You are a true patriot to the Confederation."

Phil went out on the front porch.  Ayanna went running by him, heading toward the Farm.  He started laughing. 

Elijah and Captain Durand found Ayanna sitting at the table.

"Hi young lady," the Captain said.


"Can we use your table here?" Durand asked.

Elijah spoke up, "She's a military analyst."

Durand started laughing, "She's a what?!  That's funny.  No, we need. . . It was a joke. . .you. . .no way!  Okay, fine;  Little girl what is an APC?"

"An armored personnel carrier.  There are two of them in your own Fort, a French built VAB and a heavier US M-RAP.  I don't want to bore you with the details.  I'm not a know-it-all."

"Hmmm. . .What is a RPG?"

"Rocket propelled grenade.  I could tell you more, but it's a military secret."

"Are you kidding me?" Durand said.  "What round does a AR-15 shoot?"

"A .223 caliber, and all of ours can also shoot a 5.56 millimeter."

"Who was Barbie's boyfriend?"

"Barbie who?"

"Okay,  I got you now;  What size mortar did the UN use against you in the Battle of Crawfordton."

"81 millimeter.  And we kicked serious ass with nothing compared to what they had."  Ayanna counter-quizzed, "Who wrote The Prince?"

"Umm. . .Machiavelli?"

"Yep.  You're definitely good," Ayanna said.

"Okay, I asked for that one," Durand said.  "But can you keep a secret?"

"I'll vouch for that one," Elijah said.  "She knows all sorts of things that she 'doesn't know'.  Likewise, please don't brag to anyone about our little prodigy here."

"Of course," He shook hands with Ayanna.  "I look forward to working with you. 

"Me too," She smiled.

Durand said, "You know, I can't help it, but you just look so young, and I feel bad for saying it; a girl."

"Don't worry about it. . . And yea, Barbie's boyfriend was Ken."

Elijah and Frank Durand cracked up over that one.

They got together and made their plans.  Ayanna did not really have any problem with what Durand had to say, in fact, she found it enlightening.

The calculations involved in planning the scenario were highly detailed.  They even set up a wargame map to theorize and make adjustments.

Ayanna thought that Durand was undervaluing Platoon-B, led by Angel Howard, but she did not want to say anything that would commit Platoon-B to a more dangerous involvement in the raid.