Bringing Him Back by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 13


It was later that day, and they finished their pilots' debriefing with Colonel Weaver, and everybody forgot about Trevor freezing up during the battle. 

Ben ate chow with Trevor while Carl decided to eat chow with Henry. Ben was disappointed with his best friend's behavior toward Trevor.

They chow all relaxed in their tents for a couple of hours. 

Inside the Humble Abode, Bronson entered with a handful of letters.

He walked by Henry's bunk and dropped off a letter.

He walked by Kurt's bunk and dropped off a letter.

He walked by Dave's bunk and dropped off a letter.

He walked by Carl's bunk and dropped off a letter.

They all quickly snatched up their letters and quickly opened them. Smiles grew on their faces when they read news from their loved ones back at home. It was these letters that kept them going and for a brief moment, and they forgot they could die any day.

Bronson gave Ben the last letter then he walked back out of the tent.

Ben noticed Trevor didn't get a letter. "No letters from home, Trevor?" Ben asked.

"Not today."

"I thought maybe your wife would write," Ben asked. "What's her name again?" he asked.

"Teri," Trevor said.

"Well, I'm sure you'll be getting tons of letters soon," Ben said then he opened up his letter from Diana.

Carl watched while Ben read his letter and looked jealous she didn't write to him.

Ben got a huge grin on his face. "Diana's ready deliver any day now."

"Did she ask about me?" Carl asked anxiously.

Ben reread the letter. "No. Just stuff about her pregnancy and how her mom came over to help."

Carl's feelings looked hurt that Diana didn't ask about him. "Why won't she answer my letters? I thought we're friends?"

"She's busy being pregnant, I guess," Ben replied while he read his letter over again. "Who wrote to you?" Ben asked Carl.

"Mom," Carl said while he opened up and read the letter.

Trevor heard all their talk from his cot, and he felt sorry for Carl. Trevor got up from his bunk and walked to the aisle.

Ben saw Trevor while he walked to the flap of the tent.

"I'll see you later, Trevor," Ben called out to Trevor.

"Okay," Trevor called, then left the tent.

Ben got up and grabbed some paper and pen from his locker then got back on his bunk. He started writing another letter to Diana.

"Tell her that I send my love," Carl called out as he had a hunch he was writing her.

Ben smiled in return to signal he would mention that to Diana. 

"Are you going to tell her about Trevor?" Carl asked.

"Of course," Ben replied with a smile.

Carl got up from his bunk and walked to the flap of the tent since Ben's liking to Trevor was pissing him off, and he needed to walk off some steam.

Trevor walked around the base and thought how time was going to drag until that terrible day arrived. Then Trevor worried about the possibility that he might not survive until that day. After all, there would be Japanese trying to make him depart this Earth.

Then while Trevor walked around the base, Carl stalked him. While Carl watched Trevor, he had mean thoughts of beating him up, but he knew that would get him thrown in the brig. Carl quit stalking Trevor and walked away then headed back to the Humble Abode.

Later that evening, Ted and the other five band members set up their instruments along with Trevor.

A few Marines drank at tables and the bar.

Ted, Trevor and the rest of the band got in position. The band cranked up and started playing Duke Ellington's Take The A Train song.

Ben and Carl entered the tent.

Ben saw Trevor on the stage with the band while they headed to the bar.

Henry, Dave, and Kurt entered the tent and walked over to the bar.

From the stage, Trevor kept an eye on Ben and Carl while they were at the bar.

While Ben waited for his beer, he glanced over and saw Trevor on stage with the band. He smiled the second he saw Trevor and gave him a little wave.

Ben and Carl got their beers from the bartender and walked over then sat down at an empty table.

The band finished the Take the A Train song.

Trevor walked up to Ted and whispered in his ear. Ted nodded then said something to the band members, and they all nodded in agreement.

Trevor walked up to the microphone. "For our next song, we would like to play In The Mood for my friend, Ben Grayson," Trevor told everybody.

Ben looked impressed while Trevor sat back down.

Carl looked pissed with when he eyed Trevor.

The bank started playing Glenn Miller's In the Mood song.

Ben hummed along with the band, and Carl looked a little irritated.

"Remember that night in Santa Monica and how we danced to that song at the Boogie Woogie Dance Club?" Ben asked Carl.

"I do," he said with a smile because Ben let him dance with Diana to Moonlight Serenade later that night.

Henry walked up and sat down at their table. He looked at the band. "They sound great tonight," Henry said.

Ben nodded in agreement while he hummed along with the song, as that was his favorite tune.

Then after the song was over, Ben gave a little wave to Trevor who waved back.

"I'm going to the Humble Abode and finish my letter to Diana," Ben said. "Goodnight everybody," Ben said then he got up.

"Goodnight," Carl said.

"Goodnight," Henry said.

Ben walked over to the tent flap and went outside.

From the stage, Trevor looked disappointed Ben left for the evening.

It was an hour later, and the band stopped playing, and only a few Marines remained in the tent.

The band members got up and put away their instruments.

Trevor placed his trumpet in his case and walked away. He got to the tent flap and saw Carl drunk at the bar.

He stepped outside but decided to stay, so he stepped back inside the tent.

"I should have married her! Not Ben! Me!" Carl cried out while he slumped over at the bar.

Trevor glanced over at Carl and walked over to the bar.

Trevor saw Carl looking at the Santa Monica picture when he walked up behind him.

"She should be with me!" Carl slurred out while he stared at the picture.

Trevor stood next to Carl, who looked up at him.

"It's you," Carl said then took another drink of his beer. "Ben's new friend," Carl added with a sarcastic tone.

"What's wrong, Carl?" Trevor asked.

Carl swayed while he looked up at Trevor. "Diana should have married me. Not Ben. I'm her soul mate. Not Ben. And she won't even write me a letter," Carl slurred out.

Carl swayed forward then backward then he fell off his barstool and slammed on the floor. The picture fell out of Carl's hand and floated down to the floor.

Trevor picked Carl up and got him to his feet. He reached down and picked up the photo off the floor and shoved it in Carl's shirt pocket.

He walked Carl to the tent flap.

Trevor walked Carl, who had rubber legs, back to the Humble Abode.

Then just as Trevor opened up the tent flap of the Humble Abode, Carl's eyes widened and he vomited all over Trevor's shirt.

Trevor looked down at his shirt. "I guess that's payback from when I was a baby."

Trevor walked Carl into the tent.

Inside the Humble Abode, most of the officers were asleep. Ben sat on his bunk and finished his letter to Diana. He glanced over and saw Trevor walk an obvious drunk Carl down the aisle. He noticed the vomit all over Trevor's shirt.

Ben put his letter down and got off his bunk.

He walked over and looked at Carl then shook his head in disapproval.

"He's drunk again," Ben said just as Trevor plopped Carl on his bunk and he lay face down then fell fast asleep.

"He was complaining he should have married Diana," Trevor told him.

Ben frowned. "He gets that way once in a while."

Ben glanced at the vomit on Trevor's shirt. "I've been in your shoes before," he said with a chuckle.

Trevor looked concerned with Carl asleep on his bunk.

Ben walked over and got back in his bunk. 

Trevor walked over to his locker and removed his shirt. He glanced over at Ben, who lay in his cot and finished his letter to Diana.

Trevor walked away in his pants and tee shirt to the tent flap.

Ben glanced at Trevor while he left the tent, and he got concerned.

It was a beautiful night, and the sky was filled with twinkling stars. The sound of the waves crashing on the shoreline also filled the air.

Trevor walked up to his Corsair and walked around it while he looked it over. He climbed up the fuselage and got inside the cockpit then sat down in his seat.

Trevor looked around the console. He looked at the instruments then gazed up at the stars.

"Lord, I don't know if I can do this," he said while he looked up at the stars, and looked worried. "I got in way over my head. What the hell was I thinking? What if I get killed? I'll never see Teri again," he added.

"We're all scared," Ben said while he crouched down on the wing by Trevor.

Trevor jumped up startled when he saw Ben outside on his wing.

"A day doesn't go by when I'm scared of never seeing Diana or my baby. But I remind myself that we're here to ensure our loved ones will live in a free world," Ben told Trevor in a fatherly tone. 

Trevor looked at Ben and knew he couldn't tell him exactly what he was worried about but played along. "War isn't that glorious as what the movies make it out to be," Trevor said.

"I know, Trevor," Ben replied while he placed a comforting hand on Trevor's shoulder.

"Come, let's get some sleep," Ben said.

Ben stood up and got out of the cockpit.

Trevor climbed down the fuselage and waited for Ben while he jumped off the wing.

Trevor and Ben walked away from his Corsair.

"We have a baseball game tomorrow. I would love it if you were on my team?" Ben asked.

Trevor looked a little unsure with playing baseball. "I'm not very good."

"Don't worry. It's just for fun, and it's another good way to relieve more stress," Ben replied.

"As long as I don't have to pitch. I remember what happened to Carl back in El Toro," Trevor said jokingly.

Ben chuckled. "No pitching. I promise."

They walked away back to the Humble Abode.

They went inside the Humble Abode and saw Carl was still asleep on his bunk.

They hit their bunks and were soon fast asleep.

Trevor tossed and turned while he had a nightmare.

In his nightmare, Trevor flew with seven other Corsairs over the Pacific Ocean.  

He saw a Zero that attacked Ben's plane.

Trevor raced his Corsair after the Zero.

Ben's plane made evasive maneuvers to get away from the Zero but wasn't having much success. 

The Zero fired at Ben's Corsair and shot up the tail section.

Trevor had the Zero in his gun sights.  The split second he pressed his trigger, the Zero made an evasive maneuver and banked away. Trevor's fired his machine guns, thinking he still had the Zero in his gun sights.  

Trevor watched while Ben's Corsair exploded then his eyes widened in horror when he realized he shot down and killed his grandfather.

"No!" Trevor cried out from his nightmare.  Then he sprang up from his bunk and looked around dazed then got confused. It soon dawned on Trevor that he was back in 1944 and Ben was still alive.

Everybody in the Humble Abode tent jumped up from their bunks. Some thought there was an air raid and they hit the ground and covered the back of their heads.

Ben noticed it was Trevor who cried out.  

He got up and ran over to Trevor's bunk.

"Hey buddy, you okay?" Ben asked being concerned, as he had seen a guy crack up over this war the second day he arrived here.

Trevor looked at Ben then saw that Carl sat up in his bunk and just stared at Trevor. 

Trevor looked at Ben and could see the concern in his eyes.  Then Trevor looked back at Carl who lay back down on his bed and could care less. 

"I had a nightmare," Trevor told Ben.

Ben gave Trevor a comforting smile. "Don't worry, we all get them from time to time," Ben said.

"What a baby," Carl replied from his bunk with a sarcastic tone.

Trevor looked back at Carl and could remember when he spent the weekend at his grandparent's house and had a dream of monsters. Carl rushed to his bedside and told him that the monsters won't get him, as Carl was here to protect him. But now Carl hates him Trevor that hurt his feelings.

"Get some rest. We have the ball game tomorrow," Ben said then patted Trevor on his shoulder.

Ben got up and walked back to this bunk then went back to sleep.

Trevor lay on his back and stared at the ceiling.

An hour later, everybody was asleep except for Trevor, who still stared at the ceiling and thought about the situation he created.

Then Ben got up out of his bunk and stumbled half-asleep to the door. 

He had to pee, so he went to the latrine tent.

Then a few minutes after Ben left the tent, Carl quietly got out of his bunk and tiptoed over to Ben's locker. He rummaged though his locker and found his writing pad. He turned on a flashlight and shielded it from everybody while he quickly read Ben's letter to Diana. He looked pissed, as there was no mention of Carl but a paragraph about Trevor. He turned off the flashlight and placed the writing pad back in Ben's locker.

Carl quietly tipped toed back to his bunk and went back to sleep.

What a bastard! If only Diana knew. Trevor thought to himself as he saw Carl read Ben's letter. He wanted to get up and give Carl a piece of his mind but decided that he didn't want to create any more friction.

A few minutes later, Ben entered the tent and walked back to his bunk. He lay down and went back to sleep.

Trevor finally fell asleep twenty minutes later.