Bringing Him Back by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 18


The Raiders and Fireballs escorted the four B-25 bombers 18,000 feet above the Pacific where it looked so peaceful.

Trevor's plane flew 20,000 feet behind everybody else and followed the planes.

Way down below was the Japanese aircraft carrier about 30 miles away.

Then at 15,000 feet between the Raiders and Firebirds, five Zeros raced after them.

Inside Ben's Corsair, he saw the Zero's at his 10 O'clock position and they were climbing fast after them.

"Okay Fireballs, we have resistance coming at ten o'clock," Ben said into the radio net.

"Get ready Raiders," Fred replied from the radio net.

All the Raiders and Firebirds broke formation and raced after the Zeros.

Ben had already outmaneuvered a Zero and had it in his gun sights. He fired his machine guns, but the Zero outmaneuvered the bullets. Ben maneuvered his plane after the Zero.

"I'm hit!" Fred yelled out from his radio the second Ben had a Zero in his gun sights and fired his machine guns.

He missed the Zero, and he turned to his left and saw Fred's Zero while it dove to the ocean. The Zero flew after Fred and fired its machine at Fred's plane, and it exploded into a massive fireball.

The Zero flew away off into the sky.

That sight gave Ben the determination to get this Zero, and he performed some maneuvers. He soon had that Zero back in his gun sights and fired his machine guns. 

The Zero smoked and dove to the ocean while Ben fired his machine guns again. The Zero exploded into a fireball. 

"Paybacks are hell," Ben yelled out in joy from the radio net while he watched the smoking debris of that Zero float down to the ocean.

Then Ben saw five additional Zero's that came out of nowhere, and they raced after the B-25 bombers.

"We have additional Zero's coming after the bombers," Ben called out into the radio net.

"I'm hit, but my plane is fine. I can help," Carl said from the radio net.

All the other pilots replied with the same response.

Ben raced his Corsair after the B-25's. But he got there too late, as two B-25 bombers were hit and they dove down to the ocean with flames shooting out of their engine compartments.

Carl raced his plane after Ben's Corsair.

"I'm going down!" one of the Raiders called out from the radio net in a panic.

"I got one!" Trevor called out from the radio net.

"I'm hit, and I don't want to die!" another Raider called out from the radio net.

Ben had another one of the Zeros in his gun sights. He was determined to knock this one out of the sky for good and fired his machine guns. The Zero exploded into a fireball. Ben watched while the burning debris from the Zero floated down to the ocean.

Ben raced his plane after another Zero that he knew he could knock out of the sky.

Inside Trevor's Corsair, he strained around to find Ben's Corsair.  It was difficult since it looked like a bunch of bees with the Corsairs flying all over the sky chasing the Zeros.

"I'm hit!" Larry cried out in a panic from the radio net. 

Trevor's heart raced for a second as he thought it was Ben, but realized Larry got zapped.

He saw Larry's Corsair tumble down and crash in the ocean.

"I got me a Zero," Carl called out from the radio net.

"Another Zero is gone," Ben also called out from the radio net.

Trevor felt relieved when he heard Ben's voice on the radio net.

Trevor saw another B-25 tumble down to the ocean with two engines on fire.

"I don't want to die. Help me!" one of the bomber crewmembers cried out from the radio net.

Trevor's eyes welled up, overhearing all this death in progress. Then he saw another Corsair with its engine on fire tumble down to the ocean, and his heart raced, thinking it was Ben.

"I got another Zero," Ben called out from the radio net.

Trevor looked relieved but also felt sad for a fellow Marine, but he didn't know which Marine just bit the dust.

Trevor craned his neck out his canopy window. He saw the Corsair and Zero engaged in a dog fight below.

Then at his 2:00 o'clock position, about 2,000 feet above him, he saw another Corsair and Zero make evasive maneuvers, and then they both collided, and each sheared a wing off. The Zero and the Corsair planes tumbled down to the ocean.

"I don't want to die! Please, Lord!" Kurt cried out from the radio net while his plane tumbled down to the water with the Zero.

Trevor saw another Zero tumble down to the ocean with its engine on fire.

A Zero dove and did a kamikaze into the remaining B-25, and they both exploded into a fireball. It rained debris down to the ocean.

"I'm going down!" the last Raider cried out from the radio net.

Trevor looked around his canopy windows for Ben's Corsair and couldn't spot his plane. He panicked and got scared. "Fireball ten, where are you?" he said into the radio net. Ben didn't respond, so Trevor looked around in a panic. "Fireball ten!" he cried out again into the radio net.

Inside his Corsair, Ben had a Zero in his gun sights and he fired his machine guns. The Zero exploded into a fireball.

"I'm kind of busy, Fireball fourteen," Ben replied from the radio net," Ben replied while he maneuvered around the flying debris from that Zero. "There, got another one," Ben added into the radio net.

Inside Carl's Corsair, he craned his neck to look the area over. "Who survived?" Carl said into his radio net.

"Fireball fourteen is here," Trevor said from the radio net.

"So is Fireball ten," Ben said from his radio.

The other pilots didn't respond, and Carl had a smirk as he only heard Ben's radio response. He got an evil look while he ascended up into the sky. He had a look that indicated he wanted to eliminate the only competition he had for the love of Diana. 

Inside Trevor's Corsair, he looked around for Ben and Carl's plane. He smiled when he also didn't see any Zero's. 

"Where are you Fireball fourteen?" Carl asked from the radio net.

"I'm at eight thousand feet," Trevor replied into the radio net.

"I'm at six thousand feet," Ben replied from the radio net.

"Fireball ten, you have a Zero hot on your tail," Carl called out in a panic from the radio net. 

Trevor craned his neck and maneuvered his plane to see the Zero, but he couldn't see the pane.

"Crap, I'm out of bullets," Carl cried out from the radio net.

"I can't see the Zero!" Trevor called out in a panic from the radio net.

"I can't see you or the Zero," Ben said from the radio net.

Then Trevor heard that scary sound when bullets penetrated his plane.

"I'm hit," Trevor cried out. But nobody responded from the radio because a Zero earlier shot at Trevor's vertical stabilizer and his radio antenna broke off and was whipping around in the wind.

Trevor craned his neck around his canopy to see the Zero chasing after Ben but saw nothing. 

Trevor heard more bullets penetrate his plane and quickly looked at this gauges. He seemed relieved when everything appeared to be normal with his plane.

Trevor did a barrel roll thinking the Zero was hot on his tail.  But what he didn't know that it was Carl's plane that shot at his Corsair.

From inside Ben's Corsair, he looked around his canopy windows. "Fireball eleven, you out there?"

"I'm here," Carl replied the radio net.

"Fireball fourteen, you out there?" Ben said and waited a few seconds, but Trevor didn't respond. "Fireball fourteen, you out there?" he said again, and Trevor didn't respond.

From inside his Corsair, Carl looked around the area. 

"I'm sorry to say that I believe that a Zero got Fireball fourteen," Carl called out into the radio net.

Carl had a satisfying smile while he looked out his canopy window and saw Ben's Corsair 1,000 feet below, and he was alone. 

He looked at the Santa Monica picture and smiled.

"It's just you and me, Ben," Carl said into the radio net.

"I can't believe what just happened," Ben said from the radio net and paused for a few seconds. "I'm sorry to hear that Trevor got hit," he added from the radio net.

From inside his Corsair, Trevor looked around in a panic to see Ben or Carl.

"I'm not hit!" he yelled into the radio net, but it took a few seconds for him to realize his radio was damaged. "Damn, I can't transmit," Trevor said out loud in frustration.

"Fireball ten, you have a Zero on your tail!" Carl cried out from the radio net.

Trevor searched out his canopy window, but couldn't see Ben or Carl.

Inside his plane, Ben looked around his canopy window for the threatening Zero.

"I can't see him Fireball eleven," Ben said while he continued to search out his canopy.

From inside Trevor's plane, he frantically looked out his canopy for a sighting of Ben.

Then he saw Ben's Corsair 2,000 feet below his plane. But he noticed that a Zero wasn't on Ben's tail. He watched while Carl's Corsair dove after Ben's plane.

"What the hell is he doing?" Trevor asked a little confused.

Trevor looked suspicious while he watched Carl's Corsair dive after Ben's Corsair.

Inside Ben's Corsair, he got scared when he heard bullets penetrate his engine compartment.

He saw oil spew out of his engine compartment and it splashed all over his canopy.

"I'm hit!" Ben cried out into the radio net.

"I wish I could get the bastard for you, but I'm out of ammo," Carl replied form the radio net.

Ben opened his canopy and slid it back while he peeked outside for visibility. "I have to ditch," he said into the radio net while he poked his head out his canopy to see.

"I'll watch over you," Carl replied from the radio net.

From inside Trevor's Corsair, he was furious when he saw Carl shoot at Ben's plane. "Bastard!"

Then he saw his opportunity, and he dove down after Carl's Corsair.

From inside his plane, Carl watched while Ben made a safe landing in the ocean. 

He banked his plane and heard bullets penetrate his Corsair from the belly with some of the bullets flying between his legs.

Carl frantically looked around his canopy then he did some evasive maneuvers, as he knew it had to be Trevor.

From his canopy, Trevor saw Ben's Corsair float in the ocean, and Ben wasn't visible.

He heard bullets while they penetrated his engine compartment.

He heard Carl's Corsair zoom away.

"I can't unbuckle my belts!" Ben cried out in a panic from the radio net.

Trevor dove his Corsair in the direction of Ben's Corsair.

Inside his plane down in the ocean, Ben frantically tried to release his straps. He couldn't get them loose and then he saw Carl's Corsair circle back.

 "What the hell is he doing?" Ben asked while he continued to attempt to get his harness loose.

Carl's plane dove at Ben's plane while it floated in the water.

Then Trevor's Corsair suddenly whizzed a couple of feet by the front of his Corsair. Carl panicked and quickly banked and ascended to avoid a collision.

From inside his plane, Ben saw the whole close call between Carl and Trevor.

"What the hell are they doing?" Ben said while he looked confused.

Then he watched while Trevor ditched his plane in the water twenty-five feet from his plane.

"These guys are acting whacky," Ben said while he looked at Trevor's plane for signs of life.

From inside his plane, Trevor quickly released his harness while he watched Carl's Corsair bank around for a return shot.

Trevor quickly got out of the cockpit and didn't see that his leg pocket ripped on the fuselage while he rushed out and stepped on the wing.

Trevor jumped out of his wing and jumped into the water.

He quickly swam over to Ben's Corsair.

Carl's Corsair dove toward his and Ben's plane.

Trevor swam to Ben's plane and got up on the wing.

Ben frantically tried to unbuckle his belts.

"I need to get out of here before this plane sinks," Ben said to Trevor.

"You have bigger problems than that," Trevor said while he removed a knife from his other leg pocket.

"What do you mean?" Ben asked a little confused.

Trevor and Ben saw Carl's Corsair fly about 20 feet off the deck and raced at them.

"Is that Carl?" Ben asked.

"Yes, and he shot you down, not a Zero. And if I don't get you out, he'll kill us both," Trevor said while he finished cutting the harness straps, and Ben was soon freed.

Trevor grabbed Ben by his shoulders.  Ben cringed in pain while Trevor yanked him out of the plane as he was shot in his leg. He threw Ben into the water and jumped in himself.

Carl's Corsair raced at them while Trevor pushed Ben deep into the water.

From under the water, they saw bullets hit the water then hit Ben's plane.

They swam away underwater toward Trevor's plane.

They stuck their heads above water when they felt it was safe.

They watched while Carl's plane flew away and then banked to fly back at them.

They trod water while they watched Carl's Corsair flew 20 feet above the deck and headed back at them.

Then they heard Carl's machine guns fire while he strafed Ben's Corsair. 

Trevor pulled Ben under the water just as Ben's Corsair exploded into a fireball.

Bullets zinged in the water all around them. Then it got quiet, so Trevor pulled Ben back up to the surface of the water.

They trod water and watched Carl's Corsair ascend and bank to the right.

"What the hell is going on?" Ben asked, totally confused.

"He's trying to kill us. That's what he's doing!" Trevor replied while he looked at his Corsair. He got an idea and quickly swam to his plane.

"Why?" Ben asked then turned and noticed Trevor wasn't next to him. Then he saw him swimming over to his plane.

Ben saw Carl's Corsair race at them twenty feet off the water.

He's coming back!" Ben yelled at Trevor then he went back under the water.

From under the water, Ben heard and saw the bullets from Carl's machine guns while he strafed the water and hit Trevor's plane. Then he heard Trevor's plane explode.

Ben heard Carl's Corsair fly away then he quickly stuck his head above the water.

He looked around the area. "Trevor?" he yelled out and got concerned when he could see him in the water.

Then Trevor resurfaced with a life raft he was able to get out of his plane in time.

Ben looked stunned as he watched Carl's Corsair do a barrel roll while he flew away.

Carl had to return to base as he was running low on fuel.

Ben watched while Trevor inflated the life raft.