Bringing Him Back by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 23


A little later back on Namorik, Ben and Trevor peeked around another tree and saw a guard by the one end of the Zeros and another guard at the other end of the Zeros.

"Are you up for this?" Ben asked Trevor.

"Like you said, it's either them or us," Trevor replied.

"Good. Now, our plan is to slice all the tires on those Zero's," he told Trevor.

"Ah, so the plane's can't take off after our Corsair's," Trevor replied.

"You got it," Ben said then motioned for them to leave.

Ben and Trevor headed off in different directions toward the two guards.

At the one end of the planes, Trevor had his bayonet knife out while he cautiously snuck up and got under a Zero for cover.

The guard walked by the Zero.

Trevor rushed out from under the Zero and snuck up behind the guard.  Trevor got two feet from the guard. The guard suddenly turned around, and the guard's eyes widen in shock when he saw Trevor. They stared at each other, unsure about what to do next. Then Trevor lunged at the guard and stabbed the kid in his chest. The guard looked at Trevor with disbelief, then dropped to the ground, dead. "I'm sorry," Trevor, while he looked down at the dead guard.

Trevor grabbed the guards rife, then dragged him away and set him by the tail section of the plane.

Trevor immediately rushed back over to the planes and stabbed all of the landing gear tires. The tires hissed out air while they went flat. 

Ben was at the other end and killed that guard, and then he quickly flattened all the tires of two Zeros.

Trevor flattened all the tires of two more Zeros.

Ben flattened all the tires of two more Zeros.

Trevor flattened all the tires of another Zero.

Ben flattened all the tires of the last two Zeros.

Trevor and Ben dragged the bodies of the dead guards into the jungle and hid them from view. They quickly removed all their ammo from the guard's uniforms, and they met in the jungle.

"This isn't one of my proud moments," Trevor said with sadness in his eyes for killing so many young men.

"It's war."

Then Ben ran out of the jungle and ran over to a nearby Zero, and Trevor wondered what he was doing.

Trevor watched while Ben removed a life raft from the plane and run back to the jungle.

"Let's get to Matamat before they figure out we were here," Ben said.

"How's your leg feeling?" Trevor asked a little worried.

"It hurts, but I'll be okay," Ben replied.

Ben and Trevor rushed off into the jungle.

The sun peeked above the horizon of the Pacific Ocean to indicate the start of another day.

On the back on Engebi, ten Corsairs taxied down the flightline and headed to the runway.

Hall was in the lead Corsair, and he rolled down the runway and was soon airborne.

Then the other nine Corsairs each took turns and rolled down the runway and took off.

All ten Corsairs flew in formation toward Namorik.

A PBY was eighty miles away and headed to Engebi, as it was summoned to come in after the raid on Namorik to fly Ben and Trevor back to the base.

Back on Namorik, Trevor and Ben were in the stolen life raft and they paddled to Matamat from Namorik.

The Japanese resumed their search for the Americans. There were two patrols, each with eight soldiers, sent out into the jungle.

Patrol 1 searched the jungle around the base.

Patrol 2 searched the jungle away from the base.

When patrol 1 searched the jungle near their base, they stumbled upon the dead bodies of the radio operator and the other soldier shoved into the vegetation.

They looked pissed while they looked at their fallen friends.

Then patrol 2 walked up from the jungle.

"We searched every inch of the island and didn't find them," the Lieutenant from the other patrol said.

The Lieutenant from patrol 1 looked around while he thought about where they could be hiding. Then his eyes lit up with the only possible location. "Matamat!" he cried out and pointed in that direction.

Then the Lieutenant of patrol 1 looked at the dead soldiers. "Bury them," he ordered his troops.

The two Lieutenants stormed off while four soldiers grabbed the boots of the dead soldiers and dragged them out of the vegetation.

On the shoreline of Matamat, Trevor and Ben hid the raft under some vegetation.

"Let's get going," Ben said.

"What if they don't come," Trevor asked a little concerned.

"Then we'll get back in the ocean and try our luck," Ben replied.

Trevor and Ben slung their stolen Japanese rifles around their shoulders and walked into the jungle.

On the Namorik, ten Japanese soldiers walked to the shoreline, and four of the soldiers carried two life rafts.

They dropped the rafts in the water, and the soldiers got inside them.

They paddled off to Matamat with the determination to find Trevor and Ben and kill them.

Back on Matamat, Trevor and Trevor picked some bananas for their breakfast. They sat down on the ground and ate, and while they rested. 

Back on Engebi, Carl sat on his bunk in the makeshift jail tent handcuffed and his legs shackled. His eyes welled up, knowing he was in deep yogurt.

Back on Matamat, Trevor and Trevor stood up and resumed their trek through the jungle.

They soon walked through a clearing in the jungle.

All of a sudden bullets strafed the ground by their feet while they walked through the clearing.

They turned around and saw the 10 Japanese soldiers at the west end of the clearing with rifles aimed at them.

"Crap, they finally found us, and I bet they're pissed we killed their friends," Ben called out in a panic.

Trevor and Ben, with a limp, ran to the jungle at the east end of the clearing.

The Japanese soldiers fired their rifles at them, and bullets zinged all around their feet.

More gunfire and a bullet hit Ben in his wounded leg. Ben dropped to the ground. "I'm hit," he cried out in pain.

Trevor rushed over and helped him stand up. He assisted Ben while they ran to the jungle.

Trevor and Trevor ran into the jungle.

"We need to stop as many of them as we can," Ben said. 

Trevor knew precisely what that meant, so they hid behind some trees. They aimed their rifles at the clearing for the Japanese soldiers when they appeared.

The Japanese soldiers ran through the clearing and got to the jungle.

Ben and Trevor fired their rifles the second they saw the Japanese soldiers enter the jungle from the clearing.

Two Japanese soldiers dropped to the ground dead, and the other eight soldiers quickly found cover between some trees.

Trevor assisted Ben while they ran through the jungle.

"We only have eight more to get," Ben said while they ran through the jungle.

The eight Japanese soldiers cautiously walked through the jungle.

Trevor and Ben ran to the edge of the jungle and saw the shoreline and knew they didn't have any place to run. Ben cringed in pain from the two bullet wounds in his leg.

"I can't run anymore. My leg is killing me," he said.

They both hunkered down at the edge of the jungle behind some trees and waited with their rifles aimed.

Then Ben saw a Japanese soldier cautiously walking in the jungle and he fired a shot. 

The soldier dropped dead in some vegetation.

Trevor and Ben scanned the jungle with their rifles.

Trevor saw another Japanese soldier, and he fired a shot.

The soldier dropped dead and dropped to the dirt.

Then the remaining six soldiers hit behind some trees and fired shots at Trevor and Ben.

Bullets zinged near Trevor, and he cringed thinking he would get shot. He took aim at the soldier and fired a shot at a Japanese soldier, but he missed. 

The soldier fired back at Trevor, and the bullet hit Trevor gazed the top of his shoulder. He cringed in pain while he ducked down behind the tree.

"I'm hit," Trevor said in pain.

Ben looked concerned. "How bad?" he asked while he looked back at the jungle for another soldier to shoot at.

"It gazed the top of my shoulder. I'll live," Trevor said.

The sound of faint explosions was heard coming from Namorik.

Ben and Trevor looked in the direction of the explosions.

"I wonder if our friends have arrived?" Ben said while more explosions were heard coming from Namorik. Then Ben's eyes widened with a smile when he heard more explosions. "I like that sound in the morning."

Then they looked in the jungle and saw the six Japanese soldiers were getting closer.

Ben looked and saw two Corsairs fly 50 feet off the ocean and headed straight at them.

"We better run down the beach a little and draw out those Japs," he told Trevor.

"That doesn't make any sense," Trevor replied.

Then Ben pointed out over the ocean at the approaching Corsairs.

Trevor smiled the second he saw the planes and helped Ben to his feet.

They ran down the beach so the Corsairs would see them and eventually see the Japanese soldiers.

The six Japanese soldiers ran out of the jungle and saw Trevor and Ben rushing down the beach.

They ran closer to the water and stopped. They aimed their rifles and fired.

A bullet hit Trevor in his right calf, and he dropped to the sand, taking Ben down with him.

Trevor looked up from the sand and saw the two Corsairs getting closer.

The Japanese soldiers heard the Corsairs and turned around. They stared in shock while the two planes flying toward them.

They ran to the jungle for cover.

Inside Henry's Corsair, he had his gun sights on the soldiers and fired his machine guns and strafed the sand by the soldiers and killed them instantly before they reached the jungle.  They dropped to the sand, and all six were dead.

Henry continued to fly his Corsair over the beach.

Trevor and Ben saw the soldiers drop and saw the Corsair fly at them.

"Yeah!" Ben yelled while he waved at the plane.

Inside Henry's Corsair, he saw Ben and Trevor wave at him from the beach below. He rocked his wings to acknowledge them and flew over their heads.

"Fireball one, I've spotted Fireballs ten and fourteen. They're alive," Henry said into the radio net.

"Good. Stay there to make sure they stay safe," Hall replied from the radio.

Trevor watched while the other Corsair flew over their heads and rocked his wings to acknowledge them.

Trevor and Ben watched while the Corsairs banked back over the ocean and flew parallel to them.

Back at the Japanese base on Namorik, one of the fuel tanks was on fire from a dropped bomb.

The engines of the eight Zero's were running, and they tried to taxi. They could barely move because of their flattened tires.

The other eight Corsairs, with Hall as the lead, swooped down out of the air and targeted the airstrip.

Half of the Corsairs broke away and flew at the tent area where the Japanese soldiers scurried for cover. Some stopped and fired their rifles at the planes. The four Corsairs fired their machine guns, and they strafed the tents and killed most of the soldiers.

The other four Corsairs flew along the runway and fired their machine guns, and they strafed the eight Zeros.

It was a domino effect while the Zero's exploded in a bunch of fireballs.

The eight Corsairs banked and ascended over the ocean.

All eight Corsairs strafed the tent area with their machine guns killing all the occupants.

Inside Hall's Corsair, he looked the area over and realized they got all the Japs. "Devil's den, our mission is a success. Fireball's ten and twelve are safe on Matamat. You can send in the PBY. We'll hang around for protection," Hall said into the radio net.

"Copy Fireball one, the PBY is on its way," Weaver replied from the radio net.

"It's off to Matamat," Hall said into his radio.

All eight Corsairs flew off to Matamat about fifty feet off the deck.

Back on the beach on Matamat, Trevor and Ben watched while Henry and the other Corsair circled over them to provide protection.

Trevor and Ben hugged each other ever so happy they made it alive.

"We made it!" Trevor said while they watched the two Corsair circle above them.

Then they saw while the other eight Corsairs flew over the jungle and buzzed the beach.

"Yeah!" Trevor yelled at the Corsairs while they flew over the ocean.

Inside Hall's Corsair, he looked at this fuel gauge and realized they needed to return to base or they'll be ditching in the ocean.

"Devil's den, we're running low on fuel and need to come home. Namorik and Matamat appear to be safe.  Is the PBY on its way?" Hall asked in the radio net.

"Fireball one, the PBY is on its way. Return home," Weaver replied from the radio net.

"You heard the Colonel," Hall said into the radio net.

Ben and Trevor watched while the ten Corsairs banked around and flew over the beach in formation and they rocked their wings. 

The Corsairs ascended and flew off towards Engebi.

"Where are they going?" Trevor asked.

"Back to Engebi before they run out of fuel," Ben replied.

They sat down on the beach and waited.

"I couldn't have done it without you. I can't wait to tell my son about you," Ben told Trevor.

Trevor had a proud smile. "Will this allow you to go home?" he asked and crossed his fingers.


"I hope so," Trevor replied with his fingers still crossed.

Then they saw a Navy PBY land in the ocean fifty feet from them.

"Our ride is here," Ben said.

They both stood up while the PBY idled its engine and slowed down. It floated in the water. The rear door opened and two Navy men threw a raft into the water, and they jumped inside it.

They paddled the raft to Trevor and Ben.