Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


Jason’s story about his World War II experiences with Cindy and Peggy continued.

It was the next morning and quiet at the Chipley Springs airfield.

Jason exited the MP hut, depressed with a bump on the back of his head and his clothes were all rumpled up.

He moped away.

“Jay Jay,” Cindy’s voice called out from behind Jason. He turned around and saw Cindy while she rode her bike up to him. “Do you love me and only me?”

Jason’s eyes welled up with tears. “Forever!”

“But you’ll go back to the states after the war,” she replied while she stopped her bike by Jason.

“I’m not going back there without you. I promise!”

“What about Peggy?” she curiously asked.

“We were through as a couple before I met you,” he replied with sincerity in his eyes.

Cindy thought for a few seconds while she looked into Jason’s eyes.

She jumped off her bike, and they embraced in a kiss.

 Albert drove up in a Jeep and stopped by Jason. “Lieutenant Jenkins, Colonel Franklin needs to see you ASAP!” he said.

Jason gave Cindy another quick kiss. “I’ll come to your apartment later tonight,” he said while he rushed over to the Jeep and he knew this would be about last night.

Cindy looked concerned while she watched Albert drive the Jeep away.

She got on her bike and rode off in another direction.


Later that morning, Andy waited by Albert’s Jeep outside Colonel Franklin’s building.

Jason exited Franklin’s building and looked worried.

“I could hear the Colonel yell from out here. Did fire come out of his ears?” Andy asked the second he saw Jason.

“Large red hot flames,” Jason replied then he looked back at his rear end. “I hope Cindy doesn’t mind me having a flat ass, because the Colonel chewed off both cheeks to the bone.”

“What did he do to you?”

“A strong warning, that the next time, I’ll lose command of the Sweet Bird and will be demoted.”

“You got off lucky,” Andy replied.

Jason nodded in agreement while he removed his wallet and looked inside. “Do you have some dough you can lend me?”

“What for?” Andy curiously asked.

“My future,” Jason replied with a huge grin.

“Tell me about it on the way back to the barracks,” Andy replied while they walked away.

Later that day, Jason rushed into Chipley Springs and found a small jewelry store. 

Andy waited outside the store by the street in a Jeep.

Jason rushed out of the store with a small ring box in hand. 

He shoved the box into his pants pocket while he jumped inside the Jeep with a huge grin.

Andy drove the Jeep away and headed back to the airfield.

A little while later, Andy drove the Jeep back to the barracks where Jason saw Peggy pacing by the door.

“What does she want now?” Jason said with a frown at the sight of Peggy.

Andy stopped the Jeep by the barracks, and Peggy rushed over to them.

Good luck buddy,” Andy said while he jumped out of the Jeep and rushed over to the barracks door.

“It’s time we talk,” Peggy said with hopeful eyes.

Jason took a deep breath and looked brave. “This is going to be hard but needs to be said. I can’t marry you, because I don’t love you anymore. I’m sorry and please don’t take it out on my family.”

Peggy looked stunned while Jason walked to the barracks and went inside.

Inside the barracks, a few officers milled around in their boxer shorts while Jason walked to his bunk. 

He sat down on his bunk and thought about his meeting with Cindy later tonight.

The barracks door slammed open, Peggy barged inside and was so furious her face was red.

The men in their underwear dove for cover while Peggy stormed down the aisle.

She stormed over to Jason’s bunk and hovered over him. “Break up with me? I don’t think so! Just you wait and see!” she yelled at him then she walked away from his bunk

Jason and all the men watched while she stormed out of the barracks and slammed the door shut.

Jason wasn’t worried about her threats while he went back to thinking about Cindy.

It was later that night, and Jason was with Cindy in her apartment.

Candles were all over her small living room and created a romantic atmosphere.

Jason and Cindy stood by her bed and gazed into each other’s eyes; then, they engaged in a passionate kiss.

On the small table by her bed was her copy of their photo under the Sweet Bird.

Jason suddenly dropped down on one knee and took Cindy’s hand. “I love you so very much and want to spend the rest of my life with you,” he said while he reached in his pants pocket and removed the small ring box. “Cindy Grant, will you marry me and make me the happiest man in the world?” he added while he opened up the box and revealed a small but beautiful diamond engagement ring.

Cindy’s eyes well up at the sight of the ring, and she nodded that she would marry Jason while tears ran down her cheek.

Jason placed the ring on her finger then he stood up, and they engaged in a passionate kiss.

After a few seconds of kissing, Cindy removed Jason’s shirt and tee-shirt.

Jason removed Cindy’s blouse and bra.

He removed his pants while she removed her skirt.

They both removed their underwear and stood before each other naked. 

They engaged in a passionate kiss and fell on top of the bed.

Later that night, after an hour of lovemaking, Jason got out of Cindy’s bed, as he had to head back to the airfield.

“I can’t wait to for us to have a life back in the states,” he said while he put on his shirt.

“You’ll need someone to handle the paperwork and payroll of your aviation business,” she said while she put on her bra.

Jason smiled at her suggestion. “You’ll make a beautiful secretary. And I can chase you around my desk! But keep that a secret from my wife,” he replied with a light chuckle.

Cindy chuckled then looked concerned while she slipped on her blouse. “What about Peggy?”

“I told her it’s officially over between us,” he said while he finished buttoning up his shirt. “And I’m still worried she’ll have my dad fired,” he added while he slipped on his pants.

“Is she that evil?”

“You better believe it,” Jason responded while he slipped on his shoes.

Jason walked up to Cindy after she slipped on her skirt.

Jason engaged in a passionate kiss for a few minutes.

The sun started to peek above the horizon in England.

Jason strutted back into the barracks after taking a shower in the latrine hut.

He had a huge satisfying grin on his face while he strutted up to his bunk.

Andy woke up from his bunk and saw Jason while he sat down on his bunk.

Andy eyed Jason and saw his huge grin.

“Well, I can assume that that grin on your face means she accepted?” Andy asked while he sat upon his bunk.

“You better believe it, and my life will be wonderful,” Jason replied.

“I’m so happy for you, but what about Peggy?”

“I broke it off for good,” he replied but still looked a little worried about her. “I now have the chance for a beautiful life with Cindy and this war could take all that away in a heartbeat,” he added then looked worried.

“I know, buddy. I know,” Andy replied then he relaxed in his bunk.

Jason relaxed on his bunk and stared at the ceiling in deep thought about his future.

Albert entered the barracks and rushed over to Jason’s bunk.

“Lieutenant Jenkins, Sergeant Wilson needs to see you before your mission,” Albert said then he turned around and rushed out of the barracks.

Jason looked concerned while he got off his bunk and headed to the door.

Jason walked into the Administration Building and saw Cindy typing at her desk.

She glanced up at Jason and looked a little worried.

Jason winked at while he walked over to Master Sergeant (MSgt) Wally Wilson’s desk located over at the other end of the room.

“You wanted to see me, Sarge? I’m Lieutenant Jenkins?” Jason asked.

“Yes sir,” MSgt Wilson replied then he looked at Jason then thumbed through some pieces of papers. “I’ve never seen orders get here so quick. Someone in high places must really love you,” MSgt Wilson told Jason while he handed him some orders.

Jason looked curious while he read his orders.

Cindy glanced up from her typewriter and still looked worried while she watched Jason.

“Transferred to Camp Springs Army Air Base in Maryland? How can this be?” Jason asked MSgt Wilson.

“Don’t ask me, Lieutenant, I just shuffle the papers.”

It dawned on Jason who could have been behind these orders. “Damn her!” Then he remembered something, and he looked back at MSgt Wilson. “I heard you’re a man who will do favors?”

Wilson looked around to make sure the coast was clear, and he leaned toward Jason. “What do you need?”

Jason handed his orders back and leaned on the desk and got closer to Wilson’s face. “Burn this and swear you never saw it. And burn any more that come in this office for the next two months,” he said then discreetly reached in his pants pocket and discreetly slipped twenty dollars to MSgt Wilson.

Wilson discreetly slipped the cash into his pocket. Then his eyes lit up, and he quickly looked through another pile of papers. He pulled out some other orders and showed them to Jason. “What about these orders?” he asked.

Jason glanced at the orders and saw they were for Peggy with the same assignment as Jason’s back in Maryland. “Twenty dollars and she leaves,” Jason replied with a smirk.

MSgt Wilson nodded in agreement with Jason’s offer. He had also heard about Jason’s predicament.

Jason reached in his pocket and discreetly gave MSgt Wilson him another twenty dollars.

MSgt Wilson discreetly slipped the cash into his pants pocket.

Jason looked happy while he glanced over at Cindy at her desk and winked at her.

He walked out of the building.

Jason paced outside the side of the Administration Building.

Cindy walked out of the building and rushed over to Jason in a panic. “I saw your orders. I can’t believe that you’re going to be transferred back to the states. What are we going to do?”

“I know this was Peggy’s doing. I think I can slow down this transfer, but Peggy will be persistent, so we need to get married right away.”

“I know of a priest who might marry us,” Cindy said, happy to be marrying Jason sooner than expected.

Jason kissed Cindy.  “Good, let’s work on getting married within a few days. I’m not going to let Peggy or this war stop me from having a beautiful life with you,” he said and looked determined.

Cindy hugged Jason, and her eyes welled up so happy to soon be Mrs. Jason Jenkins.

“I’ll talk with Colonel Franklin about our marriage after this mission,” Jason said then gave her a quick kiss and dashed off to his barracks to dress in his flight suit.

A little while later, Jason sat in the briefing hut with Andy and the other officers while they listened to Colonel Franklin talk about their mission.

Jason had a hard time concentrating on Colonel Franklin since thoughts of marrying Cindy filled his mind.

The briefing was completed, and the officers all headed to their planes to start the dangerous mission.

Later that day, the Sweet Bird flew in formation along with eleven other B-17s in the low squadron over the German countryside while they headed to a munitions factory near Frankfurt.

Jason sat in his cockpit and was on cloud nine while he thought about the strong possibility of marrying Cindy in a few days.

“You’re a changed man now that you got your life back on track with Cindy,” Andy said.

“It’s going to be beautiful with her as my wife and you as my business partner,” Jason replied.

Flak started exploding all around them and rattled their teeth while it shook the Sweet Bird.

Andy’s eyes widened with concern when he saw two Messerschmitt’s racing toward the Sweet Bird.

“Two Messerschmitt’s at two o’clock,” Andy called in the radio net.

Jason looked out the windows and saw two other Messerschmitt’s racing at them from his windows.

“We have two additional Messerschmitt’s coming at us at ten o’clock,” Jason added into the radio net.

The machine guns were heard while the Sweet Bird gunners fired at these German threats.

The unwanted sound of bullets penetrating the Sweet Bird was then heard.

The machines were heard while the Sweet Bird gunners returned fire at the German planes.

The sound of more Messerschmitt bullets penetrating the Sweet Bird was heard.

“I’m hit!” Mark, one of the Waist Gunners, yelled out from the radio net.

The machines were heard while the Sweet Bird gunners returned fire at the German planes.

“I got one of the bastards!” Robert, the Tail Gunner, yelled out from the radio net.

Fifteen more Messerschmitt’s raced after the formation of B-17s.

The machines were heard while the Sweet Bird gunners returned fire at the German planes.

The sound of more Messerschmitt bullets penetrating the Sweet Bird was heard.

Andy glanced out his engine just in time to see a Messerschmitt fire at the wing on his side of the plane. 

The Messerschmitt fired its machine guns at the wing, and engine one exploded into flames.

“Engine one is on fire,” Andy yelled out into the radio net.

Jason immediately shut down engine number one then noticed he was losing fuel on the right-wing.

Then Jason saw something out of the corner of his eye, and he saw another Messerschmitt coming at his wing.

The Messerschmitt fired its machine guns at the wing, and engine four busted into flames.

 “We lost engine number four, and we’re also losing fuel,” Jason said into the radio net. Jason looked out his windows at the countryside below. “We’ll have to ditch. Get ready guys,” he said into the radio net.

Andy shut off engine number four while Jason started their descent to the German countryside.

Jason quickly removed his photo of Cindy and him under the Sweet Bird from his jacket pocket and kissed it. He shoved his photo back into his jacket pocket and continued with his descent to the German countryside.

It was quiet inside the Sweet Bird while everybody thought about their potential fate while they rapidly descended down to the German countryside.