Broken Heart by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 2


It was Friday morning.

Jason woke up bright and early at six for the start of another day of flying. But this time it would be for pleasure and not for business.

After he took a shower, he made some scrambled eggs and drank his morning cups of coffee to get things started.

Jason closed down his business today and for the weekend so he could spend time with Robyn.  Mandy loved having these days off with pay, as it gave her additional time to work on her wedding plans.

After breakfast, Jason drove to his office to take care of some paperwork while he waited for Robyn.

A few hours later, and it was now nine fifty-two that morning.

Jason was finishing his third cup of coffee while he reviewed some paperwork at his desk. He had on the radio so he could listen to the radio calls made by the pilots.

"Sandbar Island traffic, this is Piper Arrow eight seventy-four Alpha Hotel, five miles to the southeast of the airport. Heading for a forty-five-degree entry for downwind on runway two niner, Sandbar Island," Robyn called out from the radio.

Jason smiled after hearing her radio call, and he got up from his desk with his coffee cup and walked out of his office.

He walked to the door and stepped outside, keeping the door open while he looked to the south of the airport.

"Sandbar Island traffic, Arrow eight seventy-four Alpha Hotel entering downwind around mid-field for runway two niner, Sandbar Island," Robyn called out from the radio.

After a few minutes of scanning the blue sky from his office window, he saw a Piper Arrow while it headed downwind for runway 29.  He smiled, watching the Piper fly down the downwind leg of the pattern.

Jake watched while Robyn turned her Arrow on the base leg of the pattern after making her call on the radio.

He watched while she turned her Arrow on final approach for runway 29 after making her call on the radio.

He watched while Robyn landed the Arrow on the runway.

A few minutes later, Robyn parked her Arrow in a spot next to Jason's Warrior Cadet.

After she shut off the engine, Jason walked over to her airplane.

"Robyn!" he called out when she stepped out of the airplane and walked down the wing.

Robyn White was a beautiful twenty-eight-year-old brunette with soft brown eyes.

She rushed over and immediately gave Jason a hug and kiss on his cheek. "It's so good to see you, Uncle Jason," she said.

She went over and opened the baggage door and removed a small overnight bag and set it down on the tarmac.

Jason tied down her plane while she went inside her plane and finished securing the cockpit.

Fifteen minutes later, Jason drove Robyn to his house, in Waterway Manor, which was located off Courtney Parkway. 

Meanwhile, back at the West Haven Gilly Airport, the Spencer's Aviation Museum was about ninety-eight percent ready for its grand opening tomorrow. It was located on the airport property situated on the main entrance from Highway 292.

The museum contained numerous vintage aircraft in the main room of the twenty-eight thousand square foot hangar.  Located along the side walls were multiple smaller rooms that housed various pieces of aircraft and other World War I and II military items and uniforms. 

In the Bombers Room, there were various pieces of the insides of different bombers in this five thousand square foot room. There were consoles, seats, radios, bombardier equipment, etc., salvaged from World War II bombers that crashed. Each display had a display board that provided information about the particular item and the bomber.

The various items were laid out in a maze in the room.

Cindy Grant Spencer was fifty-three years old and still a beautiful blonde with blue eyes and spoke with an English accent.  She kept in shape by jogging and spending time at the gym.

Kimberly Brookes was Cindy's daughter, and she drove down here to spend the day with her mother.

Cindy and Kimberly walked around the maze while she looked at her clipboard double-checking that the items were in their proper place.

"You'll have to keep working at it. Power-off stalls aren't that difficult, Kimberly," Cindy told her while she checked off some of the items on her checklist.

"I know and having a patient instructor is helping," Kimberly replied.

"He sounds really nice," Cindy said while she checked off some more items on her checklist.

Kimberly took this as her opportunity. "Jason's great and about your age and his only defect is a scar above his eye. I asked him if he wanted to meet you. I think you two would get along great."

"Kimberly, please don't try to fix me up," Cindy said with a frown.

"But there's something about him. It's like I've known him all my life. Plus he was a pilot in the Air Force. Retired as a Colonel," Kimberly responded, hoping that would change her mother's mind.

"Honey, I really don't want a relationship right now. What I really want is a grandchild to keep me busy," Cindy said to throw that out as a hint. Again.

"I know. Rob and I will work on that after I get my pilot's license."

"Do it before I'm put in an old folks home and forget who I am," Cindy jokingly replied.

"I know," Kimberly said while she chuckled.

They walked over to a huge wooden crate with "Sweet Bird" stenciled on it located in the center of the maze.

Cindy got a little nervous when she saw the crate and worried it wouldn't be ready by tomorrow.

Kimberly saw at the crate. "You got a new piece. Where did it come from?"

"Germany," Cindy replied while she looked around the room. She felt relieved when she saw Lenny and Henry, two museum workers, walk over with some crowbars in their hand.

Lenny and Henry walked over to the Sweet Bird crate and started prying it open with the crowbars.

"Let's put some fresh flowers on dad's grave," Cindy told Kimberly while the workers continued to tear apart the wooden crate.

Cindy and Kimberly turned around and walked toward the exit.

Back over in Sandbar Island, Jason and Robyn jogged south down the sidewalk along Courtney Parkway.

"I wish Jerry and Patty could have come along."

"He couldn't get away from work since he has this court case on Monday and Patty had a birthday party to attend on Saturday. But they both wanted to wish you a happy birthday," Robyn replied.

"That's too bad he had to work," he said.

"How's the business going?"

"Great. My female student yesterday freaked out and took her hands off the controls during a power-off stall," he told her.

"I remember getting us into some pretty scary moments when you taught me," Robyn added.

"Well, the real scary moment came when she asked me to meet her mother."

Robyn's eyes lit up after hearing about him, potentially meeting another woman. "Are you going to take her out for a date?'

"I politely declined, my dear."

Robyn looked disappointed. "I don't understand you."

"Strange thing is that I have this weird feeling I've known Kimberly all my life, and I don't know why."

"You know, I've never seen you in a relationship with a woman. I've seen you date lots of women, but you soon dumped then when it got serious," she said then paused. "Are you secretly hiding the fact you're gay?" she jokingly said.

Jason playfully stuck his tongue out at her. "I was too busy raising you to bother with women!"

"You did a fine job, Uncle Jason. And I can imagine that mom and dad agree up in heaven," she said while she looked up at the sky up at heaven. "But now you have all the time in the world for a nice relationship," she added.

"How're the plans on expanding your business?"

"I got turned down for another business loan, and the airport authority denied my restaurant proposal," he said.

"I'm sorry to hear that."

"I'm afraid my dreams of expanding my business is spinning to the ground," he said and looked a little depressed.

Robyn looked like she was scheming something. "Come on, Uncle Jason, don't give up now. Maybe you can move to another airport and expand your business."

"Naw," he said while they turned around on the sidewalk and jogged back in the direction of his home.

Over in Plant City, Cindy, with a potted plant in hand, and Kimberly walked through a Cemetery.

They stopped and looked down at a headstone.

"Peter Spencer. Born May 20, 1921. Died November 2, 1970," the headstone stated.

Cindy knelt down and placed the potted plant by the headstone.

There was something that Kimberly always wanted to ask her mom. "I'm curious, was dad your first and only love?" she asked while she looked down at the headstone.

Cindy fiddled with the potted plant while she debated in her mind on how to answer that question. "I lost my first love during the war," she explained while she stood up.

Kimberly looked surprised by Cindy's response.

"I was devastated by the loss of him. But I've been thinking about him during the past couple of years," Cindy told Kimberly with sadness in her eyes.

"What about dad? Did he know?"

"Your father knew about him but never met him."

"This is exciting, as I never knew of your first love. What's his name?"

Cindy fidgeted, as she really wanted to put that part of her life out of her mind.

"His name is not important. But why don't you come back to the museum before you drive back to Sandbar Island? I'll show you a picture," Cindy replied.

"I would love that," Kimberly curiously replied.

Cindy and Kimberly walked arm in arm and headed back to the parking lot.

Back in Sandbar Island, Robyn and Jason got cleaned up from their jog then headed out for an early dinner down at a Mexican restaurant south of the town of Stoneway.

Back at West Haven, Cindy and Kimberly went back into her museum.

As soon as they got inside, Cindy walked Kimberly over to the Bombers Room.

Cindy and Kimberly walked through the bomber room and got to the display for the Sweet Bird, which was half of the smashed nose section of a B-17 Flying Fortress. 

Kimberly looked the nose section over.

She noticed the faded and scratched nose art of a sexy female blonde cartoon under the "Sweet Bird" words.

"Cindy, we're ready to finish with the display board. Do you have that picture ready?" Lenny one of her workers asked.

"I'll bring it down in a second, Lenny," Cindy told him.

Lenny walked away to the Sweet Bird display.

Cindy and Kimberly walked away and headed out of the Bombers Room.

A few minutes later, Cindy walked Kimberly into her office and walked up to her desk. Cindy sat down and opened up the middle drawer and removed an old black and white photo taken during World War II in England.

"Here's Jay Jay," Cindy told her while she got up from her desk, walked over and handed Kimberly the photo.

Kimberly looked at the old photo that showed Jay Jay, in his Army uniform with his arm around Cindy, who was in her late teens. 

They stood under the nose of the brand new Sweet Bird B-17, with that nose art of a sexy blonde, at an Army Air Corp field in England.

"His name was Jay Jay?" Kimberly curiously asked.

"Jason Jay Jay Jenkins," Cindy replied while her eyes looked sad with the memory of her love.

Kimberly's eyes widened, as this sounded all too familiar. "My flight instructor is named Jason Jenkins," she told Cindy.

"That's nice. I can imagine there are thousands of Jason Jenkins in America. My Jay Jay died while in a German Stalag. The Nazis captured him after his B seventeen was shot down. This is part of the remains of the plane," Cindy told her.

"You could be right. I've never heard my instructor being called Jay Jay and don't know if he was in the Second World War," Kimberly replied, then handed the picture back to Cindy. She looked at her watch. "I better hit the road," she said then leaned over and gave Cindy a kiss on her cheek.

Cindy walked Kimberly out of her office.

Cindy then walked Kimberly to the front door of the museum where they gave each other kisses on the cheek.

Kimberly went out of the museum while Cindy walked to the Bombers Room with that old photo in her hand.

Later that night, Jason and Robyn relaxed in his house while she prepared for a short cross-country flight tomorrow morning.

Cindy relaxed in her home while she double-checked her checklist to ensure everything was ready for tomorrow's grand opening.