Byte Saddam by Baley Montag - HTML preview

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Part One


September 13, 9:30 A.M. EST

Briefing room at CIA HQ, Langley, Virginia

About two dozen people are attending an interagency briefing on the situation in Iraq. Among those in attendance are Director Davis of the FBI, Leo Cummings from the NSA, General Madison from DoD, FBI Agents Brenda Packston, Sharon Lawler, and Larry Moore, and Terrence Long from the State Department. Professor Brandon L. Harris sat near the back of the room in silent observance as the group questions the briefing leader, Dennis Young of the CIA.

“Although there is considerable pressure to ease sanctions against Iraq,” Dennis Young continues. “We consider the elimination of Saddam Hussein and his supporters a key step in the war against terrorism.”

“Terrorism is not the only threat from Iraq,” General Madison adds. “Iraq will continue to wage wars in the future if Saddam is not replaced. The tendency toward war with neighboring countries is clear. During its war with Iran, Iraq first developed modified or stretched Scuds, named the Al Hussein model, with enough propellant and range to reach Iran's capital of Tehran. Because Baghdad is closer to the Iran-Iraq border than Tehran, Iran was able to reach Baghdad from much closer range with their Scuds and did not need long-range missiles. The Al Hussein closed the gap. During the seven-week war of the cities in early 1988, Iraq's Scuds rained terror on Tehran and other Iranian cities while Iran used unmodified Scud Bs against Baghdad and other targets in Iraq. Iraq's missiles with high explosive warheads killed about 2,000 Iranians and injured over 6,000. In April of 1988 there was a negotiated peace. Saddam Hussein has sought further improvements of the Scuds and there is no doubt that he is continuing his goal of improving military capabilities.”

“There is also evidence that Iraq has been acquiring a development and production capability for chemical weapons over the last three decades,” Terrence Long from the State Department adds. “U.S. intelligence sources have been quoted as saying that Iraq began making mustard gas in the early 1970s. The U.S. government has identified three, possibly five, chemical-agent production sites in Iraq. Suspected locations are Samawa, Ramadi, Samarra, and Akashat.”

“During the Kuwait war, Iraq may have refrained from employing chemical agents for political and tactical reasons such as inadequate targeting, lack of intelligence, and poor weather conditions,” General Madison says. “The scale of the coalition campaign kept Baghdad off balance, and Saddam may not have wanted to risk the possibility of globally supported massive retaliation, just to gain a short-term tactical advantage.”

“We can also add the support that Saddam provided for suicide bombers in Israel,” Terrence Long says. “Although it is believed he was funneling money from the Saudis to pay rewards to the families of those who would perform the suicide attacks, it is clear that he supported the practice and outcome.”

“What do we do about Saddam?” Director Davis of the FBI asks. “There is far too much global sentiment that opposes an all out military action and the economic blockade does not seem to be doing much good.”

“That is why we are here,” Dennis Young of the CIA summarizes. “We are going to organize a task force dedicated to supporting cyberwarfare attacks against Iraq and its suppliers.”

“That is a very overt action,” Director Davis of the FBI adds. “The U.S. government cannot afford to have such a high profile involvement.”

“We are not going to have any involvement in it,” says Dennis Young of the CIA.

“So, is that why the professor is here?” FBI Agent Brenda Packston asks. “Will we support him and his team’s attack efforts?”

“Not exactly,” Dennis Young responds. “But the President has strongly urged this task force to supply Professor Harris with information relating to the telecommunications, banking, and transportation infrastructure in Iraq as well as any information relating to trading partners that Iraq now has.”

“We intend to use a sustained attack process as is described in Michael Erbschloe’s book Information Warfare: How to survive cyber attacks. If you have not read his framework for analysis and classification of information warfare strategies you should do so immediately.” Brandon says.

“I don’t like this,” Terrence Long snaps. “We are still cleaning up diplomatic relationships after ExopaTerra. We have spent a week in briefings and meetings here just to end up finding out that we are going to support a secret cyberwar against Iraq!”

“You are free to take that up with the President,” Dennis Young responds. “Are there any other questions?”

The meeting ends. As the group was leaving the conference room a gentleman that had sat quietly in the room during the entire briefing approaches the professor. “How are you doing professor?” Secret Service Agent Henry Kirkman says as he extends his hand to shake with the professor.

“Good Henry, and how about yourself?” Brandon replies.

“The President would like to see you immediately and I am here to take you to that meeting,” Agent Kirkman says.

Brandon, without comment, silently accompanies Agent Kirkman.


September 13, 1:30 P.M. EST

The White House, Washington D.C.

Secret Service Agent Kirkman and Professor Brandon L. Harris arrive at the White House. They sign in and go through the security checkpoint.

Agent Kirkman and the professor enter an office in the West Wing. The President of the United States enters within a couple of minutes.

“Hello Henry, hello professor,” the President says as he shakes hands with both men. “Are we ready to get started on this effort?”

“Everyone seems to be in agreement except the State Department,” Agent Kirkman answers.

“How much do you think you can accomplish professor?” the President asks.

“Iraq is not among the most wired countries in the world,” Brandon responds. “But we can certainly cause disruption and probably gain considerable intelligence in the process.”

“But can you do it without getting caught at it?” the President asks.

“I do not see any problem there,” Brandon responds. “The team can set up a system to keep anyone from knowing where they are coming from.”

“Okay, but it has to work,” the President warns. “By the way are you settled up with Brenda Packston?”

“I signed the Georgetown property over to her early this week,” Brandon responds. “It is all paid for and she will be comfortable there for the rest of her life.”

“Fine, but how about the real stuff?” the President asks.

“We are going to see each other this weekend and I hope that she says what is on her mind,” Brandon responds.

“Do her right,” the President warns as he stand and shakes hands. “Now go see what you can do about our problem.”

“Come on professor,” Agent Kirkman says. “I will drive you back to the Watergate.”


September 13, 3:30 P.M. EST

Brandon’s room at the Watergate Hotel

Brandon picks up the phone and calls the warehouse in Carlsbad, California. Blaster answers the phone. “How are you doing professor?”

“Things are fine Blaster,” Brandon replies. “What is going on there?”

“Busy, busy,” Blaster says. “We got the house done and have thoroughly tested Germ’s new model P34. Lucy and Lulu went to Hawaii for the weekend. Rabbit took Tonya to see her parents. Spinx is in town. So its Razer, Germ, Spinx and I for the weekend. The guys got the new OC3 line installed and we have some new workstations set up.”

“Sounds good,” Brandon says. “I will be back on Monday.”

“How have the briefings been?” Blaster asks. “Never mind, I know you have been bored.”

“And then some,” Brandon says. “But we do have a new project. Can we have everyone on station Tuesday morning about 9:00 A.M.?”

“Let’s make it ten,” Blaster says. “Lucy and Lulu do not get back until late Monday. What’s the gig?”

“Its TS so lets hold until then,” Brandon replies.

“So what are you going to do this weekend professor?” Blaster asks.

“Settle up some not so old business,” Brandon replies.

“Be nice to her,” Blaster warns.

“I am being nice,” Brandon snaps back. “I gave her the Georgetown condo.”

“Be nice in other ways,” Blaster continues. “We have all voted to like Brenda, even Tonya. That little speech you gave when she was here after ExopaTerra was heartwarming but you had better follow through.”

“Anything else Master Blaster?” Brandon replies.

“Is there anything we can do to get ready for next week?” Blaster asks.

“Yes, set up about a dozen attack servers in different countries with good bandwidth,” Brandon replies.

“Ohhh good,” Blaster says. “Who are we going to hit?”

“Take bets and we will see who gets the prize?” Brandon teases.

“What is the prize?” Blaster teases back as they hang up the phone.

As Brandon hangs up the phone he realizes that Tonya and the gang had played a hand. Which direction it was going was not clear to him, but he had a sense that they knew what they wanted and they were determined to get their way regardless of what he thought about anything.


September 13, 5:30 P.M. EST

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda and Sharon are busy preparing dinner and waiting for Brandon to arrive.

“Are you sure you want me here for this?” Sharon asks. “I am more than willing to step out.”

“No way,” Brenda responds. “Besides you live here and you are my lover and my best friend. I also feel stronger when you are with me.”

“What do you think the professor will think about me being here?” Sharon asks.

“He is oblivious to most common feelings,” Brenda responds. “In fact he seems to have a lot of respect for you and he cares about me. Dad told me that Brandon urged him to accept the relationship that you and I have and be supportive of it.”

“When did he do that?” Sharon asks.

“In one of those bonding conversations they had during ExopaTerra,” Brenda says laughing. “Besides all of that, I want to make sure that you and I are in on the Iraq project.”

“That would be great!” Sharon says. “But how do you know he wants us in on it?”

“He needs us,” Brenda says. “He needs some good contacts in D.C. and he needs you because you are fluent in Arabic. He cannot do better than us.”

“But what if he is afraid to work with us?” Sharon asks.

“My love, if he has any reservations we can persuade him otherwise,” Brenda says.

“Ohhh, I smell a plot!” Sharon says.

“Yes, you do, a deep long thought out plot,” Brenda teases.

“Okay, clue me in,” Sharon says.

“Bring your wine and let’s sit down for a while,” Brenda says as she leads Sharon to the sofa.

“Let’s size up the situation with Brandon,” Brenda says.

“Lead me through it,” Sharon replies.

“The team of people that he has put together are seeing lots of cyber action,” Brenda continues. “Plus they have a relationship with the President and most of the intelligence agencies in some way or another. And I want to make sure that we benefit from those things.”

“Fine by me,” Sharon says.

“Next,” Brenda continues. “His group seems to be pretty open about life, adventure, each other, and their sexuality. I want us to know people like that.”

“I am still with you,” Sharon says.

“One of the great things about Brandon is his loyalty,” Brenda continues. “He seems to pick people he wants to be close to and sticks to them. I feel he demonstrated that with me by the way things went during ExopaTerra.”

“I agree,” Sharon says. “He was going to make sure you were either on his team or on your father’s team.”

“That’s right,” Brenda says. “I benefited a great deal from that.”

“So what does this all mean in terms of you having a continuing relationship with him?” Sharon asks.

“There are two things I want you to understand about that,” Brenda says. “The first is that I love you and I never want you to doubt it. The second is that I hope to know Brandon forever, he is too valuable to give up.”

“Does that mean you want to have sex with him?” Sharon asks.

“Yes and no,” Brenda explains. “I do not want to have an ongoing sexual relationship with anyone except you. But I do want to know Brandon and his team, including sexually. But it is more complicated than that, I want us to know them all.”

“Well it sure beats hanging out around with the uptight crowds in D.C.” Sharon says as she pulls Brenda onto the floor. “But what will Tonya think of this plan?”

“She helped me craft it out,” Brenda says laughing.

Brenda and Sharon had been rolling around the floor kissing and caressing each other for several minutes. The doorbell rings. They laugh and get in one more very long kiss.

Brenda answers the door. Brandon looks at her messed up hair and smiles. She gets embarrassed and turns red. Sharon is standing next to Brenda with her arm around her. They look at Brandon for a few long seconds.

“Are you going to invite me in?” Brandon asks breaking the silence.

“Yes, come in!” They both say.

“Dinner is ready,” Brenda says.

“And we picked a great wine,” Sharon adds. “One we are sure you will like.”

As they sit down to eat Brandon says, “You made my favorite salad, thank you.”

“It is the house favorite,” Sharon adds. “We both like it.”

Brenda looks at Brandon. “It is good to see you.”

“There are a lot of things I would like to talk about,” Brandon says as if initiating a long conversation.

“There are a few things on my mind as well,” Brenda adds.

“Mine as well,” Sharon concurs.

“Do you mind if I start?” Brenda asks.

“Not at all,” Brandon says. “Please do.”

“Well first of all I want to thank you for the condo,” Brenda says. “I have always loved it.”

“You deserve it,” Brandon replies.

“I also appreciate you getting me on board for ExopaTerra,” Brenda continues. “As I told you I am hooked.”

“You deserved that as well,” Brandon replies. “How would you like to work on the Iraq project? Both of you?”

“That was my next topic,” Brenda says laughing.

“I am serious,” Brandon says. “You would both make a great addition to the team.”

“How will your team feel about that?” Sharon asks.

“It seems that you have already been voted in.” Brandon replies.

“Good,” Brenda says. “We can cover research from this end and take advantage of the D.C. resources, which you may not have ready access to.”

“I am fluent in Arabic,” Sharon adds. “Which may be of great help to your team.”

“Then it is settled,” Brandon concludes.

“When do we start?” Brenda asks.

“You can start on Monday by getting as much information as you can on the banking and telecommunications systems,” Brandon says. “I also need you to teleconference with the team on Tuesday when they assemble.”

“Done,” Brenda says.

“Great,” Sharon adds.

“What did you mean when you said it seems that we have already been voted in?” Sharon asks Brandon.

“My team works in mysterious ways,” Brandon says. “I never question their judgment or their intent. It was made clear to me, without explanation however, that the team has voted to like you. I do not know when, how, or where. I also know better than to ask.”

“You really do trust them,” Sharon says.

“Way beyond that,” Brandon says. “It is hard to put into words.”

“Then don’t try,” Brenda says preferring to avoid revealing that she had conversations with Tonya.

As they where finishing dinner Brandon asks, “Is there any more of this wine left?”

“Just two bottles,” Brenda replies. “It is really good, they are chilling now, I will open another.”

“Let’s move to the sofa,” Sharon says as Brenda went to open another bottle of wine.

Brenda refills their glasses and says, “We have finished most of the wine, especially the good stuff.”

Brenda and Sharon end up sitting on the floor against the sofa and Brandon sits on the floor against the easy chair across from the sofa.

“Good, I hope you liked it,” Brandon says laughing.

“We loved it,” Sharon adds.

“Sharon has moved in,” Brenda says.

“That is really good,” Brandon says. “I hope things work out well.”

“We are very much in love,” Brenda replies.

“It is strange how things workout,” Sharon adds.

“Maybe not,” Brandon says. “Fate has many twists which are sometimes not so much of a twist as they may seem. The best thing is to try to build a good life and not let people overly influence your decisions.”

“I agree,” Brenda says as she raises her glass in a toast.

“You have an incredible team,” Sharon says to Brandon. “Where did they all come from?”

“Most of them were my students at one time or another,” Brandon replies. “But I will let them tell you about themselves at their own pace.”

“Which means you plan on us meeting at one time or another,” Sharon replies.

“It will happen,” Brandon says. “Trust them, they like you and they do not like many people.”

“Do you think they are eccentric?” Sharon asks.

“Way beyond,” Brandon replies. “Like I said it is difficult to put into words.”

“What I want you to know is that they are very open and liberal people,” Brandon continues. “But they will never try to talk you into anything you don’t already want to do. They seem to have a sense of things.”

“They also all have sex with each other,” Brenda says. “Right?”

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “That is true. I do not keep a score card and know very little of the details as to what goes on.”

“Do you have sex with all of them?” Sharon asks.

“I have in the past,” Brandon replies. “But recognize I am getting a bit older.”

“BS,” Brenda says laughing. “Older but no less capable.”

“It is truth or dare time,” Brenda continues.

“Nothing but the truth,” Brandon says. “I have already lost the dare.”

“Don’t be a pig,” Brenda says. “Shut up and listen.” She laughs at her own boldness.

Brandon nods in agreement.

“You are one of the best things that every happened to me in my life,” Brenda declares. “But Sharon is the very best thing, I love her.”

“I love Brenda and feel that she is the best person that has every come into my life,” Sharon adds.

Brenda, getting a bit drunk looks at Brandon, “Did you really love me?”

“I did,” Brandon says. “And I do, and that is why I am here.”

Sharon moves closer to Brenda.

Brenda leans over and gives Sharon a kiss. She looks back at Brandon waiting for a response.

“No one can understand our relationship Brenda,” Brandon says. “The one we have or the one we will have. Lets move to the future. Be part of the team. Learn. Be the best.”

“I am going to do all of the above,” Brenda replies.

“And I am going to be right next to her doing the same,” Sharon adds.

“Then you have given me exactly what I want,” Brandon concludes as he fills their glasses with wine.

“But I want more,” Brenda says. “Full fledged membership with the team.”

“I am with her,” Sharon adds.

“It is yours for the taking,” Brandon replies. “But bear in mind that it is hard work.”

Brenda starts to kiss Sharon as Brandon sits in observance.

Brenda looks at Brandon “Stay with us until Monday morning,” she says.

“Right now I would not think of doing anything else,” Brandon replies.


September 13, 6:30 P.M. PST

The warehouse in Carlsbad, California

Blaster, Razer, Germ, and Spinx sit discussing Brandon’s phone call.

“It is an attack scenario but he said the one who guesses gets the prize,” Blaster says.

“No other clues?” Razer asks.

“None,” Blaster replies. “But he has been in D.C. for a week. The top enemies according to the administration are Iraq, Iran, South Korea, and Cuba.

“I vote for Iraq,” Razer says.

“Second,” Germ says.

“Third,” Spinx says.

“He wants about a dozen attack servers to launch the attacks from,” Blaster adds.

“Let’s spread them out,” Germ says. “Two in France, two in Italy, three in Japan, one in Spain, three in the UK, and one in Singapore, no lets get two in Singapore.”

“Oh, and I guess Ms. Singapore will be at your service on that one?” Razer says.

“Well, she is already interested in the P34,” Germ adds. “I can probably get the servers free of charge.”

“What does she do?” Spinx ask. “Sell time shares on your vibrators?”

“Hey for all I know they are mass produced in a factory in Malaysia and sold through Southeast Asia,” Germ responds.

“Okay,” Blaster says. “Let’s have the proxies set up and tested by Monday afternoon.”

“Speaking of the P34,” Spinx says, “When do I get to test drive it?”

“How about right after we all get out of the shower,” Razer says.

“Great!” Spinx says. “This time I think I can tell you all exactly what I want.”

“We have a few things in mind for you as well,” Blaster adds as the four of them ascend to the loft to shower.


September 14, 11:00 A.M. EST

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda, Sharon, and Brandon slowly awake in the king size bed in Brenda’s bedroom. Brenda picks up the phone and orders breakfast from the French restaurant down the street. As she has done for many months before, she charges it to Brandon’s credit card.

Brandon slowly realizes what she has done. He wakes looking at Brenda and Sharon smiling down at him.

“Breakfast is coming soon,” Brenda says. “Go take a shower.”

Brandon wanders into the shower as Sharon follows. Brenda goes to get ready for the soon to arrive breakfast.

Brandon and Sharon get out of the shower as breakfast arrives. Brenda goes into the shower as they sit down for tea and breakfast snacks.

Sharon digs into her breakfast. “I am so hungry.”

“Sorry to act like a pig,” Sharon continues.

“You are not acting like a pig,” Brandon responds. “You are just hungry. You and Lucy Chin will get along fine.”

“She is the CIA Agent?” Sharon asks. “Right?”

“Yes,” Brandon replies. “And one of the best hackers in the world.”

“Should I ask how you got her?” Sharon says.

“Best to ask her directly,” Brandon says.

Brenda returns from the shower and sits to eat breakfast. “According to the Sex Life of High-tech Tonya it would seem that breakfast is one of your favorite meals Brandon,” she says.

“Among them,” Brandon replies. “But I prefer midnight snacks.”

They all laugh.

“What about sex on a Saturday afternoon?” Sharon asks.

Brandon looks at her a little bewildered.

“We are not through with you until Monday morning professor,” Brenda says laughing along with Sharon.

“Brandon, I had your bags sent over from the Watergate,” Brenda continues. “They should be here soon. You can leave for the airport from here on Monday.”

Brandon continues to eat his breakfast and drink tea without comment.

“I liked it,” Sharon says. “Tell me more about Germ, Rabbit, Razer, and Blaster.”

“And I want to know more about Lucy, Lulu, and Spinx,” Brenda adds.

“The best way for you to learn more about them is to come to Carlsbad.” Brandon replies.

“Is that a challenge or an invitation?” Brenda asks.

“Come to Carlsbad and the question will answer itself,” Brandon replies.

“Back to liking it,” Sharon says.

“Yes, I agree,” Brenda says smiling. “Let’s get back to it. There is no better way to start a cyberwar.”

“Frankenstien has nothing on you professor,” Sharon says.


September 14, 9:00 A.M. PST

The warehouse in Carlsbad, California

Blaster, Razer, Germ, and Spinx sit discussing the upcoming job.

“Regardless of where we hit we need a rational order of penetration,” Razer says.

“Exactly,” Germ agrees. “We need to go in fast and collect data first, map out the infrastructure, store and process intelligence, and strike as quickly as possible after that.”

“So lets do a practice run on Iraq,” Blaster suggests. “We can start by mapping out the infrastructure and what we can hit remotely.”

“Great, I will start with the Universities,” Spinx says. “I can find out what kind of research they are doing and how I can hop to other servers in the country.”

“I will take the banks,” Blaster says.

“I will do telecommunications,” Razer says.

“I will work on satellite communications and the military,” Germ says. “And remember jump from one of the attack servers every time you go in. France, Germany, and Japan are set up. There are icons on our gateway server.”

“Lets map it on the big screens as we collect data,” Blaster adds.


September 14, 12:00 P.M. EST

Brenda Packston’s Georgetown apartment

Brenda, Sharon, and Brandon are sitting on the floor in the living room sipping on brandy.

“We read the Sex Life of High-tech Tonya,” Brenda informs Brandon. “You seem to have a rather active role in Tonya’s sexual emergence.”

“Tonya would have emerged with or without me,” Brandon replies.

“Don’t be so modest professor,” Sharon says. “You were there and it is not about Tonya or you as much as it is about sexual emergence.”

“It is, and it is not solely a physical process,” Brandon replies. “It is a matter of letting go when you feel like it and when you can experience something new in a unique circumstance. Random sex gets you nowhere. You need to focus.”

“Which is why we are here,” Brenda adds.

“Okay,” Brandon says. “Play back last night, at least in your heads, and go in a different direction today.”

“Last night was my most unique experience,” Sharon says.

“Then dig deeper,” Brandon replies. “What is inside your head, what do you want that you have not yet experienced?”

“That scares me,” Sharon confesses.

“Why?” Brandon asks. “Do you think that it will interfere or contradict your love for Brenda?”

Sharon looks at Brenda and says, “I do love you but I feel these barriers to fully emerging sexually, none of which have anything to do with my relationship with you, they are all in my head.”

“We are going to break through those barriers,” Brenda says, “I love you and we are here together.”


September 14, 3:00 P.M. PST

The house of Brandon’s team in Carlsbad, California

Blaster, Razer, Germ, and Spinx are at the house which the team spent much of the summer renovating. It is an old large three-story house on a small side street in easy walking distance from the heart of Carlsbad village. They had been putting the finishing touches on the house all week and this was going to be their first meal there. They spent the day buying food and other odds and ends.

Just as they were finishing unloading the SUV, Tonya and Rabbit arrive. “Hey,” Blaster says, “We are glad you made it back. We are getting ready to cook dinner and have out first night in the house. Well a least the first party night in the house.”

“Great,” Rabbit says, “I am hungry!”

Blaster and Tonya sit on the front porch as the rest of group start working on dinner. “How did it go?” Blaster asks.

“Very emotional,” Tonya replies. “But easier than the first time I saw them after ExopaTerra.”