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Muejiz landed at the Obafemi Awolowo University Airport. Having his luggage by his side, he stood, trying to board a taxi into the university campus.

While he waited, he saw a very beautiful, young lady with long, permed, brown hair, struggling with her overweighted load. He quickly rushed to help her, but she dismissed him with a snare.

He followed her slowly back to the taxi stand, watching all the while as she struggled with her luggage.

"Well, I must say you're a very strong woman." He tried to compliment her.

"I see, so you are one of those who think women can't do it themselves?" The lady, now sweating profusely, responded angrily.

"Uhm... No! I'm just admiring you that's all." He said, defending himself.

"I see." The lady replied sternly.

"Plus you're a really beautiful lady." He added, complimenting her beauty. "I'm Muejizhan you can call me Muejiz, or Zhan, or Muej or..." He tried to introduce.

"Ok, I see where this is going." Tomi cut him off.

"You see a beautiful lady and you're trying to woo her. Look, I might be a freshman but I'm not new to this environment. And by the way, I have a boyfriend, so just piss off." She spat fiercely.

"I wonder where all these Taxies are today!" She complained, now murmuring to herself.

"Nigerians, we will never change. You Nigerian ladies will always pick offence on everything. If no one compliments you, you become sad, if someone tells you, you look good, you become mad. Do I look like one of those guys that want to woo you?" Muejizhan expressed.

"What differentiates you from others. Are you not a guy?" The lady asked finely.

"Yeah, that's a point." He replied thoughtfully.

"But I'm not into you, I'm just admiring you that's all. Plus FYI, I'm kinda, more into guys than ladies!" he whispered as he moved close to the lady.

The lady's face lit up became apologetic. "Uhhh! I'm sorry. I'm just frustrated right now. I mean I've been frustrated since before I left home..." She said in defence.

"Wanna talk about it?" He asked in concern.

"No please!" The lady fired. "God! Do you talk about everything?" She asked looking at him in awe.

"Anyways I'm Maureen. You can just call me Tomi, short for my middle name Tomison." She introduced.

"Or T, or Tom or..." Muejizhan started optioning for soothing nicknames but stopped as he noticed Tomi giving him a stern look.

"I guess not. Tomi will do just fine then!" He finally dismissed.

Just then, some taxies started to head their way, they made move to stop one for themselves.

"Faculty of Science residence" they both announced and immediately looked at each other in amazement and laughed.

They boarded the same taxi. Chatting and laughing like old friends who got reunited after a lifetime apart. They even got to know they've both been admitted into the same department.

At the faculty residence, the taxi stopped and they alighted. Some fellows came and helped them in lifting their luggage to their destination.

"I hope the female wing is as nice as everyone speculated it to be," Tomi said to her new friend, Muejiz.

"I don't want to think about the male residence. I mean, the entire campus has bad mouthed it online already." Muejiz replied meekly, lamenting about the speculated plight of his residence.

Tomi laughed, putting her hand over Muejiz' shoulders, "Hey Don't worry, you can always come to my room to chill." She said in a bid to comfort him. "Oh! That reminds me, are you coming to the freshmen party tonight?" She asked.

"Really! We just got here and you're talking of a party already?!" Muejiz said, surprised.

"You're coming anyway, right?" She pushed.

"Uhnn..." Muejiz stammered

"Why am I asking? Of course, you're coming." She finalized.

"Ahnnnn... I don't..." He tried to defend.

Tomi gave him a stern look, shook her head and commanded saying, "That settles it, you're coming."

"Okay mum, I am. But I swear, I will ensure you regret making me." He confirmed and they both laughed.

They got to the road splitting the male wing from that of the female and both parted ways.

* * *

Back at the crypt at Lafayette cemetery in New Orleans...

Gloria rose up and majestically walked towards the edge of the pool of blood trying to come out of it. the other eleven figures chanting the ritual with her three abductors, knelt, as two of them dropped down their hoods, revealing two middle-aged women. "Queen Lilith!" spoke one of the women.

The three siblings, with terrifying looks on their faces, slowly moved close to Gloria, in the pool.

Gloria's face on seeing the siblings lit up. "My children!" She exclaimed.

"Mum?!" Luke inquired.

"And who are these people?" She asked, looking around at the other eleven people on a cape.

"The coven we hired to help get all these done," Fey answered.

"What's next mother?" Celeste asked, moving close to Gloria, who the three now claimed to be their mother, trying to cover her with a cape.

Gloria stopped Celeste from covering her, took another look round, at the eleven members of the said coven and smiled evilly. "Cover our tracks?!" She replied to Celeste's question.

The place became totally dark. Ugly shadowy figures, filled the crypt, tearing through the coven members. Their blood splashed all over the place as the cry of anguish filled the air from the eleven members of the coven.

"Attention all passengers on board, we've reached New York and the plane will be landing soon. Fasten your seat belts please!"

Prissila jerked, waking up from her supposed nightmare of the crypt by the announcement of the air hostess on the plane she was aboard.

* * *

At the freshmen party in Muejiz school...

"Welcome newbies to your initiation party into the great citadel of learning. Tonight you are going to be having a lot of fun and magic..." The host of the party welcomed everyone in the background...

"Tonight is going to be awesome!" Tomi said, entering the venue with Muejiz holding her hand like her date.

"Yeah, you wish," Muejiz replied.

"Damn! This is beautiful..." He stammered on entering the venue with eyes wide open. "-ly stupid!" He completed, changing his expression as he saw Tomi staring at him.

"Don't...! I see what you're doing..." Tomi fired at him.

"What?" He asked funnily.

A tall, built, brown-skinned, handsome guy, walked towards them. Tomi engaged the guy in a warm hug and then, in a kiss.

"Uhm... Hello? I'm right here." Muejiz interrupted.

Tomi, now separating from the guy, faked a cough. "Hey Muejiz, this is my boyfriend Fred. Fred, meet my newly found bestie Muejiz!" She introduced.

"Hey bro what's up?" Fred said, stretching for a handshake.

Muejiz looked at his hand distastefully. "What's that? Come over here and hug me." He said, as he dragged Fred in, and embrace him tight in a hug.

"He's cute, I'm gonna steal him from you." Muejiz lip-synced to Tomi who's behind Fred.

Tomi frowned and lip-synced back, "Try me and you'll be dead by sunrise..."

Fred in an uncomfortable position under Muejiz's arm stretched and broke free from the hug. Tomi and Muejiz both faked a smile to cover their lip-syncing actions behind his back.

"You are energetic and playful. Do you hug everyone like that? I mean you're a guy and..." Fred said looking at Muejiz strangely.

Tomi moved close to Fred and whispered to his ear, "He's gay! He's gay! Don't..." Interrupting Fred from spitting more words.

"Oh!" Fred exclaimed.

"Nice to meet you Muejiz." He said, smiling at Muejiz.

"The pleasure is all mine," Muejiz replied, winking at him.

"Okay, come with me guys. I've reserved a table for us," said Fred, As they moved into the sitting area of the party.

At the table, Fred, Tomi and Muejiz were in a heated conversation, laughing and grinning in enjoyment...

"Wait! Your father is Gen. Abubak'r Salihu-Ahmed?" Fred inquired with eyes wide open.

"Yeah?!" Muejiz replied.

"You must be shitting me. Your family is like Royalty in this country. You are like the real owners of Abuja. 'Awon owo Abuja' (Yoruba term for - the owners of the money in Abuja)." Fred said, hailing Muejiz and his family fortunes.

"I don't know what you're saying, but that's not my money. Look, it's not even my father's, it's family money. Like, old, ancient, family money that is passed down to heads of the family." Muejiz replied.

"Bitch! You didn't tell me who you are all this while we are together, why?!" Tomi said to Muejiz, surprised at her discovery about him.

"Cause you didn't ask" Muejiz replied her. "Plus I'm trying to...." He continued, when a tall, handsome, light-skinned guy, on big nerd glasses, interrupted him. The guy appeared from nowhere and bent beside Muejiz.

"Hi! Sorry to interrupt. I'm Khalifa Ademola Seun, my friends call me King." The boy introduced.

"So? Ni bo loti ja wa na? (Yoruba term for - Where the heck did you fall from?)" Tomi rudely fired at the boy before he could complete his introduction.

"Again, I'm sorry," King said, now sounding apologetic and meek.

"But my friends over at that table." He continued, pointing in the direction of his friends. "....are daring me to kiss you for five thousand naira."

"I think you are all crazy at that table. Do I look like..." Tomi fired but was interrupted again by King.

"Not you ma'am. Him!" King said nodding towards Muejiz, smiling.

Fred choked on his wine and whispered in laughter, "Someone's got an admirer."

"Me?!" Muejiz asked, looking surprised.

"Please! You don't have to be into it. Just a peck on my lip will do. We can even share the money after I've collected it from them." King begged.

"It's okay. For you, I'll do for free..." Muejiz replied, as he turned to face King, but was interrupted by Tomi.

"Bitch shut the fuck up! I need the money if you don't." Tomi fired at Muejiz angrily. "Hey look here Mr," She continued, now addressing King. "We are splitting the money thirty/seventy. Thirty for you, seventy for me."

"Whaaaat?!" Shouted Muejiz and King, together.

"Yes! You want my boy to kiss you, then you've gotta pay huge. Cause he's a hot sauce." Tomi said in defence, patting Muejiz on the hand.

"Sixty/Forty! Sixty for me forty for you. Common, it's just a peck on my lip." King begged bargaining with Tomi on the percentage to be shared.

"The hustle is real bro..." Tomi said, shaking her head in disagreement with King.

Fred and Muejiz were now laughing uncontrollably, as Tomi and King bargained for the price of Muejiz's kiss. King's friends were giggling too at their table.

"Tomi please stop. I will pay you your cut personally. Free the poor boy please." Muejiz finally chipped in, saving King from Tomi's trouble.

"Thank God for him, else? No kiss, no money for you." Tomi said to King, accepting Muejiz' offer.

Muejiz shook his head in laughter. He turned, to a now depressed King, dragged his shirt by the collar, pulling King to his level and engaged him in a hot, French kiss. King's eyes opened wide in shock and then close again in pleasure.

Everyone close, turned, as some were clapping in the excitement of the fun from the view, others were laughing at the funny sight of two guys kissing.

The host announced out loud on the mic, "This is the kinda fun we're talking about. No dull moment abeg!"

King's friends kept shouting at the top of their voice "It's a bet o! It's just a bet please!"

Muejiz broke free, "That should do it. They should pay you more than your earlier bargained price." He said to King, whose eyes were now shut and was somewhat stuck in fantasy land.

"Uhhm-Ahhhn-hmmm... Th-tha-tha- I mean, thanks. I-I." Stammered King.

"We get it, just go..." Fred fired at King.

Muejiz, Tomi and Fred all roared out in loud laughter.

"Ok guys I can't stand the heat, I gotta go," Muejiz said in frenzy. "I'm tired from my trip and we've got departmental orientation in the mor-ning." He stammered looking at the watch on his wrist. "Fuck! It's 1:15 am." He announced in shock.

"What?! Please let's go, I need to sleep o!" Tomi exclaimed.

"Let me walk you guys down your hostel." Fred requested as they all got their things and left the premises.

Muejiz got to his room and his roommate was not in yet. He picked up his phone, opened Facebook. He scrolled through the news feed and saw a post from the New York Times that interested him. It was about an orphanage in Chad that was hit by flood and 3 kids were found dead, with twelve others missing, yet the Government and NGOs had not reached out to aid these people.

He commented, "Shout out to all the orphans, the poor, homeless and hungry people in the world who strive hard to survive in this cruel world of ours where the people and the government care less. May life smile at you sometime soon."

A few seconds after, he heard the Facebook pop sound twice. Indicating someone liked and commented on his post.

"People don't sleep again these days or what?" He asked rhetorically as he scrolled to check.

The comment read, "Amen and thanks, brother! We may be orphans with no family of our own. But I believe we'll conquer all the challenges of life."

Muejiz smiled and sent a love emoji to the reply. Immediately, he received a friend request from the person who replied to his comment.

"Milli O.?!" Muejiz complained, reading out the person's name.

He checked through the boy's profile and was about declining the request in disappointment, as there were too much clout editing. And the fact that the boy wrote 'Studying Engineering at Harvard' pissed him off as he thought the boy was fake until the spot for 'things in common' caught his eyes.

"Birthday-15th July 2005?!" Muejiz asked rhetorically. He immediately clicked 'confirm' on the request. He went through Milli's pictures for the second time, this time, with a smile on his face and a clear heart. "Damn! He is cute." He said in a compliment.

Again, he remembered his ordeal with King Khalifa Seun Ademola that night and smiled dreamingly. He Turned off his bedside lamp and off to the dream world he went.