Cracking Skulls In Portishead by John Cullen - HTML preview

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Pt three.

By Tony M Richards

Portishead: Saturday November 20th 1982.

Antonio was awoken by an ice cold blast of water. He opened his eyes to see the nozel of a hose pipe pointed directly at him.

He slowly began to regain consciousness......

...... Back to the grim reality....

Waking up in an unfolding nightmare.... .... Antonio was waking up......


Antonio opened his eyes as far as they would open..... He looked down at his right foot......

His ankle was shackled by a metal clamp, connected to some sort of long, rusted chain......

His mouth was numb- He could barely move his jaw.... It did feel as though he was missing teeth; his front teeth, upper and lower.... Completely gone....

Did he know this already?......


Another blast from the hose woke Antonio up fully- He was now fully consious. The pain came rushing back, pulsing through his entire body.


Antonio managed to lift himself to his knees, trying to wipe the water from his eyes......

Looking up, he saw somewhere dark, but very spacious. It appeared to look like a church or the inside of some sort cathedral..... A strange cathedral..... A cathedral with no windows.


Antonio saw a familiar face. He couldn't quite place where, but he knew the face.


"NO! PLEASE NO!" Antonio coughed out, pushing his open palm up into the air to signal he was up.

He was wobbly on his feet, but standing never the less.....

For the time being at least....


....... From the pub. The rotten teeth and bad attitude were unmistakable.

It was him......

....... The caretaker of the local lighthouse.....

The guy who always drank alone; the guy who always smelled of industrial bleach...... Bloodshot eyes, nose hair. The creep from the lighthouse...

It was him alright.....



Another unprovoked blast of ice cold water followed; Antonio hit the deck as instructed, no questions asked.... He had plenty, but none whatsoever were asked......

As Antonio lay flat the ground, pain shot through his entire body once more; the feel of cold cobble stone against his aching jaw reminded him he was alive, but only just....

For now....

His life was hanging by a thread....

The flickering gas lamps on the wall offered only a brief glimpse of where Antonio was being held captive......

He could see the room was of an odd shape: Large in some parts, small and thin in others.

Antonio's attention was caught as he gazed upwards from the wet cobble stones- The ceiling was an odd, curved shape of some sort....

..... Almost like a human skull......

The walls seemed to be dark oak..... There was what appeared to be a number of paintings hung up, but Antonio could not see any of the finer details- Paintings on the walls were the least of his problems......

There were others in the room, but Antonio was unable to quite see; it was all to much to take in at once: Paintings hung high up, depicting consumption of human flesh and errotic, carnal intercourse; painful groans, his own and others; somebody calling his name, repeadley....

...... The gas lamps seemed to be dimming......

..... Or somebody was dimming them...

With the chain wrapped around his ankle, Antonio was going nowhere... Nowhere at all.... Nowhere at that moment in time....

Antonio closed his eyes, seeing the heads in jars once again..... What were they? Were they real? Did he somehow imagine it? Was it a dream? Is this all a dream?

Antonio prayed for sleep but knew it was now out of the question.

If he slept again it would be permanently.... ..... Forever....

Just a question of when? When was this going to end? The nightmare unfolding he hoped would be short....

Antonios eyes were closed for what felt like seconds- He was hit by the hose once again; the cold water causing his body to spasm in shock; Antonios pain only intensifing with ice cold blast...

The water did not feel clean- The small particles of grit on his skin told him so.

Another voice was in the room:

"Now, now Peter! Thats a little uncalled for......"

Antonio jolted and sat up against the wall, rubbing the cold water from his eyes again.

The other voice spoke again:

"Peter..... If he's distressed too early, it will tarnish the flavour of the meat...... A towel please....." There he was.....

A man in his mid fifties: Brown, pinstripe suit with a white shirt and black tie; thick rimmed glasses placed over long, bulbous nose.... Topped with an inconspicuous hairpiece.....

He couched down to address Antonio:

"My name is Dr Philip Unsworth."

A towell was flung violently at Antonio- He grabbed it, drying his hair and face.

"I'm sure you have many questions and even some complaints. We first need to establish a few ground rules before we engage in conversation. Do you understand?"

Antonio noded:

"Yes sir..... Absolutely."

..... Antonios gums felt like jelly with an abscence of teeth......

Dr Unsworth placed a hand on Antonios shoulder:

"The fact of the matter is that you will not be leaving here alive, so I'd suggest you accept your fate with some dignity.... Should you cause any problems, excessive force will be used.... Do you understand?"

Antonio nodded. Dr Unsworth beckoned over Peter and whispered in his ear.

He turned his attention back to Antonio:

"You are to be part of something millions would only dream about witnessing.... Thus... You cannot leave here alive... BUT! Let me assure you of one thing, what you will see will make your life seem very worthwhile Antonio..... You will see things most mortals could only dream of!"

Antonio nodded. Peter returned with a large, grey bottle and a glass.

"First, let me pour you a drink.... It will steady your nerves.... Calm you down.... Peter please fetch a chair for our guest," Dr Unsworth said soothingly...

Antonio was seated and handed another towel....

He accepted the glass, but didn't drink.

"Drink! Please! Better than any other plonk you've had in the past!" Urged Dr Unsworth, smiling and putting his hand back on Antonios shoulder.

Antonio swallowed down the wine in three big gulps. His gums burnt where his teeth had once lived.... He drained the glass....

Dr Unsworth was impressed:

"Thats the spirit! Made from an ancient recipe! Over eight hundred years old.... Impressive.... Huh?"

Dr Unsworth poured Antonio another glass:

"So... My son... Who are you?"

"Antonio Richards," mumbled Antonio, his jaw moving awkwardly. "I'm a nurse... Local hospital......"

"Well Antonio I knew your name already, Peter had informed me... But a nurse?! Crikey! Well.... This changes everything! You're a fellow medic! I can address you in a totally different way... You are evidently not some sort of bum we've dragged off the street...."

"No sir."

"Do you know where you are?"

"No sir."

"Antonio, what I am about to tell will be a little hard to swallow, but quite real... I can assure you.... You are privy to something that...."

Dr Unsworth paused, searching for the words in his mind, rubbing his chin and staring at the floor.

..... The good doctor suddenly found his stride and continued:

"......Is one of the best kept secrets in the world. Very few have ever experienced or witnessed life within..... Our close, inner circle....."

Antonio's jaw involuntarily dropped open- He was all ears.

Dr Unsworth started to laugh:

"Statues dear boy.... You know what a statue is?...... Don't you?" Antonio felt more spasms of pain shoot through him.... He nodded.

The good doctor continued:

"Many years ago, a statue was built.... Well..... Many were..... Across the globe.... These staues were built underground Antonio, hidden from the outside world and it's watchfull eye..... The average statue runs about 900 feet underground. Not really in cities, always close to a coast line. These stautes need to be near water you see... It's considered to be good luck for the god they are moulded after.... This is a relatively small one...... Its only about 400 foot. Aproximately... Antonio..... Antonio.... You are inside the head of Zeus!"

Antonio shook his head in utter disbelief:

"This isn't happening. God no-"

"But it is! Rejoyce! Your part of history! Crikey man! You are experiencing what some could only dream of!"

"Just kill me.... Please...." Muttered Antonio, shaking his head again..

Dr Unsworth continued:

"For years, the lighthouse has been the beacon of safety for sailors out on the open sea. The lighthouse has guided them home! Back to safety! All that we have asked in return is an annual payment.... A sacrifice if you will......"

Dr Unsworth checked Antonios reaction and grabbed Antonios arm, pushing the chalice upwards to his mouth:

"We are the Fourth Order. We have been around since the dawn of man and we shall remain so!

Well, until powers that be end the story.... Antonio..... We are cannibals. There's no nice way to put it. Cannibalism has been around for thousands of years. Todays society demonises such practices! They say it is unholy and barbaric! They say it is the work of the devil.... They say it is a sin to enjoy and consume human flesh. This is incorrect! It is in our blood Antonio! It always has been and it always will be! Society today simply does not understand. The problem-"


A girls voice was calling him. Antonios head was too scrambled to place the voice. He knew it.....

But where from?

"Peter! Can you silence the girl please?"

Antonio heard the girl cry in pain as Peter unleashed the hose, verbally scolding her:


Dr Unsworth was shocked..... Then angered by Peters words:


Antonio noted that Dr Unsworth was disgusted by Peters sadistic leanings. Peter faded back into the background, back into the darkness....

So did the girl.... She was now silent.

Dr Unsworth composed himself and turned back to Antonio:

"You saw the heads..... On the way down... Correct?"

Antonio nodded, knowing the Doctor would explain about where they came from.... Antonio didn't want to know, but he dared not speak.....

"Nothing to be scared of Antonio! Nothing at all......"

Dr Unsworth summoned back Peter and whispered in his ear.

Peter was angered by what he was told:


Dr Unsworth lost control of himself again:


Peter nodded and walked away.

..... Defeated.

"My apologies Antonio, I'm afraid Peter bares some rather strange prejudices. He can be....." said Dr Unsworth, searching for the words, "......... Emotional at times. But.... He's a loyal worker and is discreet about what he knows.... I'm sure a man like you understands....."

Antonio nodded, finishing his drink.

Dr Unsworth filled up Antonio's glass:

"Antonio I do hope-"

Footsteps stopped Dr Unsworth mid-sentence. Peter returned, handing Dr Unsworth a jar.

"Thank you Peter."

Dr Unsworth placed the jar on the wet ground beneath him:

"I take it you're a local Antonio?"

Antonio nodded and took another mouthful of wine, the alcohol burning his gums again.

Dr Unsworth smiled, picking up the jar and holding it up to the dim light in the room. The liquid inside the jar became a sickly yellow from the dull orange glow.....

Antonio could see the face. All the heads in jars had shaved scalps..... It was pretty hard to identify a head without hair....

He recognised the face.....

But where from?

"Clued up on local trivia?" Asked Dr Unsworth mischievously. Antonio nodded, staring intensely at the jar.

Dr Unsworth observed Antonio, watching his puzzled expression.

Dr Unsworth knew Antonio recognised the head:

"A clue maybe... Anybody for a can of fizzy pop? A trip to the tuck shop maybe?" The good Doctor laughed and pointed upwards..... .....The head in the jar.

It was old Mrs Greene.....

"Mrs Greene," spluttered Antonio, "Old Mrs Greene."

Dr Unsworth shook the jar in his hands and gazed at it, mesmerised:

"She was losing her marbles, poor woman...... One day, she left her hole..... The tuck shop I mean... Wandered into the lighthouse.... She entered the passageways as you did.... We heard her screaming her head off- Pardon the pun! She made quite a racket I'm told..... Took us twenty minutes to find her in that maze of passages.... When we finally got her, she was an absolute state.... She was convinced we had a boy trapped down here.... She was partially right..."

"A boy?" Antonio asked.

"We'll get to that in a minute.... All good things my friend....."

Dr Unsworth held up the jar again, back to the light:

"The human head is a true wonder of science. It holds everything. Our past, our present.... Our future.... I can tell what you're thinking: Why cut the heads of and store them? The heads are the key to all humanity. The head is everything dear boy! It also tastes the best Antonio! Better than anything you've ever had the pleasure to taste in your lifetime! A human head must be kept, savoured and consumed in the correct manner.... It has the best flavour of any part of the human anatomy..... Cooked slowly.... To preserve flavour..... Serve with........ Garlic.... Tomatoes... Anything Tony! It goes with anything!.... Anything at all... These skulls wrapped in delicious meat are like fine bottles of wine. Some you lay down, some must be consumed early.... It gave you a fright, seeing all those heads in jars, eh?"

Dr Unsworth stared at Antonio, patting him on the shoulder again:

"It would scare anybody dear boy..... Vampires and ghosts are just a dream. Warewolves do actually exist, but live in the woods. The fourth order is quite real dear boy.... Quite real....."

As the gas lamps flickered, Antonio saw some sort of box with a black sheet draped over it.

Dr Unsworth adjusted one the gas lamps:

"Fucking lamps! Pardon my crude language Antonio... We have electricity down here, but my fellow brothers of the order refuse to upgrade! Lights should be electric! It drives me bonkers!

Some of our brotherhood refuse to let go of certain, stupid traditions... I'm working on it! Believe me! I ask you Anotnio, who uses gas powered lighting in this day and age?!"

"Do you live in this thing all year round?" Antonio blurted out, involentarily....

Dr Unsworth broke into hysterics:

"No dear boy! My god no!!... No this is our... How should I say this... It's an ancient name that would give you no clearer idea... Wait.... Its like Christmas and the Harvest festival rolled into one, I suppose..... We celebrate our carnal desires..... We eat, we copulate, we get high..."

"Was Mrs Greene a sacrifice?" asked Antonio, feeling a sudden wave of sadness hit him.

Dr Unsworth ignored the question; he picked up the jar and stared back into it for a few seconds....

Antonio was unnerved.....

Dr Unsworth spun the jar in his hands, making the head swirl around in it's own putrid juice:

"Mrs Greene was a problem, no denying that.... We had to remove her teeth. She had abscesses in her gums, her teeth were rotten to the cor... Curse of the poor person I'm afraid.... People... Generally, don't look after their teeth. This is a problem when storing the head. People won't eat when they see rotten teeth in what they are eating... She had very bad abscesses. Thats why she spat when she spoke. Her teeth were falling out... Slowly.... Her teeth were so rotten, they were causing her to go mad as she died, slowly..... I mean.... We did her a favour really... Some of the order found it necessary to rape her before she died- Not my cup of tea, if you get my drift.... She made such a racket! Even with the metal clamp pushed down her throat! We had her chained down! She rattled and gagged... She just wouldn't accept her fate.... When it came time to cut off her head, she was still alive..... Unfortunately, it is a necessity, that the victim is alive when you remove the head. Before she died.... She confessed to being a virgin.... She had never felt a mans touch until her deathbed. Incredible......"

The doctor shook his head. Antonio found the story sickening but found himself posing the question:

"Why? Why keep her alive when removing the head?"

"Bloodflow dear boy- You're a nurse... I'm rather puzzled you asked that.... The wine I expect... We cut her throat before we removed the head. The victims tend to choke on their own blood..."

Dr Unsworth took a strange pride in Antonios shock. It only spurred him on to further to explain:

"Once the head has been severed, you must remove the teeth, with a knife or pliers.... And shave the scalp. Hair wouldn't necessarily hinder the flavour, but the skull must be cracked and the brain removed. You see the liquid inside the jar can only go so far... If the brain decomposes, then the head rots and you have a pile of mush stuffed into a jar. Imagine the head like a boiled egg- Scoop out the mush and you have the shell... It is the shell we want. We store it and consume it at a later date...."

"You are sick, " Antonio mumbled, starting to feel overcome with fear and nausia. "Sick..."

"Your glass is empty..." Responded Dr Unsworth, pouring Antonio another glass of wine..... Antonio heard footsteps....

Peter returned, handing the doctor a silver tray; the food on it was concealed with a large, silver cover.

Antonio could smell the rich aroma, causing his nausia to increase....

The dizziness sent Antonio into a whirl. He continued to drink. He was propelled to do so. Why?.....

He was unsure.....

Dr Unsworth smirked:

"Ready for a treat dear boy?" He lifted the dish cover. There it was.

.... His worst nightmare.

The large tray was a makeshift plate....

A sea of rice, covered in some sort of rich tomato sauce. And in the middle? ...... A head.

An eggshell.....

...... A hollowed out head.....

"He was a sailor from the fifteenth century. He was about to be hung for treason... He foolishly sought solace in the lighthouse- Stupid man! But that's the past and this is the here and now.... Here he is! William S Pickard! Antonio, allow me to educate you sir," said Dr Unsworth, slicing into the cheek of William S Pickard. "This sir, is fine dining. The smell of fine dining...."

Antonio gulped down more wine, wishing deep within his heart what he was witnessing, simply wasn't happening.....

..... But it was.....

"Open wide Antonio!"

Antonio was now the small child refusing to open up for the big aeroplane.

"Now, now Antonio! This is your destiny! Open up!"

Antonio spotted a look in the doctors eyes that told him exsessive force would be used if necessary.

Closed eyes, open mouth....

Antonio chewed down on the flesh inside his mouth, his back teeth breaking through rubber.

"Might be a bit tough. William S Pickard was marinated in an ancient mead. Gives that tremendous flavour, but Crikey! Does it make the skin tough! Open wide...."

The good doctor shoveled more meat into Antonios mouth.

....... William S Pickard.


....... Meat.


...... Swallow.


........... REPEAT.

.................... REPEAT...........

With a full belly, the blood drained from Antonios head downwards to his stomach. Suddenly, fatigue hit like a train at full speed.

Antonio fell from his chair, back onto the wet cobblestones beneath him.

"That'll be the wine, I added a little something to keep you sedated," said Dr Unsworth..... Antonio was fading.......

......... Back into Darkness......