Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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The other prisoner


"Why are you so cruel to

us?" said the first prisoner, innocently. "We just want to be your friends."

"You can't be my friends," said Lily. "You're criminals and lowlifes, and I'm a lady."

"Oh, you're a lady?" said the second prisoner and pushed her away, so hard that she fell right back on the bed. "Did you hear that, Dora? We're lowlifes!" she said and laughed.

"I don't feel like putting up with your crap. Leave me alone."

Without saying a word, the other girls literally jumped on Lily and started punching her and kicking her, both at the same time. Lily yelled loudly while the first prisoner firmly and strongly pressed on her face with her pillow to keep the guards from hearing her screaming. They kept on kicking her and punching her in the stomach repeatedly to the point where she couldn't breathe. Since they heard what she'd done, they punched her in the chest repeatedly with all their strength, causing her to bleed out her mouth horribly.

The beating went on for hours and hours, until she got to the point where if they kept hitting her, she'd die in their hands. Meanwhile, Rob was doing much better than before. That morning, at seven o'clock, he was up, waiting for his breakfast, while he listened to some music on his portable CD player. Suddenly, there was a knock on his door. He looked to his left side and said, "Come in!"

Noah opened the door, and he, Scott, and Nicole went in. Nicole was walking normally, as if nothing had ever happened to her. Fortunately, when she tripped, she didn't hurt her legs or her feet, she only hurt her face. Her bandages were only minutes from coming off. Dr. Hayes would know where she went when he came into her room to look for her and he'd go after her and show her what she looked like now. She had a bouquet of daisies in her hand and Noah was carrying ten brand new CD's for him to listen to. Noah knew how much Rob loved music. Noah loved music just the same, and all of these years, he'd done much more than listen to it, but to him, all of his songs had gone nowhere. He had no idea what was coming his way. The CD's were in a little blue bag, made of paper, with a string, to carry it around. He went up to Rob, smiling, and gave him the bag. Rob took off his headphones, stopped the CD that he was listening to, looked at Noah for a few minutes, and then looked inside the bag. It was a few brand new CD's. He took the CD's out one by one, and with every CD that he saw, he was more amazed. How did Noah know that these were his favorite artists, and the CD's he'd never gotten because there was never enough time to go to the music store and buy them? Noah never went to his room without his permission, and he'd certainly not looked at his CD collection. Every time that Noah went into Rob's room, it was to tell him something, and then, less than two minutes after walking in, he'd walk out.

"How did you guess that your double was my only favorite male Latin artist?" said Rob, and laughed, and Noah gasped.

"My double?" said Noah. "Let me see!" and took the CD from him and gasped when he saw the singer. "Oh, my God, how did this happen? I want to meet his mom and then get her to stand next to my mom. I have to do the same thing with our dads."

Scott laughed. "Aren't you exaggerating a bit, Noah?" he said. "We're not the only ones that have an identical double. Of the six billion people that there are in this world, more than half of all of those people are duplicated."

Smiling, Rob said, "No, Scott, believe it or not, you're the one who's exaggerating. This only happens once. We have a plethora of look alike, but each one of us only has one identical double, excluding our twins."

Noah looked back at Scott and said, "Scott, that's true."

Scott smiled, laughed, blushed and said, "You guys are right. You can tell that I've never been outside of Florida before."

Noah padded Scott's shoulder and said, "That's ok, buddy. Not all of us know about people, genetics, reproduction..."

Rob interrupted him and said, "This guy's mother lives in Costa Rica. How are you going to get her and your mom together to compare them and find the reason why you guys are identical?"

Noah smiled and said, "My dear Rob, have you forgotten that I have all of the money in the world, figuratively speaking, and that I can go any place in the world that I want to," as he rubbed Rob's head, "and get together any two, three, or more people I want?"

Nicole laughed. "That's right, Robbie. Nothing's impossible for Noah Spears. The only place he can't go is heaven."

Noah looked back at Nicole, walked up to her, gave her a big hug and a kiss and said, "Exactly!" and gave her a few more kisses in the head. "Did you hear that, Rob?"

Rob laughed hysterically. "Nicole, that was funny. The only place he can't go to is heaven," he said.

Noah smiled and said, "It sounds funny, but it's very true."

Curious, Rob asked, "How do you know that you're not going to heaven?"

"I'm not going to heaven because of all of the horrible things that I've done."

"Noah, every sin is forgiven except blasphemy," replied Rob.

Scott said, "Rob's right," and Noah looked back at him.

Dean and Brandy were on their way to Rob's room. Dean knew that Noah was with him because as Rob's sister's son in law, he was obliged to be there and support the Perry family in these rough times, when they needed the Spears family the most. Although Dean knew that Brandy and Noah would never get married and start a family, and that they wouldn't get committed in any way, Dean was certain that Noah was the man that Brandy was looking for; the man that she'd been waiting for this whole time. Brandy didn't know that Noah would never be hers. She wasn't innocent. She just didn't know anything about Nicole.

Would Noah ever tell her the truth? Would he ever have the courage to tell her that he was in love with that other woman, and that woman would always be in the middle of them, and that it was because of that woman that their love would never be? Would he tell her lies, leading her on, and making her believe that he loved her, and then stab her in the back? Would he break her heart? They hadn't even met yet, so that was not known.

Brandy had no idea what was in store for her. Just when they were about to enter Rob's room, Dean's cell phone rang. He pulled his Samsung R-225 phone out of his pocket, and accepted the call. He had a simple phone because he was providing himself everything, and he didn't depend on his parents economically anymore, and he couldn't afford one of those "fancy" phones, with all of those extra features that his phone didn't have. "Hello, this is Dean Sterling."

Carla smiled and said, "Hi,


Dean smiled and said,

"Carla, what a pleasant surprise!" "Listen, I just called to let

you know that today, I was going to visit Noah and Nicole at the hospital, just to give you a surprise that I have for you, but a distracted driver stopped me dead in my tracks."

Dean turned serious and said, "What do you mean? Were you in an accident? Are you all right?"

"Yes," said Carla, "I'm fine, thank God, but my car isn't."

"Will your insurance pay you for your car? I mean..." "Yes. They're going to give me one fourth of the money of the policy to get a new car because this is the first accident that I've had in four years that I've driven."

"Leave that insurance alone. I'll get you a new car somehow. Now that you and I are going to get married, I have to provide for you."

She became saddened and said, "Dean---" but he interrupted her.

"I don't care what I'm going to have to do, but I'll get you a new car. Leave the insurance money alone. You'll need all of it later."

She insisted in trying to get him to change his mind. "But that's what the insurance is for, Dean. That's what you pay car insurance for!"

"Yes, but I don't want you to ever worry about the car dealer taking your car from you. I want it to make it so that you can pay for it in full," he said and hung up.

Carla hung up and said, "Oh, my God, the only way that Dean would get money for my new car is by asking Noah for it. I don't want to be in debt with Noah, not because I fear he's going to take advantage of me in the future, but because of my pride. My pride will be hurt. How will I ever pay Noah back?" She remembered the money that she had in her bank accounts and what she'd told the jeweler hours before. "There's nothing to worry about," she said, smiling. "I can pay Noah back with no problems at all," and got up to go take a shower.

Dean and Brandy finally entered Rob's room. Brandy walked in, then Dean walked in, and Dean closed the door behind him. He walked closer to Noah and hugged Noah from behind. They'd gone in silently to surprise him. Noah turned around and hugged him so tight that he almost broke his spine. Noah liked to give people the biggest hugs and he had no idea how much the hugs hurt them physically. He thought that his gigantic muscles were nothing but that, just muscles. He didn't think that he had any superlative strength, but he did. He was as strong as those monstrous wrestlers that he saw on TV, but he didn't realize it, and he wouldn't until he asphyxiated someone. "I didn't expect you!" he said to Dean, shaking his hand and smiling at him. Then he took one look at Brandy and instantly became infatuated and got interested in her. Smiling he said, "Oh, introduce me to your beautiful friend!"

Nicole looked at them like wanting to kill them. She was jealous, and she couldn't pretend not to be. It went out of her pores. She breathed uncontrollable anger. Noah didn't realize how much he was hurting her. He thought that although he was truly in love with her, she was just fascinated with him, and she felt nothing but lust for him. The way that he would find out that he was wrong, not even he expected. "She's Brandy. Brandy, he's Noah," said Dean, smiling.

Brandy and Noah shook hands and Noah kissed Brandy on the left cheek. Noah then turned around and took one look at a smiling Rob and a crying Nicole. He turned serious. He hated to know that he was hurting the woman he loved, but he'd have more and more proof that her love was real, and finding it would literally take his breath away. Chapter 14


Noah cleared his throat and said, "Can Nicole and I have some time alone, somewhere else? I know that Rob can't get out and give us our privacy," and Rob smiled mischievously.

"Sure," said Dean and opened the door for them to get out, and Noah wheeled Nicole out of the room. Dean closed the door.

Noah and Nicole went to the elevator and pressed the button for the elevator doors to open. The elevator doors opened, because no one was inside, and they went in. Noah pressed the button to go down to the first floor, and the elevator doors closed. In less than one minute, they were on the first floor. The elevator stopped and the doors opened once again. Noah wheeled Nicole outside. She couldn't stop shivering. "What's wrong?" he asked her.

"I'm afraid of elevators,"

she said.

He stopped and asked her,

"Are you claustrophobic?" "Maybe, I mean I don't know because I haven't been locked in a closed space before, but I hate elevators."

"You can't walk down the stairs because they're too long.

Anyway, let's go to a waiting room," he said and took her wheelchair handles once again. "Come on." They went on and on until they found an empty waiting room just a few steps from where they were steps away from the operating room. They didn't think anyone would come in because it was one thirty in the morning, so they would have some time alone. Noah opened the door, wheeled her in as he walked in and closed the door behind him. He sat on the nearest chair and said, "Here we are."

"I'm very angry at you," Nicole said in a very rough tone of voice.

"Yes, I noticed. I saw it in your eyes when I gave Brandy a compliment."

Crying, Nicole took Noah's left hand, squeezed it as hard as she could while he looked at her hand, amazed, and said, "It wasn't just a compliment! It was the way you looked at her, the way you smiled at her, and the dirty thoughts that she incited!"

Surprised, Noah said, "I didn't think---"

She interrupted him and said, "You didn't think I was in love with you, but I am. You're telling me that you won't be with me or with Brandy, and that you want us, but you're not going to take us."

"That's right," said Noah. "I'm going to have all of the dirty dreams and thoughts I want to have with you, but I'm not going to realize them. I'm not going to jail for statutory rape."

She wheeled herself out of the room. "I'm going back to my room," she said as the door closed behind her.

They could keep their illicit relationship a secret if it weren't for Hayley Johnson, if she didn't exist. However, she does exist, and she won't stop until she destroys him, and there's no better way than putting him in jail for statutory rape, he realized as he walked out of the room, hoping that it wasn't too late to get to Nicole.

He worried about her circulating the hospital by herself. He didn't know what kind of nasty pervert was waiting to prey upon innocent girls like Nicole, and if one of them could bury his claws on her tonight. Fortunately, she was just entering the elevator, and as he walked closer to her, he said, "Stop the elevator!" just when the doors were closing.

She pushed a button and held on to it so that the doors would stay open as he walked in. When he was inside, and behind her, holding her wheelchair handles, she let go of the button, the doors closed, and they went back up. As the elevator went up, she pulled one of his hands off the handle and kissed it sweetly with her lips. "You can be with as many women as you want. We're not married. We don't even have a relationship, but just remember that I'll trap you and one of these days, you'll be mine." He just smiled silently. This was just wishful thinking for him, but he didn't know Nicole as well as he thought. He didn't know that what Nicole wanted, Nicole got, and he wouldn't be the exception. The question wasn't whether or not she'd entangle him, but how. Nicole wasn't half the woman that everyone imagined, and when Noah found out for himself, it would be too late for him to do anything. They got back up to the fourth floor and the elevator doors opened once again. Noah wheeled Nicole out of the elevator and walked slowly back to Rob's room. It was slightly far away, but they wouldn't get tired getting there. A few minutes later, they arrived and Noah opened the door, wheeled Nicole in, and when they got away from the door, it closed behind them. "So," said Rob, "did you talk things out?" He knew what was going on.

Estranged, Brandy said, "What do you mean, Rob? Is there a problem between them?" looking around at them, surprised. "What's happening?"

"It's not a big deal," replied Noah, "it's just an insignificant difference that we had to solve, and we took care of it, so everything's ok."

Slowly, Brandy started to figure out what was happening between Noah and Nicole. "You know what? I think I better get out," she said and walked to the door, and opened it. "Someone doesn't fit in here, and it's me." She walked out and the door closed behind her. Dean went after her. He thought she'd gotten infatuated with Noah, but she was in love, too!

Something strange was going on. Women were ignoring Noah's extraordinarily beautiful face and body and seeing him for who he was, not what he looked like.

Brandy ran into a bathroom. Since he saw her go in, he looked around to make sure no one was watching, and ran in. The door closed behind him. She stood in front of the mirror and held on to the bathroom sink with both hands. Suddenly, she saw him right behind her. "Dean!" she yelled, loudly. "What are you doing here?"

He ran up to her, covered her mouth with his left hand and said, "Keep it down! Somebody will hear you and we will get in trouble for something that we're not doing!" She calmed down and he took a few steps back, with the index finger of his right hand on his lips, vertically.

"I'm sorry," said Brandy. "It's just that this man's going around playing with women. God knows how many more women Noah's cast a spell on."

Dean said, "Well," as he held her with love, "I've got to admit, Noah's very handsome, but he's not going around enamoring every woman he encounters."

Outraged, Brandy said, "He did it to me and Nicole."

Dean let go of her and replied, "That's because you and Nicole are desperate to find a man to do that job for you," and cleared his throat. "You chose him. He's very attractive, he has the voice that makes you go wild---he's unknowingly seduced you."

"Do you also think that we're infatuated?"

"I don't think you're infatuated. If you were you wouldn't be ready to give your virginity to this man."

Amazed, Brandy asked, "You think Nicole's a virgin, too? Oh, my God, how can she possibly be? Does she have any idea of what she's missing?"

Smiling, Dean replied, "I don't know if Nicole's a virgin, but I do know that you are. Don't worry," he said caressing her hair. "You're going to get all the pleasure you want, and after Noah, you'll find the man that was indeed made for you, and everything will be ok." He hugged her.

Meanwhile, back at Rob's room, Noah whispered in Rob's ear, "I'm worried about Brandy."

Rob said, with his lips, and almost whispering, "The girl's jealous of something that doesn't belong to her, and when you're jealous of something that's not yours, it hurts a lot more. She's going to be fine." Nobody heard him.

Nicole commented, as she wheeled herself closer to Rob, "Well, guys, I'll have to say good night. I have to go back to my room."

Noah walked to the help button and said, "I'm going to call a nurse to take you."

Smiling devilishly, Nicole said, "Why don't you take me?"

Noah cleared his throat and said, "I think that if I do that, I'll get in trouble, Nicole."

Smiling, Nicole said, as she pushed herself his way, "Just the same. I'd like you to take me to my room."

Smiling naughtily, Rob said, "Go ahead, lover boy. You've got nothing to lose."

Noah got behind Nicole and started pushing her wheelchair to the door. Scott opened the door for them and they left the room.

Scott closed the door as he smiled devilishly at Rob and looked back at the door. When Nicole and Noah had completely disappeared from the area, they laughed like hyenas, and very loudly. "My brother's going to score," Scott then said. "I envy him. I haven't scored in a long time."

Rob laughed hysterically and said, "I've got someone you can 'score' with."

Scott walked closer to Rob, smiling, and completely interested and said, "Who?"

"You can only be with her if you promise her that your relationship will be commitment free."

"Why?" said Scott worried and sat down beside Rob. "Is she going to be cheating on someone else with me? I'm not going to take another man's woman!"

Rob said, "No, no, no," with his hand on Scott's shoulder, "she doesn't have a man. It's just that a man broke her heart and she's not ready to get committed again."

Relieved, Scott sighed and said, "Oh. Well, since a woman broke my heart, I'm not ready for commitment either, so your friend and I will be even."

Surprised, Rob said, "Tell me about that. Tell me your story."

Scott leaned closer to Rob and said, "I was a pool boy."

Rob said, "You were? Why were you? Why are you not still a pool boy?"

"I had to abandon the job because despite my disability---"

Rob interrupted him and said, "You have a disability?"

"Yes," said Scott, "I have cerebral palsy, but it's almost nonexistent. Anyway, pool boys are the easiest object of women's dirtiest desires, as are pizza delivery men, handymen and many others. This married woman had an affair with me. The man found us in bed one day, after being together for almost a year, and he almost killed me. That's the story."

Noah took Nicole to her room. He opened the door, and they got in, and Noah closed the door behind him. He pushed her wheelchair closer to Nicole's bed, locked the brakes, and placed his left hand under her knees, and his right hand on the back of her neck, and lifted her, as if she was a baby. Nicole weighed one-hundred and thirty-five pounds, but for her height, five feet and ten inches, that was the appropriate weight for her. She was robust and slightly brawny. Her breasts were DD cup, and her waist was small but curvaceous and sexy. Her legs were the legs that every woman dreamed of having. Physically, she was the perfect woman. She dreamed of becoming a model, and perhaps, if she was the most powerful and successful model in the world, she would keep younger girls from becoming anorexic. If Nicole entered the modeling world, models' managers would be inspired, and models would no longer be stick figures. Smiling, Nicole said, "Thank you for helping me."

Smiling back, and blushing, Noah said, "You're welcome," scratching his head.

Caressing his cheek, Nicole said, "You're blushing!"

Surprised, Noah asked, "I am?"

Smiling, Nicole said,

"Yes. It seems like you've fallen in love for the first time. You're blushing like you did every time that Jennifer smiled at you or touched you."

Noah gasped and said, "How do you know that?"

"That's the way a man or a woman feels when his or her first love gives him or her affection."

Smiling, and amazed, Noah asked, "Really?" as he held her hand. "I had no idea."

"You didn't know because only Jennifer knew. Only she saw the light in your eyes every time that she kissed you," and leaned over and kissed him on the lips with her lips, "or held you."

They started hugging, and the next thing they knew, they were French-kissing. "You know what that means?" she said as she slowly placed her tongue in and got it out of his mouth repeatedly. "That means that you're in love with me." He did the same thing to her, driving her crazy, and then their mouths were locked to each other. Ten minutes later, they let go.

"I have to go," he said. "I don't want to get in trouble with the police."

She laughed as he walked to the door. She placed her legs on the bed, vertically, and lied down. He opened the door, walked out of the room, closed it and left. Just like she wanted to, she had him eating out of the palm of her hands. He wasn't the first guy she'd kissed; actually, she'd kissed all of the guys at school, but she'd always let them touch her and kiss her below her mouth, and just when they were about to penetrate on her, she'd kick them on the genitals with her knee and take off running. All of the guys were afraid of her. She even caught syphilis while kissing a guy, because days before, that guy had had oral sex with a girl.

She had the disease, so he ended up with sores in his mouth. Scott and Natasha were devastated when they found out that Nicole had syphilis. This had happened six months before, in December, when Jennifer was shot to death. They thought that she was having unprotected sexual intercourse or oral sex with other guys. They were stunned when the doctor told them that he'd found no traces of semen in her mouth and that her hymen was intact. No one had even placed his hands on her vagina; only she did it every time that she washed it. They didn't find traces of semen in her saliva or in her digestive system, either. Everyone was astonished when they found out that she'd gotten syphilis through a kiss.

Since she hadn't kissed anyone since December, she hoped that she hadn't passed on the disease to Noah. She didn't trust the shots against syphilis.

Meanwhile, Noah was on his way out of the hospital. As soon as he walked out and closed the door, three strangers came to him. They saw his car parked in front of the hospital. They knew that he was Noah Spears, and they were waiting for him to walk out for hours. Each one of them had a knife in his pocket and they opened the back door and forced him to go to on the back seat. Minutes later, they took off and nobody knew what had happened to Noah. The following morning, Noah had just woken up in an abandoned cabin. He was tied with ropes and his mouth was covered with a piece of cloth. It was impossible for him to move or to speak. His attackers had gone out. Suddenly, a nineteen- year-old girl passed by the cabin. She had the mind of a five-year- old. She lived five miles from the cabin, and she loved going to that abandoned place during the day time to jump rope and play with the snakes. She was a savant, and she had a way with animals. By now, all of the boas and pythons that were around were domesticated.

However, she was the only person they'd ever play with. No one else had that kind of power. If someone else approached them, they'd kill him or her in a matter of seconds. Noah had heard the snakes hissing loudly all of this time, and he knew that if a good Samaritan untied him, he'd take a few of those snakes, leave them inside the cabin, wait for his attackers to come in, lock, and leave the guys inside for the snakes to kill them. No one would ever know that Noah had used poisonous snakes to murder these men because no one knew that he was kidnapped, not even Scott and Natasha. Noah was just minutes away from his freedom and his revenge. It all depended on the girl, and if she had the mind to do all that she had to do to help him.

The robbers forgot to lock one of the cabin's windows, precisely the window of the room that Noah was in. Suddenly, a six- foot, gigantic python made his way up the cabin's window and then in. It had to hide so that it was easier for it to trap its next victim. Noah was there, trembling violently. He was crying like he'd only cried for his late son. He thought that this was the end for him. This was the girl's favorite snake. She had a name for it, amazingly. "Nora!" she yelled. "Nora, I want to play! Come back out here!" Nora heard her master's voice and turned around. Just when Nora was making her way up to go back outside, it occurred to the girl to play with her inside of the cabin, so that no one thought that she was in danger and tried to rescue her. One of her grandmother's spells had given her the power to do whatever she wanted with animals, to domesticate them and have them at her feet. If her mind wasn't healthy, it would do her good to have something that she could use to get by; maybe make her life more worthy of living and amusing.

Every animal that she approached was instantly at her will. The light in her eyes made the wild animal be at her command. Any animal could do anything that she wanted it to, and those who knew the girl and her mother thought that this was dangerous, but sadly, they couldn't do anything to stop it.

They couldn't put the girl in jail to keep her from being in touch with the wild animals because she hadn't ever committed a crime, so their hands were tied. All of the people of the Sunshine State and of everywhere that the girl went were at the mercy of the girl and her servants---the wild animals.

The good-hearted girl saw Noah and said, "Aww!" He thought that the snake would leave when she called on her, but the snake stayed inside, so he was scared to death. He couldn't stop crying and sobbing. "Nora, don't hurt him," said the girl as she walked closer to Noah. "He's my new friend." The girl got on his knees and started untying Noah. Noah thought that the thieves had done so many knots on the rope that untying them and freeing him would take forever, and that they'd get caught, and that the criminals would kill him and the girl, but surprisingly, the girl untied Noah in less than two minutes. Yes, she was that strong, and that's why all of her family members did anything they could to keep her from getting angry; because just by punching someone out, the girl would leave the person unconscious for hours, and if she attacked the person even harder, that person would either end comatose, bedridden, or dead. Her witch grandmother's powers hadn't done this for her though. She had the condition that was the opposite of muscular dystrophy, just like Noah did, and although her muscles weren't all that big because she was female, her strength was immeasurable. She took the piece of cloth from his mouth and said, "There you are," smiling, as Nora wrapped himself around him and gave them the serpent's kiss.

Laughing nervously, Noah said, "Thank you. Your friend," and thought about the snake's name for a few minutes, "Nora, she's very nice."

"She likes everyone that I say is my friend," said the girl.

"Thank you," he said and got up. "Hasn't your nose noticed that I need to take a bath urgently?"

As they walked to the door, she replied, "No. Actually, you smell very nicely."

Noah opened up a smile and laughed hysterically. "You can't be serious. I haven't bathed in nearly forty-eight hours. I smell like a pig!"

"Your sweat has combined with your perfume and released a peculiar smell," said the girl, "and no, it's not the smell of a pig. It's not even an offensive smell."

As Nora went along with them, Noah said, "Oh, my God, there's something about the way you speak! People that know me have always told me that I was very intelligent. Even so I've never talked that way. I've talked normally, always, like anybody else would."

"Well--" said the girl.

Noah interrupted her and asked, "Are you a savant by any chance?"

Not knowing what he was talking about because she'd never heard this term before, the girl responded, "Well, people say that I think like a five-ye