Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"What's your name?" "It's Brandy Riley."

"It's so nice to meet you,

Brandy. Since my brothers and sisters left my house last night after yelling obscenities at me, I haven't been able to stop thinking about them."

"I have a suggestion for you, Carla. Running away is worthy of cowards and it's never the right thing to do," said Brandy as she looked straight at her, "but in your case, I think that's the only solution to your problem."

"I don't know, Brandy. I can't abandon my mother."

Abruptly and with the strongest tone of voice she'd ever used, Brandy said to Carla, "I didn't tell you to leave without your mother," and Carla looked at her. "Take her and run." Carla was shocked. Chapter 22


Dean was arriving at Noah's office without knowing that Carla and Brandy had been there. He wanted to give Noah some documentation that proved his innocence for the drug possession case that the real criminal, Hayley, had taken away from him, and although Ira could never prove that Hayley was the real author of this unspeakable and unforgivable setup, with these papers, he could prove that Noah was totally innocent of the crime. He got there and he knocked on the door as he said, "I hope that I'm not giving these in too late."

"Come in!" said Noah. He was signing the authorization for "Jessica's Skin" to hit stores like a hurricane. Ira and the notary were leaving the office. When they opened the door to get out, they bumped into Dean.

"Hi," said Ira as he took one good look at Dean. He wanted to know if Noah's friends favored Noah's image before the judge. Suddenly, he looked down at some files that Dean had in his hand. The front folder had the name NOAH SPEARS written in capital letters with a red "Sharpie" permanent marker. "Excuse me," he said to Dean and took the files from him and Dean gasped. "I'm Noah's attorney for everything pertaining to him and I'd like to take these with me."

"I don't mind if you do," said Dean, smiling. "I trust that those will help you in Noah's drug possession case, a lot."

Noah started to roll his eyes. He had no idea what Dean was talking about. Ira walked back to the chair that visitors usually sat on, placed his suitcase on the seat, opened it, and jammed all of the documents in. Then, he closed and locked the suitcase and looked back at Dean with a smile on his face.

Noah was still rolling his eyes. Dean knew that when Noah rolled his eyes when people babbled in front of him it was because he was confused. Dean simply smiled at him. "I'll see you tomorrow morning. We have to meet in my office," said Ira, "because you gave me these documents, and I want to know where they come from. You could be my star witness."

"I'd love to," replied Dean,


Noah smiled back at him.

He knew he could count on Dean for anything, and all of the years that passed hadn't changed Dean a bit. Dean was still the sweet and loyal Dean that he came to love dearly and with all of his heart; his very best friend, the best above all. "Well, in that case," said Ira, and walked to the door and opened it and turned his face back to Dean, "I'll see you tomorrow morning at nine," and closed the door. The notary left right after he did. Dean sat in front of Noah, and he had the fingertips of his left hand on the fingertips of his right hand, and an evil smile on his face. "You'll nail the case, boy; I'm telling you. If you could've won it before I gave those documents to your attorney, you'll win it much more quickly now. It was known you would win. It wasn't known when, but you'll nail this; trust me."

"Let's talk about this," said Noah as he rolled his chair around his desk and closer to Dean. "What can those documents do for me?"

"They can do everything for you. Those documents are not office documents, like the documents that you revise here on a daily basis. Those are emails, letters, sworn statements, and an agreement between the real criminal; in other words, the person that this trash really belonged to, and the person that framed you for her."

Noah repeated, "For her?" "That's right. The person

that did you over was a woman, and the person that did the dirty job for her was her lover. I remember what those letters said. You'll love this one. I LOVE YOU SO MUCH THAT I'D DO ANYTHING FOR YOU, EVEN [BLEEP] OVER SOMEONE I DON'T EVEN KNOW."

Noah laughed hysterically and said, "Well, that woman could be none other than Hayley Johnson," as he tapped his pen against his desk repeatedly, "and her lover," he said and laughed like a hyena and Dean laughed with him.

"I love it when you do that!" he screamed and shook his hand. "I missed that about you, Noah.

"Wait until Mr. Johnson finds out that Mrs. Johnson's cheating on him, or was cheating," said Noah, leaning over to Dean, with the most diabolic smile on his face. "He'll want to kill her, and she'll have to run away and leave the entire nation. Now that I found out that she had or has a lover, all I have to do is call her stupid buffoon of her husband, make him doubt her fidelity, and she'll be put away for a long, long time!" They laughed like hyenas together. Ivy was passing by to give some documents to Crystal, the treasurer, and the woman that was in charge of making the checks, and she heard them and laughed loudly and kept walking. They stayed silent for a few minutes and then laughed again.

"Can you believe it?" said Dean, smiling, "I learned to do it!" "Yes," said Noah, smiling

evilly. "You surely did that."

"I love you, Noah Scott, but I have to say this. You're a genuine hyena." They laughed like hyenas again. They walked around Noah's desk together and Dean brought his chair over to Noah's desk and started playing with his computer. He'd logged on to the wrong site and Dean said, "Uh, oh, porn. It seems that this machine's going to need a system recovery. I'm sorry."

"There's no system recovery needed," said Noah looking attentively at the screen as he rolled his mouse. He opened an anti-virus, anti-spy ware, anti-ad ware, anti-scam, and anti-spam program, all in one from the taskbar. "Look at this baby here." It was hidden in the taskbar so that if someone got into Noah's computer, he or she wouldn't know that it was there and try to delete it. As soon as the program opened, Noah removed all of the bad things that got into the computer suddenly in a matter of minutes and as soon as the program closed, all of the porn was eliminated, even from the computer's memory, and it couldn't be accessed ever again. Dean looked at Noah with an evil smile in his face.

"Who can outdo Noah Spears?" he then said. "No one can."

"That's right," said Noah with a strange voice and a serious face. "No one can outdo me and I'm glad that you know it."

"You want to know something, man?" said Dean, smiling and astonished after seeing a side of Noah that he'd never seen before. "I love you, man."

Noah looked down at him, smiled and said, "I love you, too." Suddenly, his phone rang with a strange tone. That meant that his stockholders wanted to see him to talk about how high the stocks were already going with the new anti- scrub. It was placed in many local stores in a matter of minutes after the authorization was stamped and it was selling like crazy already. "A meeting just started. I have to go," and put Dean in front of the computer once again. "Have fun, and don't expect me back because this will be a long meeting." Noah walked to the door, opened it, walked out, and closed the door behind him and left for the meeting.

"Great," said Dean, as he smiled and rubbed his hands together, "I'll be able to see the stuff that I like," and that stuff was music. He loved watching videos and listening to his play lists on a site that had just been opened. It was a legal site and when people logged on, people could watch all of the videos and listen to all of the music that they wanted to, for free. This company was trying to outdo illegal file-sharing sites and databases to help musicians with their sales; and so far, it was working---too well---for the creators of these pirate programs.

Meanwhile, Noah arrived at the conference room in the building where his stockholders worked. Scott's stockholders worked in a separate building, too. They were protecting from Hayley. He knocked the door. "Come on in, Noah," said Maury, and Noah opened the door and walked in.

"Hi," he said and sat down, expecting sudden bad news.

"What's with the sad face?" said Ikaika, one of the stockholders, smiling. "You should be jumping with joy rather than ruin our celebration with that attitude of a defeated man."

Noah rolled his eyes and asked, "What do you mean?"

Ikaika placed his feet on the desk, crossed them, and with a smile on his face, replied, "Believe it or not, Noah, the anti-acne scrub just hit stores and it already sold

1.5 million units."

Just when Noah thought that he was doing a terrible job without knowing it; just because he'd just gotten started, he was helping the corporation in a gigantic way. He couldn't believe his ears. He gasped. 1.5 million Flies could easily fit inside his mouth. The stockholders laughed at him.

"What do you think about that, Noah?" said Evan.

"I---I think that it's great. I expected everything but this. I didn't know that "Jessica's Skin" had already taken the market and wiped it out."

Suddenly, the phone rang in the conference room. Ikaika answered it, with both feet still on his desk. "Hello, Ikaika Mikhail."

"Mr. Mikhail," said his secretary, which was also of Indian descent, "I am sorry to interrupt your meeting, but at the same time, I'm ecstatic to inform you that all of the local stores have already run out of "Jessica's Skin Anti-Acne Scrub" and they're demanding ten million more units, just for today."

"What's going on?" said Ikaika and Noah gasped, thinking that he'd suddenly received bad news, and the other stockholders looked at Ikaika, stunned. "Who's casting a spell on us doing so much good for us?"

Noah became alarmed and said, "What happened?"

"I don't know," said Sakthi, the secretary, with a smile on his face because he knew he'd receive a lot more money from now on, "but whoever it is, you're going to have to become a witch to reward him with the exact same white magic."

"Sakthi, do me a favor. Go ahead and say that Mr. Noah Spears has authorized the factory to make more anti-acne scrub and get them in the store right away." Noah rolled his eyes as he looked at all of the other stockholders and they smiled at him. "By the way, I'm already a witch, and I'll be sure to reward the person and make all of these wonderful things happen in his or her life as well," and they looked at each other, gasping.

"I'll get right on it, Mr.

Mikhail. By the way, you should go home and take your wife out to dinner to celebrate."

"I will. Bye," said Ikaika and hung up. Meanwhile, as soon as Sakthi hung up, he did what Ikaika ordered him to do. "Ladies and gentlemen, all of those crappy products out there have competition.”Jessica's Skin" has been wiped out of stores already. It has sold the five million copies that we distributed locally," and smiled, "and they're on demand!"

All of the stockholders got up and hugged each other. They celebrated their triumph right there and there. Ikaika called Sakthi from the phone in the conference room. The phone rang once and Sakthi answered it. "Sakthi Rasheem."

"Sakthi, this is Mr.

Mikhail. Order three bottles of the best champagne and have it brought over to the conference room!" said Ikaika and laughed. The stockholders screamed in their incontrollable excitement. Sakthi ordered the three bottles of champagne from the finest alcoholic beverage store and ten minutes later, the three bottles of champagne arrived at the conference room. Everything was made to order. The delivery man knocked the door. "Come in!" yelled Ikaika and the man held the bottles with his left arm and opened the door with his right hand. He went in, placed the bottles on the desk, and brought twenty cups for the people to drink unlimited champagne. The delivery man tried to get out, but Noah didn't let him.

"I've got other deliveries to do," said the delivery man as he opened the door.

"Not a chance," said Noah. "You're going to stay and you're going to drink with us."

The delivery man closed the door and stayed inside. "Are you sure, Mr. Spears?"

"I'm as sure as if I said that there are clouds in the sky," said Noah and laughed.

"That's my Noah!" screamed Maury, lifting his cup of champagne. "Let the fun begin!" He sat back down. "Bring on the champagne," and took a sip. "Mmm, this is delicious."

"It's as delicious as our irrefutable success," said Evan, smiling, and took a sip of French champagne. "This is the true taste of success."

They laughed. With the third cup for each one, they were already getting drunk. "I think I've had too much 'success', and I'm talking about the champagne," said Noah and got up. "I'm going to have to ask Dean to take me home. I can't work like this."

However, Dean was in his office, doing all of his work for the day, for him. All that he had to do was to finish the reports that Noah was typing on the anti-acne serum, and he didn't know anything about this magnificent product! He just went with the flow and enjoyed what he was doing. "This is fat," he said and laughed. "I think I'm going to start working here even before finishing high school. I know that I'm not going to be doing this, but this is nice, and anything that's done here is cool," he said, smiling.

Maury got up and said, "Why don't you let me take you home?"

"You can't, Maurice," said Evan. "You're drunk," laughing like crazy.

Ikaika walked Noah out of

the conference room. They were so drunk that they couldn't even walk straight. Brandy and Carla found them. Carla said to Brandy, "Brandy," smiling evilly, "this is the chance that you've been yearning for." The two women quickly took the men to Carla's car. Each one of them opened the driver and the passenger door, helped them in to the back seat, buckled their seatbelts, closed the doors, went to the driver and passenger doors, got on each side, closed the doors, fastened their seatbelts, and Carla started the car, shifted to reverse, slowly pulled out of the parking lot, and Brandy turned on the car radio, popped in an alternative music CD, and in a few minutes, they left the building, took the road, and sped away. "So," said Carla, "where do you want to take them?"

"I want to take them to my house," said Brandy.

"What are you going to do to them?" "I think that you'd rather ask me what I'm going to do with them. I'm not ready to have sex yet."

"That's what you're saying now because Noah hasn't approached you while he's drunk," said Carla, smiling, looking at the road.

"That's true," said Brandy, looking at Carla.

Carla looked at her and asked, "What are you going to do if he tells you that he wants to do it with you?"

"I don't know. I can't refuse. He's too strong for me."

"My dear," said Carla, "although this is not the love of your life, he's the man that you've been waiting for to set it free, and I'm sure that you're going to do that tonight. You can't escape it, and to justify all of it, I'm going to start a party."

There was nothing that Brandy could say that could argue what Carla was saying. Whether she wanted it or not, she was telling the truth. "Are you going to party with Dean?"

"I'm going to party with him," said Carla, "but I'm not going to have sex with him. If I've waited more than two years, I can wait two weeks, don't you think?"

Brandy looked at Carla, surprised and said, "You and Dean are going to get married within two weeks?"

"Of course," said Carla. "We were going to wait a year, but now that you wisely advised me to take my mother and run, first I'm going to get married, and then I'm going to take her. It's the only way that my brothers and sisters won't be able to do anything about it."

"You're going to marry Dean just to have legal grounds to take my advice without getting in trouble with the law?" said Brandy, even more amazed.

"No," said Carla, "let me clarify this. I'm marrying Dean because I love him. I'm marrying him within two weeks so that he and I can have sole rights to the custody of my mother. My brothers and sisters are starting to take advantage of the fact that she can no longer make decisions."

They arrived at Carla's house in a matter of minutes. They got out of the car and helped the victims of their mischief out of the car. The men were so drunk that they started to get sweet, tender, and cuddly with the girls. They laughed crazily as the girls literally dragged them in. They kept dragging them to two different bedrooms. Maury was taken to Carla's bedroom and Noah was taken to the guest room. The two women then went to each bathroom of Carla's house and took a good bath. Suddenly, Dean arrived without prior warning. He put his things on the sofa and suddenly felt the strong smell of champagne. "God," he said, "someone's partying in here. I hope that one of those people is not my fiancée." The stereo came on when Carla turned it on from the hallway.

"I'm partying, all right?" she said as she approached him and then put her arms around him, "but not the way that a guy would expect." It was two hours after the girls arrived and Brandy went to her room to get dressed. Noah was lying on the guest room bed.

Brandy confused the guest room with Carla's room. She was in such a hurry that she didn't enter Carla's room to borrow some of her clothes. While Carla and Dean danced to a hard rock song in the living room, and Carla was wearing a sexy and provocative robe, and Dean was only wearing his boxers and his pants, and dancing crazily and with a smile on his face, Brandy opened the closet and there were no clothes in there. She figured out that she was in the wrong room five minutes too late.

"Oh, no," she said and let out a heavy breath, "I got the wrong room." She turned around and Noah was lying there, sitting on the bed, hanging on the mattress with both hands in his back, looking at her strangely. To him, she wasn't Brandy; she was just another woman that he now had the chance to have sex with. All that he saw was the figure of a woman as she looked at him, terrified. "Noah," she said.

Thinking that she was calling him, he slowly got up, stumbling, and went up to her. He stretched her arms to touch her and she was accidentally pushed into the empty closet. She screamed, "Ah, my back!" The music out there was so loud that Dean and Carla didn't hear a thing. They just held each other sweetly, as if they were two little kids that had just fallen crazily in love. Meanwhile, Brandy struggled to get Noah off of her on the bedroom floor as he kissed her. She wanted him to kiss her, but she wasn't having desires for him just yet. She feared that he'd hurt her. Finally, she hit him in the head with the heel of her shoe and knocked him down. Luckily, her shoe was under the bed, and she was wearing low-heel shoes at the time. She just had to go into the hallway bathroom and relax. On her way there, she saw Carla and Dean from the hallway, dancing to a 2003 big hit song, sweetly and innocently, holding one another as they danced. She ran the hallway back to the living room. They were so into their romance that they didn't see that she was watching them. Noah was knocked out, but he wasn't shut down. As Brandy kept watching Dean and Carla, she wondered what her problem was. Destiny was determined to get them to come together sexually, even though they wouldn't come together in love. She didn't understand it. If it wasn't the romance of another loving couple that cruelly seduced her body and her mind, it was the sexual innuendo of the lyrics of the song that was playing. Since Carla and Dean weren't drunk, they just enjoyed the music without doing anything that they would sure regret later. Brandy went to Carla's father's room. Noah wasn't in there, so that place, albeit strange, was safe. She closed the door without locking it, and that was her biggest mistake. She was sure that she had knocked Noah out well enough for him not to wake up from his dream with pregnant little birdies, but she was wrong. As she panted at the door of the bedroom, Noah got up, and this predator was ready to devour his prey.

He opened the door of every room in the hallway to see if he'd find Brandy. He didn't know what he was doing at the moment, thus the only sense that was blocked in his brain was his common sense, but he sure knew what he wanted, and that he wanted it now, right now. He kept stumbling through the rooms without falling down and turning doorknobs, until he turned a doorknob, and he could open the door, but someone was standing in the way and blocking it. "Oh, my God," Brandy tried to force it to close and then lock it, but it was too late. She made way, the door opened, and Hungry Jack stumbled his way in, and then closed the door behind him. She turned the TV on to entertain her brain and ignore him. Hopefully, even though he was drunk, her disinterest would get him to turn away, but to her surprise, a porn movie was on. Mr. Smiley had been watching porn all day. She turned around, looked at him, tripped backwards and fell on the bed. He got right on top of her and started kissing her. To turn him off, she rolled him over, ripped his clothes off, and started kissing him and biting him, but this only excited him more.






Chapter 23


He started French-kissing her neck and then went down to her chest, but she pinned him down and kissed him passionately. A strong physical signal of desire came on. They kept on kissing and he took her towel off and kept on kissing her. He was completely naked now, and so was she. A strong and cruel intrusion made her scream and become literally weak in the knees. They rolled the opposite way and she started kissing him gently. "I'm scared," she said. "I've never done this before." He didn't hear her out, he just kept kissing her. He touched her all over, accommodated his body on top of hers and penetrated on her roughly and started going up and down inside of her. As her hymen broke, she started lifting her head to look at the window right by the bed, on the right-hand side. The noises of the porn stars having sex kept on teasing her as they kept moving, rocking the bodies in a one-hundred-and eighty-degree motion, and the sex organ went around every way inside her. The blood started dripping out on the sheets as he held her head back on her chin and kept kissing her sweetly. The effects of the alcohol started wearing out. Noah was a strong man, so not even alcohol could get him down. He kissed her mouth as he kept intruding her.

Meanwhile, in the living room, Carla's friends were coming in by the dozens. They brought bottles of beer and wine with them and they were ready to get down and dirty. Mr. Smiley was out playing poker with his friends, and unfortunately for his friends, he was winning, laughing crazily back at his best friend's house, and having the most fun ever. He'd played poker before, but he'd only done it in casinos, and he'd always won. He was lucky when he played, but he wasn't lucky in love. His love with Cuban descendant Mrs. Smiley was torturous because of Mrs. Smiley's attitude, but they still tried to make it together. Now, Mrs. Smiley was dying, and they knew that they had failed. Christina, Carla's older sister, who was identical to her mother, Celestina, came into the party like a storm. Rather than ruining it, she started dancing and went with the flow. She was celebrating because she'd finally found a way to stop her mom's cancer, by removing her uterus and her left lung, which had been destroyed because of the emphysema that her endless smoking had caused her. Myriam, one of her best friends, stopped dancing abruptly with her boyfriend, Jansen, and said, "Christina?"

Everybody stopped dancing and Carla turned off the music for a moment and said, "No," gasping. "It can't be."

"What happened to the music?" said Christina. "I want to dance!" With an attitude as wild as her mother's, she screamed, "Put the music back on! I want to dance!"

As Carla walked closer to her, she said, "I'm sorry, Tina. It's just that I didn't expect you. You didn't know about this party." "And you would've never invited me, I know, but---"

Carla interrupted her and replied, "Stop talking for me. I'd never say that to you. Like I said, you didn't know, so what brought you here?"

"I'll only tell you if you promise to put the music back on immediately after I do. My blood's boiling and I don't want to get tired and lose my passion for the music."

"Ok," said Carla and looked back at Myriam, and then looked back at Christina.

"Mom only needs two operations to recover. I'm not done."

With tears in her eyes, Carla said, "What operations?" Dean was listening to the conversation attentively. This was another good deed pending for Noah. "I'll reunite as much money as necessary."

"It's part of her treatment, and since the organs don't have to be replaced with new organs, we won't have to pay a penny.

Everything consists in the removal of her uterus and her left lung." "Won't she need a new

lung to breathe?"

"No," said Christina. "Turn the music back on," and with the touch of a button, Carla turned the fun back on and the two sisters danced together. Dean got right in the middle of the two of them, and things only became hotter and more fun, although lust was not part of the amusement. The party animals screamed in delight as they watched them dance.

Meanwhile, Noah and Brandy were having a party of their own. One hour later, the alcohol was completely non-existent in his bloodstream. They kept moving.

This time, instead of doing it sweetly and gently, they rocked the bodies hard, and every intrusion got deeper and more painful. They'd been loving for two and a half hours. "Oh," said Brandy, "I'm sorry, but I think I've had enough."

He stopped and got off of her. "That's ok. I only do what the woman wants for as long as she wants. If you think you ought to stop, that's not a problem."

Panting, she said, "This is not the way that I planned it." She covered her body with the sheets.

"It's not the way that I planned it either," he replied. "I never even planned to have sex with you!"

"Don't get mad at me," she said as he got up. "It wasn't my fault. I didn't even want it."

Indignant, Noah turned around and said, "What?" as she covered her mouth. "Are you saying that besides breaking the statutory rape law, I raped you?"

She got up. "Noah, that's not what I meant." She walked up to him. "You didn't force me." She started caressing his abdomen. "You persuaded me."

Caressing her hair, he said, "Still, it was wrong. You're a tart. I shouldn't have taken advantage of you."

Crying, she said, "You didn't. You were drunk."

Shocked, Noah asked, "I was?" as he watched two women having dirty sex on the TV, and he couldn't take his pretty eyes off the screen.

"Yes," she said, placed both arms on his shoulders and got him to turn back around and look at her. "You were drunk. It wasn't your fault, either."

He wrapped his lower body in her towel and she opened the closet door and pulled out a shirt of Mr. Smiley's from it and put it on quickly. Fortunately, it was long enough to cover her whole body up to her lower thighs. Mr. Smiley weighed 260 pounds and Brandy only weighed 120. As they walked out the door, Noah said, angrily, "This did not happen, all right?" he wanted more. He just couldn't get it from Brandy. He'd asked her for her forgiveness and he couldn't break into her again to apologize yet again. As he stormed into the hallway bathroom, Dean butt in as Brandy went after Noah and said, "Oh, my God, guys," smiling, "don't tell me that you did it!" and everyone laughed.

Embarrassed, Noah slammed the door. "Noah, wait!" she yelled and went in with him.

"Oh!" said Dean. "The woman wants more! Never say no to a woman!" he yelled to Noah. "Give it up, give it up!" and laughed crazily. He was also drunk, but he was only drunk with the alcohol of happiness. He walked back to the living room, smiling evilly and rubbed his hands together.

In the bathroom, Noah said, "Brandy, we can't do this!" as he looked in the mirror and she stood behind him. He couldn't persuade her not to do it like he did to Jessica. She was much less innocent.

She changed her mind and said, smiling evilly, "I want another round. The porn movie really made me hot." Her eyes were widely open now. She was seeing her inevitable reality.

"You're crazy," he said, turned around and looked at her. "You're out of your mind."

"Yes," she replied as she walked closer to him and snatched the towel off of him. "I'm crazy for you."


She interrupted him and said, "Oh, you're rejecting me and yet we've got unfinished business," smiling evilly. She brushed against him. "Give me some of that, baby." Although Noah didn't want it to, it went back into her and she screamed. This scream of pain made him lose control, slam her against the door, and start rocking her hard again as they kissed. The story of Hayley and Scott repeated with Noah and Brandy. No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't say no to her. She pulled him down until they got thrown on the floor. She remained silent as he went in and out repeatedly, fulfilling her dirty desires.

Meanwhile, Mr. Smiley got back from the poker party. He couldn't help but to surrender to the seduction of the passionate but happy music. He started dancing as he made his way in between the party animals. He got to Arianna, took her by the waist and started dancing the "perreo" wi