Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"Is this Noah S or Noah B Noah was shocked. "This

is Noah Scott. I'm sorry, but Noah Bryan passed away in 2001. He's my firstborn."

Corey went to the living room to join his father and he gasped when he heard him talking about his late older brother. He kept walking closer to him.

"He's listed on here.

Anyway, if he's passed, and I'm sorry about that; then someone was trying to make a sick joke out of this."

Astonished, Noah asked, "Is his message the same as mine?"

"No, it's much shorter and totally different."

"Please read it to me."

Everett opened up another screen, accessed his in box, and read, "Dear Everett, please protect my father, I will love you for it for the rest of my life, love, Noah B. Spears."

Noah was shocked. In the beginning, he was certain that the one that sent the message was Hayley, trying to make fun of him and hurt him by leaving Everett a message pretending to be Noah Bryan, but it wasn't so. Hayley didn't know that Everett existed, and she much less knew that Noah was alert and that he acknowledged that he was no longer free to go anywhere that he wanted to without a couple of bodyguards. Shedding tears, he said, "It's got to be a mistake."

"When you told me that he died, I thought it was either a sick joke, a mistake, or a delusion of mine, but no," said Everett, still looking at the email. "It's very real; so real that it makes me," and then stayed silent as he trembled violently, "weak in the knees."

"My boy's trying to tell me something," said Noah, crying, as Corey held him tightly, "and he's using other people to do it."

"Look," said Everett. The tremors had passed. "Why don't I take you to a medium before taking you anywhere else that you need to go so that you can figure all of this out? I mean you are not crazy. He's definitely using anyone that is connected to you to send you these messages, and only God knows how many people are receive them to give to you right now."

"Ok," said Noah. "This is the address to my house," and dictated it to him. "I will not move out of this sofa until you arrive," and hung up. Thirty-five minutes later, someone rang the bell. Noah expected anyone but Everett because he didn't know where Everett was and how long it would take him to get here. Corey got up and opened the door. It was safe for him to do so because Noah was right there, just like he promised Everett, sitting on the sofa. Everett went in. "Hi," he said as he walked closer to Noah, stretching his hand, "I'm Everett Bowman."

Noah got up, smiled, shook his hand and said, "Hi, I'm Noah Spears."

"I can't see why such a big man would need protection," said Everett. "I mean not that I won't protect you but you seem like you could perfectly protect yourself."

"I could protect myself," said Noah and sighed, "if I didn't have so many enemies waiting to literally stab me in the back."

With his arms crossed across his chest, and looking Noah in the eyes, Everett said, "Ah. Well, let's take you to that medium."

Corey asked, holding Noah, "Can I go with you?"

"Uh..." said Noah. "Actually," said Everett

interrupting him, "I think that it's best that he goes with us. That way, Noah B can communicate with us through him."

Astonished, Corey looked at Noah. "Yes," said Noah, "you're right. Let's go. We're going in one of my father's cars."

They walked out of the door, closed the door behind them, went to the garage, and Mario opened the garage door for them from the outside with a special remote control that he would destroy the instant that someone tried to take it away from him.

They went in the garage and Noah opened the door with the keyless- entry remote and got on the driver's seat while Everett got in the passenger's seat and Corey got in the back seat. They closed all the doors simultaneously and within minutes, they buckled their seatbelts and Noah started the car, shifted reverse, and started pulling out of the garage slowly. Then, Mario opened the gates and they slowly drove away, turned to their left side, took the road, and sped away. On their way there, Noah started seeing his disfigured face through the mirror right on the center of the front of the car and became horrified. Everett looked at him strangely, sensing that something was going on. "What's happening?" This was just another premonition. Would it come true?

"Noah, are you ok?" "No," he said. "Tell me

how I look in the mirror."

Corey tried to look Noah in the mirror but he couldn't. He was too short. Everett leaned over to the side and saw Noah in the mirror. Amazed, he said, "Noah, you look fine."

"What's going on?" he yelled. "I look monstrous!"


"You know what?" said Everett. "I want you to pull over and give me the wheel."

Five minutes later, Noah pulled over at the sidewalk and did as told. He and Everett got out of the car. Noah gave the key to Everett and they switched places, closed the doors, buckled their seatbelts once again, and Everett placed the key in the ignition, started the car, took the road in a matter of minutes, and sped away. Forty-five minutes later, they arrived at the cabin of a medium, in a place far, far away from civilization. This lady didn't want jealous and envious people to attack her viciously just because of her super powers. They entered the hilly area until they earned access to the cabin. Once that they were in front of the entrance door, they all got out of the car and walked to the door. Corey knocked. The medium was rich, not because of her super powers; thus only the police knew about them and they wouldn't pay her for her services, but because she had a home business that brought in over sixty thousand dollars a month, but she got condemned to live like a middle- class person because of the passionate envy of people for mediums. Minutes later, she opened the door.

"Hello," she said. "Welcome." She spoke strangely.

They went in. "I'm scared," said Corey, shaking.

"The only thing that you have to be afraid of is your fate because it's the only thing about you that you don't know," she replied to Corey, astonishing him.


Chapter 27


Brooke arrived at the mall, finally. She only found Ben at the cafeteria, and she sensed that something funny was going on. She sat down and asked, "Where's Nicole?"

"She's in the ladies' room," said Ben. "We ate so much that her stomach couldn't handle it and she had to go to get rid of the food."

Brooke instantly felt responsible for this. With bulging eyes, she said, "Oh, my God, is it my fault?"

"No," said Ben, "it's not your fault. It's our gluttony's fault."

"Oh." "Do you understand what I'm saying? We didn't overeat to keep entertained because it was the only thing that would've entertained us while you came here. We overate because this food is so

good that we couldn't get enough. These are the best fast-food restaurants in the world."

"Oh," said Brooke, "you couldn't get enough food." She smiled naughtily and said, "Are you the same way with sex?" as she looked him in the eyes.

He let his head down, cleared his throat, and right before he could give her an answer, Nicole and Cristina got to the table, saving him from this embarrassment. He had never told a girl his lovemaking tactics before, or how his sex drive was. He felt that this was definitely not the way to impress a woman. He wanted to impress the woman using the way that he looked and what he was like inside. Talking to a woman about dirty things was not a way to woo her because he felt that once that he tried it, that girl would use him sexually for a couple of hours, leave, and never see him again. He'd had vast sexual experience with only two sexual partners because his relationships have been long, but he was twenty years old and right now, he felt that it was time to settle down. He didn't want to be a bachelor until he turned forty. He wanted to start a family now. It was easier for him to take care of babies at twenty than to take care of babies at forty. Nicole and Cristina sat on the table with them, and as soon as Nicole took one look at Brooke, she gasped. "Brooke?"

Brooke got up, gasping. "Nicole, Nicole Perry?" Brooke walked up to Nicole and gave her a big hug. "My very first white friend," she said. "I've missed you."

Smiling, Nicole said, as Ben looked at them with a smile in his face, surprised, "She was my very first African-American friend," as they hugged. "I was eight and she was eleven when we met."

Brooke let go of Nicole and started caressing her head and said, "We've been the best of friends ever since, but we haven't seen each other for three years."

"So, you're nineteen, Brooke," said Ben.

Smiling, Brooke said, "That's right, I just turned nineteen."

"When?" "Yesterday."

Nicole commented, "Yes, but since I've been at home in a wheelchair I couldn't give her a present. Besides, I don't know where she lives now."

Cristina got up and said, "Nicole, what do you want me to get you?"

Nicole looked at Cristina, smiled and said, "Oh, Cristina, it's ok. Don't worry about me, I'll be fine."

"I insist," said Cristina. "I'd like to help. What do you want to eat?"
