Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"So if I wanted it, it wasn't "It was wrong because

you're a tart. You can't consent to a

sexual act until you're eighteen years old and you're only six," explained Noah.

"Oh, so even if I want it, it is wrong."

"Yes, it is. So, did you want it?"


"Then you didn't have sex, Corey. You were raped."

Corey gasped. "What this woman did to you, it is sexual assault. You have to tell the police tomorrow."

Jessica was in her room, watching a DVD movie that she had borrowed from Natasha. It was a romance movie in which she would discover many things about sex that she didn't know. Suddenly, the phone rang. Her father had a dirty plan in his mind, a plan that would get her in trouble if she knew what he was up to and if she accepted it, but since she was way too innocent and she always would be, she wouldn't earn the distrust of the Spears family. They would know that she didn't know what she was doing and forget that this thing ever happened. They wouldn't live with the consequences anyway, the Hague family would. She answered the phone.


"Hi, Jessica, how are you


"I'm doing very well,

Dad," she said, smiling, "thank you. How are you doing?"

"I'm doing very well, too. Listen very carefully because I want to talk about you and Noah."

"You want to talk about me and Noah?" she said, surprised. "What about us?"

"What I am about to ask you to do is going to sound crazy, but I need you to do it."

"Ask me to do anything." "I want you to have sex

with Noah and conceive a child." Jessica gasped and said,


Noah was just getting out

of Corey's room. Suddenly, he bumped into Jennifer. "Hi," he said. "How are you?"

"Dad, I'm glad I just saw you. I want to talk to you about something. It's very important."

"Why don't you come to my room?"

"It's precisely about you." "What do you mean?"

"I distrust you."

Noah gasped, scoffed, and asked, "What did you just say? I'm your father! How can you distrust me?"

Jennifer let her head down and said, "Dad, I," but he just walked away without letting her talk and explain her problem. "Oh, my God," she said and walked back to her room.

Noah went to Scott's room. Every time he had a problem and he couldn't solve it, he would turn to his father for advice. Scott was on the computer, emailing his stockholders. Suddenly, Noah put his hand on his shoulder and said, "Hi, can I talk to you?"

Scott turned his face, looked up at him, said, "Sure," and got up. They sat on Scott's bed together. Natasha was downstairs making a lemon meringue pie with Geisha. She and Scott had just eaten dinner, early, and they wanted some dessert. "What can I do for you, son?"

"I'm having a problem with my daughter, Jennifer."

"You're having a problem with Jennifer. Ok, before you tell me what the problem is, I want you to tell me what your relationship was like before you got separated."

"It was fine, but it's not so great anymore, with all of the honesty."

"Ok, here we get to the problem. Why is it not so great anymore?"

"She doesn't trust me. She thinks that I'm going to rape her."

Jennifer was listening to the conversation behind Scott's bedroom door. "What?" she said. "Are you crazy? It's not about rape!" she whispered it so that they didn't know that she was listening to them.

Scott said, "Oh, my God," and got up. "How do you know that she thinks that you're going to rape her? Has she told you straight up?"

"She didn't tell me straight up," he said, "but she told me that she distrusted me."

"Well, Noah," said Scott, walked to the nightstand and picked up a peppermint disc from a beautiful glass round container. As he unwrapped it, he said, "for someone to tell you that he or she distrusts you it doesn't necessarily mean that they think that you're going to rape him or her." "Do you think so?"

Scott said, "Yes," and placed the delicious peppermint disc in his mouth and started moving it around with his jaw and tongue.

"I didn't give her a chance to explain," said Noah with his head down as his daughter nodded behind the door. "If it keeps going like this we're going to have no communication and I'm going to be forced to give permanent custody of her to you and get out of the house again."

"Don't even think about it.

You know I always stood out among the crowd. In a group of blue circles I was the red square. That's why I always had problems with kids at school and at the university. Because of my difference of opinions and differences in the way that I did things, I was always fighting with somebody. I was an alien to them."

"Let me get this straight. You're saying that because I see things differently from my daughter because she and I have nothing in common, it doesn't mean that she and I can't have a good father-and- daughter relationship."

"Yes," said Scott and put his hand on Noah's shoulder, "that's exactly what I'm saying," and all of a sudden they hugged.

"Was there an unfinished thought?"

Scott laughed and said, "Yes, there was. What I was trying to say is that every time that I had a conflict with someone, which was everyday," and Noah laughed, "they offered mediation."

"So, you're suggesting mediation between you, me and Jennifer."


Jennifer knocked, pretending that she'd just come to the room. During the whole time that she was eavesdropping, she was so silent that no one noticed. Noah got up and opened the door. "Hi," he said.

She went in and said, "Hi, guys." She sat by Scott and Noah sat beside Scott on the other side to avoid any adverse reactions from Jennifer. "Dad, I want to talk to you, and I'm glad that Grandpa is here."

"I'm listening," said Noah. "First of all, I want to

clarify that when I told you that I distrusted you, I didn't even imply that you would rape me. What I meant was that I thought that you had a mental disorder that caused you to do things that you normally wouldn't do, like multiple personality disorder or schizophrenia."

"Oh," said Noah.

"I think that when you get me alone, you might hit me or kill me. I noticed that your mental health wasn't the best and well, I started fearing you."

Noah remained silent for a few minutes. He had no idea of what in the world to say.

Meanwhile, Jessica was outraged with her father for suggesting that she have a child with Noah. She had no idea why he wanted that. It couldn't be for money because her dad was as rich as Noah was, so she didn't understand what could possibly be the reason. She listened to her father on the phone as he gave her the explanations that he owed her. "I have a handicapped woman that says that she wants Noah's baby more than anything in the world."

Still confused, Jessica asked, "If she wants to have a child with Noah, why doesn't she conceive it with him?"

"She and her husband want his child, but she wants another woman to conceive and give birth to the child, and then she wants to raise it. She doesn't want her child to be illegitimate. She and her husband can't have kids."

"Oh, so she's married, and that's why she wants another woman to conceive the child."


"Who is sterile, she or her husband?"

"Her husband is sterile." "Why does it have to be

me the one to conceive the child?" "She says that she wants

you to conceive the child because you're beautiful." "What if my child inherits my condition? I mean I would raise him or her with my mom's help because we understand savants, but that woman and her husband..."

Scratching his head, Arthur said, "You know what? You're right."

"Why does Noah have to be the father of this child?"

"She told me that the child that she lost, that he looked just like Noah, except that he had green

eyes instead of blue eyes."

"That's creepy. Noah has too many look-alikes."

"Well, I really don't think that the child or man was identical to Noah as his younger brother Scott, his double, the singer, and his son Corey are, but..."

"Wait a minute. Why do you say 'child or man'?"

"I say that because the woman is only five years younger than Noah's mother is, she's forty years old, and the son that she lost, he was twenty-one."

Jessica gasped. "Oh, my God, this is surreal!" Without saying goodbye, she hung up and went straight to Noah's room in a matter of minutes. She didn't find him there. "Where is he?"

Rob passed by in his wheelchair all of a sudden. "Who are you looking for?" he said.

"I'm looking for Noah," she said as she walked out of the room.

"He's in Scott's room." Jessica pushed Rob to

Scott's room. Twenty minutes later, they arrived and knocked on the door. Noah and Jennifer were tense a few minutes before, but now they were laughing and having fun, like nothing had ever happened. Scott was glad to plant the seed of peace in the ground of Noah and Jennifer, the one seed that saved their relationship forever. From now on, they wouldn't grow distant.

Whatever problem that they had, they'd work out. Scott got up, walked to the door and opened it. "Jess and Rob, how are you?" he said.

Noah was standing up, throwing Jennifer up to the roof and catching her repeatedly as she laughed hysterically, and all of a sudden, he saw Rob and Jessica at the door. Fortunately, when he saw them, he had already caught Jennifer for the tenth time, so she wouldn't fall from his arms. "Hi," he said.

Jennifer pushed Rob in. Rob said, "Noah, Jessica is looking for you."

Jessica cleared her throat and said, "I want to talk to you. It's a delicate subject matter."

Noah smiled and said,


Scott took the handles of

Rob's wheelchair and pushed him out of the room. When he was out, he let go of the right handle and closed the door behind him with his right hand. As he took Rob back to his room for Rob to rest, Noah and Jessica sat on his bed to talk. "Yes," he said, "I'm listening," as he looked her in the eyes.

They thought that Jennifer had left the room, but she was hidden in the closet, listening to their conversation. "It's about another look alike of yours."

Stunned, Noah said, smiling, "Another look alike? Oh, boy, God must love my looks to create so many look alike!" and laughed. "This is awesome."

"Noah, in this case, it's not so awesome. This look-alike, he's dead."

He turned serious and said, "Oh."

"My dad just called me and told me that his mother wanted to have your child."

Noah gasped.

"This woman hopes that if she has a child with you, she'll get her dead son back."

"Does she want me to donate my sperm?"

"She wants another woman to conceive this child with you. My dad told me that she wanted that woman to be me, but I got that off of my shoulders by using my brain disorder as an excuse. I questioned the possibility of my child inheriting my brain abnormalities."

"Jessica, that's not really an excuse, that is a probable possibility. You can't give a child to people that don't understand your condition. When you have your children, you and your mother have to raise them together, and the father of your children has to understand yours and their condition."

"That's true."

"I don't understand. Why can't I donate my sperm so that she can have my child? Why does it have to be another woman?"

"I asked my dad that question and he said that she can't have the child with you either naturally or artificially because she's married."

Noah gasped and said, "Oh! Damn, that's too bad! I would've loved to get together with that woman!"

Jessica laughed hysterically and said, "Damn, boy, you're in desperate need of a woman!"

"You can say that again. Well, let's call your dad back and get this woman's personal information from him. When we have that information," he said, got up, and she got up after he did. He opened the door to get out of the room and they walked out together, "we'll find a substitute mother, a healthy one." She closed the door behind her. Noah and Jessica, they didn't have to get out of the room to make the call, but Noah felt that before he had a child with another woman outside his imminent marriage to Nicole, he had to talk to his children first and see if they would accept it. If they didn't accept it, he'd have no choice but to turn the woman down and shatter her dream of getting her child back. As they walked to Corey's room, where the four children reunited every night to watch their favorite TV show together, Noah prayed that his children would accept their new half brother or sister. They didn't believe in half brothers and sisters, but would they change their minds about this and have compassion for this infertile and disabled woman, and understand the pain that the loss of her child caused her? A few minutes later, they arrived at Corey's room. The kids' bedrooms were in the same hallway as Scott and Noah's bedrooms so that if there was a problem with the kids, Noah and Scott wouldn't have to walk twenty or twenty minutes to go to their bedrooms and help them. Noah knocked the door.

Corey got up from the floor, walked to the door, and opened it. He said, "Hi, Dad," let him in, turned around, and walked away.

Noah and Jessica went in and Noah closed the door behind him. "Kids, I am glad that you're gathered here tonight, like you are every night, because I've got to talk to you about something very important."

They sat on the bed together and Noah sat beside them. Jessica sat on the floor, opposite the TV, and facing them. The kids smiled at them. They adored the idea of another nice talk. "I don't know how you're going to take this, but a physically disabled woman asked me to donate my sperm to her to get back a child that she lost." Chapter 33


The children were silent.

They didn't know what to say. Finally, Corey said, "Dad, you can do whatever that you want with your life as long as it doesn't affect us."

John, Jennifer and Simone looked at him.

"Well, this is the only child that I am going to have outside of a marriage. I am only going to do it because this woman is disabled and she lost her child."

"Was this her only child?" said Simone.

"Yes," said Noah. "Why do you have to be

the father?" said John.

"She wants me to be the father because she wants our son to look like her late son."

With a face of horror, Simone said, "That's creepy." "Yes, it is," said Noah. "You don't need our

approval to make a decision because we're the children and you're the adult," said Corey, "but if the situation is related to me, John, Jennifer or Simone, I want you to ask us before you do what you're going to do."

"Don't worry," said Noah, "I will." He got up. "Well, I have to go to call the lady," he said and went to the door. "Thank you for listening." Noah and Jessica walked out of the room, leaving the kids breathless.

Jessica and Noah returned to Scott's room and closed the door. Every phone in that house had caller ID. Noah went to Scott's cord phone and browsed the caller ID until he found Arthur's number.

Jessica sat on Scott's bed. Scott was downstairs, attending to the complaint of a client after using one of Noah's creams. The customer, her husband had peeled her face off with a knife. Half of her face was gone and the skin still wasn't growing back. She was hoping that the cream would help her with the regeneration process, but Scott was explaining to her that this wasn't a cream that would make the skin regenerate. Those didn't exist yet, he explained, but Noah would get inspired in this woman to create it. The woman was frustrated, but in order to make up for her loss and her deception, instead of refunding her money for the cream, he'd pay for her plastic surgery, no matter how many procedures she would have to have done.

Meanwhile, Noah called Arthur back by pressing the 'call back' button on the phone. Scott didn't have a cordless phone in his room because in case that there was an emergency, and the phone's battery was low, or if there was no electricity at the moment of the emergency, he wouldn't have a phone to call for help. Before Noah arrived at that house, Scott had a cordless phone in his room but Noah advised him against it strongly. He took the phone away from him and gave it to Dean, whose phone had just been destroyed. Arthur's cell phone number, it had a totally different ring tone when someone that he'd called, when he or she called him back, so that he knew that this wasn't a new call, but a returned call. Arthur was riding the limo to the next hospital, to make his next donation. He pulled the cell phone out of his pocket and answered it after it had rung twenty-five times. When Noah called someone, he wouldn't stop until that person answered the phone. Sometimes he would let a phone ring over one hundred times.

"Hello, this is Arthur Joseph Hague."

"Mr. Hague, this is Noah Spears. How are you doing?"

Smiling, Arthur said, "Noah, it's so nice to talk to you! How are you doing?"

"I am calling you back for you to give me that lady's personal information so that I can get in touch with her."

"Do you have a pen and a piece of paper at hand?" "Yes," said Noah and pulled a writing pad and a pen out of the first drawer of Scott's nightstand, placed the writing pad on the nightstand and tip of the pen on top of it to start writing. "I am not going to take much of your time because I know that you're busy," he said and smiled sweetly, "doing good things for others, and when I know that someone is doing something good, I don't hold him or her up."

"That's so sweet, Noah," said Arthur, and dictated to Noah the woman's name, phone number, and email address, smiling as Jessica looked at Noah, smiling and caressing his sweet face. "Ok, I will talk to you later, and I thank you for helping my friend."

"I would do anything for you, Jill and Jessica," said Noah. "Bye," and hung up. Jessica gave him a big hug. Minutes later, Noah sat at Scott's computer, and pressed the spacebar to get the computer back on the desktop. Then, he pressed the start button, selected the Internet Explorer from the menu, entered his start page in less than one second, and accessed his email account just by typing his sign-in name and password.

Seconds later, he entered his inbox and pressed the button to compose a new message. He typed the email address of the lady in. He didn't want to call her because it was late, it was eight thirty, and he had no idea of what time this lady and her husband, when they went to sleep every night, so he composed her an email for her to answer at her convenience. He wrote two simple lines, saying that he accepted her proposal and asking her when would be a good time for her to go out with him and select the substitute mother. Then, he clicked the 'send' button and sent the email in less than a second. "Ok, done," he said. "Now," he said as he got up, "we have to wait for her response."

However, that lady was more widely awake than everyone in the Spears mansion was. She had just finished making dinner for her hard-working husband, and she was entering her room once again to continue taking surveys for money. She turned on her computer, and when it finished booting and the desktop came on, in less than two minutes, she pressed the start button and selected the Internet Explorer from the menu. She had broadband internet, like Scott did. Suddenly, her instant messenger notified her of a new email. She clicked on the link that would take her directly to the new email and in less than two seconds, she was reading the short but clear message. She went back to the outside of her inbox and started to take her five surveys, one by one. That was the minimum of surveys that she usually received. The maximum was twenty surveys, but since due to her disability, she couldn't work outside of home, she had all day to do the surveys, and it usually took her only a half an hour to do the maximum of twenty surveys. These new surveys would only take her eight minutes to do. She went to her nightstand and took her cordless phone from the receiver and pressed the talk button and dialed Noah's home number. Noah and Jessica were in Scott's room watching music videos. Noah's phone rang. He got up and answered it. Jessica prepared the DVD recorder to record a music video that she liked.


"Hello, Noah Spears, this is Alicia Cane, the woman that wants to have your baby."

Noah smiled and said, "Yes, I've heard a lot about you."

"You want to go out with me to select the mother."

"Yes. When will we be able to go out together to take care of that?"

"I want to go out tomorrow at nine."

"Ok, tomorrow at nine it


"Do you have to work


"I was going to work but since I'm working on my father's enterprise, I can go to work whenever that I want, and I can put it off to do other things." "Good, that's good. We can do this tomorrow then. I'll see you then."

"Bye, Mrs. Cane," said Noah and hung up.

Suddenly, Corey went into the room. He was very upset. He was desperate and it was notable that the news that he was bringing wasn't good. Noah got up when he saw him and said, as he walked closer to him, "Is something wrong, Corey?"

Breathing heavily, Corey said, "There's a woman on the entrance door. She says that she's looking for me. I don't want to let her in because I don't know who she is or what she wants me for."

"I've told you, John, Jennifer and Simone," said Noah as they walked out of the room together, "to wait until an adult opens the door. I've told you time after time not to open the door for anybody. Children should never open the door for anybody." They walked down the stairs together.

"I'm sorry," said Corey. "It's just that she wouldn't stop knocking and it got to the point where I couldn't stand the pounding on the door, and her screaming my name."

"You should've come and look for me since the moment that she started knocking. I don't know how Mario let her in." However, Mario was knocked out on the floor. Her intentions weren't bad, but since she was an alien, he wouldn't let her in, and she felt that attacking him was the only way that she could make it to the entrance door. They walked to the guest living room together and Noah opened the door. "Can I help you?" he said.

"Yes," said the woman, breathing heavily, "I'm looking for Mr. Corey Spears." She thought that Noah was Corey and that he was the person that she was looking for. The people that sent her to get Corey, they didn't tell her that he was a seven-year-old child.

Smiling, Noah said, "Mr. Corey Spears is right here," with his arm around Corey's shoulder, "and he's my son." She turned serious and said, "Wait a minute, I thought that you were Corey Spears."

Noah turned serious, amazed with her reply and said, "No, see there's a mistake here. I'm Noah Spears, Corey Spears' father."

"They didn't tell me how old he was. I guess that he can't come with me then."

Amazed, Corey looked up at Noah. "He can go with you, with my permission, and if I go with the two of you, if you tell me what you want from him."

"It's ok," she said, "you don't have to do this. If he's a tart then I'll tell my superiors that we can't do anything with him."

"It seems that you thought that Corey was an adult, is that right?"

"Yes, I thought that you were Corey."

"So I take it that your superiors are looking for me, not for Corey," he said, walked out the door and left Corey inside. "Therefore, you and your superiors, you will get what you want, if this task doesn't have to be performed exclusively with him."

"We want Corey's sperm." "Can't you call your

superiors to straighten this out? It'll only take a couple of minutes. Ask them the age of the person from whom they want the sperm. Do you have your own phone?"


"Come in and call them from here to let them know that you got to the home of the person that they were looking for," he said and opened the door and she walked in with him, "but that you haven't found exactly the person that you're looking for because you don't know who it is, if it's a seven- year-old or a twenty-six-year-old."

As they walked to the nearest phone right on the guest living room, a few steps from where they initially stood when they went in, she said, "You're right. I don't want us to get the wrong person," and picked up the phone. "They won't forgive me if I make a mistake this big." A few minutes later, one of the woman's superiors answered the phone, as Mario recovered consciousness. He didn't know if someone had let her in or not so he didn't dare to call the police because he realized that he could be putting a good person in prison if he did. He didn't know the woman's intentions or exactly why she attacked him. She could've attacked him just to get access to the mansion.

"Hello, Lola. I see you arrived at the Spears mansion," the man said as he looked at his caller ID, smiling. "That's a good girl!"

"There's a problem. I don't know exactly whose semen you want, if it's twenty-six-year-old Noah Spears' or seven-year-old Corey Spears' sperm."

The man turned serious, gasped and said, "Corey's only seven?"

"Yes. Noah's the father and Corey's the son. Whose sperm do you want?"

"I want Corey's sperm." The woman said,

astonished, "But he's only seven years old. We don't know if he can reproduce yet," and Noah gasped and looked at Corey in awe. Corey was even more confused than he was.

"I guess that this process is going to take a little longer than we expected because we need to consult a doctor to know if Corey can reproduce."

"I guess so." "This task was set

exclusively for Corey Spears, no matter how old he turned out to be, even if he was three years old."

"Can't this wait?" she said. "That's what I want to

know," replied Noah.

"Let me talk to his father to see if we can get his permission. I want this done as soon as possible if this seven-year-old turns out to be as fertile as his grandfather despite his tender age."

Lola gave the phone to Noah and the man said to him, "Hello, Mr. Noah Spears."

Smiling, Noah said, "How are you doing?"

"I see that we have a bit of a problem." "I don't see why. What do you want my son's sperm for? Why can't this baby or these babies be conceived with my sperm? I mean, you thought I was Corey, so why can't I be the father of these children?"

"Now that I know how old Corey is," said the man, smiling, "I intend to break a very original record. If after the profound analysis of Corey's reproductive system, it turns out that he can conceive through artificial insemination, I want to set a very original world record; the youngest father in the world, the man that can reproduce at the earliest age."

"That's interesting," said Noah, smiling. He knew that this would not only bring him money if it was possible to do, but it would also give his son a name in the world, and that his son would be a celebrity without being known as "the grandson of the renowned Scott Spears."

"So," said the man, smiling, "will you give us permission?" "I certainly will," said Noah, leaving Lola literally breathless and gasping in front of him. She looked at Corey and Corey looked back at her, smiling. He didn't know that someone wanted to make him a father to set the most amazing world record in many years, but he loved the idea of being a father so young.

Becoming a father before he even lost his virginity would be so magnificent.

"Meet me at," said the man and gave Noah his home address, and Noah wrote it in his notepad, that was right by the phone. There was a writing pad beside every phone in the house. "Meet me here right now."

Amazed, Noah said, "Now? But it's ten o'clock."

"It doesn't matter," said the man. "I told you, the sooner that this is done, the better that it will be for all of us, including your father."

Three hours later, Noah, Everett, and Corey, they arrived at this multimillionaire's house. He didn't do it for money, he did it for the world record, which was so important to him. In the beginning, he wanted Corey's sperm for entirely different reasons, but now that he knew his age, his plans had changed completely. The gates opened and the car entered. Everett parked it right in front of the entrance. They got out of the car and the man's guard let them in.

The man had given him a picture of Noah and told him that he was waiting for him. They rang the bell in the front door. The man's servant, he walked straight to the door, opened it, and received them with a smile. "Welcome, Mr.

Spears one and two."

Corey laughed. The servant took him by both arms, lifted him by his waist, carried him to the man's office and said, "Mr. Spears," as Noah walke