Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"I want both kinds of

"How much paper do you "I want the three packs of

notebook paper and one pack of printer paper. Oh, and I prefer 'Pilot V5' pens, the assorted pack. What's the total?"

The nurse pulled out a scribbled piece of paper and calculated the price of each item. "The total is six dollars and twenty cents."

Scott pulled out his wallet from the top drawer of his nightstand and pulled out of it one five-dollar bill, one six-dollar bill, a nickel, and a quarter, and gave the money to the nurse. The nurse smiled, took the money from him, said, "I'll be right back," walked to the door, opened it, walked out and closed it. Scott closed his wallet, pulled out the drawer, placed it inside, and closed the drawer. He didn't lock it, although he could, because he didn't think that nurses would do something as atrocious as stealing money from their patients. Besides, he didn't carry large amounts of money in his pocket.

He only carried fifty dollars assorted in different dollar bills and some change. Every time that he called someone that he needed something from, the person would assort fifty dollars and take them to him for him to spend. This time, he called Noah. Noah's cell phone rang twenty times. It was in his pocket and he was talking to a woman that he'd had a problem with when he had been married to Jennifer for a year and a half. He lifted the flap and answered the call. "Hello." He was so angry that he didn't see the number on the screen.

The woman waited for the end of a conversation that she thought was stupid. "Hi, Noah," said Scott, estranged. "Is there a problem? Are you angry?"

"Yes, Dad, I'm angry, but I'm not angry at you. I'd never be," said Noah, scratching his head and then said to the woman, "Do you mind?" and the woman walked away from him.

"So you're angry at the person that you're talking to."

"Yes, and I'm sorry that I was rude."

"I understand. Who is it?" "It's just some whore that I

met a year and a half after Jen and I got married."

"Is she bothering you?" "Yes, she is, very much so."

This had just become

another assignment for the lethal Didier. "Don't worry. I'll take care of that. Hey, would you please go to my office, get my laptop and bring it to me?"


"I need to get connected to the Internet and keep in touch with my stockholders."

"That's not a problem, Dad. I'm going to go to the office right now. Do you need anything else?"

"No, that's it, for the moment."

"All right, I'll see you later. Bye," said Noah, ended the call, and put the phone back in the pocket of his jacket.

As the woman walked closer to him, she asked, "Are you done talking bullshit?"

Very rudely, and looking her in the eyes with ardent fury and hate, Noah scolded, "Talking bullshit? Excuse me, but that was my father that I was talking to, and if you loved me as much as you say that you do, you'd never say anything offensive about him or anyone in my family!"

He yelled at her so loudly that she got turned off instantly. "I'm sorry that I've always hated your pathetic family."

Noah smiled evilly, got in her face, looked her directly in the eyes and said, "Well, I guess you don't love me that much then," and walked away from her, brushing violently against her.

She went after him and said, "Noah, I'm sorry!"

Noah got in the cab and she got in right after he did. No cab would ever run away from Noah Spears, and although he didn't demand respect from everyone unless he gave it and he didn't get it, everyone respected him. Some people did it for love and other people did it for his money. "I want to go to Spears International," he said as he moved over away from the woman. She moved over closer to him until there was no escape.

"Ok," said the driver, "that will be twenty dollars for going and twenty dollars for returning, for a total of thirty dollars. Just in case you ask why the fare is so small, well, that building is only five miles from here, and that's exactly what my meter marks when a place is five miles from the other."

As the woman licked Noah's neck, he said, "Ok, thank you for the clarification," and pushed her away so violently that she bumped her head against the window.

"Noah!" she said, looking at him, horrified.

"I never said that you could touch me, much less lick me!" he said as he cleaned her saliva off with a paper towel. He always carried paper towels with him because every time that he ate something, his mouth got dirty, even when he did everything that was possible for it not to.

"Oh!" said the driver and laughed hysterically. "Would you like me to kick her out of the car, Mr. Spears?"

"No," he said as he pulled the woman's pants and panties down. "I have a better idea." He sat on her lap, facing her, and began forcing his sex organ into her so deeply and so hard that she opened her mouth to scream, but she didn't because she didn't want to distract the driver and cause a car collision. This action lasted during the whole ride. Ten minutes later, they arrived, and as soon as the driver stopped, the man and the woman, they got dressed. As Noah opened the door to get out, he told her, "Are you happy now?"

Crying, she said, "I wanted it, but I didn't want it to be this violent. I feel as if you had raped me. That's exactly how a person does someone else when he or she rapes him or her."

"Well," he said, as he got out, and then closed the door, turned back around, looked at her and smiled, "it doesn't matter how I did it. What matters is that I gave you what you wanted. You started licking my neck and my chest and now you're telling me that it hurt so much that you feel like you've been raped?" "Noah, I don't believe that you treat women like this."

"I treat people the way that they treat me," he said, and then he said to the driver, "Don't worry that the meter is running because I will pay you all of that money. When you take me to the hospital, leave and take the lady wherever that she needs to go. I'll pay you for that, too. I'm going to get someone to bring me back here."

"Ok," said the driver, "and please, be nice to women, ok?

Don't treat them like that."

"Ok," said Noah, got off the car, and walked away.

A half an hour later, Noah was in Scott's office, picking up his laptop. Suddenly, the estranged woman walked in. It turned out that she'd been following him all of this time, and he had no idea. "Hi, Noah," she said.

He turned around. "What more do you want, Jasmine?"

Without saying a word, she took the laptop from him, placed it back on the desk, took all of his clothes off, took all of her clothes off, and forced herself on him, just like she'd done to her. Fortunately, they were interrupted five minutes after when one of Scott's chemists knocked on the door, seeking Noah's authorization for her new foundation. Although Noah would sign the paper, the foundation belonged to Scott. He'd never take anything away from his father, much less something this precious. "Just a minute!" he yelled as he put his clothes back on as quickly as he could. The door was unlocked, but the chemist, she didn't know that. When Noah had buttoned his shirt half way, he said, "Come in!" Jasmine had only put her panties and her pants back on because she didn't have time to put on her bra and her top.

The chemist, Rebecca's little sister, Veronica, she walked in and gasped. "Oh, my God, I interrupted something important."

"No, you didn't," said Noah. "We weren't having sex, at least consensual. She raped me."

Veronica didn't say anything, but she knew that as soon as she walked out of that office, she'd call the police without thinking twice. Jasmine laughed. "We were just playing around," she said.

Smiling, but grinding his teeth at the same time, Noah replied with a very rough tone, "Jasmine, this isn't funny," and then said to Veronica, calmly, "Do you have a new product for my dad, Veronica?"

As Veronica walked closer to Noah, she said, "Yes, I have," and pushed Jasmine out of her way, violently. "I have a wonderful foundation. It was made in sixty different shades for different skin tones. It took me six months to finish. I did it with all of my love for Mr. Spears."

Rubbing her head after receiving another concussion when it was slammed against the door, Jasmine said, "That's sweet!"

Veronica looked back at her, said, "Shut up," and Noah gave away his most evil smile. Then, she looked back at Noah and said, "I need you to sign the release for me."

"Certainly," said Noah. He took the document from Veronica's hands very gently, placed it on the desk, signed it right by the little X, got a file folder from the top cabinet, and placed the document in there. The file folder was red, just like the file folder that kept the secrets of Scott's evil deeds. "Veronica, this foundation is going to be released within a few hours, before you leave today," he said, looking at Jasmine with so much hate that if looks could kill, she would've dropped dead hours before.


Chapter 40


Jasmine walked out the door and then ran to the nearest elevator, crying. No one had ever done physical harm to her before, and she felt deeply humiliated.

Veronica stayed inside with Noah. "Don't report Jasmine," he said to her.

"Why are you asking me not to report her?" she responded, shocked.

"I don't want the police to know about this because I have a better plan for her."

"What could be better for her than to be thrown in jail for several years for rape?"

"Trust me, she's going


"Was it really rape or just

really wild sex?"

"It was rape. She didn't ask me before she did what she did. I know that sometimes the woman doesn't ask a man if he consents or not, she just goes ahead and does her thing, but this woman---it hurt so much that I didn't respond. I didn't even have an erection."

"So, when the man doesn't have an erection, it's either that he can't function or that he was raped."

"That's right. I mean I'm not going to presume to be the most libidinous and hardest man in the world because I'm not. During our nine years of marriage, I couldn't function while having sex with my wife twenty times." "That's not much at all in a nine-year-period."

"When I couldn't function," Noah didn't mind giving graphic details about his sex life. "She would get out and then wait for me to relax. When she came back, we would start all over again and do it gently until I would finally come, and then it turned from horrible sex to terrific sex."

"Wow," said Veronica, "that's the way that it usually is with the woman. The woman's usually the last one to come."

"Well, Veronica, I was like a woman, in bed, for four years of my marriage," he replied. "She liked that. Jennifer was a really naughty woman. Then, she got tired of the routine, you know, being on top and in control all of the time because she wasn't as aggressive as she showed me that she was when we started having sex. Then, she decided that our pleasure would be reciprocal. First, she'd take control of me, and then I'd take control of her. She always said that it was much more fun and pleasant that way because we'd both get the pleasure, and that felt good to her."

Veronica smiled and said, "Mr. Spears, you amaze me."

"We're the same age. Call me Noah."

She smiled again. "Ok, as long as we don't get too close."

"We won't. I am not the narcissistic man that thinks that all of the women are at his disposal, waiting for him to do them because he's the very best lover in the world."

"I'm glad that you aren't that way because humble men are the ones that get the most women, you know?"

"Really?" he said, smiling naughtily. "I didn't know that. I'll keep that in mind the next time that I enamor a woman. Well, Veronica, I have to go. My dad is waiting for his laptop," he said and got it from the desk. "I'll be sure to tell him about your new foundation. By the time that we start talking about it, it will be selling madly. I just know that for a fact. He'll be no less than thrilled."

Noah went to the door to

walk out. She interrupted him. "Wait, Noah."

He let go of the doorknob, turned around and said, "Yes."

"Is it only pleasurable for you if you're in control?"

"No," he said. "It's always pleasurable to me, no matter the position, as long as it doesn't hurt." He turned around, opened the door, and walked out.

She stayed there and leaned to the desk, smiling naughtily. "I know that I can't have you because you're in love with someone else," she said, "but I wish that I could find a man like you," and then walked out of the office. Just then, when she was about to go back to the lab, she bumped into Ivan, Ian's son. "Oh!"

Ivan smiled, blushing, and said, "I'm sorry."

Noah was turning the foundation contract in to the people that were in charge of registering new products as Veronica and Ivan got to know each other. "It was my fault. I had just gone through a pleasurable moment, and I got distracted. I wasn't paying attention to where I was going."

Ivan cleared his throat. "Really?"

"That's not what I meant," she said and laughed.

They walked into the lab together and Ivan closed the door behind him. "So you refer to any happy moment in your life as a pleasurable moment."

"That's right," said Veronica, smiling.

"Ok," he said. "What kind of pleasurable moment would you like me to give you, a happy moment, or a sexual moment?"

"Are you serious?"

He only said this to her to see how far she would go and how high or low her libido was.

"Well, I want you to give me a happy moment, if you can. This is no place for a sexually- pleasurable moment."

She turned out to be more shy and conservative than he thought. He liked conservative and old-fashioned women. It was the kind of woman that he'd take to the altar without thinking twice.

Everything that the woman needed to learn in bed, either he taught her or she'd learn from porn movies. His sex life with her would be happy and pleasurable and he didn't have to worry about a divorce. He'd just chosen Veronica as his wife and mother of his children. "You're conservative. I like that."

She leaned to the table of chemicals in a very sexy position and replied, "I think that sex was only meant for the bedroom or someplace in the house where the lovebirds can't be seen."

He walked closer to her. "However, I think that

flirtation was meant for every place and every corner of the planet."

"I see that," he said and held her by the waist. "Veronica, I've had my eyes on you for a long, long time."

She smiled sweetly.

"I want to know what I can do to have you for myself---for the rest of my life." She sighed and said, "Well, you can start by taking me seriously, you know, showing me how important I am to you." She started caressing his cheek and his neck. "All that you have to do is make me your number one."

He smiled and said, "Wouldn't you rather have me make you my only one?"

"Your only one, I like


They French-kissed. Ivan

could tell that Veronica had kissed a lot of guys, but she wasn't as wild and hot as she seemed to be.

Twenty minutes later, she let go, smiled at him innocently and said, "You have to go and I have to get back to work."

Jasmine went back home. Her boyfriend was waiting to have sex with her. She had to let it out, but she couldn't tell him that she'd just cheated on him with Noah, twice, in less than one hour, while she was out. She had to let it out and free her somehow, so she took the whole Tupperware and smashed it against the floor, leaving a mess of porcelain all over the kitchen. Sean heard the continuous shatter of porcelain and ran out to the kitchen. "What the hell is wrong with you?" he said.

She looked back at him with tears in her eyes. "Sean..."

"What happened? Why are you crying?"

"It's nothing."

"What do you mean, it's nothing? You can't come in here and destroy everything that's made of glass or ceramic, cry like you've been shot, and tell me that it's nothing!"

"It was Noah."

"What did he do to you?" "He raped me!"

"No, it can't be."

She didn't tell him what had really happened because Sean was very chauvinistic. If he found out that she cheated on him, he'd kill her, like he'd done ten other women. The reason why they cheated wasn't because he was a bad lover, but because he worked all day and when he got home, he'd go to sleep instead of making love to the woman---most of the time. He was more interested in work and money than he was in sex. In fact, he was so disinterested with sex that he had a very low libido. He'd gotten used to not having sex for long, very long periods of time, until he met Jasmine. There was another woman that loved him a lot more than Jasmine ever had, and she was waiting for them to break up so that she could be with him and give him everything that Jasmine never gave him---but if this bomb exploded, they wouldn't break up the way that other couples usually did. Death would tear them apart---literally.

Sean and Noah had been friends for a long time. Sean didn't know what to think. He couldn't believe that he'd raped his girlfriend, but then again, Noah had no idea that Jasmine had a boyfriend, and he much less knew that it was Sean. Sean never told anyone about his relationship. That way, if his significant others turned out dead, the police would suspect anyone but him. Now, that's what I call evil. Sean called Noah at his cell phone. Dean was picking him up and taking him back to the hospital. The phone rang three times, and Noah took it from the pocket of his long-sleeved shirt, lifted the flap, pressed the 'talk' button and answered it. "Hello."

"Is this Noah?" "Yes, it is."

"I just want to make sure that I didn't get the wrong number or that you didn't get someone else to answer the phone for you and tell me that you weren't available when you saw my number!"

"Sean?" said Noah, surprised and gasping. "What's going on? Why are you talking to me like this?"

"You son of a..."

"Tell me whatever that you want, but don't dare to insult my mother!"

"You raped Jasmine!" "I did?" said Noah,

scratching his head, smiled evilly and then laughed hysterically. "What do you have to do with what happened between us?" "She's my..." He was going to say 'girlfriend', but if he said this to Noah, Noah would think that there wasn't anything wrong with this, so he'd tell everybody else, and Sean didn't want this. "She's my best friend! I can't believe that you're referring to what you did to her as, 'what happened between us'! You sick pig! You think that all of the women in the world are opening their legs to you for you to stick it in them, don't you? You make me sick!"

Noah laughed again and said, "First of all, Sean, you're wrong about me and Jasmine. The tables are turned when it comes to who thinks that everyone's ready to be screwed. Jasmine is the one that thinks that about all of the men.

She thinks that all of the men have their zippers opened and their sex organs outside of their pants for her to grab them with her---"

Dean interrupted him.


"I'm sorry, Dean, I know

that your little sister is right here beside me, but this son of a... is accusing me of raping Jasmine!"

Liz looked at Noah and


Angry, Dean said, "He's

accusing you of what? Give me the damn phone!" Noah gave Dean the phone and Dean answered it before Sean could hang up. "Listen to me, you bastard!"

Sean gasped. Dean had never treated him this way before. Karma had just taken place. "Dean..."

"Noah did not rape Jasmine! She raped him! You can talk to Veronica about it any time you want! She saw everything! She saw them together, and they were still doing it, and she was all over him!"

"I can't believe this." "What can't you believe,

that there's a witness of what really happened? Did Jasmine think that she would lie to you and there would be no one to prove that the tables have turned?"

Noah laughed hysterically beside Liz as he explained to her, as basically and not explicitly as he could, what happened between him and Jasmine. Liz laughed as hard as she ever had in her life. She loved the way that Noah talked to her about sex. He was doing it this way so that the mind of this nine-year- old didn't get corrupted, but he sounded so innocent that she couldn't help it but to have fun with this.

"I'm going to talk to Veronica tomorrow."

"You know what? You're not going to have to wait until tomorrow. You can talk to her today. She comes home from work at nine tonight and you can call her at," said Dean and gave Sean Veronica's number. For the first time since they met, Jasmine was mortified with how easily Sean memorized phone numbers, email addresses, and post-office addresses.

"Thank you for giving me Veronica's phone number, Dean. Let's hope that this situation between you, me and Noah gets straightened out." "What if Noah can't prove that it was Jasmine that raped him?"

"Then I guess I'm going to have to take another approach toward straightening this out with him," said Sean and hung up and then said, "I don't know why, but I believe him."

Worried, Jasmine asked, "What did Dean say?"

"He turned the tables on you and Noah," said Sean, walked away, and went back to his room.

As she followed him, she said, "Dean would say anything to defend Noah," and then grabbed his left arm very strong. "I swear to you, he raped me."

Sean placed both hands on his waist, looked her in the eyes, smiled unsympathetically and said, "You expect me to believe that, knowing how deeply infatuated you are with Noah?"


"I know the drill. I know what's going on here. I don't know how, for a few moments, you made me believe you." "Sean, please..."

"I must not have been thinking straight. Do you know how many calls I've traced that you've made to Noah behind my back that haven't even lasted a minute? Did you know that my friends have seen your car parked in the entrance of the Spears mansion, ever since Noah went back there? Did you know that they told me that all of those times that you went there, you've gotten kicked out?"

"Sean, I shouldn't be listening to this," she said and went in the room. "You have no right to treat me like this. What if I did rape him, huh? What would you do?"

"You mean that you're admitting that you raped him?"

When he asked her that question, she turned serious, became frightened, and stuttered, "No, I'm not admitting it. I am just asking you what you would do."

"You know what I would do," he replied as he walked her to the bed, she facing him, grabbing her strong by both arms, and then threw her on the bed. "If you cheated," he said and got on top of her, "I'd cheat on you right in front of you and then I would kill you. If you raped someone, first I would rape you, just to show you how it feels, and then I would kill you!"

"Please," she said as he kissed and bit her neck hard, crying, "don't do this!"

"Noah asked you not to do it. He probably begged you," he said and tore her pants and her panties off, "and you did it anyway!"

"I couldn't help it! I love him! I always have!" she said and then he entered her so hard that she let out the most agonizing scream of her life.

"I thought you loved me!" he said as he intruded her repeatedly, jumping on her so violently that she felt her hips and legs get fractured with the weight of his gigantic body. "How could you lie to me like this? How could you give it to me all of this time and tell me that you loved me, when in reality, you were in love with my best friend---the one that I could never invite to my house for the fear that you'd cheat on me with him right here, in my bed!"

Crying and screaming, she said, "Sean, please!"

"Thanks for making me not bother Veronica. Thanks for making it so that she didn't make me cry by telling me what a dirty slut you are! Thanks for admitting to me that you're a slut, and that you'd give it to any male that approached you, even if he wasn't human!"

She slapped him and he started choking her.

Chapter 41


Noah went to Sean's house right when he was about to kill Jasmine, for the first time since they became friends six years before. Just when Jasmine was literally dying in Sean's hands, he rang the bell. Sean got off of Jasmine and ran out of the room, ran the hallway to the living room, and opened the door. Noah just stood there with a sad face, thinking that Sean would either kill him or send him to the hospital today. "Hi," said Sean, smiling and trying to hide his nervousness.

It was obvious to Noah, though. "Hi, Sean," said Noah, smiling back. He knew that something had just happened to Sean but he didn't dare to ask. He knew that one simple indiscreet question would lead to tragedy. "How are you doing?"

"I'm doing ok," said Sean. With tremendous effort,

Jasmine got up, walked to the door, walked out, walked the hallway to the living room, and stood in the corner right in the entrance of the living room, watching Sean and Noah talking, and expecting the worst of them. "Are you sure?" said Noah. He was serious now. "You look like you were about to get shot or stabbed and you just ran away from your assassin."

"I am the one that ran away from..." said Jasmine and all of a sudden covered her mouth with her right hand. Her eyes suddenly bulged with horror. Noah took the liberty to walk in, walked closer to her and asked her, "You're the one that ran away from what?" The truth was starting to come out.

"It's nothing," she said and turned around and walked back to the room as she went on to say, "Forget that I ever said anything."

Noah felt even more strange. He let his head down. One million different ways of murdering a human being or an animal suddenly came into his mind. He turned around and asked, "Did something happen between the two of you?"

Sean smiled again, walked closer to him and said, "Well, yes, something did happen. We had sex just now."

Noah laughed and said, "Why are you acting like something horrible just happened? You should be happy and satisfied, don't you think?"

"It doesn't feel good anymore," said Sean, walked to the couch and sat down.

Noah walked to the couch and sat with him. "Why doesn't it?" "Things have changed

because you came between us," said Sean, looking Noah in the eyes and expecting a shameless reaction, gesture or reply.

Noah let his head down and said, "I didn't mean to come in between the two of you. I have to admit that the first time that we had sex, I gave in, hoping that she'd leave me alone after that. I mean I really thought that all that she wanted from me was a one-time fling, but it turned out that she wanted me for keeps. Then, when I walked into the office, she went after me, and I didn't know that she was there. The next thing that I knew, I turned around and she ripped off my clothes and raped me."

"You don't have to convince me, Noah. I believe you. She confessed that she forced you to have sex while she was having sex with me."

Noah looked up at him and gasped. "She confessed?"

"Yes, she did." "That's not enough to put her in jail. I mean it's useless for us to say that she confessed because there's no way to prove it." Noah started to cry. "But then again, if we can't prove it, and if we can't put her in jail, she won't pay."

Sean gave him a big hug and said in his ear. "You're saying that because you don't know me."

Noah let go and looked him in the eyes with sheer horror.

"You think that you know me, Noah Spears, but you don't. I'll make her pay for betraying me and for what she did to you. I'll avenge you now that you think that you can't make her pay."

"I would, except I don't want to go to jail."

"So, you don't want to do anything against her because you don't want to get in trouble. Is that the only reason?"

"In order to destroy her like I want to, I'm going to have to commit a crime, and I don't want to."

"Don't worry," Sean whispered in Noah's ear. "I'll avenge both of us. I promise. One thing that you do know about me is that I am a man of my word."

Noah got up and said, "I have to go. I promised to go to see my dad at the hospital. I've got his laptop in my car and he really needs it to keep up to date in his work."

"Don't forget what I said." "I don't. Thanks for not

hating me."

"It would be stupid of me to hate you now that I know who I've really been sharing the last three years of my life with," said Sean.

Noah turned around, walked to the door, turned the knob, opened it, and walked out. He closed the door behind him and walked back to his car. He unlocke