Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"What would I have to


"Hire a nurse for me, you know, deliver the message that I need a nurse. I'll personally pay you big bucks, with my money. I make great money, you know?" Nicole smiled.

The girl wasn't a prostitute or a gold-digger, but one thing that a guy would have to do to take her to the altar, finally, and get the grand prize was to make big money and give her the life that she was accustomed to and that she felt that she deserved. "I'd like that. How much would you pay me just to get you in contact with a nurse?"

"I'll pay you a fixed rate for every hour that you spend finding a good, strong, well-built and non-lustful nurse. I'm not hiring her to give me sex, I'm hiring her to care for me while I'm still disabled."

The girl kept that in mind for the whole time that she'd spend looking for the nurse that Rob wanted. "Good-hearted, strong, well-built and non-lustful. Those requisites are very easy to comply with. If I were a nurse, I would."

"That's good to know," replied Rob. "Do you want to go eat dinner with us? I haven't eaten because I'm worried about Scottie."

Scottie appeared out of the blue, stood in Rob's doorway and said, "You don't have to worry anymore because Scottie's here."

Rob smiled and said, "Excellent!"

"So, did you want to talk to me?" He said as he walked in. He walked with the help of braces and an electronic device on his lower back that helped him have more balance and stand straight by controlling the muscles that usually malfunctioned without this device. Even if he was stripped of the long pants, it didn't seem like any devices were helping him to walk normally. He didn't seem handicapped at all.

"I did," said Rob as Scottie sat on his bed, "but I postponed it for tomorrow afternoon when you came back from school because I thought that you'd spend the night at Jerry's."

"He offered me to stay the night but I didn't want to because I know that although Dad's not here, and the family is incomplete at the table," he said and looked down and looked back at Rob with tears in his eyes. "It would be far more incomplete without me."

Rob stretched his hand, wiped Scottie's tears away and said, "The family will be complete at the table soon. Don't worry."

Suddenly, a decomposed, but live Noah appeared at the door, smiling evilly, stumbling inside the room and he said, "Hi, Scott!" in between blabbers.

Looking at this illusion, horrified, Scottie screamed. "Oh, my God, what the hell? Noah!"

Although the real, live, and physically healthy Noah was still very weak, when he heard his little brother screaming his name, he walked slowly to Rob's room, where Scottie's screams of pain followed him. He appeared at the doorway. Fortunately, this time, Scottie saw him the way that he really was. "What is it, Scottie?"

"Is it really you?"

"What do you mean?" said Noah, estranged, and using the walls and the food of the bed for support, he walked closer to him. "Of course it's really me. Who did you think it was?" and used Scottie to support him.

"I thought it was a living- dead version of you," said Scottie. "By the way, why do you need to hold on to everything to keep standing."

"Because I had a heart attack, my dear, and the reason why you saw a 'living dead' version of me, well, that's not a hallucination triggered by schizophrenia or some drug that the five-dollar sluts at Jerry's house could've put you on. It was a premonition. I'm going to die soon. Can't you see it? My time's almost up and my heart is a ticking bomb. I won't be able to start a new life and a family with my other four kids. I don't know if your nephew CB wants my body to use to get his revenge, or if he wants me, because he's trapped somewhere around here, and he needs me to hold him one last time before we ascend to heaven together." "No," said Scottie. "You can't die. You can't die." Noah had a heart attack, and just when he was about to die, violently, Scottie woke up and yelled, "No, Noah," at the top of his lungs. Athena was asleep beside him. He was at her house instead of Jerry's. Luckily for Noah and Scott, Athena knew Scottie better than they ever thought, better than Jerry. After all, Scottie and Jerry, they met through her. She distrusted Jerry every bit as much as Scottie's family did.

Athena sat up, held him and held him sweetly. Crying bitterly in her arms, he said, "My brother's going to die. My only brother's going to die. Michael's my brother, too, but he can't do all of the things that Noah would do for me if he survived this eternal turmoil. He's too defenseless, too sweet and innocent to help me get my revenge, and it seems that unfortunately for me, Noah and CB, he'll stay that way!"

"No, he won't. Your baby brother is going to stay sweet until the age of reason. That's when he's going to become mini Scott, mini you, and mini CB, even worse when he finds out what Hailey Johnson and her accomplices did to his family, the happy family that he could've had if it weren't for Hailey, if Hailey had never intruded your father's life and marriage."

"But if Hailey hadn't intruded Dad's life," Scottie suddenly realized, "Natasha wouldn't have voluntarily entered Dad's life, and Michael wouldn't exist."

"Yes, he would. He's Scott Bryan Sr.'s son, remember that," said Athena. "He would exist, just that he'd be Barbara's son instead of Natasha's son."

"Do you think so?"

"I know it. Let's get ready for school. We're late. It's nine o'clock and that's a no-no." She got up, covering her body of a goddess with the sheets. "We've missed out on our mentor, our schedules and our first classes, and the class work that they brought."

Chapter 46


"You're right," said Scottie. "I don't want to go to school today, though. I'd rather hire one of my faithful and loyal geeks to get my work for me so that I don't miss out."

Athena turned around and asked, astonished, "You'd get them to get even your schedule? Your mentor would never give it to them without prior authorization from the dork of the principal."

Scott laughed and said, "Wait a minute, Athena Rochelle, you're new at our school. How do you know that our principal's a dork?"

"So you confirm it to me that he's a dork," she said as she placed a dab of toothpaste on the bristles of her toothbrush.

"No," said Scott, laughing hysterically. "See, that's what I hate about you. You always make me say things I don't want to say."

"I also make you do things you don't want to do."

"You're wrong," said Scott as he walked to the bathroom without his braces to have something or someone to support his body. Athena started brushing her teeth, and the next thing that she knew, he unexpectedly grabbed her strong from behind until her toothbrush fell out of her hands, abruptly, and she clanged onto him as she looked in the mirror and caressed his hair. "That was true until last night," he replied. "Last night it was I that made you do something you didn't want to."

She laughed evilly, turned around, pushed him, throwing him on the floor, lied on top of him and said, smiling like a devil, "Scott Bryan Spears Jr., I've got you wrapped around my beautiful and fine little finger. If I hadn't wanted to have sex with you or Jeremy, I wouldn't have gotten drunk."

"What?" said Scott, seemingly horrified, but smiling. "Remember, it's Scott Hannigan, not Scott Bryan Spears, Jr. I'm not going to register with that name officially until I turn eighteen." "Does my breath stink?" "I'm not telling you that

until you tell me what this is that you got drunk just to have sex with me and Jerry."

"Not you and Jerry," she clarified, "You or Jerry."

"Oh, or," he said and laughed. "What made you choose me?"

"The fact that you're much less experienced than he is and that you wouldn't hurt me."

"Oh," said Scott. "It seemed like he was high on drugs but he couldn't help it but to laugh again. "So you're saying that if you hadn't been a virgin, you would've gone with him," and slapped her. She laughed instead of taking it as physical abuse. She knew that he didn't mean to hit her. He did because he felt offended, and she didn't took it seriously. Fortunately for the both of them, this would be the last time that he would do this. They were just playing around, and Scott's parents raised him right.

Georgia told him not to ever lay his hand on a woman unless it was to caress her. "You shameless bitch!"

"If I hadn't been a virgin last night I would've had a three- way with you."

"You're trying to change it for me, which makes you even more shameless!" he yelled.

"No," she said. "I mean


"Prove it. Have a three

way with us right now, while you can catch Jeremiah!"

She laughed hysterically and said, "Jeremiah! I wish that he really was Jeremiah! But no, I changed my mind. I no longer want him and you. I want your brother and you now."

"Me and Noah? Noah would never have a three way with you and me! Are you crazy? He'd be committing incest even if he didn't even touch me!"

"Not at the same time, silly, you and then him. I want to experiment with an older, much more massive version of you.

You've made me infatuated with him. Thinking of him and the fact that he has this condition that makes him five times as big as you are, that turns me on. In fact, thinking of your brother makes me so horny that I want to realize a wild fantasy, right here, with you, right now."

Horrified, Scott said, "I don't want you making love to me while you're calling his name, Athena!"

"What makes you think that I'll do that? You were my first. Noah would screw me into oblivion and I still would be thinking of you, in the corner of my mind. Men and women, we never forget about our first 'loves'," she said and laughed.

This got his self-esteem meter back way up. "What's your fantasy?"

"I want to take a bubble bath with you," she said as they sat up on the floor, on the doorway. "I want you to get into the bathroom. I'll lie on top of you and do the same thing that I did last night. I think that the taking control will make me a better lover. I want to do it thousands and thousands of times with the same man, you know, have a casual sexual relationship. I'd rather sleep with the same man thousands and thousands of times than have thousands and thousands of men, each, only once."


"It sounds corny, but my mom always told me that with the same man, the woman would learn a thousand different ways of having sex, if she did him one-thousand times. With one man, you learn as many things as you'd learn with a thousand men," she said.

"Smart mother!" said Scott and cleared his throat. "She raised her baby girl right! By the way, that's the kind of woman I want to marry. I don't necessarily want her 'special gift' on my wedding night. Your mother says that, well, my brother says, 'As I've learned with my first wife, it's not whether you've opened the present that counts. What counts is that each time that you open it, you open it right'."

"Ooh!" "That's the only way to keep it, by unwrapping it time and time again, and doing it right."

"Smart brother! I wish that all of the men agreed with smart old Noah. If they did, there'd be no whores. Noah's barely twenty- seven, but he thinks like a seventy- year-old."

"Tell me about it. That is so, so intensely, that sometimes I go out of my way and think that he is a seventy-year-old. Then I take another look at his face and body, and realize that he's only twenty- seven."

"Yes," she said, "but right now, I want to forget about him and think about us. I want to focus only on us," she said and gave him a kiss.

Twenty minutes later, Scott was watching TV in Athena's room. Since right now, he was only interested in sex, he didn't find his favorite programs, five of them on five different channels, at the same time, which he watched one of and recorded the others with multiple DVR's, he didn't find them fun anymore. Just like Noah, he hated porn, but he had different reasons from his brother. He didn't have an image to keep up before Scott, Natasha, and their families, or worry about the innocence of young children that he didn't have yet. He knew the horrible damage that porn had done to the twenty- four-year-matrimony between Georgia and her husband. It almost destroyed the beautiful union between the man and the woman that he'd always known as his parents, even though he knew that they really weren't his parents since age eight. Although he was very young, extremely young and tender, and he had a lot ahead of him, he was already thinking about marriage and starting a family, and just like Noah, he wanted to keep his babies innocent. Just like Georgia, he wanted to keep a good marriage between him and his wife, whoever she may be. He didn't know who it would be. All that he knew was that, according to him, if it wouldn't be Athena, since she wasn't sweet, naive and innocent anymore, it would much less be Sara, or so he thought. All that he knew was that he'd get married and start a family before turning twenty, following his brother's footsteps. He thought that since his older brother did it, he was the right thing to do. He didn't know that Noah was obliged to do things the way that he did. Suddenly, he got a phone call from the person that he least expected---Sara.

He answered the phone. It didn't have a flap, it was a simple phone. It was the phone that his parents had given him, and the one that they could afford at the moment. It was a blue Samson- R225 that he'd had for two years, and it had no extraordinary features. All that he could do with the phone was to make calls, get calls, organize his address book, monitor his sent and received calls, the duration of the last call, send and receive text messages, choose between 1,000 different original ring tones that he bought without downloading, enhance the way the phone functioned or looked, organize his calendar, set his clocks and alarms, play games, and use the America Online Instant Messenger. Sara had a brand new phone. He didn't know that Sara had just started the freshman year of high school with a cell phone, a much better one than he had. It was almost as good as the phone of every member of the Spears

family---almost. They all had the same phone in different colors. "Hello."

"Scott?" said Sara, smiling. "How are you?"

"Where are you calling me from?" he said, amazed. "A public phone?"

"No," she said, "I'm calling from my brand new cell phone."

"You got a cell phone," said Scott, smiling. "I'm so glad. I thought that you couldn't get one, not because you didn't have enough money, but because you were still a tart."

"If your nephews and nieces can have cell phones, why can't I?" "I thought that they needed those phones more than you did."

"Just because I'm much older it doesn't mean that I can go my way out there. I am still a defenseless, delicate little flower, you know?"

"Yeah," said Yasmin as she passed by her, Yesenia's daughter, "but that's all about to change. Since Sara was a well- living person, economically speaking, because she and her family, they didn't waste their money like her family did, Yasmin envied Sara passionately--enough to do two things, ruin her reputation or kill her.

Sara got the phone off of her ear. She gave Yasmin a dirty look, the first dirty look that she'd given away in all of her life. It was not thanks to Scott's impossible love that she was losing her innocence, but thanks to the unjustified hate of Yasmin. On the contrary, fighting for his love was what kept her sweet and cheerful, but she was changing. Could the one thing that she wanted in life rescue her from becoming a fallen angel, or would Scott get to her before it was too late? "Listen, I have to go."

"Why?" he said. "Is something wrong?" Athena walked out of the bathroom. She wasn't worried about postponing her fantasy, but about Scott and Sara, the last two things that she thought that would ever preoccupy her. Her fantasy was too wild to prepare in a rush, and in order to be the most exciting it could be, it had to wait. How long? It was up to her to decide. After all, in the Spears society, the women and all of the women that were linked to them, they had all of the power.

"Yes, something's very wrong. I heard a very awkward, but frightening comment from Yasmin. I never knew that she was my enemy. I'm scared. She's the worst enemy that anyone can ever have. She's dangerous and sometimes even---lethal!"

No, my dear. Yasmin is not dangerous, Hailey Johnson is. Compared to Hailey Johnson, Yasmin is just a tiny herb of weed that can easily be killed with 'Miracle Glo'. Athena and I, we're not cheating on you, but we'll get together to take care of her, and by the time that we're done with her, she'll literally be history.

Suddenly feeling that the one man that she was counting on was turning his back on her, Sara said, "Scott, are you there? Please, don't leave me alone in this."

"Look who she's counting on for solace," said Emmett as he passed by, "Scott Hannigan, the wimp," and laughed.

Todd replied, "Who did you say was a wimp, Scott Hannigan? Boy you better take that back. He might seem to be a bad boy outside campus, but if you mess with him, you'll become my pit bull’s dinner tonight."

"Give me a break, Todd!" "Don't you believe me?

Mess with him. Do something to him or to someone he cares about and then get ready to face the consequences." Todd walked away from Emmett. He had always thought that Emmett was his best friend, but now, he wasn't so sure. He had no idea that Emmett was capable of hurting someone like Sara.

"Oh, my God," said the always stupid Emmett. "What's wrong with this picture?" scoffed and walked away. "Oh, Todd!"

They were in class just minutes later. This girl, she had her eye on Todd. What she didn't know, however, was that she had competition; four-year-old elementary school student Simone Christina Spears. Simone, she didn't feel any lust for Todd. She loved him cleanly, innocently and purely. She was too innocent to love him in any other way, and although she didn't have the body that Todd dreamed of because she was too young, Todd was in love with Simone. However, this special love that they felt for each other, what made it special was the fact that there was no lust in it whatsoever. They didn't even realize that what they felt was romantic love. They thought that they loved each other like brother and sister, and in the worst case scenario, like father and daughter. They knew that there were people out there, women, that had sons or daughters that were five years apart. It was bizarre, and it only took place successfully, to two per cent of the people, but it did happen. Right now, 148 women were going through the same situation worldwide. It was nearly impossible for a five-year-old girl to conceive, but in some rare cases, girls this age, because of the excessive hormones found in all foods that they ate, they were menstruating early, in some extreme cases, since they were four years old, Simone's age! Parents didn't realize this, so they weren't doing anything about it. Big mistake. Once that menstruation started, along with it came the chance to, hence the most feared words for parents of little children-- sex and reproduction. It was something that they didn't imagine, but it was going on right under their noses.

The strange, but incredibly beautiful and desirable girl, she looked back at Todd, smiling. Todd looked at her for a few minutes and then looked back at Mr. Sachs as Mr. Sachs gave his lesson, not knowing what was happening right in front of him. "And chemical compounds..." he said, estranged, looking around at everyone. Not understanding the reason for this, his students just laughed at him quietly to avoid making him mad. Class had just started, for God's sakes. They couldn't afford to. He was very ill-tempered, and if he got angry, he'd give them a test, on the first day of class. Not a quiz, a test. The material discussed--what he was saying, which only the nerds and Todd, a closet nerd, were writing down. Todd didn't seem like a nerd because he didn't dress, do his hair, talk or act like one. The inner nerd was bursting to come out, and if he didn't do so right now, he'd break down and cry, apparently for no reason at all. But how would he let his inner nerd out without embarrassing him in front of everyone? A tough task this was.

Aaron, Adam's little brother, he'd just given him that opportunity by asking, "What's the use of making chemical compounds?" He was a complete nerd, inside and out, but there was something about him that girls found him irresistible for. He was the hottest nerd in school. His brother had just called him horrible names this morning, but he didn't take those insults to heart. He was sensitive on the outside, but on the inside, he refused to let negativity in.


Chapter 47


Todd didn't know what to say about chemical compounds or about the reason why they were made because he'd just started advanced-level chemistry class.

Amazingly, there were no nerds here, only him. There were primarily geniuses and average people that wanted a challenge, more than anything. However, he made a comment that Mr. Sachs found quite interesting. Standing before Mr. Sachs, he said, "I don't know why chemical compounds are made, but..."

He was interrupted. A smartass suddenly said, "Then why are you standing in front of the teacher attempting to contribute on the subject?" smiling.

Todd knew where the voice was coming from and said, "Um, excuse me. If you don't have anything to say about this, I suggest that you don't take from me the right to express my opinion. It's just an opinion, yes, I know, because unlike most people, I can tell the difference between a fact and an opinion." Everybody else, they looked at each other and gasped and looked at him in utter fury.

Obviously, they couldn't disagree more with this. That's how ignorant they were.

The guy interrupted him again and said, "Look, man, I don't want to..."

Todd interrupted him and said, "Let me finish. Like I said, it's just an opinion, but it very well could make all of the difference in this six-month semester of the course."

The conflict annoyed Mr. Sachs. Angry with the smartass, he replied, "Well, if it makes all of the difference I suggest that you finish your comment."

"I apologize, Mr. Sachs." "No, don't. The one that

really has to apologize, he hasn't even contemplated it."

"Mr. Sachs, I didn't mean


"Todd's right, Christian.

You don't have the right or the authority to force anyone to refrain from speaking their minds. I want you to get out. I'm afraid that you'll continue to interrupt Todd, so you might as well get out or keep your mouth shut."

With tears in his eyes, Christian said, "I'd rather get out because I have a problem. Every time that someone says something that I agree on or disagree with, I have to say something."

Deeply moved, Sachs said, "Well, I suggest you work on that. Stay. Just do your best to keep your peace until Todd's done and then you can express your point of view."

Christian wiped his tears away and said, "Ok."

Suddenly, Todd said, "Mr.

Sachs, is it all right if I go to the restroom now? I'll write it for you on a piece of paper when I finish and I'm on my way here."

"Certainly, Todd," said Mr. Sachs, turned around, went to his desk, opened a drawer. "Let me get your pass." He got the book of passes from the drawer and closed it. Then, he put it on the desk, wrote the date, the time, Todd's name, where he was going to go, and signed the pass. Then, he tore it off. Todd walked to his desk and took it from him. He walked out of the classroom and closed the door behind him. Todd looked around him and took for advantage the fact that Mr. Sachs was composing an email for Ms. Vega and that he was giving him his back, and then got up and left. When he closed the door, it was completely silent. By the time that they all looked, he was gone.

Sally asked, "Where did Christian go?"

Mr. Sachs turned around.

He didn't see Christian. "Did anyone see him leaving?"

"No," said Nora.


Christian went to the bathroom right after Todd did. On his way to the stall, he noticed that Todd was already pulling up his pants. He was done with his business. "Oh, good," he said. "It's nice that you're done 'cause I want to talk to you."

Todd got out of the stall and closed the door. As he approached him, he asked, "Yes?"

They were in front of the mirror now, in the restroom sinks. Christian turned around. "You embarrassed me."

"Yes, I know. I was disrespectful, and I'm..."

"Don't, you just embarrassed me. You were right in what you said to me. I was a dork, but you could've been more subtle. We could've taken care of it outside of class. You know that Mr. Sachs is a pussy. Nothing can be said in front of him because he knows just the way to make you feel like shit."

"Yes, I know Sachs is an asshole. He took my side during our disagreement today because he knows that he hasn't been exactly the best... elder to me. Lots of adults have been asses to me, but he's the worst. Trust me, I've had the misfortune to have him as my science teacher all this time, since I entered here at thirteen. He's been an ass all this time, my worst nightmare. I want to be with another teacher."

"I think that it's better if you talk to Mr. Sachs. I don't think that changing teachers is going to do you any good."

"But I can't stand him," argued Todd.

"It's going to be a lot better if you talk to Mr. Sachs today after school, trust me on this," said Christian.

"You know, Christian, I don't know you very well, and when we had that argument, I never imagined that you were this nice."

"I'm not nice," said Christian and walked to the door and opened it, "I'm just giving you my opinion," and got out. The door closed on his way out.

Suddenly, a guy got out of the second stall. "You know," he said, and Todd turned around and looked at him, "I think Christian's right. It will be better if you talk to your teacher and try to work things out. Perhaps he'll tell you why he's treated you so badly all this time."

Todd walked closer to the guy. "Do you know Christian?"

"Yes, I do," the guy said. "Christian is my brother."

Todd gasped, smiled, and then stretched his hand to salute Christian's brother. "It's nice to meet you," he said and shook his hand. "I'm Todd."

"I'm Chad," Chad said and shook Todd's hand. "Well, I have to go. I'll see you around." He walked out of the bathroom in a hurry. He couldn't afford to be late to his next class. The hours quickly passed.

The bell announced that the last class of the day was over. As usual, kids ran out of their classrooms and went outside. Some of them were prepared to go home and do their homework, while others wanted to go out this afternoon. Others were getting ready for sports or other extracurricular activities on campus. Meanwhile, Todd would miss his bus today and call his mom and ask her to pick him up.

He just had to talk to Mr. Sachs, and he felt that it was now or never. Mr. Sachs was getting his stuff together to go home. Todd knocked on his classroom door. Surprised, Mr. Sachs walked to the door and opened it.

"Todd, what are you doing here now?" he said. "Go home."

"I need to talk to you, Mr.

Sachs. Do you have a few minutes?"

Mr. Sachs couldn't believe it. "Sure."

Todd faced Mr. Sachs for a few minutes and said, "I won't take much of your time. I just want to apologize."

"For what?"

"I want to apologize for everything that has happened between us. Unfortunately, we've never gotten along."

Mr. Sachs scratched his head with his right hand for a few minutes. He couldn't remember any conflicts between him and Todd now. He had too many things on his mind. "You know what, Todd?" he said. "Don't worry about it."

Todd got up. Amazed with Mr. Sachs reaction, he said, "Thank you for your time." He walked to the door, opened it, walked out and it closed behind him. Surprisingly, Christian was standing right in front of him.

"How did it go?" Christian


They walked down the

hallway together. "I apologized and he told me not to worry about it."

"Wow. So, he didn't get mad or anything?"

"No, he didn't. It surprised me, but it's good because now I know that I don't have to change my advanced-chemistry class," said Todd. "I met Chad today."

They were in the parking lot. "You did?" said Christian, smiling as they walked to his car. He was twenty and he'd just gotten his driver's license. "That's great. My brother's a nice guy."

"Yes," said Todd, "he is." "Do you want me to give

you a ride home, Christian?"

"I was going to call my


"It's not a problem,

really," said Todd as he opened the driver's door to get in. "I can take you home."

Todd accepted Christian's offer without thinking twice about it. He just opened the passenger's door, got in, closed it, and fastened his seatbelt as Christian fastened his seatbelt. "I appreciate

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