Deadly Sin by Magali Fuentes - HTML preview

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"She has no attorney?" "She can't pay for an

attorney. The mother of the child she allegedly raped got the banks to freeze her bank accounts."

"Oh, geese, that sucks butt! Who's the prosecutor? Just by knowing the name of the prosecutor I can get on the case."

Twenty minutes later, Barbara called Ira. He was with a brand new client that needed his help. They were accusing her of child abuse, and the police had taken away her children. Ira took care of all criminal cases, for all kinds of people, whether rich or poor. His charges depended on the person's income. He answered the phone. "Hello, this is Esq. Ira Hamilton."

"Hi, Esq. Hamilton, this is Barbara Brady, Scott Spears' ex wife."

"Well, hello, Mrs. Brady. I knew you as Barbara Herrera, but that’s no big deal. I was waiting for your call."

"Herrera is my maiden name. I got married again two years after Scott and I divorced, in Japan. This entrepreneur and I met and fell in love. He's going through a tough time now."

"So are you," replied Ira. "I need a way to contact the prosecutor in your case."

"Scott told me that you needed his information and I called to give it to you." Barbara gave Ira the prosecutor's name and phone number. "If you need anything else, call me at," and gave him Georgia's number also.

Ira finished writing the information down and said, smiling, "All right, Mrs. Brady. I'll get back to you soon and we'll discuss your husband's predicament."

"The predicament is directly linked to my accusers. We're talking about his ex wife and his stepson."

Ira smiled and said, "Oh, this is interesting."

"They're getting back at me because when Philip met me and fell in love with me, he was still married to her, and he left her for me," and gave away a deep breath of sadness and sorrow, "although I didn't want him to. So now, she and her son want to put me in jail. There's no bigger revenge than that."

Ira wrote down everything she said. "You told me everything I needed to know except the woman's name."

"Her name is Chelsea Harrington."

After being on the phone with the prosecution of Barbara's case for hours, Hamilton had everything he needed for Barbara's defense. He didn't need to fix it so that Barbara paid less money for being poor because Scott would pay for his services to Barbara. He got on her case, literally, immediately. Chapter 6


The prosecutor, Willard Rosenberg, he called Chelsea's house five times and he didn't find her. He was very angry at her. He was very young and handsome. He was only thirty-three years old and he was a scrawny but very attractive man with naturally blond hair, green eyes, and vanilla skin. He was married and had three children, Willard Jr., six years old, Kelly Jo, four years old, and Timothy Seth, three years old.

Despite his very busy life, he was very happy. Chelsea on the other hand, she was a frustrated, lonely and pain stricken woman, who hadn't gotten over her lost love, Philip Brady. She and Philip had a happy marriage until Chelsea cheated on Philip with the pool boy. The pool boy was far more sexual than Philip was. He was a lot younger, a twenty-year-old, and on top of that, he was a virgin. His innocence drove Chelsea crazy.

Since he was inexperienced and he was very sweet and docile in bed, Chelsea kept the relationship going. The pool boy visited her every single day, until one day, Philip came home early from work and caught them in bed. He beat them up, almost to death. The pool boy loved Chelsea, but Chelsea didn't love him. What she felt for him was pure infatuation. Although the pool boy loved Chelsea, when he was discharged from the hospital, he left and he never saw him again.

His best friends told him that she was using him for her own pleasure, and that she'd done the exact same thing to them, over ten different guys; she took their virginity, used them for a while, and then told them to hit the road because she loved her husband and she wouldn't leave him for any of them. She broke her hearts. As soon as the pool boy heard this devastating news, he decided to get as far away from her as possible.

He couldn't believe that he'd almost gotten killed for a woman like that. Only a good woman, a woman that loved him sincerely, deserved it for him to give his love and his heart and even die for her if he had to. He was part of the church choir, and before meeting Chelsea, he wanted to wait until marriage to lose his virginity. He believed that fornication was a horrible sin; thus his adopted parents were devout Christians and they taught him to live his life in the world, but to obey the Ten Commandments passionately.

The pool boy had been adopted because when he was born, he had cerebral palsy, and his biological mother's mother didn't think that his biological parents couldn't take care of him. They could, but seeing their boy in this condition was way too painful. The baby did nothing but suffer. He cried day in and day out, every day. They didn't know what to do. They fed him and he cried. They changed his diaper, and he cried. They'd hold him for hours, and try and console him, by telling him the most beautiful and sweetest words that came from their hearts, and he'd cry. It was a devastating situation. Despite the fact that the boy's parents had tons and tons of money, they couldn't take care of him. They didn't know how to.

Even if they had all of the money in the world, they just couldn't fulfill his special needs, and this killed them. The boy cried constantly because he was in pain. His arms and his legs, they hurt all the time, because his body was becoming crippled. His biological parents simply could not heal the intense pain. It was impossible, so they spent two weeks looking for a loving matrimony that couldn't have kids and that would accept a baby, no matter what condition he or she was in. They found those loving parents. Surprisingly, these new parents would give this baby the life that he needed, thus the wife's family, the majority of its members, they were sick. Her grandfather died of Alzheimer's ten years before, and she and her mother took care of him five years before she got married, her father died of AIDS after receiving a transfusion with contaminated blood. She and her husband took care of him when they'd just been married for a year, in 1985. This husband loved his wife so much that he would've given his life for her if he had to, so he had no problem taking care of her father. Her father died late 1986. Since he didn't find out about his disease until it was at the last stage, he passed the disease onto Georgia's mother, and she died of the same disease in March 1987. Georgia took care of her, too. Georgia and her husband Robinson were trying to have a baby desperately, until they found out that Robinson couldn't conceive because he had no sperm. He hadn't had a vasectomy, he wasn't born without sperm, and he'd never developed them. He and Georgia were far more than devastated. Georgia would never divorce Robinson just because he couldn't have children. He was very brawny and handsome, and he was the best husband a woman could ever ask for. He had a wrestler's body, just like Noah, Scott, and Philip. All of the women that were somehow linked to Barbara were married to the best looking and most desired men. They had the same tastes in men somehow. All of those that believed that scrawny men had an advantage over brawny men when it came to tying the knot were reconsidering their position when they found out about the lives of these renowned families. Brawny men were not more conceited and vain than scrawny men like people thought. It all depended on the person. Not all brawny men were overtaken by the deadly sin of pride. The humility of some of them contradicted their fascinating looks.

Georgia didn't know how to tell her best friend Barbara that she had her son. She thought that Barbara would hate her, thus back when she and Robinson adopted Scott Jr., they hadn't met in person. They communicated with each other by phone, just like Georgia demanded before the adoption when she learned that Barbara Brady was the biological mother of her future son. Georgia's mother despised Barbara, so Georgia didn't want anything to do with her.

Georgina, Georgia's mother, had taught Georgia to loathe Barbara's family. It was an old conflict that had been going on for over forty years, when Barbara's great- grandfather had stolen the wife of Georgia's great-grandfather and married her. That matrimony, which society condemned created a generation. First, there was Barbara's grandmother Cristina, for which her sister, Cristina had been named, and there was Barbara's mother, Barbara Michelle. Barbara gave her daughter her name and then gave the name of her sister, Celeste, as her middle name, creating a name in which the first name and the middle name contradicted each other tremendously, Barbara Celeste.

From then on, there were no more women because Barbara couldn't conceive baby girls. She could only conceive baby boys, and after giving birth to two of them, and after the last one turned out special, she decided to tie her tubes to have no more children. She thought that Scott Junior's cerebral palsy was her fault. It took Philip a miracle to convinced Barbara to untie her tubes and have more children with him, when she and Scott divorced back in 1998, and Barbara married him only nine months after. For love of Philip, Barbara untied her tubes and conceived Philip Brady Jr., which was six years old, and Eric Robinson, named after Philip's younger brother and Georgia's husband, three years old. With tremendous efforts, Georgia and Robinson enrolled Scott for intense treatment against cerebral palsy, and Scott received the treatment and only ten years after all of that pain and all of those tears, Scott could talk coherently and correctly, use his hands like healthy people could, and even walk, all by himself, without the help of a cane, a walker, or braces. Scott still had CP, but it was almost nonexistent. Although he walked a little funny, he did it without the slightest problem or discomfort, and few people noticed the anomaly of his steps. He couldn't run, though, and he would never be able to. The doctors and nurses and therapists that cared for him told Robinson and Georgia that what they'd accomplish in Scott was all that they could do. Scott was physically identical to his mother, like Noah was, but he was emotionally identical to his father, so although Scott Jr. looked nothing like Scott, most of the people that knew him learned that he was Scott's son because he spoke with the same character and attitude, moved like him, and behaved the exact same way. They didn't know if Scott Jr. knew that he was Scott Spears' son, so they dared not to comment anything to him or when they were close to him. They only observed him.

However, Scott Jr. knew the truth. Georgia and Robinson told him that they weren't his biological parents when Scott Jar at age three, asked them why he didn't look anything like them. Georgia thought that Scott was too young and too innocent to learn something as big and harsh as knowing that she didn't bring him into this world. He convinced her to tell him the truth. When she realized that he was not as innocent as he seemed to be, she sat down with him in the living room and explained everything to him. He took it lightly, but a sudden passion to reunite with his biological parents took total control of him. Georgia also explained to him that he and his biological parents couldn't reunite because they couldn't take care of him like she and Robinson could, despite all of the money that they had. They had the money to take care of him and do much, much more, but they didn't have the inner strength to cope with his condition and do everything that they were supposed to do. He accepted it. Georgia told him that he couldn't reunite with Scott and Barbara until he was eighteen. That way, Scott and Barbara wouldn't feel obliged to support him financially or emotionally. Despite all of that, Scott Jr. felt ready to reunite with his father. He knew that his father and his mother had divorced, and he couldn't wait to meet his mother in law. He'd heard that she was one of the hottest women in the United States, and that if she hadn't had children, she would've competed in the Miss Universe pageant and won.

However, her younger sister Nicole, she had that chance. Scott Jr. had searched pictures of Natasha Spears on the Internet via and he'd saved all of the pictures on his computer.

Every week, he'd get new pictures of her. He was madly in love with her. He thought that if Natasha weren't married to his father, he'd take her any day.

Despite being rebellious and wild, Scott Jr. felt that he could never take Natasha from his father. He didn't know him, but he somehow knew what Natasha meant to him. He thought that if he couldn't have Natasha, he could have Nicole. He didn't know that his older brother Noah and Nicole were in love, and his possibilities with her had been diminished. What would he do when he found out that Noah and Nicole were meant for each other, fight for her or let his brother have her? After meeting Nicole and seeing that his brother was in between them, would he fall in love again and get over her completely, or would he end up with a broken heart? Only time would tell. That day, Scott Jr. signed in to his instant messenger and waited for one of his 467 cybernetic friends to get online and talk to him. Scott had so many friends that he had five different

.NET passports. Each contact list was so full that no other contact could fit in. These cybernetic friends were from all over the world. Only fifty of them were from the United States. Scott loved international people. Through them, he'd get to know knew cultures and each one of them was a passport for him to travel all over the world. All that he needed to take a trip around the world was money, and his father had over one million tons of it. Scott's fortune estimated $50 billion, and every day, it got larger, and larger, and larger. Since Scott and Noah were signed into their messengers, every minute that went by, they were closer and closer to their so desired reunion. Suddenly, Scott got a prompt from Noah to add him to his messenger. Noah didn't know who he was. He simply wanted a new friend named Scott. Noah wasn't lucky to know anyone with that name. He was looking for young men that were close to him because he wanted younger friends, to learn from those friends what life would be like with Nicole. His wild years were long gone and since he got married at sixteen, he wanted to get to know wild life better. That would somehow help him to recuperate all of his lost wild years. As soon as Noah met Jennifer, he lost the chance to go to a wild club and have fun, play football, join a band, have house parties, and do everything else that sixteen-year- olds of all social classes usually did. He thought that male wild friends would help him encounter that. Without a doubt, Noah grew up too quickly. At sixteen, he was a father. At sixteen, he had to get a job to support his family and he was already dealing of the conundrums of the life of the married man. He was doing things and living the life that men that were the age that he was now, were doing. Most twenty-six year old men usually quit their lives as bachelors and get ready to settle down once they meet a woman that has that something that they're looking for that none of their other former sex partners had, and then, they start having children. At twenty-six, Noah had done that and many things beyond that. Now that he was widowed and that he didn't have a formal relationship, he wanted to go to a club; not to get together with women, but just to have fun, being that he had already set his beautiful turquoise-blue eyes on Nicole. He just wanted to go out, have a blast, and do all of the things that he couldn't do as a sixteen-year-old, without getting into trouble of course. Nevertheless, he wanted to live as a sixteen-year-old in adult clubs. He didn't think that adults fit in wild clubs. It was like a wolf in the middle of a group of sheep, and although those young people usually did the things that adults did in those clubs, going out looking for sixteen-year-olds was illegal. However, what could a man do when he didn't have to go out to places where teenagers frequently went to meet and fall in love with a wild girl? Who would've known that the crime that he feared in committing the most, statutory rape, was right there, standing in front of him and constantly tempting him, with the face and body of a wild girl that seemed to be a grown woman, a woman his age? What was he supposed to do, give in to temptation or break the young girl's heart by eliminating all of her possibilities of having a relationship with him, without running away from home like a coward---again?

Scott rejected Noah by blocking him from that email address and taking the checkmark off of the "adds this person to my contact list" option. Something was wrong with MSN's instant messengers at that time. Although contact lists were completely full, the clients were still receiving prompts to add new people to their contact lists, and Hotmail was trying to solve that problem without taking people's instant messengers away from them. Scott memorized Noah's passport and signed in to the messenger that was only five contacts from being completely full, and added Noah to that list. Noah received the prompt. The email address was similar to the email address that Noah was trying to add, so Noah accepted it. The boys signed in simultaneously as new contacts and since they both had microphones and speakers, Scott invited Noah to an audio conversation and Noah accepted.

They started talking almost immediately. The email address didn't have Noah's first or last name on it, so Scott asked, "What's your name?" "It's Noah," said Noah. "I avoided having my name as a sign in name at all costs because I don't want those slammers that steal away people's passports to know who I am, thus if they find out who I am, they'll get into my dad's bank accounts and ransack them."

Scott laughed and said, "No kidding. The Internet world has become extremely unsafe thanks to those pedophiles, hackers and slammers running around. I don't mind them finding my passport and intruding it because my parents don't have bank accounts."

Noah laughed. "Your parents are smart. What's your last name, Scott?"

"It's Hannigan; my name is Scott Bryan Hannigan."

"Scott Bryan Hannigan.

Hey, buddy, would you believe that my father's name is also Scott Bryan?"

Scott gasped and yelled at Georgia to come to his room away from the microphone. "Mom, come here for a minute, please!" Georgia was in the kitchen making lasagna. Fortunately, she had just put it in the range oven and it wouldn't be done for another twenty minutes. She ran to her son's room. She knew that if he couldn't wait, it was something important. The door to his bedroom was open, so she went right in and stood beside him, right in front of the computer. "What happened?"

"Would you believe that I'm talking to my older brother Noah?"

Noah played some music while Scott finished doing whatever he was doing, and got up and started dancing to it. Scott had one hundred thousand songs stored on his 250 GB hard drive, and he needed to buy CD's to record it in. He'd gotten it from a legal music- downloading site. He had the money for the CD's of course, he just didn't have the time to go out and buy them. Noah danced softly and calmly to the music while Georgia and Scott kept talking about him. "How do you know that it's your brother Noah that you're talking to, Junior?"

"It's he," said Junior, smiling, and in a state of emotional ecstasy that he'd never been in. "He said that his father's name was the same as mine, Scott Bryan."

"You don't know how many Noah’s out there have fathers named Scott Bryan. Ask him what his last name is to be sure."

Suddenly, Noah heard a loud yell streaming his speakers, "Hey, Noah!" and he turned the music down, and reopened the messenger window that he'd minimized. "What's your last name?"

"It's Spears," he said and Georgia and Scott gasped and looked at one another. "My whole name is Noah Bryan Spears," and he waited for a response.

"Did you hear that Mom? It's confirmed! His name is Noah Bryan Spears!"

"That's great, son, but I don't think it's time for you to go live with him and your mother in law just yet."

"So, I can reunite with my family, but I can't go live with them."

"No, and I'll explain why.

I'll make it short because I don't want Noah to think that he scared you away somehow. I want you to start supporting yourself financially before you go live with them, so that you don't have to live off of your father's fortune. I don't want them to think that Robinson and I are all of a sudden trying to take advantage of him."

"Ok, Mom," he said. "So I can tell him that I'm Scott Spears, Jr."

"Yes, you can, but tell him what I just told you and if he gets mad, I'm going to sit on the computer and talk to him with my own passport."

Noah replayed his music. "I don't think he'll get mad," said Scott. "He'll just ask for an explanation."

"He has the character of your mom, Scott."

"I know, and I have the character of my dad, so we'll try to get along just fine." Georgia laughed and said, "Try to get along."

"I don't know how my mom and dad stayed married for so many years because they're both so explosive."

Georgia walked out of the room. "Dinner's almost ready.

Come to the table."

Scott got back on the microphone and said, "Noah, dinner's ready and I have to go. Hopefully, I'll talk to you later."

"I'll be on again at twelve. It's only five. I've got things to do. There's no time for fun right now although you and I were just starting to have fun."

Scott laughed and said, "Ok, then at twelve it'll be."

"Are you sure that your parents let you stay up late?"

"They do when I'm in my summer vacation."

"How old are you?" "Twenty."

"Ok, we'll talk tonight," said Noah and signed out. Then, he put the computer on standby once again. Meanwhile, Natasha had just gotten a computer for Nicole--- with her own money. She hadn't done it before because she thought that Scott was the only one that could have a computer---because he felt that way. As long as the higher Internet security was set by the ISP, Scott had no problem with Nicole owning a computer.

However Nicole didn't need the higher Internet security because even at Alex's house, she never got into chat rooms or pornographic web sites. The two men that came directly from the store at which Natasha had bought the computer were walking Noah's hallway to pass the game room and then go to the hallway in which Nicole's room was to install the computer and configure it with a wireless router that Scott's ISP had provided. He got up and walked out of the room to see if he could help them with something. The men had no idea how Nicole wanted her computer set up, and unfortunately, Natasha didn't know this, either, because this was Nicole's very first computer, and Nicole never changed any of the settings on Alex's computer. Surprisingly, although he'd only lived with her for three days, Noah knew exactly what Nicole wanted. Once they entered the room and plugged in all of the computer's peripherals in the power surge protector and then onto the CPU, Noah walked in and said, "All right, I am sure that Nicole wants..." and explained everything that she wanted on the computer in a few minutes, shocking Natasha and making her and the men looked at each other in awe. Chapter 7


One hour later, the men had the computer set up exactly how Nicole wanted it. Natasha paid them $600 for the installation and the configuration, and they shook her hand, one by one. Geisha, the housekeeper, walked them out of the room and to the exit door. By the time that she got to the front door, her legs were sore. She was used to cleaning the house by her and tours it day by day, but an insomnia epidemic was dancing around the country at the moment, and she hadn't slept that well the night before, so she was sleepy and tired. "Thank you for coming," said Geisha.

"Thank you for helping us," said the first man, and they walked out to their truck, opened the doors, got in, fastened their seatbelts, and drove away.

"How do you know how Nicole wants her computer configured? You've only lived here for three days, you're her sister's stepson, so there's no blood connection there, and I'm her sister, and not even I knew how she wanted her computer configured!" Natasha said to Noah, bewildered, and with a face of shock. "How did you do that?"

Noah lifted his shoulders and said, "I have no idea. It just came to me. It must be that when I'm in her room, her essence tells me how she wants things to be somehow."

"Must be," said Geisha as she walked back in. "Mr. Noah, would you like dinner?"

Noah smiled and said, "I could very well be your brother, Geisha. We're the same age. Just call me Noah. Pretend we're the best of friends."

Geisha smiled and laughed nervously and then covered her mouth with her hand, feeling embarrassed. "Ok. What would you like for dinner?"

"I want the same thing that everybody's going to have."

"And what will that be?" "I don't know. It's best to

let Dad decide. I don't want you to prepare something that he doesn't like."

"Very well," said Geisha and walked out of the room. She had high heels on and one of them broke while she was walking the hallway back to Nicole's room. On her way out the door, she fell forward, almost falling on the floor. Just in time, Noah supported her from behind with both of his strong arms. She turned her face and looked at him, stunned. Then, he let go of her and turned around.

"Allow me," she said, and lifted her legs one by one and took her shoes off. "I don't think you should wear these ever again.

They're broken, both of them. "Do you have an extra pair?"

She smiled at him sweetly and nervously and then said, "No. I buy one pair every three months."

Noah put Geisha's shoes in the trashcan in Nicole's room, which was soaked with rotten orange juice that she'd discarded days before. There were no offensive smells yet, so no one noticed. Luckily, Natasha picked up the trashcan and said, "Let me take the trash out and wash the trashcan." Natasha was used to doing things on her own.

Geisha took the trashcan from her gently and with the sweetest smile on her face she said, "No, allow me. Mind you, that's my job, Mrs. Spears."

"Why, thank you. I must have forgotten. You're too pretty to be a housekeeper. You look like a member of the family."

Smiling, Geisha said, "Thanks for the compliment. I think I'm going to cry."

She turned around. Just when she was about to walk out, Natasha said, "Geisha, perhaps you and I can go to the mall and get you new clothes and new shoes sometime. You're always wearing that uniform around the house, but sometimes we give you days off, you know?"

"Thanks, Mrs. Spears. Just let me know when you'll be able to go and I'll be ready."

Since Natasha had her own enterprise, whose stocks were through the roof, and she worked from six in the morning to seven in the evening every day, and Geisha probably didn't have that many days off to reunite with her parents and her best friends, Noah contemplated the idea of giving her the day off the next day, which was when Nicole would be discharged. He felt he needed Natasha's permission to do it. They had the same power because he was Scott's son, but she and Scott were the head of the house, and he didn't dare to do anything without their authorization. "Um, Natasha, I think Geisha should have tomorrow off."

Geisha smiled and put her hand on her chest. "That's a great idea, but because she hasn't had a day off in four months, because we've needed her more than we usually did, I think she should have the next four days off. Would you like that, Geisha?"

Geisha opened up another smiled and said, completely emotional, "Mrs. Spears, I thank you from the bottom of my heart. This is awesome!"

Noah thought, the next four days off for Geisha, with the smile of a guy that was totally in love. Nicole and I will have four days to work things out and decide what we're going to do. Then he said, "Natasha, if you don't mind me asking, how often you give Geisha a day off?"

"I give her a day off twice every month."


"I wasn't given a day off for four months because Mr. and Mrs. Spears were on vacation, and since they gave me those six months off because they and Nicole wouldn't be here, and when we got back, this house was a mess."

"I understand."

Geisha walked out of the room. On her way out, she fell again, even though she was barefoot, but she didn't get to the floor. She was so tired. Noah went after her and said, "Geisha, I think you should take a nap."

With a face of awe and horror, Geisha looked at him and asked, "What do you mean? Who's going to clean?"

"I'm going to get a few friends of mine to come over and clean the house. They've got money, but they're not rich, and nobody does anything for them. They're used to this."

"You'd really do that for me, Mr. Spears?"

"Mr. Spears is my dad. Of course, I would do that for you and much more. You deserve it. As sleepy as you are, you can't do anything, and we'd abuse you if we made you."

"May I sleep for the rest of the night?"

"I'm going to wake you up at dinner time, tonight at nine, as usual. You're going to go to the kitchen, eat dinner with the other maids, and then you're going to take another shower, put on your pajamas and go back to sleep.

You'll have the next four days to have fun, so you can sleep as much as you want."

"Thank you... Noah." "Don't mention it." Geisha walked five of the eight hallways back to her room, and just like that, she went to bed, got under the covers and went back to sleep. She was so tired that she started snoring immediately. Noah called twenty of forty of his and Jennifer's best friends. One by one, they all said yes, and they