Dick Slays the Dragons by Dick Avery - HTML preview

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Dick Slays the Dragons













A Dick Avery Adventure Story













Sometimes those who protect and serve their nation are confronted with the most despicable acts imaginable. That’s the sordid story in this instance. A conspiracy by cynical, disloyal individuals working in and out of the U.S. State Department threatened to upset the fragile balance of military power in the Far East. Those actions could trigger a nuclear conflict which America couldn’t avoid because an important ally’s very survival was at stake.

Both military zealots and corrupt government officials plotted to arm Japan with nuclear weapons. They were determined to defend her soil and honor against potential aggressors in the region, most notably North Korea and the Peoples Republic of China. The historic enmity between the Land of the Rising Sun and those countries was deep and longstanding. If either nation learned of the conspirators’ plans, one or both might initiate a preemptive, first-strike attack on Japan.

The act would invariably force the United States into a devastating conflict that could quickly spiral out of control. And it would result in a regional conflagration, an unimaginable Armageddon, with no winners. The bombings of Hiroshima and Nagasaki would seem like child’s play by comparison.

The cabal had operated in secrecy and with impunity until the death of a young, special agent of the Diplomatic Security Service. But his untimely and unseemly death now caused a tremendous uproar in Main State and powerful people were asking embarrassing questions of the bureaucrats responsible for investigating the incident.

Dick Avery represented the best hope for tracking down those responsible for the diabolical scheme. His recall to active duty to investigate the agent’s death was simply the opening salvo in unraveling a nefarious plot involving murder, foreign intrigue and betrayal. His investigation would haunt his waking hours until the case was solved and the world safe again from those ruthless extremists who would do it harm.

Please join me as I travel the world on behalf of the Diplomatic Security Service and uphold truth, justice and the American way!


Very truly yours,

Richard M. Avery III

Special Agent (retired)

Diplomatic Security Service

U.S. Department of State