Family Lies by A.George - HTML preview

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No trust among no one even grandmother. We all is going to prison for this. There no space if I slip up. The money belongs to me. How can I get away with it?


The year was 1980 when Celinda and Robert meet in college. Celinda family was well off with money. Celinda family wanted her to marry someone who was established the same they was. Also it was a must they must be light skin. Around this time black people believe that the lighter you are white people wouldn’t talk about you as much. Black people also was taught the better of a chance you could get a reasonable salary for a job. Celinda mother and father was both dark skin. Celinda parents had placed there self through college and also had good jobs. Ceinda mother had two jobs. Celinda mother have two master degrees. Robert also had two PHD’s.  This all began three years in college when Celinda first meet Robert in college. What I left out was Robert was dark skin also. This one thing what Celinda parents particular her mother didn’t want for there daughter to date a dark skin man. Celinda really did love Robert. Robert was Celinda first boyfriend. Every time you seen Robert there was Celinda. Celinda notice her cycle was a little late this month. Seven days had past still her cycle hadn’t came yet. Celinda first thought was not about her cycle but trying to continue keeping from her parent that she was dating Robert. Even though her parent didn’t live in the same state. Celinda parent didn’t know she had a boy friend. The next day went to her family doctor. As Celinda waiting in the doctor office it finally hit her it a possibility she might be pregnant. The nurse calls Celinda to the back to an exam room. A list of question was asked. One of the questions was is her cycle normal or irregular. Celinda stated sometimes it irregular. Celinda was she on birth controls or  have she taking a home pregnant test. The answer was no. Celinda was giving a sample cup for a urine sample. Fifteen minutes past the family doctor came in. Dr. Winston hasn’t seen Celinda since last year for a yearly physical. Dr. Winston ask Celinda how was her parents was doing and how was school. Dr. Winston delivered Celinda. Celinda mine was on if she was pregnant and how was she was going to tell Robert. Dr. Winston told Celinda in a soft volume she was pregnant. Celinda I want to let you know you have options. Celinda do you need me to assist you with additional information. Dr. Robert had some pamphlets in his hand. The information was regarding pregnancy, child birth and alternative options. Celinda thoughts went completely blanked. Dr. Robert was still talking, Celinda didn’t here a word he was saying, she was looking straight through him. Celinda you can sit here for a couple of mintues if you need to. After thirty minutes Celinda finally got up the strength to leave. As she was walking out the exam room she was hoping no one knew her.  The front desk medical assistance was waiting for Celinda to come up to the desk.  The had already schedule her for an appointment for next week per Dr. Winston. Celinda didn’t reach her hand out for the envelope. Celinda continue to walk out the door. Celinda broke down when she got outside. After one hour Celinda was back at her dorm. Two days past she hasn’t spoken to Robert.  Robert continues to call and leave message. Still there was no response from Celinda. Its school breaks now Celinda is going home to see her parents. Celinda parents leave in Georgia. Celinda is two months pregnant now. Celinda continue ignore  Robert phone calls and messages. The last message Robert left was on Celinda when you ready to talk I’m here baby but what ever it is lets talk about it. Celinda is packed and ready to go visit her parents. Celinda haven’t been home on a school break in awhile. Celinda is thinking how she was going to get from the airport to her mother house when her plane lane. She remembers her cousin leave two miles from the airport. Celinda checked to make sure she had everything she needed. Celinda call a cab to pick her up in front of her dorm.  Sitting patiently waiting for the cab. The cab didn’t arrived until a hour. Outside as she was getting in the cab Robert walks up. Celinda was startle when she turned around.  Robert all ways had a calm ore about him but not this day. Celinda where are you going and why have you being avoiding me? Robert asks are you cheating on me, are you with somebody else. Robert didn’t know what to think. Celinda was thinking how in the hell she was going to get out of this conversation. Celinda jacket was half way opened she close it to cover up her small bump. The cab driver   intervenes and said Miss the meter is running. Robert was not leaving with out a reason why Celinda was avoiding him. Celinda couldn’t tell Robert the truth. It was so much in stake with her and her family. Celinda family was paying for all her cost while she was away. The main reason why she couldn’t tell her parents was one he was dark, two she had a boyfriend and three she was pregnant. Robert knew it had to be something. He could she the tears foaming up in Celinda eyes. Celinda finally said something. Robert IIIIIIII’m. With someone else.  Robert didn’t know what to say. Robert stared at her with hate. I waited for two weeks to here from you and this is what you have to say, Nothing. I loved you for four years. I even waited all this time to meet your family and still haven’t meet no one yet. What do you expect me to do with this Celinda? I’m broken Celinda what do you want me to do with all these years, my feeling, my love, my want, my trust. I loved you Celinda. Cab driver said it again Miss meter running, you going to miss your plane. Celinda didn’t expect so much of Robert heart being pours out like that. She knew they were in love but she really didn’t realized it until that moment. Only thing Celinda could say with tears in her eyes was I’m so sorry Rob. Celinda enter the back of the cab and shut the door. The cab pulled off. Celinda was looking at Robert running behind the cab cursing her out. You Bitch. Forget You. I hate you. Stop Celinda I love you what did I do. Robert on his knees crying on the side walk. Celinda didn’t want to risk ever thing her parent wanted her to be. Instead she gambles her love and she lost. A song came on the radio in the cab (Catching Hell) by Natalie Cole. All memories begin to come back of when they first meet. Celinda begin to cry overwhelm. Celinda finally arrived at the airport. Celinda have to rush so she wouldn’t miss her plane.  She still not completely together a lot had just happen. Finally she on the plane stuck in her thoughts. By the brush of her teeth she finally made it through one big lie to her boyfriend. Sitting here thinking how I’m going to get through this when I arrive in Georgia. Damm I’m glad I was thinking. Some of my family is country and act slow. They not going to notice I’m pregnant, I’m a size six. I bought some new clothes size eight. Finally after two hour on the plane I’m here in Georgia airport. My cousin KeKe they call her but her real name is Keyshia. I waited to get my bags to call keke. It takes ten minutes from her home to the airport. I calling Keke now, hey cous. Wasup I’m here at the airport call me back. Keke was calling back as Celinda was leaving a message on her cell. Keke call back, hey Cece this you wasup family you here yet. Celinda responding yes I’m here. Keke responding give me 10 minutes I will be there. Ok Celinda stated. Celinda stood there patiently waiting for Keke to arrive. Celinda continue to adjust her clothes before Keke arrived. Keke is finally here she pulls up in front of the airport. Keke got out wasup Cousin, they hugged. Celinda bitch are you pregnant. Celinda was shocked didn’t know what to say. Celinda I thought when I talk to you the last time you said you was still single and now you pregnant, Celinda by who girl. Celinda whole myth about southern people being slow went out the window. As they was placing the bags in the trunk, Keke touch Celinda stomach girl you pregnant. This would be the longest ride and conversation Celinda had ever had. We riding down the highway Keke wouldn’t  shut up, she just talking. There was one thing after another. I’m picturing myself place my fist down her throat. Robert is still on my mind. How can I convince Keke not to say anything when we arrived? We pulling up in the drive way Keke already call mom and told her we was two minutes away. We finally arrived mom is standing on the porch. Keke we will talk later on ok. Don’t say anything in front of mom and dad ok. Keke looked at Celinda and said dad? Keke agreed but I’m looking at her. Keke like to gossip a lot. As I was getting out of the car mom was looking at me. Hey mom I missed you I’m home. Mom had a wired look on her face. I looked directly at my cousin. I wonder if she say anything, she do like to be into everybody business.  As I was walking up the stairs my mom didn’t say a word when I hugged her. I don’t think she hugged me back. Mom said welcome home Ce and went in the house. I made you a nice dinner are you hungry. Mom did you make me your famous chicken. Mom said I made all your favorite CeCe your cousins will be here soon. I called them to let them know you will be home today. Mon went in the dinning room fix herself a stiff drink and a cigarette. Celinda was thinking I don’t remember mom drinking or smoking. Cece said mom I’m going with keke to the mall I will be back by the time my family get here. Cece you just got here you don’t want to relax first. Celinda left with Keke. Celinda mom notice something was different about her, she just couldn’t put her figure on it, so she made another drink with a confused look on her face. Mrs. Wiley Cece moms continue to star at Cece bags she left in the living room. We all know parents they tend go through your stuff without permission. This was a wrong move for Cece. Mrs. Wiley pretend to go lock the door. She was really checking to make sure they had left. Mrs. Wiley took Cece bags up to her room, she was pacing back and forth making sure everyone had left. Mrs. Wiley couldn’t help herself, she had to do some research. Mrs. Wiley went through Celinda suitcase. Carefully placing all of Cece items on the bed. Mom came across some pamphlet information about pregnancy and abortion. Mrs. Wiley skips over that. Then she ran across some prenatal pills. She was hoping Celinda was not pregnant at the age of 21. What really caught mom eye was 6 picture of a boy Celinda was hugging in the pictures? Oh now she mad or a little high from the two drinks she had. Mom picked Celinda suit cast and empty the rest of the items on the floor. The family pulling up blowing the horn. Mom didn’t bother to pick nothing up and went down stairs. Her sister and two nephews had arrived.  Mrs. Wiley is a family member when you go over here house you has to look and talk presentable. Mrs. Wiley hate slang talking even though she grew up in Georgia.  College changed people a lot I guess. No that not it Mrs. Wiley all ways being stuck up. Celinda and Keke back from the mall now. Celinda could she it in her mom face something was wrong. Celinda played it off continue to speak and hug her aunt and cousins. Mrs. Wiley did a outburst. Celinda I knew when you walked in the house something was different about you. The family didn’t know what there aunt was talking about. Mrs. Wiley sister tried to change the conversation but Mrs. Wiley was have’nt it. Dinner was on the table getting cold. Everyone began to sit at the table to eat. Celinda looked around and notice her bag was gone. Celinda ask her mom where was her bag. Bitch I took your bag up stairs myself and went through it. Why you going through my stuff Celinda ask here mom. I went through your stuff because your shyt is in my house. I can go through what every I choose too. Celinda was trying to change to the conversation.  Every time I come home its all ways something with you mom. Mom that’s the reason I didn’t come home for three years. Your expectation is too high mom. You have to act like this, look like this,talk like this and dress like this. What is your problem mom? Why don’t you chill? Mrs. Wiley said chill. Chill ok I show you what the hell is chill. Mrs. Wiley pick up a pork chop and through it Celinda. It didn’t hit her but everybody moved like she was throwing a grenade.  Mrs. Wiley said to Celinda, you had the nerve walk up in her pregnant and don’t even have the nurve to tell me. I’m your only mother Celinda. Why Celinda WHY. Mom do you want to know why I didn’t tell you. I can finally get this off my chest. You leave in this so call perfect world. You act like you never made a mistake before. Mistake Celinda are you for real. Yes mom for real. My child hood growing up you never talk about dad. Every time I ask you a question about my daddy you change the conversation. Your excuse is he was never around, he aint shyt, he ran off. No mom I think you pushed him away with your foul mouth you don’t know how you talk to people. The only way dad can deal with you is when he drinking. That’s the only time I remember when he was happy. Celinda you have know ideal what I had to go through. You sit her try to judge me on nothing you know nothing about. Your father is a good man. Good man mom where is dad? Celinda you have said enough. See that what I’m talking about mom, you all ways change the conversation. Everybody get the f… out my house now the dinner is over. Come on aunty don’t dp that the cousin said. Aunty, I’m not even your real aunt, ask your mom. Reese Wiley you have said too much the sister said. We don’t need this shyt we leaving this small ass house you call a castle Reese. Let me let you in on something your house is small like your closet. You all ways brag about how much you have sister. You don’t get tired of treating people like that get a life sister, goodbye. We didn’t come over here to be disrespected. I tell you what sister you and your thre different dads children can get the hell out of my house. Get out now all of yall. You can take your nasty food and leave. Mrs. Wiley sister all ways take off her wig when she come over there. Reese pick up her sister wig and threw it out the door. Everybody was shocked what she just had did. Mrs wiley sister left out the house crying. Mrs. Wiley put every one out and slam the door. Mrs. Wiley started back in on Celinda. I work hard so you can have nice things. Me and your father broke our back to go to school, graduate and get a good job and this is how you repay me. Mom I came home to tell you that I was in love with this man I meet to get your blessing. I haven’t been here for a day mom. I hope it’s not that dark boy on the pictures in your bag. Yes mom it is the dark man and why did you go through my stuff. Mom why do you have a problem with dark men, daddy was dark, you dark  too what’s the problem?  Anyway mom that’s who I love. We been dating for a while that man love me. You know what you said hurted me mom, he don’t even know I’m pregnant. What you mean Cece you having a baby by some man and he don’t know. I couldn’t tell because I was trying to do what you wanted me to do. There you go again mom trying to play the victim here. Robert is dark not light skin mom. How dark is he Mrs. Wiley said with a smirk. I’m pregnant mom, not once you ask me how far I am. Even when I got here you turned your head side ways when I tried to kiss you. I haven’t even been here for six hours yet mom and you have run every one off. Mom I cant do this with you right now. I need some air I’m going to sit on the porch mom we can talk about this later. Later no we going talk about this now. No we not mom. Not like this. Celinda sitting on the porch holding her stomach. Celinda can here her mom walking back and forth talking to herself. No daughter of mines going to a have a black baby. I’m not taking this black baby to the store and they ask me who this ugly baby is. Oh god the baby going to have nappy hair, it’s going to take a lot of brushing it hair. Why me lord why me. Why it couldn’t it be a white man. Celinda couldn’t take know more she got up off the porch and walk to the mailbox. Celinda open the mailbox. Mail was in along with bills, sales paper a letter from Ceb Richardson. Mom finally calms down some, after thirty minutes of drama. I see why she calms down she in the house hitting the liquor. Mom half way sleep and drunk sitting on the sofa. I shut the front door place the mail on the table in front off her and went up stairs. Oh shyt, that bitch she went through all my stuff, this bitch flipped my bag. Let me pick this shyt up, I’m tired. Celinda lay down for an hour.  Mom didn’t sleep that long, she still was pissed when she woke up. Mrs. Wiley open Celinda door and said who told you to check my mail box. Oh now you think you’re running things here hmmm. Why don’t you pay the bill too? Its seem you the only one who Fucking in here. Mom what are you talking about. You are going off about mail. Celinda notice mom is still a little tipsy so she did argue back. I tell you one thing Miss Celinda since I cooked all this food you better take your ass down stair and put it away. Ohh I forgot you got help, make sure you get your baster baby to help you. Celinda still didn’t say a word. This the first time Celinda smile since she arrived there. Mom talking about some mailbox, mom tripping I see she got that letter and left the rest. Celinda put away the food. The next day Celinda and mom talked.  Mom I wanted to tell you but I didn’t know how you were going to take it. Celinda what about your education. You too young to have this child. No Cleinda I’m not going to aloud it. You are going to make this choice today. You got to get an abortion. No mom I’m not getting abortion. I can’t believe you said that mom. Mom this is not about you mom. This is my choice. Celinda think about it, how you going to finish school. Mom not once you ask me how I’m doing. This whole conversation is being all about you. Celinda quickly changed the conversation. Mom who was that letter from came in the mail yesterday. What letter. The letter from some CEB person. Oh the letter is from a old friend. Oh Oh ok. Celinda you need to have the abortion I will pay for it. We going to the doctor tomorrow, have you been yet. Yes I have mom. Did that boy go with you? Mom I told you Robert don’t know. So guess what Celinda your decision should be easy to make. Mom I’m keeping my baby, I’m not getting an abortion. I need for you to support me, please mom don’t fight me. I need you. Mrs. Wiley got up from the table pacing back and forth, thinking.  Celinda I can’t be apart of this. You will not get my blessing on this. Mom can I have dad phone number so I can talk to him. Your father number, you must be joking your father number. Celinda you going to make me turn this table over. I want to ask dad what he thinks. Mrs. Wiley walked out the kitchen, upstairs and slammed her bedroom door. Mrs. Wiley in her room talking to herself. My daughter is stupid by the minute. Her father been dead for two years. I call and call she didn’t answer to tell her about her father and she needed to come home now she sitting in the kitchen playing stupid mind games. This girl is going to make me hurt her. She going to get rid of this baby one way or another. As Mrs. Willey was coming down the stairs she heard Celinda on the phone talking to her Keke. Keke was telling Celinda that was not funny playing with her mother about her father. Celinda didn’t know what Keke was talking about. Keke said your father passed two years ago. Your mom tried to get in touch with you but she couldn’t . We was wondering why you was not picking up the phone at school. I change school Keke. Celinda is crying hard on the phone. Her mother is on the bottom steps still mad. Celinda went to her mother. Mom I’m sorry I didn’t know daddy died. The phone is on the table Keke is saying Ce you there Ce. Celinda and her mother both on the floor crying. Now Celinda know why her mother was so angry. The conversation change to about dad dying. Mom I’m sorry I didn’t know dad  died he did did like pork chops. Mrs. Wiley didn’t know what that came from she remember Cece didn’t eat pork. Celinda your father was coming home from work one day and got hit. How did he get hit mom. He got robbed by two white guess. It was a blow to the head with an object, possible a brick or bat. Your father was in a comma for two weeks, he did come out of it. The nurse told us if he doesn’t come around on the second week he probably want make it. He did open his eyes for ten minutes. He heard me talking to him through the grace of god. What did you say to him mom, how did he look. I told him I love him and my kids, what kid’s mom. I am talking about you. Did he say anything mom. No he couldn’t talk he had tubes everywhere. He died peaceful baby, he died peaceful, enough talking for now. Mrs. Wiley went up stairs. Celinda even more now wish Robert was there. Celinda ran to the bathroom. Oh no I’m bleeding no no. Celinda took her clothes off. I’m not bleeding no more. No blood in my underwear, where it coming from. Celinda changed her clothes. Celinda went back to the kitchen. Celinda relieved she look in the chair it ketchup from the fries she was eating earlier. Ketchup all over her phone. Wow I feel so relieved she laughing at herself. Mom is not gonna change my mine about my baby she hollow up the stairs. Celinda was dialing Robert number she forgot she hasn’t spoken to him. Quickly Celinda hung up the phone. A package came in the mail. Dam this a big box. Where did I see this name from? Oh it was from the letter came in the mail. She remember five years ago the same box came around the same time. Oh my god I forgot today mom birthday. I wonder who sent mom this box. I'm gonna see can I open it a little and see what’s in it. Celinda who was that at the door? It was a package mom. Where the package at Celinda? The box on the table mom. Celinda did you punch a hole in my box. No mom it came like that. No Celinda it looks like you was trying to open it. Mom didn't say anything else she took the box upstairs and lock her door. Mom can I borrow your car I have to go out quick. Make sure you don't use all my gas. Celinda went to the avenue for a gift for her mom. Celinda send a nice jewelry piece in the window. Celinda went in the store to purchase the jewelry. When Celinda got to the counter to purchase the gift she had no wallet. Celinda forgot she left her purse in the house. Celinda told the store owner she will be back. Could you please hold this neckalse for me I will be back in forty minutes? Celinda tried to call her mom as she was leaving, here mother didn't pick up. When Celinda arrived home her mother was upstairs. Celinda went up stairs and open her mom bedroom door. Celinda mom was sitting on the bed crying reading a letter. Mrs. Wiley said Celinda you just walk in my room, you don't know how to knock when you enter somebody room. Mom you alright, what's wrong, why you crying. Mrs. Wiley said I'm fine. Mrs. Wiley place the letter she was reading in a safe box under her bed. Celinda I'm tired I'm gonna take a nap now. Dang mom you tired again. Mom when the last time you had a check up. Cece I'm just tired close my door. I'm gonna lay down for an hour. OK mom I see you when you get up. Next day came its Friday today. I hope today is a good day. Every since I got here it been cha'is. I wonder is any my old friends still live here in the country. I know I'm gonna calk Keke she should. I forgot I got to go back in town to get mom birthday present. Cece can you come pick me up I need to go in town today. Give me thirty minutes I will be there. Damm I forgot to wish mom a happy birthday. Celinda you want to some breakfast. No mom I'm going out for a couple. OK I see you when you get back. Do you want some lunch when you come back? No mom I will get something while I'm out. Keke is outside blowing the horn. Cece did you talk to your mom yet. Not really she wants me to have an abortion. Abortion, abortion that's crazy your mom tripping. What did you say Cece. I told her I was not getting an abortion. Keke I'm keeping my baby. What you gonna do about school Cece. I don't know Keke, I don't know. OK enough Keke wait to you see the gift I got for mom. What did Ceb get her? Who is Ceb? Mommy got a man Keke. What you talking about Cece. I seen a letter came yesterday for mom. Mom was crying reading the letter. Crying, what she was crying for Cece? I don't know Keke but I bet you know. I know you call mom and let her know I was pregnant before we got here. Because of your big mouth Keke our conversation went to the left. I thought everybody knew Cece my bad. Anyway there the store Keke pull over here. Hi. I was here yesterday, I ask you to hold a neckals for me. Let me check in the back your name please. My name is Celinda Wiley. Miss Wiley I don't have you on file did you use another name yesterday. I didn't give my name yesterday. Miss Wiley we didn't place it in the back then. I remember you someone else came in yesterday and purchase the piece you were looking at. Would you like to see some other nice peaces? Sure but I had my eye on that particular piece. Cece look around but nothing in the store she seen she wanted. Cece and Keke left and went to another store. Cece down the block is a nice clothing store. Keke you know how mom is when it comes to gift. If it look cheap or don't cost alot it will sit in her closet. No Cece it really nice items in there. Winston? I never heard of this store before. It’s a new store black on Cece. When we enter the store someone greeted us. The lady look at us like she never seen black people before and she was black. Can I help you with anything? I'm just looking know Keke said. Miss can I help you. Can this lady see we are together? No we together, we just looking. Cece spotted a nice scalf. The scalf cost $250.00. Keke said for $250.00 I can buy seven outfits with that. Dang Cece you got it like that. I hope when you have your baby you want be look for a gift for $250.00. They both still laugh in the store. Cece pull out her credit card to purchase the scalf. Mrs. Wiley will that be all she asked. Are you related to Mrs. Wiley? Yes that my mom. Hi Celinda. I'm your mom friend. I haven't seems your mom since you was born. How is your father doing? My father passed away. Your father pasted, when he passed? My father died four years ago. Sorry to here that. Can I help you when anything else. No that all for now. My mom birthday was yesterday. Tell your mom I said hi. As we was walking out the door. I heard the lady say. I thought she gave them up at birth. Keke was over talking me so I couldn't hear what they were saying. It is too much stuff going on. People be gossiping and don't know what the talking about sometimes. Keke have heard her mom talking about something similar but she never heard exactly the hold conversation. Keke think she heard when she was young that Cece mom had a boyfriend the call Ceb but never seen him before. We arrived back home Keke didn't come in. Thanks Keke call me later. I will Cece call me if you need me. Mom I have something for you, sorry mom happy birthday. Thanks Cece this nice where you get this from? I got it from Winston. Winston that's my favorite store the mother said. Mom you know anyone who work at Winston. Yes I know the owner. Why you ask? They a little ratchet in there. This lady acts like she knew you for years. How she look Cece, never mine. Mrs. Wiley quickly change the conversation. OK Cece I heard what you was saying yesterday Cece. I'm hoping you going to make the right decision. Mom I'm going to have this baby. Cece how are you going to take care of a baby and go to school? Mom I desired to hold off on school this year. You’ll not going to go back to school Cece? Where you going to leave Cece? Mom I going to move back here. Cece how we going to make sure no one knows about your pregnancy. Mom did you just hear yourself. I'm not hiding my baby. They can say what they want to say. I didn't mean it like that Cece. I said that because you not married. You haven't been home in awhile Cece. You came home pregnant Cece. Mom I hope you not saying you ashamed of me mom. No that's not what I meant. Cece call my doctor today and get you an appointment. Mom I send our family doctor before I came here. Still yet Cece since you coming back home have your medical record sent here. Mom I will get them when I go back to the dorm next week. Mom standing there with a stress look on her face.Cece what about your boyfriend, what you going to do with him. I don't know mom, I still haven't call him yet. Mom this is crazy I don't know what to do? Mom I’m scared about having this baby. Mom to be honest I did think about looking into adoption. Adoption Cece where that come from? If it came down to that mom I will place my baby up for adoption. Cece you don't think that. I'm just saying mom but I want do the abortion. Mom who is Ceb. Who? Who is Ceb mom? I don't know anyone name Ceb. Cece I'm really happy you here. Thanks mom for saying that and for supporting me. Celinda upstairs in her room unpacking. Celinda if you need some more room for your things use the middle room. Celinda debating if she should call Robert tonight or not. What would I say to him? Hey baby I'm sorry what I said when I left, I didn't mean it we need to talk. The reason why I was acting like that I'm pregnant. I know if I told him that he would flip. I think I will wait until I return and tell him. Two weeks past I'm at the airport back in town. What I'm gonna do when I see Robert. Oh my god I have cramps that country food upsetted my stomach. Cab driver. I need to go to West Sedgley College. Hey Celinda where you been. I thought something happen to you. Why you didn't pick up your phone when I call you. Celinda didn't know what to say to her roommate. Sandy I had a family emergency and had to go home.  Is everything ok Celinda? Yes it was my mom she sick. I'm gonna have to go home for awhile to help take care if her. Celinda Robert been here looking for you every day. Robert was here? Yes Celinda Robert here, he asks me did I have another number for you. Soon as I get settle I will call him. Sandy I will be leaving tomorrow afternoon. Celinda are going to leaving just like that? I have to be home by Friday. Celinda what can I do for you. Just let me know. You know you my girl CE. I know Sandy, you can help me pack. Ceinda your face is fat. Celinda you been eating well down there. The dorm security slid a letter under the door it was from Robert. Celinda give me a call when you get a chance. I look on the table ten more letters from Robert. Sandy I'm tired I'm sees you in the morning I'm going to be. Celinda laying in the bed thinking about babies name with a smile on her face. Wow I'm pregnant Celinda was thinking. Its 10:00 pm now Celinda is asleep. Next day it's 8:00am Celinda up and ready to get started. I got to go to my doctor and get copies of my records. No I'm gonna call and have them transfer them to my new doctor. Good morning my name is Celinda Wiley I'm a patient of Dr. Winston. I will be moving to another state I need my record to be copy. No problem Miss Wiley I'm sorry you will be leaving us. I have to notify Dr. Winston when he come in today OK. I'm leaving today I would like to take them with me. I can pick them up by 2pm, is that enough time? Dr. Winston will be in at 11:00am. I will have to get medical record coordinator to copy them. Just a reminder Celinda you miss your follow up appointment. Since that taking care of now I need some boxes. Celinda went to Office Box to purchase six boxes. Celinda mother call her. Celinda I'm just calling to check on you. I'm fine mom I packed everything last night. I just need some boxes

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    No Wolves in Los Angeles



    Feb 2024

    When top Hollywood star Clarise Chalmers met a writer of trashy military SF William Moreland in a bar, she knew he was not her type at all - a successful film...

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