February by Nick Nwaogu - HTML preview

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I just want to know you better with the little time we have.


CHIOMA (laughs)


Even if you ask for a peck on the cheek, I’m not going to give you any, so you better not have your hopes up. You wouldn’t want to get disappointed, would you?



You’re like a puzzle.



And you know what? I like puzzles. No good thing comes easy, and I’m willing to see this through.



Willing to see what through?


Chioma fiddles with few pieces of her hair, trying to get it to look right. The not-so-innocent Emeka speaks confidently:



This love story. You can’t deny it.

There’s something going on here.


CHIOMA (laughs)


You’re funny, and my mother warned me about funny guys.


EMEKA (sniggers)


What did she exactly warn you about?



That you guys can make a girl laugh out her senses, until she pulls off her panties.


EMEKA (shocked)

What? Your mom said that?


CHIOMA (smiling)

Yes she did.



I guess your mom was talking out of experience. Maybe your dad was a funny man, and that’s how you were born.