Fedora Outlaw by Gary Whitmore - HTML preview

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Chapter 10


It was again Monday morning, May 20, 1935. It was going to be another beautiful sunny day.

Marge was the first one to wake up that morning. She actually slept in late knowing that Dirk and guys would also sleep in late.

She got dressed and headed down the stairs.

Clark previously woke up and lay on the floor staring at the ceiling.

His eyes widened the second he heard the creaking of the stairs. He looked and saw those sexy legs walking down to the first floor.

He watched while Marge gingerly walked through the living room so she wouldn't wake up the guys.

He watched while she quietly opened the front door, stepped outside onto the porch, then quietly closing the door behind her.

He got curious and got up.

Clark gingerly walked to the front door not wanting to wake up Dirk or the guys.

He quietly opened the front door, stepped outside onto the porch, then quietly closed the front door.

"Good morning," he said the second he saw Marge light up a cigarette on the porch.

She took a drag then exhaled her morning nicotine. "Morning," she said then gave him a warm smile.

"The guys are still out from last night."

"I know. We don't have much to eat for breakfast, so we'll probably have to take a drive to a local store later," said Marge, then she took another drag on her cigarette.

"Okay," replied Clark, and he was looking forward to more alone time with Marge.

They heard someone stirring from inside the living room.

The front door slammed open, and Jerome bolted out with his right hand over his mouth. He had a bad case of the dry heaves.

Marge and Clark watched while Jerome dropped to his hands and knees then vomited over the side of the porch.

"And it begins," she said jokingly looking away from Jerome.

Clark lightly chuckled then he looked away from Jerome.

The front door slammed open, and Dirk bolted out to the porch with the dry heaves.

He dropped to his hands and knees next to Jerome, and he vomited over the side of the porch.

"Number three and four should be coming any second," said Marge then she took another drag on her cigarette.

Like clockwork, the front door slammed opened again, and Peter and Carl both bolted out with dry heaves.

They ran off the porch, dropped to their hands and knees and vomited into the grass.

"Time to get the BC powder," said Marge then she dropped her cigarette to the porch and smashed it with her shoe.

Marge walked over to the front door and went back inside the house.

Clark started to get the dry heaves hearing the sound of four guys vomiting at the same time.

He rushed over to the front door and rushed back inside the house.

Ten minutes had passed and Dirk, Jerome, Peter, and Carl had nothing left in their stomachs to drop in the grass.

They went inside the house swearing they would never drink another drop of Moonshine. That was the twentieth time they swore off Moonshine.

Marge came back from the creek with some water in the pitcher.

She gave Dirk, Peter, Jerome, and Carl each a BC powder packet to ease their splitting headaches.

Marge knew the guys didn't want breakfast, so she didn't break out the Corn Flakes.

Dirk and Jerome lounged on the couch with Peter and Carl on the floor.

They only wanted to lay still and hoped their headaches would soon vanish.

Marge looked over at Clark with an idea.

"Dirk, we're low on food. Clark and I are going to go into town and get some groceries and fill up the Cadillac with gas," she said.

"Sure," replied Dirk, then he reached inside his pants pocket. He held up his car keys with a ten-dollar bill.

Clark walked over and grabbed the keys and money.

Dirk closed his eyes and wanted to take another nap while Marge and Clark walked off to the front door then left the house.

Back in the barn, Clark held the passenger door open for Marge.

"Thank you," she said and smiled that a guy finally treated her like a lady.

Clark got behind the wheel and started up the Cadillac.

He drove it out of the barn and off through the grass and down the dirt driveway.

At the end of the driveway, Clark made a left turn and headed south.

He knew the way because he drove through Winston early Sunday morning while heading to this hideout.

Marge glanced over at Clark. "Listen, about last night," she said and looked like she had guilt feelings.

"Ah, it was nice, but we can't do that again. I love Dirk and, ah, I don't know, I guess you intrigued me," she said then looked out her door window.

"I understand, and I don't want to come between you and Dirk," replied Clark and knew his time here would be limited but was glad he had the sexual encounter with Marge.

"Good, so tell me, how do you like being with us so far?"

"I love it. It's an exciting lifestyle," he said.

Marge glanced over at Clark like he was a naive boy. "That'll change in due time."

"How? I mean, you're with Dirk Beaumont. The famous outlaw."

"Well, there's the constant threat of the cops coming to put you behind bars.

There's taking a crap in the woods. Taking a cold bath in some creek or river. Moving from one abandoned house to the next. Or sleeping out in the woods and then it rains on you. But the easy cash is a poem."

Clark glanced over at Marge and still thought he was having the time of his life.

Marge glanced back at Clark. "So, do you have any other songs you created?"

Clark thought about her question and tried to remember a song she might like.

His eyes widened when he thought of a song. "Okay, here's one I just started a few weeks ago," said Clark then he paused while he tried to remember the lyrics. He was ready. "I can only give you love that can last forever," he sang out the That's All song that came out in 1952.

Marge listened and smiled while Clark sang out the tune.

"For you and you alone, That's all, that's all," sang out Clark then he stopped. "That's all I have so far," he said then hoped his singing wasn't bad.

"My my, Jake Johnson, if I didn't know any better, I would think you're writing a love song about me."

Clark looked at Marge and got a little embarrassed. "Oh no, I swear. I came up with it last month before I met you," he said, then looked worried.

Marge looked at Clark and appeared pissed. Then she smiled and chuckled. "I'm just kidding. But seriously, that song has some potential to win the heart of some lucky girl. Keep working on it," she said then she removed a cigarette from her pack and lit it. Deep inside she kind of hoped that Clark had written that song about her.

Clark was relieved she wasn't pissed.

"You know, if we don't end up in jail, you could make it as a songwriter," she said and looked sincere.

"You think?" said Clark playing along.

"Oh, yes. A songwriter but not as a singer," she said then gave him a smile.

"Ah yes, I understand," said Clark then felt good receiving a comment from Marge.

They remained quiet during the rest of the drive into Winston.

Down in Austin, Dr. Evans brought Wallace to the classroom where the Introductory to Physics class waited.

Dr. Evans walked Wallace to the front of the room with Wallace by his side.

"Class, I would like to introduce you to your new professor, Doctor Wallace Burns. He will take over as your professor," he addressed the twenty students that waited at their desks.

"Thank you, Doctor Evans, now, like he said I'm Doctor Burns and this is introductory to physics," said Wallace.

Dr. Evans gave Wallace a nod then he walked away and left the room.

Wallace picked up the textbook that was on the top of the desk. He smiled as he remembered using this book when he attended this class way back then. Or actually in the future. It was written by Dr. Evans.

"Let's do a quick review for your final exam coming up next week," he said while he held up the book.

All of the students opened up their textbooks, and Wallace started his first lecture.

The second Clark drove into Winston, he found an ESSO gas station and got the tank of the Cadillac filled. The attendant had no clue that that beautiful Cadillac belonged to the Dirk Beaumont gang.

Marge and Clark drove a little farther into Winston. He parked outside Wally's Groceries.

They went inside the store, acting like a young married couple and the clerk behind the counter bought their ruse.

After buying some more eggs, bacon, bread, slices of ham and more BC power, Marge and Clark drove off through town and headed back to the farmhouse.

After Clark parked the Cadillac into the barn, he carried the shopping bag into the house.

Once they get inside, they saw that Dirk, Peter, Jerome, and Carl were awake and felt a little better. Their headaches were now a dull throb and tolerable.

"Make some coffee and some breakfast," ordered Dirk; the second Marge and Clark came through the front door.

"Sure baby," said Marge while she and Clark went into the kitchen to put away the groceries.

A little while later, Marge collected some water from the creek and some firewood.

It wasn't long before she had a pot of coffee brewing and eggs and bacon cooking in the pan over the fire in the fireplace.

It was quiet while everybody ate their late breakfast. Clark had to wait until Marge finished then he used her plate and utensils. She promised to buy him a plate, cup, and utensils the next time they went to the store.

After breakfast, Dirk told the guys to relax and get rid of their headaches.

He wanted to leave in a couple of hours to head up to Arkansas. He stated he had some much-needed business to finish that was nagging at him for months.

Jerome, Peter, Carl, and Clark played some poker in the kitchen.

Dirk whisked Marge upstairs since his headache was gone.

The guys were in their second poker game when a sound came from upstairs.

"Fuck me!" cried out, Marge from upstairs along with the sound of squeaky bed springs.

Jerome, Peter, and Carl glanced at each other.

"I can't wait until after this next job so I can get some pussy in Memphis," said Carl.

Jerome and Peter smiled, thinking of partying in that town.

"Madame Purcell's place," said Peter with a horny grin.

"Yeah, I can't wait to see Isabel again. She sure has a talented mouth," added Jerome with a horny grin.

"You'll love that place, Jake. The dames there are a poem in the sack. A fucking poem" said Carl with nasty thoughts of soon getting his rocks off.

Clark looked at the guys and knew they wouldn't be getting some pussy after Wednesday unless he succeeded with his plans. "Looking forward to getting some more pussy," said Clark.

"When was the last time you fucked a dame?" asked Peter.

Clark looked at the six eyeballs that eyed him waiting for an answer.

For a split second, he wondered if they knew he fucked Marge the other night. "Oh," he said while he pretended to think about it.

"Had to be four months," he said.

"We're not lucky like Dirk to have pussy around us all the time. We get only fucked when Dirk allows us to party in the big cities, like Memphis," said Carl.

Jerome and Peter looked like they were starting to get sick of life on the run.

"Fuucckkkk!" cried out Marge while she had an orgasm upstairs while the bedsprings creaking in high gear.

"I really can't wait to get to Memphis," said Jerome.

"Is your right hand starting to cramp up?" Peter jokingly asked Jerome.

"Fuck you," replied Jerome.

Carl and Peter chuckled.

Clark pretended to chuckle over their comments, but he was a little jealous of Dirk fucking Marge.

He won that hand of poker.

An hour had passed, and everybody relaxed in the living room.

Clark watched while Dirk, Jerome, Peter, and Carl checked out their Colt 45s and Thompson submachine guns.

Marge sat on the porch, smoking another cigarette and relaxed after her bout in the sack with Dirk.

After the guys cleaned their weapons, Dirk stood up.

"Let's get packed and back on the road," he said while he shoved his Colt 45 into his holster hidden under his suit jacket.

Jerome, Peter, and Carl stood up and shoved their Colt 45s into the holsters hidden under their suit jackets.

They all started packing up all of their belongings.

Twenty minutes had passed, and Clark drove the Cadillac down the road and headed north. It was quiet in the car with Clark, Marge, and Dirk in the front seat and Jerome, Carl and Peter in the backseat.

Dirk reached over and turned on the radio. He turned the tuner knob and finally found a station.

"Way over in Germany, Chancellor Adolf Hitler announced plans for a people's car called the Volkswagen," said the DJ from a radian station in Oklahoma.

"A German car called Volkswagen? What a stupid fucking name and the car will probably be stupid looking," said Dirk with a chuckle. "Now, this here Cadillac, that's a car," he said.

"Volkswagen is a stupid name," replied Peter from the back sucking up to Dirk.

"Oh, you never know what will be popular. It could sell over here one day," said Clark then wondered if he leaked out too much information about the future.

Dirk glanced over a Clark. "Are you daft? No American will buy a German automobile. Never. Especially one called, Volkswagen. What the fuck does Volkswagen even mean?"

"People car," replied Clark.

"How do you know that?" Dirk asked a little suspicious of Clark.

Clark felt caught then pondered a good response. "The guy on the radio called it a people's car, so I figured out that that's what it meant," he said.

"That's what I thought," added Marge.

"I don't care what it's fucking called, it will never sell over here in America," said Dirk and felt sure he was right.

"Just wait and see," Clark muttered under his breath.

"Besides, I've seen pictures of that Adolf Hitler guy, and how can you take a guy serious that has a Charlie Chaplain style mustache?" said Dirk.

"I know. You can't," replied Jerome from the backseat.

"Just wait," Clark muttered under his breath.

"And now for some of the important local news," said the DJ from the radio said.

"Texan Rangers have just confirmed from witness statements that Dirk Beaumont and his gang robbed the Frost Brothers department store in San Antonio. They drove away in a Ford sedan that was finally located in a field south of the town of Garden Ridge. Texas Ranger Lance Thomas stated that time is running out for the Dirk Beaumont gang for operating in Texas. The Bureau of Investigation still has the Beaumont gang on their ten most wanted list," said the DJ.

Dirk chuckled. "We're too smart for them to capture us," he said.

"You got that right," said Jerome from the backseat.

"Yep," added Carl.

"This car has been the perfect cover baby," said Marge then she leaned to her left and gave Dirk a kiss on his left cheek.

The gang remained quiet while Clark drove down the road. He pondered numerous plans in his head for Wednesday's heist.

The sun started to settle below the horizon when the gang was just inside the Arkansas state line.

Dirk made Clark pull off the road into a field.

They all got out and found a spot in the nearby woods to take a pee break.

Marge wasn't shy about squatting above the dirt within view of the other guys.

She had done this numerous times in the past.

They got back in the car and headed down the road.

A little while later, they were five miles south of the small town of Hainesville.

Dirk was in deep thought while Clark drove close to the city limits of Hainesville.

"Pull over," he told Clark.

Clark obeyed thinking Dirk had to take another piss.

"I want you and Carl to head into town. I need another car for Wednesday," he told Clark.

Clark looked at Dirk and saw he was serious.

Carl immediately obeyed and got out of the back of the car.

Clark opened up his door and stepped outside. He glanced inside while Marge slid over and got behind the wheel.

"Where do we go after we get one?"

"Carl knows the place," said Dirk then he motioned for Marge to drive away.

Marge closed the driver's door.

Clark stepped away while she pulled the Cadillac back on the road and drove off into the town of Hainesville.

"Well, we got our orders," said Carl while he walked off down the street and headed into the town.

Clark figured they wouldn't get caught even though he didn't read about this in Dudley's book. He rushed over to walk next to Carl's side.

While they got closer to Hainesville, he remembered that his great grandfather and grandfather lived in the mountains outside town. He wished he could take a quick peek into their lives while he was here, but knew that wouldn't be possible. But then he remembered this was about the time his great grandfather was murdered. He wished he could warn his great-grandfather.

While Clark and Carl walked through the one end of Hainesville in search of a car, Marge drove the Cadillac undetected out of the other end of town.

Clark and Carl snuck around Hainesville in the dark.

"There's one," said Carl spotting a Ford parked in a driveway.

Clark looked and remembered that they drove a Ford on Wednesday and had car issues.

Clark looked around the street. His eyes lit up. "That's a better one," said Clark when he saw a 1932 Buick parked in a driveway.

"Sure," replied Carl while he looked at the Buick and thought it would be nice to get away from Fords.

The 1932 Buick belonged to Fred Forrest who was the banker of the Hainesville First National Bank.

"I believe that's the banker's car," said Carl recalling seeing it before when they thought about robbing the bank in Hainesville last year. He smiled. "Why not, after all, he doesn't hesitate to foreclose on people's farms in the area," he said.

Carl and Clark ran up the driveway of Fred's house.

Carl and Clark pushed the Buick down the driveway and into the street.

Clark performed his magic and had the engine started within seconds.