Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Chapter Seventeen

Easter Break had finally arrived for the group.  They guys left Friday night for a two week Caribbean cruise.  The girls thought of going but the thought of being on a ship with Ava did not seem appealing to them.  Sophia had finally admitted that all her trips to NCS was because she had met a new guy.  She broke up with the guy she had dated here in Ancaster before Valentine’s Day.  She was spending Easter Break with her new guy.

So that left Aimee, Lexi, and Piper.  The three girls loaded Aimees car after church on Sunday and headed to an ocean side spa and resort that Lexi picked out.  It was so beautiful and calming at the Premium Spa and Resort.  The girls spent the first two days tanning in the sun and relaxing in the pool.  The resort even had a dietician who taught them things to eat to help with their complication.  Aimee loved the personal trainers who taught them simple exercises to keep their bodies tone and fit.

They went to the spa every day for some type of treatment but the Friday before going home they went to the Beauty Parlor inside the spa.  Aimee was looking at hair magazines while Lexi was instructed what she wanted done with her hair.  The night before they had talked about trying new things.

“Hey girls will you look at this picture and tell me what you think.”  Lexi and Piper came over and looked at it the girl in the magazine’s hair.  It was the same length as Aimees’ but layered more and had blonde and red highlights.  They loved it and that was Aimees’ first new thing she added more layers and red highlight to her normal blonde highlights.  It turned out to be a very good choice Aimee loved the look on her.

Their last Saturday at the resort was here and after brunch the girls had to check out and head back to Ancaster.  They were eating at the pool side café.  The waiter brought their order and they sat chatting about the fun vacation they had and the new things they wanted to start doing.  Aimee looked to her right.  A very odd middle aged gentleman keep looking at them.

♥  ♥

She looked familiar but not like he knew her directly but maybe someone in her family.  It was truly impossible because that family tree had ended.  Maybe she is a very distance relation to the family.  She sure had the features of the family though.  He paid a young guy to get her name earlier she only gave him her first name Aimee.  Such a plain name.  She is attending Ancaster University and has an American accent.  He was certain that he was wrong but he would go to Ancaster and see who he can hire and trust to get more information on her.  He didn’t want to worry his boss not if he didn’t have to.  He tended to be very upset when anyone mentioned the name of that family.  He could only imagine his reaction if there was still a living heir.

♥  ♥

Aimee was certain he was looking at her now.  She put down her fork.  “I have lost my appetite.”

“Why?”  Piper took a bite of her omelet.

“Don’t let him know you are looking but there is a very odd looking middle age man in an ugly green shirt that has been staring at us for some time.  He is given me the creeps.”

Lexi was sitting where she didn’t need to turn to look at him when she looked up she realized she had seen this guy a lot the past few days.  He always seemed to be looking at them.  “Your right Aimee I didn’t think much of it earlier but I have seen him the past few days.”

Piper went to the restroom so that on the way back she could see the gentlemen and just like Lexi she had noticed him as well.  She sat at the table.  “I think we should leave now.  So we are not on the road in the dark.  I have seen him looking at us before too.”

Aimee flagged a waiter.  “Can we please have our check?”

“You have not ate much.  Was the food ok?”

“Yes, we just have a long drive back home.”

“Very well.”

When he returned with the checks which Lexi insisted on paying for.  Lexi informed him that the gentleman in the green shirt had been making them feel very uncomfortable.  She told the waiter they felt he may be stalking them.  Then she asked him to please distract him if he looked like he was going to follow them.

They made it out of the resort without the gentleman following them thanks to the waiter.  They were well on their way back to Ancaster and no one was following them.  Even though they relaxed some Piper called James when they stopped for gas and to eat.  They had another hour or so before they reach Ancaster.  She told him about the man and he said he would start driving toward them now and follow them to their flat.

Once they arrived to the flat James packed their bags in and the girls sat in the living area relieved.  “I don’t think he followed us but he was definitely creepy.”  Aimee sat looking down at her hands.  “I just wonder why he was looking at us all the time.”

James sat beside Piper and wrapped her in his arms.  “Seriously Aimee.  Are you that naïve?  Three hot looking ladies like you girls and you want to know why a man is staring at you.”

“His stare wasn’t one like he thought we were hot not to me.  It was more of a creepy look than that.”

“I don’t want to sound chauvinistic but you girls may not want to go too far from campus alone for a while.”

“You don’t sound chauvinistic at all.  I actually agree.”  Piper kissed his cheek then Aimee and Lexi told him they agreed as well.  Then they went to unpack and give Piper and James some alone time.

♥  ♥

The girls got up to leave.  He stood to leave as well but the young gentleman who waited on them stepped in front of him.  He informed him that the young ladies feared he was stalking them.  He informed him that the resort had strict rules about these things.  They want all the guest to feel comfortable during their stay here.

He told the waiter he was sorry he never intended to cause the ladies any discomfort.  When he was done he tried to find the girls again but they were gone.  He figured they were on their way back to Ancaster but they had an hour start on him.  No need to try and follow them today.  He would need to bring someone else to help him now since they saw him staring.  He couldn’t let the see him in Ancaster that was for sure.

She looked familiar to his partner as well.  They had followed her to church and to the outside of her flat.  The guard at the gate would never let them in.  It took them a few days to find who they wanted as a spy now they had to convince this person and they knew just how to do that.

♥  ♥

The first week back to college and the classes had been tough.  The professors where almost doubling the work load.  They wanted to relax and have fun on Friday.  Aiden found an alcohol free club near campus so when Friday night rolled around the group of friends went to the club.

The crowd was large.  The owner inform Aiden that when word got out about him coming here a few weeks ago business was booming.  The girls had worked on dance moves all week.  Aimee taught them some of her hip-hop dance steps.  So they were ready to hit the dance floor.

Aimee first spotted LJ when they entered the club.  She avoided him.  He had not called her since Valentine’s Day which was nearly two and half months ago now.  She stayed on the dance floor for a long time.  The DJ put on a slow song and with the exception of Piper who was now dancing with James the girls went to set at their table.

Aimee took one sip of her cola then noticed LJ standing beside her.

“Aimee, I thought that was you I saw walk in the door.  I waved.”

“Oh LJ, hi.”  She wanted to say she hadn’t notice him but she could not lie.

“So, how have you been?”

“Great and you.”

“Good.  Do you want to dance?”

“No.  Not right now.”

“Later then?”

“Probably not.”  Lexi was holding back her laughter.  Aimee was being so cool.

“Did I do something wrong you seem mad?”

“No I am not mad.  Just confused.”


“Yes confused.  See I went out with this guy on Valentine’s Day who happens to look a lot like you.  Do you recall that date?”

“Yes I remember.”

“Really. Well you must have forgot the part where you said you would call the next day.  Because it has nearly been two and half months and you still haven’t called.”  Aimee was so cool but Lexi and Piper who know joined them at the booth both laughed out loud.

LJ looked down.  “I’m sorry about that I…”

“Stop.  I don’t want to hear lies.  I thought we had a great time on the date.  We even kissed and if you know me at all I don’t just kiss anybody LJ.  I thought you may actually like me but now I am thinking probably not.”

“I am sorry I have no excuses it was rude.  But I do like you Aimee.  Give me a chance to show you.  How about you dance the next slow dance with me.”

“No.  Not tonight.”


“You need to show me you are truly sorry, LJ.”  Aimee took a sip of her cola.  “We can talk but I will not do something as close or as intimate as dancing with you.”

To her surprise LJ took the seat next to her.  “Ok fine.  What do you wish to talk about Aimee?”

“How about we start with the real reason you never called?”

“I could say it was because of my class load.”

“But that would be a lie.  And you are not going to lie to me I want the truth.”

“I was being stupid.  When we kissed I realized that I have never dated anyone like you.  You’re so innocent and genuine.”

“Innocent and genuine.  What a way to describe a girl?”

“Hear me out.  To you Aimee to allow a guy to kiss you is a big deal right?”

“Yes it is a big deal to me.”

“To most girls a kiss is nothing special.”

“Keep going.”

“So I realized that I was no good for you.”

“No good for me.  LJ…”

“Let me finish.  The guy you deserve needs to be special.  I don’t know if I can be that guy.  I am afraid of hurting you.”

“This is the truth right.  You are not just saying what you think I want to hear?”

“Yes.  I really don’t know what you want to hear.  All I know is that I love being around you.  I enjoy talking and going places with you.  You are one of the funniest dates I have had.”

“What do you purpose we do now LJ?  What has changed in you?”

“I am not sure Aimee.  I just know that when I seen you walk through that door I realized how stupid I have been.”

“So how about we go back to being friends?”

“Friends is a great place to start.”  LJ stood and began to walk off.  “I like the red highlights.  The next time I kiss you I will be certain I can be the right guy for you.”

“Let’s not think about kissing.”


Aimee watched him walk off.  She waited until she knew he was out of her ear shot before turning her head to Lexi and Piper who sat and listened to the entire conversation.

“Did either of you believe that load of manure he just spilled out everywhere?”

“I think we need some wading boots before we try to leave our table.”  Lexi laughed.

“Either that or have the guys come and shovel all the manure away.”  Piper was laughing too.

Aimee laughed and took a drink of her cola.  “It is so great to have friends who think like you do.”