Finding Me Love's Not Easy Series Book One by Nicole Rickman - HTML preview

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Discussion Questions

 Aimee compared the restoration of Wise Chapel to how God restores us from ugly sinners to redeemed Christians.  Think of how God redeemed you from sin and restored you.  How has your life changed since you have been redeemed?

LJ admitted to Aimee that he did not understand Christianity.  How would you respond to someone who told you they did not understand Christianity?

During the ski trip Aimee allowed Lexi and Piper to talk her into acting like someone she was not to impress LJ.  Have you pretended to be something you are not to impress a guy?  If so discuss how that has made you feel or if not why you felt it was important to stay true to you?

When Aiden got drunk and hangover he did not keep his commitment to Aimee.  She became very upset with him and confronted.  Later she felt like she did not act like a Christian to Aiden.  How would you handle that situation?

When Aimee let LJ kiss her it was a huge thing for her because she did not believe kissing was something special.  Why do you think she felt that way?

How would you handle LJ not calling or texting for two and a half months?  Especially after he said he would.

Aimee was upset at Aiden when he referred to himself as the spare.  Have you ever felt like you were the spare?  Why?

Josiah realized his was an alcoholic after he Colin had their fight and he moved out when he came back to let them know the changes in his life he told Colin that God used that fight to show change him?  How has God used a bad situation and turned it to a positive for you?

How should Aimee handle her mix feelings between Aiden and LJ?

When you read the book.  Did you find anything about yourself?  If so how?