Fire Ice Max & Carla Series Book 2 by John Day - HTML preview

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Abdul phoned his chief, one of the Afghan drug lords, to report they had taken Anita and two others. He mentioned her health and that she might die, but had to take everyone back to their camp, a cave in the mountains.

The Afghan chief then phoned Sam Leighton and told him that he had  Anita, and she could be bought for a ransom, was he interested?

 Sam was not surprised at the call; he knew the Afghans were aware of his inquiries about Anita’s outstanding skills. He had hoped to get Anita out of the country before they captured her, which is why he sent Carla.

He reflected on his decision not to tell her of the Taliban interest in Anita. He expected Carla to have Anita back in Italy by now. But he should have known better, something unexpected always crops up, even on an apparently simple mission like this.

After discussing the sum of money involved, Sam agreed. Then he asked if a man and girl were also with Anita. The chief confirmed they were and that they were for sale, as well.

Following more negotiation, Sam agreed a figure for Max and Carla; he also wanted to know where to collect them.

Then Sam demanded proof of life, by speaking to his people. After some argument, the chief agreed and set off to Abdul’s camp with a satellite phone; it was actually Carla’s Thuraya, taken from the hotel with the rest of her possessions. There was no cell phone coverage at the camp.