Fire Ice Max & Carla Series Book 2 by John Day - HTML preview

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Max and Carla go to Bermuda.

Sam and Max were engaged in conversation about the recent missions, until Carla joined them in Sam’s office, back in Italy.

According to inside contacts, the data uploaded from the drug lord’s house in Guadeloupe had proved interesting to the FBI. Not merely because it was not even on their radar, but because of the socioeconomic repercussions.

A sudden shortage of illegal drugs would, on the face of it, be a perfect result for drug enforcement. The reality was that the increased drug related crime, hostility and violence would badly affect  insurance costs and tax revenue. Costs for medical, police and military intervention would escalate to unsustainable levels, not to mention the lack of manpower to deal with the issues.

Society would be under threat, leading to considerable unrest and heads would roll, politically.

Unfortunately, there were no clues about who was involved, or the form this threat would take. After all, to curtail illegal drug supply was not within the ability of the world governments, let alone some upstart criminal organization.


According to Sam, Anita’s health was improving, and there were no repercussions from the DIY surgery. The surgeons who took over Anita’s care were scathing about the amateur surgery, but they had no need to touch the wound, it was healing well.

“What did you need Anita for, what were her special skills or knowledge?” asked Max

“We are a substantial shareholder in a company that specializes in deep sea robotics. As you know, the water pressure is many tones per square centimeter at considerable depth. Rather than keep the water out with complex seals, it is easier to fill voids with special oil. Not only can it lubricate and cool, it negates pressure difference between inside and out.

“A particular client has been using robotics at 5000 meters for months on end, without servicing or oil changes. They claim it is far too expensive to bring the robots up and service them. Because the robots are working continuously, they cannot afford down time.

“The robotics company have provided several spare robots to sit idly on the seabed, ready to replace any for servicing or repair. We have just discovered they are using those continuously, as well.

“Anita is a highly gifted specialist in oil technology, she is the only person we know of who can help solve the problem.”

Max replied thoughtfully, “Well, she is a remarkable woman; I shudder at the thought of the pain she went through. You don’t tend to think of clever people as being so tough!”

Carla entered Sam’s office and apologized for being late.

Sam said, “Looks like the hairdresser has done a splendid job Carla, not a singed hair in sight!”

“Yes, I am quite pleased. I told her I had an accident at a barbecue, she’s a lovely girl, I didn’t want to tell her a lie.” Carla chuckled mischievously at her economy with the truth.

“Well now.” Sam responded, smiling, “How would you like to go to Bermuda for a few days. Two ships have disappeared without trace and I wonder whether insurance fraud is going on. We have strong connections with Ocean Wide Ventures Inc., they have financial problems and we are about to restructure them. Coincidentally both the tanker and cruise ship that were lost had adverse survey reports; they would have cost a lot to refit. Suddenly they have both vanished from their home waters, the Sargasso Sea. Spooky perhaps, but the hand of man is behind it, of that I am convinced.”

Max grinned at Carla and said, “Looks like we will be staying at the Hilton and Sam is footing the bill!”

“No I won’t, you will fly out and join the Ocean Raider at Hamilton. You can follow up a few leads I have put together, and visit the last points of communication with the ships. Who knows, you might see some signs of wreckage missed by the Authorities, especially from the air in the new Robinson helicopter. It is a vast ocean, but you two find trouble where others can’t, and that’s why I am sending you!”

That sort of flattery and dirty pillow talk were two things that set Carla off in a wide, mischievous grin. ‘The girl is a hopeless case’ thought Max, ‘no wonder I love her to bits.’


The phone rang, and Sam answered it; his expression suddenly changed to one of immense concern. After an exchange of questions and answers, he put down the phone.

“Two tankers, a small aircraft, and a military jet have just disappeared within 50 miles of each other, all at the same time. The two aircraft were flying over the Bermuda Triangle. The explosion was visible and heard, in Bermuda itself. Observers described it as an enormous fireball, tens of miles across, followed by two almost simultaneous explosions and a small fire at sea level.

“The events were so brief, it is impossible to get a cross bearing on the location of the fireball, but these are the coordinates of the jet. The pilot was talking at the time, and was suddenly cut off at the same moment he disappeared off the radar.” Sam wrote the figures on their typed brief and handed them to Carla, who sat nearest him.

Sam waited until they had both read their instructions and all the contact information, travel times and tickets.

“Ok! We are on our way” said Max as he summarized the brief, “Helicopter from here to the airport then in the Lear to Bermuda, private car to Hamilton Harbor, tender to Ocean Raider. All we need is available on board; we can steam to the coordinates and monitor what is happening.”

Max added, “I reckon the loss of your two ships was a coincidence and fortuitous, not fraud. By the sound of it, the real cause is still happening, we need to find out what it is, and quickly.

“Is the US1 operational, and will it be searching for wreckage on the seabed?”

“It could be,” confirmed Sam, “a new moon pool section has been added, and it would be quite a newsworthy item if it could turn up something useful about this tragedy.

“With government funding all but dried up at the moment, it would certainly help sales.”

“Finally, do you mind if my son James and Carla’s sister Amy, stay with us on board; we have not had a chance to see them for some time now because you keep sending us away on jobs!”

“As long as they pay their own fares, they can stay until you leave. Have a great time all of you.”

Sam’s PA looked in and advised them the helicopter had completed its flight checks and the pilot was waiting.