Fire Ice Max & Carla Series Book 2 by John Day - HTML preview

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Blackmail & the Olympics.

After the debriefing with Sam, the four agreed to go for a break in London. Sam asked that they attend a high profile cocktail party there, to meet his brother Robert, who was being blackmailed.

Sam informed them, “Robert is a senior Civil Servant, so discretion is vital. When he meets with you at the party, he will decide whether he feels he can confide in you. If he does, he will set up a secure meeting to discuss his problem in detail. Either way, The Organization will pay your expenses.”

As usual, Sam handed over his detailed brief and they left his office. Carla and Max felt as though James and Amy were being assimilated into the Organization, and they wondered why.


The flight to Gatwick and their arrival at the Hilton in London were uneventful. They had three days before they were due to meet with Robert, at the party. Until then, they took in the sights and shows, relaxing fully after their arduous adventure together.

Merely by coincidence the party was held at the Hilton, where Max and Carla always stayed when in London.

It was a grand affair, intended to forge stronger ties with key political figures from foreign countries. The UK was in deep recession, though no one would think so at this lavish event.

Robert Leighton was Sam’s senior, by about ten years, and somewhat of a ladies’ man, judging by his appearance and interaction with most of the women present. Carla noticed he held on to the same full glass throughout the evening; was he an alcoholic like she was or did he dislike drink, probably just keeping a clear head was the real answer.

Carla was familiar with several of the guests there and they certainly remembered her, which was a surprise to Max, James, and Amy. The Duke had known many influential people and had taken Carla with him to most events, passing her off as his daughter. Those people who had met the Duke’s late wife, Lana, could see her likeness in Carla.

She remembered every detail of the people she had met, even speaking with some of them in their native language. No matter how important people are, they appreciate genuine interest in them, amid their world of false friendships.

As the evening wore on, the four introduced themselves to Robert Leighton, his wife Annabel and their daughter Mary. No mention was made of the proposed meeting, but Robert knew where they were staying and he could make contact at any time.


The next day, a hand delivered letter arrived, addressed to Carla. He requested her to meet him in Nell Gwyn’s tearoom, at 3pm that same afternoon. He had reserved the bay window seat for her.

It was just a few minutes’ walk from the Hilton and she had intended to arrive there in good time.

Max was not bothered that he had not been included, Robert probably felt he could confide in her; her relationship with the Duke (god rest his soul) and Sam were her credentials.

Carla thought the general hubbub and conversation filling the tearoom, the constant clattering of china and cutlery, and vibrating window panes from the traffic, would be an eavesdropper’s nightmare.

To avoid anyone lip reading their conversation, she moved their chairs so they would sit side-by-side, facing the street. Unless the observer was on the pavement outside, the passing traffic would prevent anyone from having a clear view of their faces.

She dropped her napkin and bent down to retrieve it, inspecting the underside of the table; nothing to worry about there, either.

Robert approached. He saw the arrangement of the seats and smiled. 

As he sat down, he murmured, “I had heard you were good, perhaps you might like to work for me, I can find a vacancy for a girl with your talents. However, on reflection, with your personal wealth in excess of 20 million pounds sterling, some stolen from a couple of drug cartels, some from business and a haul of diamonds, I do not think we could match the salary. Still money isn’t everything!”

Carla did not flinch; her gaze was fixed on his twinkling blue eyes, her warm smile broadened slightly as though he had said something vaguely amusing but not intentionally disarming.

“You must be extremely proud of Mary, now she has graduated; what became of Jane, she is the same age, isn’t she?” Carla jabbed in response.

She remembered the Duke mentioning Robert’s secret daughter, the result of an affair with his personal assistant at the time. The Duke was meticulous with his research when meeting with people. He had never encountered a power figure without skeletons, a bargaining tool he frequently used to his advantage.

Robert stalled briefly, and then apologized to Carla. “I am so sorry Carla that was stupid of me and uncalled for; I need your help and mutual trust, but instead I have only succeeded alienating you.”

Carla soothed “Perhaps you needed a hold over me to keep me honest or to check I was up to your challenge, whatever it might be.”

“You are uncommonly gracious and understanding Carla, thank you. I will explain my predicament, and then perhaps you will tell me what you can do about it.


“Three weeks ago, I had a meeting with a senior foreign security agent, a woman whom I trust completely; I have known her for ten years. There are occasions when a conversation off the records can make things happen, that wouldn’t if we followed protocol. Secrets were discussed that would destroy both our lives and create tensions between countries, something we cannot afford in the present political and financial crisis.

“Someone recorded everything we discussed, and there is also photographic evidence of the two of us together. As far as I know, the woman has not been approached and is unaware of the security breach.

“The blackmailer called me a week later, from a phone box out in the country, so the call was effectively untraceable. He demanded that I paid him to keep quiet about what he had heard. I was told to go to a certain jeweler’s shop, buy a specific item of jewelry, a hugely expensive piece actually and most important, make sure it was fully insured. I had to tell him where the piece was kept and my family’s movements for the coming week, and not to depart from them – EVER!

“He already knew where I lived.

“A couple of days later, the piece was stolen from my wall safe, most likely during a dinner party, but I cannot be sure because I hadn’t looked in the safe for several days.

“The police are dealing with the theft and the insurance company will probably pay out, so I have not actually lost much, just the insurance excess and a lot of sleep.

“The blackmailer cannot have appreciated the potential value of the information he has, unless he intends to make me pay again.

“I need you to destroy the evidence he has, and end the matter there. I cannot afford to expose him because I would expose myself, and the woman, and everything would come out.

“Please! Can you help me Carla?”

Carla was already ahead of Robert. “The affair has all the markings of a devilishly clever scam. The blackmailer will not contact you again. He is not interested in repeat business with you, because it would expose him to risk. So far, your secret is safe, and you have not suffered a significant loss of any sort.

“Frankly, you could move on from this as though it never happened. That is why the scam is so brilliant; except for the insurance company, no one is hurt and no one loses out. The only reason you want to pursue the matter is to ensure it never gets out.

“Are you sure you want to take this further?”

Robert considered what she had said for a few moments and replied, “I would like to order some tea and scones. I paid the staff not to approach until I called for service, is that alright for you?”

“Yes thank you, Earl Grey, strawberry jam, no cream, I have to watch my figure” Carla replied coyly.

Robert snapped his fingers and placed their order with the waiter.

He said cheerfully. “I cannot afford to leave the matter unresolved. I appreciate the repercussions if the person responsible discovers you on his trail, but knowing you better now, I am confident he will never see you coming.”

The tea arrived.

“Max can be trusted, and I need his help with this; how do you feel about that?” Carla asked.

“With all due respect, the man has no background in this sort of work. I know Sam speaks highly of him and I am aware of your relationship, but nevertheless, I would prefer he was not involved” Robert replied.

“That is unfortunate, Max and I work well together. I have skills he doesn’t, but just as valuable, he is creative and inventive if not downright ingenious. He would have been a great asset, but I respect your concerns and I will work on this alone.”

“Thank you Carla, I appreciate that. How are the scones?”

“Delicious, thank you.”

After the meeting at the tearoom, Carla made her way back to the Hilton, and explained to Max that Robert only wanted her to work on the case.

She was relieved that Max seemed unconcerned; he understood why Robert felt the way he did about him, he was not in Carla’s league.

Carla phoned Robert and asked to review the whole sequence of events, and hear all the evidence the blackmailer had presented to Robert. From that, she would try to work out how the information had been gathered, and would track down the blackmailer.