Fire Ice Max & Carla Series Book 2 by John Day - HTML preview

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The conclusion.

Robert spoke to MI5 and told them all he could. That night, the cells were arrested during raids carried out all over London.

Sam passed on to Carla, the news from his high level government contacts, that MI5 had arrested all the cells. Government decided at the highest level, not to inform the public of the threat, or its successful elimination.

After Max, Carla, Tim and The Organization’s team had cleared out of the interrogation center, Robert released its location to MI5. They could deal with the terrorists and the families, and decide what to do with them.

According to information left behind in the building by Carla, and video evidence of the written confessions, the mystery group who had uncovered the plot had chosen Robert as the trusted agent to work with them and MI5. She also left clues pointing away from The Organization and any of its members. The clues would lead nowhere and MI5 would not waste much time or further resources, trying to track them down.

The following evening, after the MI5 cleaners had been in, Robert hosted a lavish party at his house, celebrating his promotion within the Department. It was then that Carla gave Robert the DVD. He quickly snapped it into pieces and disposed of it.

“Thank you Carla, my life is back to normal and I can sleep soundly again. Thank Max and Tim for me, as well. This was a phenomenal team effort and it is a great pity you all cannot enjoy the gratitude of the government and the people of London” He gave her a hug and returned to the party.

The house was packed with guests, a number of them curious about Max, Carla and Tim.

Max and Carla looked an unlikely couple, how did Robert know them?

Tim did not appear to be in the right social class, what was he doing there?

Robert had anticipated his guests’ probing and agreed suitable cover stories beforehand.

Max and Carla were celebrities of whom no one had ever heard; a common enough situation these days where all of a sudden, someone is proclaimed to be famous, and all the sycophants perpetuate the lie. Tim was their personal bodyguard, so they must be very important!

By the end of the evening, the three were everybody’s personal friend and became socially overbooked.


Sam phoned at10pm that evening, as the party was getting warmed up, requesting that Robert put Max or Carla on the line.

“Max, I need you and Carla to do a little job for me! It is urgent, a flight from Gatwick in the Lear is scheduled, take-off will be in eight hours’ time. Your brief is on board.”

This was the normal content of Sam’s calls, on an unsecured line. All they had to do was pack and go, everything for the mission would be on the plane, or at the destination.

Max and Carla asked Robert to call a taxi to take them back to the Hilton. They said their ‘goodbyes’ to the guests that mattered, thanked Robert for all he had done, and wished Tim ‘all the best for the future.’

Tim thanked Max and Carla for their help in bringing his family’s killers to justice. He gave Carla a loving hug and admitted he was glad she and Max were on his side, and not against him.

Hand in hand, Max and Carla walked to the front gate; their taxi had just pulled up.